Hi Bastien,

 Did you build the client from the latest source or downloaded it from the 
sourceforge.net? The current trunk fixes the reported issue.


>>> On 6/9/2009 at 8:49 PM, in message
<16ce71b30906090819x78ec9f52yf887da0abcfec...@mail.gmail.com>, Bastien Jaillot
<bastn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Windows vista, with the latest client I used the merge function  on
> a folder. He overwritted all my files with the server version without
> purposing conflict resolution. I tried with another folder and it
> works. This problem only concern some ifolder.
> The logs (in debug mode) show me that they have some .simias.wf.*
> files on crashing ifolder, and it seems that ifolder his doing a copy
> of the file before downloading the version of the server (which is
> older).
> I don't understand at all what is going on AND the computer in
> question lost 2 weeks of work with this overwritting thing.
> Hope that's someone has an idea...
> Best regards,

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