Hi Tim,

 Glad to know that you got something good. I have made the required changes 


>>> "Tim Uckun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/01/07 3:17 AM >>>
I have finally gotten a good install of Ifolder thanks to the RPMs
posted here.  I am trying to set up the server under it's own domain
but when I fire up apache the following error occurs in the
httpd-error log

Another mod-mono-server with the same arguments is already running.
Another mod-mono-server with the same arguments is already running.
Another mod-mono-server with the same arguments is already running.
Another mod-mono-server with the same arguments is already running.
Another mod-mono-server with the same arguments is already running.

On this machine I have a web server running a domain so I created a
new domain for ifolder and I called it ifolder.panztel.biz.  I took
the example.com files, copied them and changed them to what I think
they should be.

Can you see what I am doing wrong here?  Here are my files.

------ cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ifolder.panztel.biz.conf

Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_mono.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   DocumentRoot  /var/www/ifolder
   ServerName ifolder.panztel.biz
   Include conf.d/ifolder_files/*.conf
   ErrorLog logs/ifolder-error_log
   CustomLog logs/ifolder-access_log common


--- cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ifolder_files/ifolder_admin.conf

Alias /admin "/usr/lib/simias/admin"
AddMonoApplications admin "/admin:/usr/lib/simias/admin"
MonoSetEnv admin 
<Location /admin >
       MonoSetServerAlias admin 
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       AddHandler mono asax aspx ascx asmx ashx
       DirectoryIndex Default.aspx index.html

----cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ifolder_files/ifolder_webaccess.conf

Alias /ifolder "/usr/lib/simias/webaccess"
AddMonoApplications ifolder "/ifolder:/usr/lib/simias/webaccess"
MonoSetEnv ifolder 
<Location /ifolder >
       MonoSetServerAlias ifolder 
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       AddHandler mono asax aspx ascx asmx ashx
       DirectoryIndex Default.aspx index.html

----  cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/ifolder_files/simias_server.conf

Alias /simias10 "/usr/lib/simias/web"
AddMonoApplications simias10  "/simias10:/usr/lib/simias/web"
MonoSetEnv simias10 
<Location /simias10 >
       MonoSetServerAlias simias10 
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       SetHandler mono
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