[ilugd] interpreting output of lsof

2004-06-09 Thread rahul kumar
Although, the files limit on my system has been set to 65536, when 
doing lsof I get several lakhs. When i do a :
lsof | grep -c tomcat, i get about 3 lakhs. Why the mismatch ?

Am i using the wrong command? I believe lsof and fuser only differ in 
the parameters, otherwise they are the same.

Rahul Kumar
Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.
-- Mark Twain
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[ilugd] another linux case study

2004-05-14 Thread rahul kumar
Someone was looking for case-studies of orgs that have gone the linux 
way. Here's Central Bank of India.

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[ilugd] Re: [LIG] [OT] Sarovar, Fairplay, Apple

2004-04-19 Thread Rahul Kumar
 Viksit Gaur wrote:
  Just some thoughts..
  Suppose my company (i dont work for any, btw :) has
  spent a million bucks in developing and promoting a
  technology,  would I like it if someone was to develop
  something which circumvents my security measures and
  possibly eat into or even trivialize my profits?
 Suppose you have a million bucks to spend you might want to put that 
 money into developing a security scheme which is not so trival to break.
 Plus The hacker is doing you a favor by breaking your scheme and
 showing possible flaws in your software, If as a company you decide
 to look at it as a flaw.
Hey, Viksit - some more thoughts ...
What if instead of a million bucks I was workin on my own, ekeing out an
existence, and i spent valuable time developing a software (in say an
interpreted language) , which has a quick-dirty lock for my evaluation
copy.  First of all, if you tell everyone how to break my lock, you are
NOT doing me a favor - you are harming me. 
Second, if instead of adding domain specific features, i spend my time
writing a more and more sophisticate algo (while you spend your spare
time breaking it), then it is a big unproductive waste of my time.
Are all software developers (individuals) expected to be developing
complex crypto locks and protection. 

In our meeting it was discussed that there is a difference in
facilitating something wrong, and actually doing wrong (like having 2
hands and actually strangling someone). But what if the tool (no pun)
was developed specifically to enable others to do something harmful ?
And it was even put up free of cost for all with instructions on how to
do harm? Then does it matter if the creator actually did himself do harm
? Its much like its a crime to possess /sell narcotics even if you dont
consume, whereas it may not be a crime to possess a gun (which can
arguably be used for self defense).
It also did occur to me that Cross-Over and WINE etc are specifically
made to run MS's products which could hurt MS's sales of its OS. At this
moment, i think the original creator (MS) should have the first say in
whether someone is allowed to use his product with other products for
which it was not intended to be used.
No one asked me to buy MSOffice and then cry that it doesnt run on
Linux ! Same for iTunes, You knew when you bought it where it could run.

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Re: [ilugd] Re: [LIG] [OT] Sarovar, Fairplay, Apple

2004-04-19 Thread Rahul Kumar
 From: Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think you're missing the important point here -- stealing music is
 illegal, but providing tools that MAY be used to steal music isn't.
My question here is : what if the tool is very specifically created to
steal music, and is also promoted as such. I doubt that MAY was
applicable here.  Pls educate me -- what other uses was that tool for,
what did he promote it as ... was it accidentally used by *everyone* to
rip iTunes without his *ever* saying it could.
 If we support the banning of tools that may possibly be used for
 illegal purposes we'll have to ban just about everything -- starting
 with computers, Winduhs, Linux, gdb, nmap, C compilers, Perl, netstat,
 ping, mutt, Emacs, EVERYTHING!
I think the intention of these tools was never bad, whereas the software
in question was (or MAY HAVE BEEN) intended to do something arguably
 No.  If you want to protect your music don't protect the people who
 write software -- prosecute those who use the software to perform
 illegal acts.
 Remember -- it's not the tool that is illegal, it's the use to which
 it is put by an individual that is or is not.
To take an extreme example, can i create and freely distribute
anthrax with instructions on how to kill people with it, and still be
absolved of all blame when others use it as I suggest. I dont believe
anthrax has any useful (other) use (just an example).

I also think there are many many avenues for creativity/innovation - we
dont have to target one another's softwares and claim that thats the
only avenue.

cheers, rk.

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[ilugd] Re: Now the Only Way Microsoft Can Die is by Suicide

2004-04-12 Thread Rahul Kumar
Phew! this one really took the wind out of me :) But tell me, 
- do you think IBM, Oracle and everyone else will just let Java wither
  -- just as IBM has come out with SWT, dont you think others could
  continue the good work.
- What about the extent of adoption of Java -(i feel java has acquired a
  critical mass )
- Do you think a highly committed developer industry will just move over
  to C# or .NET or whatever ?

- What if the developers of Sun move out and form a new company and
  continue Java development (if Sun is no longer interested, would it
  stop them ?)

- Another small point- the article says Sun will move back to being Unix
  server sellers. From what i read, Linux is hurting Sun real bad in the
  server market, and it continues to increase inroads into Suns market
  share. Can Sun survive on selling Sun machines ?

I am not an analyst at this high level - i agree that this could have
far-reaching results, but not necessarily the downfall of Java, and not
necessarily the rise of C#/NET.
Possibilities that come to mind:
a. IBM playing a lead role in Java development, perhaps opensourcing it
b. An opensource spinoff of Java that gathers industry support
c. Sun fights hard for Java and itself, realises painfully that OSS is
the only way and finally goes open.

Either way, i am not sure how Sun will survive.

For a year atleast it was clear that Sun had to do something radically
different to survive:
- Linux was eating up its server market
- Java was not making much money for it (Sandip i dont agree that Sun
  One/IPlanet/whatever was really making enough money for Sun).
  This marriage was the last thing expected, but then there were no
  other choices that made sense to McNeally. (Would opensourcing Java
  have saved Sun ???)

Anyway, i am keeping eyes peeled for other articles on this, let us know
if you come across anything further.

 On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 00:57, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
  While articles of this guy generally contain sweeping jumps to 
  conclusions sometimes...this time I am in quite an agreement with him. 
  If LL would remember, I have been predicting something big about to hit 
  the software world soon, and people will never know till it hits them.

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[ilugd] Re: [LIH]Defining a Linux user

2004-04-08 Thread Rahul Kumar
On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 01:24:42AM -0700, Sthitaprajna wrote:
just a personal thing - if you cant grep/awk/sed/tr/vi,
 that file, will look down at the person who uses only grep, awk
 sed, foobaz? Let's get some more examples of elitism...
It wasn't elitism, and it certainly wasnt looking down. Which is why i
termed it as personal and admitted it was provocative. maybe i could
explain it as growing up seeing one face of things, and then the face
changes completely.
An analogy comes to mind ... suppose everyone here starts speaking only
English. Someone who lived here 2 cents ago when only Hindi was spoken
(hypothetically) might wonder - is this India ? For him, it has changed.
For the guy born today, this is how it is. (Please dont bring Sonia
Gandhi in here now !) There's no elitism in this. maybe its just
old-fashionedness, nostalgia ? or the-way-things-were-when-we-grew-up

Sarvax also assumed several things in my earlier mail. 
No, the cybercafe guy didnt install Linux. And no, my (non-existent)
granddad doesnt load Konqueror to browse. I open Opera (now FireFox) for
him and he browses.

Anyway, my real point in the end was that to be a linux user (sorry if
that term hurts anyone), Linux should be your preferred OS. That thought
was ignored in all the replies. Perhaps I am again wrong there since
some of us may also like FreeBSD or Solaris a lot and cant really
decide, but use linux enough to be called Linux users.

In conclusion, it seems most people feel its okay to operate a linux
system to be counted as a linux user. You need not like it, or know that
it is linux, or know much about Linux, or even care whether Linux
survives/grows (no sarcasm at all). 
BTW, even Bill Gates is a linux user. 

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[ilugd] Re: Re: Ending the confusion on Mary's name...

2004-04-04 Thread Rahul Kumar
 From: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] Re: Ending the confusion on Mary's name...
 - Original Message -
Hey, the confusion wasnt on Mary's name, it was on Mary's *gender*. His
name is even more confusing.


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[ilugd] darwin, macOS portable, etc

2004-04-04 Thread Rahul Kumar
 Subject: [ilugd] darwin, macOS portable, etc
 darwin is the name of the core of the mac os, that is based on freeBSD.
 within the macos layer, a few custom things run over it. gnu-darwin is a
 project to port darwin to intel. anyone on this list who is using
 gnu-darwin on an intel? i'd love to hear your comments on this list.
 many projects that work under linux have been ported successfully to
Hi LL,
Thanks for this piece on gnu-darwin. My (first) Mac (Powerbook
Superdrive) will be coming in on the 9th [ In fact my first
non-Linux anything since '97 ] I probably would land up trying out
gnu-darwin on my other PCs.
-- thanks, rk

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[ilugd] [OT] Re: darwin, macOS portable, etc

2004-04-04 Thread Rahul Kumar
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 10:12:43AM +0530, Rahul Kumar wrote:
 Subject: darwin, macOS portable, etc
Your piece got me into spending some valuable (?) company time browsing
up on the GNU-Darwin. What i read reminds me of our discussion after the
ilugd meet over chai.
1. Apple is very much into opensource - not just Darwin.

2. Apple sold about 734,000 desktops this quarter - which makes it the
highest *selling* Unix (as per one report). 
Since we were talking desktops that day, how many desktops due you
estimate Linux runs on?

BTW, what happened to the discussion over the definition of a Linux user

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[ilugd] [News/Commercial] Accel to set up Linux centers

2004-03-31 Thread Rahul Kumar
I dont know what category to put this in. Just heard of this. Sounds
like a decent job opportunity for Delhi Linux folk.

   Accel to set up Linux centers 
   The competency centers, to be set up with an investment of Rs 2 crore,
   will enable ISVs to simulate client environments and critically analyze
   the solutions.
   Monday, March 29, 2004
   CHENNAI: Accel ICIM, provider of IT solutions and system integration, will
   very shortly set up Linux Competency Centers in Chennai and Delhi. These
   Linux competency centers, to be set up with an investment of Rs 2 crore,
   will enable ISVs to simulate client environments and critically analyze
   the solution offered, in terms of ease and performance prior to buying the
   Briefing the media, president and COO of Accel ICIM, SV Sriram, remarked
   that Linux is gaining ground in India too, especially in the e-governance
   projects, which are running on the Linux platform. Many of the public
   sector units and large corporates are shifting to the Linux platform. The
   key factor in Linux building ground is its cost saving factor. Though in
   India, the market has already been created for Linux, when it comes to
   support not many players are there in this space. And Accel will address
   this segment through its competency center and call center.
   The competency centers will offer proof-of-concept and development
   environment, hands-on demonstrations, product benchmarking, Linux and open
   source consultancy and implementation services, beta testing, Linux and
   open source software support service. Each Linux competency center will be
   equipped with Sun x86 range servers. These servers will have the various
   applications like SendMail, Qmail, Samba, Oracle, MySQL, Apache, Squid and
   others running in a clustered environment, so that a company may test and
   analyze the technology before investing the same.
   According to Sriram, The Linux Competency Centers will generate revenue
   to the tune of Rs 40 crore. What about the rate of conversion to Linux?
   Anybody who comes to our competency center will convert, he replied.

- End forwarded message -

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[ilugd] Commercial: Sr Linux Administrator

2004-03-30 Thread Rahul Kumar
We are looking for a Senior Linux administrator - about 5-8 years of
experience to lead the administration function.
-Should be well versed in RH (preferably also experience in RH AS, and
-Experience in Solaris would be good
-CVS,  Apache, Bugzilla , scripting perl,bash
-RAID, mirroring/clustering/failover
-would help in defining architectures for products requiring high
-would be part of Technology Management group for inducting new
  technologies into the organization

If interested, pls email me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rahul kumar

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Re: [ilugd] Re: tutorials on curses

2004-03-04 Thread Rahul Kumar
Hey, if you guys are interesting in snake-charmers, poisonous curses and
stuff try out curses with pythons:

I dont know what exactly our good friend wanted to do with curses, but
you could probably get more mileage using a scripting lingo like
python/perl with curses.  While i am at it, Java has pretty poor curses
support (one of my pet peeves).

 Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 13:39:51 +0800
 From: Arindam Dey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [ilugd] tutorials on curses
 On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 13:16, vivek khurana wrote:
 never to be found again. now thanks to Mr. Dey, i again have access to
 vast amount of information on occult, mysticism, magical  paranormal
 stuff. in fact i should thank Mr. Dey for that

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[ilugd] Kernel 2.4.25 performance issues

2004-03-02 Thread Rahul Kumar
I had recently posted on this but not got a reply/pointer.
I am narrowing down.

We have an C application that is NOT improving in performance on
increasing the # of CPU's - infact the performance degraded. 
In fact the performance on 2.4.20-25 is very poor despite increasing m/c

The user downloaded and compiled the kernel himself (from linux.org) but
he still gets the same 10 messages per second throughput only.

He recently tried a modified kernel (by HP) that gives him 240 m/sec
(on the same machine- intel P4), Those guys dont know what has caused
the drastic improvement, and its not a production worthy version, so we
cant use it.

Does anyone know about performance issues on the 2.4.25 kernel?
links/pointers are most appreciated.


rahul kumar

Linux 2.4.18-14
  2:24pm  up 122 days,  3:39,  1 user,  load average: 0.04, 0.08, 0.14

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[ilugd] format of mail from ilugd

2004-02-19 Thread Rahul Kumar
Mails from ilugd come as one long mail, which i cant split using v in
mutt. Mails from other lists including linux-india can be split and
answered individually using v.
(Please dont ask me to use another client :).

 I did not respond on the ilug because the mail comes
 as one long mail.
 mutt is unable to break it. (the linux-india mails
 dont have this
 problem). do you know what and why this is ?
 For this problem, i belive the right person is Mr.
Raju. You can write to him at this email id

- Forwarded message from vivek khurana [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: vivek khurana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 00:31:45 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: c++/java from perl

 Hi Vivek
 I remember reading about JPerl which allows easy
 integration. There is
 also one more which escapes my mind.
 Thanks i will invetigate JPerl.

ilugd mailing list

[ilugd] GLIBC_PRIVATE error on Linux (RH7.2)

2004-01-29 Thread Rahul Kumar
I am getting the following error on my development system running Redhat 7.2  
(Kernel 2.4.7-10) vanilla along with the glibc compat libraries for Oracle 

/lib/ld-linux.so.2: version `GLIBC_PRIVATE' not found (required by 

Yesterday it happened for the first time and I was able to correct it by 
using the following procedure

1.  Boot with a bootable CD
2.  mount /dev/hda1 /tmp/disk1
3.  /tmp/disk1/sbin/ldconfig -f /tmp/disk1/etc/ld.so.con -C 

However, the error recurred today and the above procedure is having no effect 
at all.  I even tried the -r option of ldconfig and still no effect.

Do you know any solution for the same ?

re, rahul

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