On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 01:24:42AM -0700, Sthitaprajna wrote:
> > its
> > >  just a personal thing - if you cant grep/awk/sed/tr/vi,
> that file, will look down at the person who uses only "grep", "awk"
> "sed", "foobaz"? Let's get some more examples of elitism...
It wasn't elitism, and it certainly wasnt "looking down". Which is why i
termed it as personal and admitted it was provocative. maybe i could
explain it as growing up seeing one face of things, and then the face
changes completely.
An analogy comes to mind ... suppose everyone here starts speaking only
English. Someone who lived here 2 cents ago when only Hindi was spoken
(hypothetically) might wonder - is this India ? For him, it has changed.
For the guy born today, this is how it is. (Please dont bring Sonia
Gandhi in here now !) There's no elitism in this. maybe its just
old-fashionedness, nostalgia ? or the-way-things-were-when-we-grew-up

Sarvax also assumed several things in my earlier mail. 
No, the cybercafe guy didnt install Linux. And no, my (non-existent)
granddad doesnt load Konqueror to browse. I open Opera (now FireFox) for
him and he browses.

Anyway, my real point in the end was that to be a linux user (sorry if
that term hurts anyone), Linux should be your preferred OS. That thought
was ignored in all the replies. Perhaps I am again wrong there since
some of us may also like FreeBSD or Solaris a lot and cant really
decide, but use linux enough to be called Linux users.

In conclusion, it seems most people feel its okay to operate a linux
system to be counted as a linux user. You need not like it, or know that
it is linux, or know much about Linux, or even care whether Linux
survives/grows (no sarcasm at all). 
                    BTW, even Bill Gates is a linux user. 

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