I can't speak intelligently about Ubuntu edgy. I started with feisty and am now on jaunty.

As far as Panda IMAP (and UW IMAP 2007e) is concerned, modern versions (and possibly earlier ones) of Ubuntu are a type of Debian, and therefore the appropriate build command is
        make ldb

You do not need to specify IP=6 since that is set unconditionally with Debian builds.

You can ignore the rest of this message unless you are interested in technical details.

lnp may build successfully, but the SSL paths will be incorrect. As with other Debian systems, Ubuntu expects the CA certificates to be in /etc/ssl/certs and the private keys to be in /etc/ssl/private. Sadly, consumers of OpenSSL (such as IMAP) are expected to know this, and to tell OpenSSL this. It would have made more sense if there was a systemwide setting that OpenSSL would use without asking the consumer to know; but there isn't and thus we need these multiple builds.

The other way is what autoconf does; look at various well-known places to see where the right place is. But then if you have certificates or keys in multiple places (perhaps due to updates which changed the location), it can build to configure the wrong place. That, in turn, leads to all sorts of strange issues, because sometimes it may work (because the right key is in the wrong place) and sometimes not...oh dear, oh my...

On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, Michel Henry de Generet wrote:

After many trials, I was able to enable SSL on ubuntu making it with "lnp IP=6" as saw in one mail. Could it be related to "inetutils-inetd" ?

Could you confirm it is the correct make option for ubuntu edgy (at least) ? Maybe I didn't read well the FAQ.

I use uw imap for about 10 years, this is the first time it take so much effort to launch it.

Michel de Generet

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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