[IMGate] Help with RegEx

2007-06-06 Thread Kevin Coveney

[IMGate] Re: Body Check Problem

2007-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks Len, I tried to send it a couple of times and it got blocked
by the spam filters for the lists and was frustrated.

It's in the one catching bad attachment types (exe,com,... )

I think I finally got it after a couple of hours of experimenting
tonight. The attachment regex was looking for:

... (filename|name)=.*\.(htm|html ...

which catches this smarttag when formatted like below.

I changed it to this:
... (filename|name)=[^]*\.(htm|html ...

That seems to short circuit the match when the quotes end on the first
name=... rather than spanning to the downloadurl=http... and
matching on the ending .com of Microsoft.

I've been having very few body_checks rejecting expect for these
recently and finally wanted to get to the bottom of it.


Len Conrad wrote:
 I am having problems with the body check catching MS SmartTags like...

 o:SmartTagType namespaceuri=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags
  name=PersonName downloadurl=http://www.microsoft.123/

 where 123 above is com

 Think they are a bad file type.
 Has anyone worked this out in the regex.
 I don't know which body check filter would be doing that.  you have 
 to identify which one is doing it before you can fix it.