Thanks Pankaj ji for this interesting solution.



On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Pankaj Oudhia <>wrote:

> Rakesh ji,
>   Here is one traditional knowledge based solution. Bring Dhol locally
> known as Mandar <>and
> play it nearer to the affected tree. The vibrations created will force the
> insects to come out and leave the affected tree. Through this way you can
> get rid from insects without killing it.
> When Sal Borer attacked in Shorea trees in millions of hactares in Madhya
> Pradesh in my report based on surveys I suggested this method proposed by
> the tribals.
> regards
> Pankaj Oudhia
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 10:53 PM, Rakesh Biswas <>wrote:
>> Thanks Dr Ghosh,
>> We shall try and inject the holes with Neem oil.
>> regards,
>> rakesh
>> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 10:47 PM, Usha Ghosh <> wrote:
>>> Dear Rakesh
>>> It seems that the tree is attacked by some borer insect. It needs to be
>>> injected with borer specific insecticide which can be procured from any
>>> agricultural shop. The simplest insecticide can be neem oil. Here the
>>> termites are secondary infection to the dead wood. You need not use any
>>> termite specific insecticide. Once you can remove the primary culprit, the
>>> secondary infection will go automatically. You can find some holes created
>>> by the borers, the neem oil can be injected through these holes through
>>> normal 10-15 ml. hypodermic syringes.
>>> Regards
>>> Sudhir Ghosh
>>>  On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Rakesh Biswas 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> I have attached two pictures of bark damage secondary to drastic pruning
>>>> of young Anthocephalus cadamba branches. There seem to be holes in the bark
>>>> ( ? due to termite infestation secondary to damaged bark) and we are
>>>> concerned that the tree may not survive the damage.
>>>> Please let us know the possible prognosis in this case as well as
>>>> solutions to prevent a premature demise in this tree.
>>>> regards,
>>>> rakesh

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