Dineshji nomenclature is a debatable subject, I am not competant to
make any comments on preferences, I just follow what BSI says.
Regards, Shrikant

On May 2, 11:45 pm, Dinesh Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Would like to know the reasoning for both spellings being used: *Hydnocarpus
> pentandra* AND *Hydnocarpus pentandrus.**
> *Sites like NPGS / GRIN, The Plants List maintain *Hydnocarpus pentandrus*.
> Am sure, Tabish and Shrikant ji have given a thought too, to this
> discrepancy and have reasoned to keep *Hydnocarpus pentandra *in their notes
> *.
> *Regards.
> Dinesh*
> *

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