Great endevour Raghu sir. You have taken us for the tour through thicket of the 
jungle. Flowers too are lovely. Without reading the story when first i saw 
those whoves i felt two photos have come by mistake. Then I thought it might be 
a quize. 
But when i read the story i realised what it is!
A nice product you have told agaist leeches. Should keep in the mind.
Thanks for detoll too

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, raghu ananth <> wrote:

From: raghu ananth <>
Subject: [efloraofindia:82119] Monsoon 2011 - Making a magical flora discovery 
in rainy Coorg
To: "efloraofindia" <>
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 2:14 AM

Monsoon 2011 - Making a magical flora discovery in rainy Coorg
Rainy season is the best time to visit Coorg, blanketing the place as it does 
in shades of green, be it lush forests, mountain tops and every other 
spot. Bhagmandala, the place where the three rivers, the Kaveri Kannike and 
Sujyothi merge is no exception and one fine day at the height of the monsoon 
season, we walked the woody paths in Bhagmandala. The drizzle had set in by 
afternoon, continuing into the evening when suddenly it took on the shape of a 
downpour. We retreated to the shelter of the nearby trees and what do we find 
here but that hidden in the dark and dense vegetation were these spectacular 
young red flowers. We had hit a jackpot! ( 1. Tolypanthus lagenifer - [Indian 
Tolypanthus] from the Family Loranthaceae, 2.  Cup and Saucer plant [Breynia 
retusa] -already posted, 3. Unidentified red flower (to be posted)) 
 growing in a row vertically and on the woody stem (which seemed painted) of a 
shrub.  The bright red leaves here and there, the bell shape and tubular 
structures, the stamens and the anthers of the flower were indeed a feast for 
our eyes.
Cure for the seven-day itch!
Along came a group of around six buffalos waddling their way home in the rain, 
and soon I noticed that the hooves of each buffalo was bleeding red.  Looked 
like leech bites. Earlier in the day during an uphill walk along the narrow 
forest path, I had noticed a fat leech on my leg blood sucking on an already 
bleeding wound for an easy meal. Probably the poor buffalos faced the same 
multiple bites on the same wound. Cattle over here, it is believed are able to  
remove/heal wounds by licking it with their tongues. But they are helpless when 
leeches take guard between their hooves. Dogs are known to remove leaches by 
killing them with their teeth.  
By then, the rains had washed away the dettol on our legs – which served as 
protection from leeches and we remembered to smear it again before we moved 
on.  Every time we crossed the numerous river streams and nullahs, the power of 
the dettol seemed to diminish and the leeches would again climb up our legs 
forcing us to reapply dettol. On that particular day, my mate and I had almost 
finished half a bottle of dettol.
I noticed leeches trying to climb up our legs and moving away after smelling 
dettol - a very effective remedy! Seven to eight leech bites that day were 
enough to prolong bleeding (Thanks to anti-clotting enzyme –Hirudin) for the 
rest of the day and itching sensation for next four to seven days. 
9There appears to be two kinds of leech here – the smaller one after blotting 
becomes 1cm in length and the larger one  upto 3-4cms.)

I have seen people using varied solutions to prevent/heel leech bites in 
different areas – 
We were given Shikakai solution,  Uppage- Gamboge tree fruit paste ( Garcinia 
gummi-gutta) and Quick lime  at Gamayana gudda hill, Uttara Kannada by the 
Siddi tribals (African aborigins). In Kemmanagundi, Chikmagalur dist,  people 
suggest tobacco leaves and match stick flame. At Muthodi the forest guards 
there use certain herbs growing along the forest path, Salt and quick lime,  We 
were given Paper in Unchalli forest to stop bleeding. Coffee powder in Kukke, 
Mud paste from the same habitat in Bhagamandala, Coorg…. In Arunachal we used 
leech guard, Gum boot in Uttara Kannada & Dettol in Coorg.

When it comes to protecting yourselves from the leeches, you can take your 


Tolypanthus lagenifer - [Indian Tolypanthus]

Bhagamandala, Coorg, Western ghats
Monsoon, 27th Jul 2011


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