Re: Using cvs in a website

2000-07-07 Thread Dirk Ruediger


  If you are working with apache as web server, then you should configure
  it to exclude CVS from documents, e.g.
  "IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER HEADER.html README README.html RCS CVS"
 I manage Web sites with CVS myself (if you read French, see and I use the following:
 DirectoryMatch "/CVS/"
 order allow,deny
 deny from all
 FilesMatch "^Makefile"
 order allow,deny
 deny from all
Yes, that's it. I think I only managed apache's auto indexing
mechanism, not the unwanted access to ./CVS and all that.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
"I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see of it the more it
looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel.  I don't find anything
technically interesting there.  In my opinion, MS is a lot better at making
money than it is at making good operating systems."  -- Linus Torvalds

Re: Proposal: have client CVS send remote username to server CVS

2000-07-07 Thread Noel L Yap

Yes, exactly.  This is what happens now with pserver.  Ideally, CVS should use
an environment variable REMOTE_USER that's set by authentication software (eg
SSH).  But since I don't want to risk breaking SSH, I don't want to make the
change in it.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.06.21 11:43:01

Subject:  Re: Proposal: have client CVS send remote username to server CVS

So, if I understand you correctly, you're proposing to map a single user on the
server (connecting via SSH, RSH, or whatever) to many names within CVS, based on
the username seen by the client?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenAvenue ( )
Once at a social gathering, Gladstone said to Disraeli, "I predict,
Sir, that you will die either by hanging or of some vile disease".
Disraeli replied, "That all depends, sir, upon whether I embrace your
principles or your mistress."

Noel L Yap wrote:

 I was able to find the spot after all.  To summarize, the patch will have the
 CVS server record the client username rather than the server username within
 CVS logs.  I have not added a new CVSROOT/config option.  When using pserver,
 there'll probably be just a little bit of extra processing, but there should
 no noticable difference (including in behaviour).

 I'll (try to) post a bunch of patches to SourceForge RCVS next week (yeah,
 I know I've been saying this for the last couple of weeks; but /this/ time I'm
 /really/ gonna do it ;-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/16/2000 03:31:07 PM

 Subject:  Re: Proposal: have client CVS send remote username to server CVS

 OK, I've decided to make such a patch.  I'm not sure how to go about doing it,
 though.  I can't find where in the code the client can send initial
 (ie remote username) over to the server.  Can anyone give me a pointer?


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 06/11/2000 09:55:55 AM

 cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Noel L Yap)
 Subject:  Re: Proposal: have client CVS send remote username to server CVS

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.06.10 19:23:23
 Pserver authentication is completely adequate :)  It just runs over the
 insecure channel and has unclean mixage of various subsystems in its
 current, non-nserver form.

 No, it's not, it's extremely prone to replay attacks and stolen .cvspass
 Furthermore, the encryption of the .cvspass file is reversible, meaning that,
 given a .cvspass file, /anyone/ can figure out the plaintext password.

 More than that, any code dealing with security _must_ be audited to ensure
 it is secure.  I don't think that's been done to any of the CVS code; I don't
 think it should be necessary.

 Besides, nserver doesn't address the concerns of those who want to use


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do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan  Co. Incorporated, its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

maccvs bugs

2000-07-07 Thread Chris Nandor

I use maccvs with rsh to execute cvs with ssh on a local Linux box (hey, it
works :) so I can "securely" talk to a remote cvs server.

So I just upgraded this week to the latest maccvs (3.1.6), and I keep
getting these errors:

cvs commit -m "Don't allow author editing for low seclev in; add
new method for URI to..." CHANGES (in directory
rresvport: bind failed with 22
rcmd: socket: Unknown Error (22)
cvs [commit aborted]: cannot start server via rcmd: Unknown Error (22)

*CVS exited normally with code 1*

Basically, I can perform one action, and every subsequent action gives the
above error.  I need to quit maccvs and restart it, and it works again for
one action.  The previous version I had (3.1.4) would give this error only
once in a while (maybe once a week).

There is one other problem I have: sometimes when I open a Recent Browser
window, maccvs just hangs.  I have to hit cmd-. until maccvs quits, and
then try again.  Sometimes it does that several times before it works.

Seeing in the ChangeLog that 3.1.5 had a pretty serious bug, I guess I'll
revert to 3.1.4 for awhile.  Please let me know if there is anything more
you need from me to track this nasty bug down (or the other less servere
one, too).


Chris Nandor   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
Andover.Net| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Flat export?

2000-07-07 Thread Win32 M$

Hi All,

How do I get the 'flat' export?
Suppose I have a directory tree in the repo with the files which I want to
be exported in a single directory, so the export would no create directory
structure but place all the files into one directory? Is there any way or I
have to have the script for that to copy?


The first thing they don't teach you at school: "Never say never".
All the issues not related to the list please send to me in private, thanks.

CVS Ownership of files instead of the user

2000-07-07 Thread bstull

Does anyone know of a way to secure modules created
and committed through CVS by making CVS the owner 
instead of the user being the owner?  Is there a way
to change the permissions of the application that will
accomplish this?


RE: [correction] [digest] Visual SourceSafe to CVS conversion

2000-07-07 Thread Sheldon Samuels

I tried running these from a DOS prompt, but they don't seem to function that way.  
What do I need in terms of an application to execute these.  It would seem that the 
C++ would need to be compiled first.  Am I missing something here?

Sorry for such basic questions.

Thanks in advance.
Sheldon Samuels

 Alexey Mahotkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/07/00 02:32AM 
 "SS" == Sheldon Samuels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SS I gather these are perl scripts.  Is this correct?  

Not all of them.  curth/ directory contains JavaScripts, while
h.nardmann/ -- file in C++.

Seems like the first choice is best for Windows.  


CVS Ownership of files .vs. users

2000-07-07 Thread bstull

Does anyone know of a way to secure modules created
and committed through CVS by making CVS the owner 
instead of the user being the owner?  Is there a way
to change the permissions of the application that will
accomplish this?


CVS support for /cvs rm -rf/???

2000-07-07 Thread Shawn Anderson
Title: Blank

Am trying to figure out the best way to transport full 
directory hierarchies into the Attic. If I were to do the 

$: rm -rf modulename [except CVS 
$: cvs -rm -rf modulename
$: cvs ci -m "removed directory" 

We would like to do something like this in order to 
maintain integrity, as opposed to just logging into the repository and doing an 
rm -rf from $CVSROOT.

Thanks in Advance

CVS Internet

2000-07-07 Thread giuseppelunardon

Hi! I'm a new user of CVS and I'm interested to use it over Internet.
I would like to know if I can use like server a NT system and where  
I could find information to set up it correctly.

 Giuseppe Lunardon

CVS internet

2000-07-07 Thread giuseppelunardon

Hi! I'm a new user of CVS and I'm interested to use it over Internet.
I would like to know if I can use like server a NT system and where  
I could find information to set up it correctly.

 Giuseppe Lunardon

Help setting up modules

2000-07-07 Thread Dominic Laflamme
Title: Help setting up modules

 I'm trying to setup a CVS module that will allow artists working on the project to check out only runtime and media files (only selected directories). My CVS root is setup this way:


For devellopers, they need the whole thing, so their module setup is easy:

all ./

but for artists, they don't need the /src directory... how do I setup the module to check out the bin and media directory and still keep the directory tree??

runtime ./runtime
mediafiles ./media

artists runtime  mediafiles

This doesnt work: the ./media directory ends up under the ./bin 


Re: CVS support for /cvs rm -rf/???

2000-07-07 Thread Laine Stump

Shawn Anderson writes:
 BlankAm trying to figure out the best way to transport full directory
 hierarchies into the Attic.  If I were to do the following::
 $:  rm -rf modulename [except CVS dirs]
 $:  cvs -rm -rf modulename
 $:  cvs ci -m "removed directory"  modulename

How about something like this? (from a working directory):

  find . -type f -print | grep -v CVS |\
   while read f; do rm "$f"; cvs remove "$f"; done
  find . -type d -print | grep -v CVS | sort -r |\
   while read f; do cvs remove "$f"; done
  cvs commit -m"Move everything in directory X to Attic"

(the "sort -r" is a hack to get it to place subdirectories before their
parents in the list. Quotes are necessary around the "$f" in case you
have any directories filenames with spaces in them.)

/bin/sh is your friend (and /bin/bash is your co-conspirator).

Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

2000-07-07 Thread Masterson, David

I'm sure this must have been addressed somewhere, but I can't find it...

I'm working with CVS v1.10 (Halibut).  The documentation describes a
procedure for importing 3rd party source code into CVS and controlling it
there.  The basic step is to do a 'cvs import' on the new sources for each
iteration of sources gotten from the 3rd party source.  The one issue that I
have and don't see described is how to handle changes to the directory

For instance, assume a 3rd party product consisting of a single directory of
source code.  In release 1 of the product, the directory contains two source
files (x.c and y.c).  In release 2 of the product, the developer has removed
y.c and added z.c.  If you simply "cvs import" release 2 of the product on
top of release 1, you will wind up with a directory that has three source
files (x.c, y.c, and z.c).

Is there a better way or a better tool for handling this?  Do I have to
write a script to take care of the changes?
David Masterson
*   KLA-Tencor Corp.

Setup NT CVS server with Unix CVS client

2000-07-07 Thread Karthikeyan

  Iam Using CVS 1.10.8NT server version and Wincvs on windows Nt 
Workstations .If i use the Windows NT server authentication it works 
well.It doesn't work in  the Pserver mode.Don't know what changes to 
make.Opening up the port in 2401 as well as setting ht epasswd server 
on the  server.But my main problem is concecting Unix CVS clients to 
NT server CVS.Iam Using Samba(don't know any other alternative is 
there).But it gives a lot of permission problems.Have any of u tried 
this one trying to connect to the NT CVS server from Unix/Linux.if 
Yes do mail me.
Any inputs regarding it are much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Setup NT CVS server with Unix CVS client

2000-07-07 Thread Karthikeyan.K.V

  Iam Using CVS 1.10.8NT server version and Wincvs on windows Nt
Workstations .If i use the Windows NT server authentication it works well.It
doesn't workin the Pserver mode.Don't know what changes to make.But my main
problem is concecting Unix CVS clients to NT server CVS.Iam Using
Samba(don't know any other alternative is there).But it gives a lot of
permission problems.Have any of u tried this one trying to connect to the NT
CVS server from Unix/Linux.if Yes do mail me.
Any inputs regarding it are much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Binary Files, WinCVS

2000-07-07 Thread Vadim Bartlov

In WinCVS help it states that initial import of all
files is imported as text files.  If I modify the
cvswrappers file on the Linux server before the import
from the WinCVS will it store them as binary?

Can anyone give me any suggestions on hanling binary
files with WinCVS client and Linux CVS server?  I am
trying to convert VSS to CVS by getting the
files/modules locally from VSS on my NT machine and
importing them through winCVS on Linux server.


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Re: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

2000-07-07 Thread Larry Jones

Masterson, David writes:
 For instance, assume a 3rd party product consisting of a single directory of
 source code.  In release 1 of the product, the directory contains two source
 files (x.c and y.c).  In release 2 of the product, the developer has removed
 y.c and added z.c.  If you simply "cvs import" release 2 of the product on
 top of release 1, you will wind up with a directory that has three source
 files (x.c, y.c, and z.c).

If you do a merge checkout like CVS suggest when there are conflicts
(CVS suggests doing ``cvs checkout -j FOO:yesterday -j FOO foo'', but
that doesn't work if you do multiple imports in a single day so it's
really better to use the import tags), it will delete files that are no
longer relevant.  Committing the result then updates the repository.

-Larry Jones

TIME?!  I just finished the first problem! -- Calvin

RE: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

2000-07-07 Thread Masterson, David

I think I see now.  I couldn't quite gather in the purpose of the "checkout"
in the discussion with "import" -- particularly with *two* tag names
mentioned.  Now that I look at it, would the proper way of doing the import
of release 2 be:

cd release2
cvs import -m "Import release 2" product VENDOR PROD2
cd /workdir
cvs checkout -jPROD2 product

CVS would then workout that the ancestor of PROD2 is the first release and
merge between the two?

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

Masterson, David writes:
 For instance, assume a 3rd party product consisting of a single directory
 source code.  In release 1 of the product, the directory contains two
 files (x.c and y.c).  In release 2 of the product, the developer has
 y.c and added z.c.  If you simply "cvs import" release 2 of the product on
 top of release 1, you will wind up with a directory that has three source
 files (x.c, y.c, and z.c).

If you do a merge checkout like CVS suggest when there are conflicts
(CVS suggests doing ``cvs checkout -j FOO:yesterday -j FOO foo'', but
that doesn't work if you do multiple imports in a single day so it's
really better to use the import tags), it will delete files that are no
longer relevant.  Committing the result then updates the repository.

-Larry Jones

TIME?!  I just finished the first problem! -- Calvin

Re: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

2000-07-07 Thread Larry Jones

Masterson, David writes:
 I think I see now.  I couldn't quite gather in the purpose of the "checkout"
 in the discussion with "import" -- particularly with *two* tag names
 mentioned.  Now that I look at it, would the proper way of doing the import
 of release 2 be:
   cd release2
   cvs import -m "Import release 2" product VENDOR PROD2
   cd /workdir
   cvs checkout -jPROD2 product

That might work for release 2, but it wouldn't work for subsequent
releases.  It's better to always specify both tags:

cd release1
cvs import -m "Import release 1" product VENDOR PROD1
...  time passes ...
cd release2
cvs import -m "Import release 2" product VENDOR PROD2
cd /workdir
cvs checkout -j PROD1 -j PROD2 product
cd product
cvs commit -m'merge changes'

Then for the next release you'd use ``-j PROD2 -j PROD3'', etc.

-Larry Jones

That's one of the remarkable things about life.  It's never so
bad that it can't get worse. -- Calvin

connection reset by peer

2000-07-07 Thread Emmanuel Ohannessian

I am using wincvs 1.1b14 and a cvs 1.10 with pserver on unix. I can login OK
from winCVS but I get

cvs [edit aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer

whenever I try to do anything else. ex. edit...

Is this mailing list a good place to ask wincvs questions or is there
another mailing list for it...

any help is appreciated.


Donation: cvspasswd utility

2000-07-07 Thread Steven M. Cherry

Hello all,

I was recently setting up my CVS server to add pserver access to it,
and when going through the documentation, it indicated that to set
up the cvs passwd file, you had to copy/paste the crypt'd password
into it.  It lamented the fact that there was no cvspasswd utility
and hoped that it might exist some day.

Assuming that the documentation is right and the utility does not
exist, I have taken the liberty of creating a small cvspasswd 
utility to cover this task.  It works much like the standard unix
system passwd utility.

I would like to donate this utility to the CVS community and will
agree to release it under whatever license is appropriate for this

It is written in straight C and compiles with:

gcc -Wall -o cvspasswd cvspasswd -lcrypt

Let me know if you have questions or comments.


-- Begin Code: cvspasswd.c
/* ** */
/* This is the cvs passwd utility.  It functions in much the  */
/* same way that the normal unix passwd utility works.  The   */
/* cvs password file is expected to be:   */
/* $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd*/
/* If the effective user id of the caller is = 0 (i.e. root)  */
/* then the user is allowed to change any password without*/
/* checking the password first.  If the user is anyone else,  */
/* they must first know the password of the user that they are*/
/* trying to change, and then they will be allowed to change  */
/* the password.  */
/* Called with no arguments, the utility will assume that the */
/* current user is trying to change his/her own password. */
/* Called with one argument, the argument is assumed to be the*/
/* name of the user whose password is to be changed.  */
/* Author: Steven M. Cherry   */
/* Revisions: */
/* 07/05/2000: SMC: Initial creation. */
/* ** */

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h

#include pwd.h
#include unistd.h
#include sys/types.h

#include time.h

#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0

FILE  *glob_passwd_file;
char  **glob_passwd_contents;
int   glob_passwd_size;
char  *glob_username;
uid_t glob_userid;
char  *glob_cur_password;
char  glob_new_password[128];
int   glob_new_user_flag;
int   glob_line_count;

int find_and_open_passwd(void);
int who_am_i(void);
int check_args(int argc, char **argv);
int scan_to_user(void);
int do_password_check(void);
int get_new_password(void);
int update_passwd(void);
void free_mem(void);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* ** */
/* Check to find the passwd file: */
/* ** */
if(find_and_open_passwd() == FAILURE){
printf("Error opening password file!\n");

/* ** */
/* Check to see who we are.   */
/* ** */
if(who_am_i() == FAILURE){
printf("Unable to determine identity!\n");

/* ** */
/* Check our arguments.   */
/* ** */
if(check_args(argc, argv) == FAILURE){
printf("Argument error.\n");

/* ** */
/* Find the correct user in the file. */
/* Only the root user is allowed to add new people to */
/* the passwd file.   */
/* ** */
if(scan_to_user() == FAILURE){
printf("Error finding user in file.\n");

/* ** */
/* Perform password check first if necessary. */
/* ** */
if(do_password_check() == FAILURE){
printf("Invalid password.\n");  

/* ** */
/* Request new password, twice to 

Connection reset by peer

2000-07-07 Thread Manu50

I am using wincvs 1.1b14 and a cvs 1.10 with pserver on unix. I can login OK 
from winCVS but I get

cvs [edit aborted]: reading from server: Connection reset by peer

whenever I try to do anything else. ex. edit...

Is this mailing list a good place to ask wincvs questions or is there another 
mailing list for it...

any help is appreciated.

PS. my e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED] was banned for some reason. Did I 
offend anyone in anyway? Sorry if I did.


Re: Help setting up modules

2000-07-07 Thread Mike

You can create a group, add it to the CVS server and then do a chrgp 
on only the files they need. Have one group for artists and a 
separate group for the developers.

Michael C. Amorose
Author FireUtils for Macintosh
Author Sound Core for Macintosh
Author Goo Library for Macintosh
FireWire Watch Webmaster

At 2:02 PM -0400 7/7/00, Dominic Laflamme wrote:
 I'm trying to setup a CVS module that will allow artists 
working on the project to check out only runtime and media files 
(only selected directories). My CVS root is setup this way:


For devellopers, they need the whole thing, so their module setup is easy:

all ./

but for artists, they don't need the /src directory... how do I 
setup the module to check out the bin and media directory and still 
keep the directory tree??

runtime ./runtime
mediafiles ./media

artists runtime  mediafiles

This doesnt work: the ./media directory ends up under the ./bin 


Re: Using cvs in a website

2000-07-07 Thread sean dreilinger

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Carlos Costa Portela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello, all!

Hi Carlos:
   Here at, we're using cvs to help us develop our

cool. how are you presently using cvs?

   We make two types of changes: simple ones (bugs and simple text
 changes)  and others more complex (new apps in development).  In our
 situation we feel we cannot use cvs in the classical way.

which way is the classical way?

i think one of the other suggestions for tagging and branching in this
thread might interest you, especially combined with a setup for
staging and development (not cvs-specific).

so what did you end up doing? still deciding?


Donation: cvspasswd utility (2nd try)

2000-07-07 Thread Steven M. Cherry

Having a bit of a problem trying to post to the list.  This is
the second try:

Hello all,

I was recently setting up my CVS server to add pserver access to it,
and when going through the documentation, it indicated that to set
up the cvs passwd file, you had to copy/paste the crypt'd password
into it.  It lamented the fact that there was no cvspasswd utility
and hoped that it might exist some day.

Assuming that the documentation is right and the utility does not
exist, I have taken the liberty of creating a small cvspasswd 
utility to cover this task.  It works much like the standard unix
system passwd utility.

I would like to donate this utility to the CVS community and will
agree to release it under whatever license is appropriate for this

It is written in straight C and compiles with:

gcc -Wall -o cvspasswd cvspasswd -lcrypt

Let me know if you have questions or comments.


-- Begin Code: cvspasswd.c
/* ** */
/* This is the cvs passwd utility.  It functions in much the  */
/* same way that the normal unix passwd utility works.  The   */
/* cvs password file is expected to be:   */
/* $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd*/
/* If the effective user id of the caller is = 0 (i.e. root)  */
/* then the user is allowed to change any password without*/
/* checking the password first.  If the user is anyone else,  */
/* they must first know the password of the user that they are*/
/* trying to change, and then they will be allowed to change  */
/* the password.  */
/* Called with no arguments, the utility will assume that the */
/* current user is trying to change his/her own password. */
/* Called with one argument, the argument is assumed to be the*/
/* name of the user whose password is to be changed.  */
/* Author: Steven M. Cherry   */
/* Revisions: */
/* 07/05/2000: SMC: Initial creation. */
/* ** */

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h

#include pwd.h
#include unistd.h
#include sys/types.h

#include time.h

#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0

FILE  *glob_passwd_file;
char  **glob_passwd_contents;
int   glob_passwd_size;
char  *glob_username;
uid_t glob_userid;
char  *glob_cur_password;
char  glob_new_password[128];
int   glob_new_user_flag;
int   glob_line_count;

int find_and_open_passwd(void);
int who_am_i(void);
int check_args(int argc, char **argv);
int scan_to_user(void);
int do_password_check(void);
int get_new_password(void);
int update_passwd(void);
void free_mem(void);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* ** */
/* Check to find the passwd file: */
/* ** */
if(find_and_open_passwd() == FAILURE){
printf("Error opening password file!\n");

/* ** */
/* Check to see who we are.   */
/* ** */
if(who_am_i() == FAILURE){
printf("Unable to determine identity!\n");

/* ** */
/* Check our arguments.   */
/* ** */
if(check_args(argc, argv) == FAILURE){
printf("Argument error.\n");

/* ** */
/* Find the correct user in the file. */
/* Only the root user is allowed to add new people to */
/* the passwd file.   */
/* ** */
if(scan_to_user() == FAILURE){
printf("Error finding user in file.\n");

/* ** */
/* Perform password check first if necessary. */
/* ** */
if(do_password_check() == FAILURE){
printf("Invalid password.\n");  


RE: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

2000-07-07 Thread Masterson, David

Dumb question #2:

After having done a number of "imports", is there a simple command to get a
list of vendor and release tags (along with when they were created)?

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb question about 'cvs import' of 3rd party products...

Masterson, David writes:
 I think I see now.  I couldn't quite gather in the purpose of the
 in the discussion with "import" -- particularly with *two* tag names
 mentioned.  Now that I look at it, would the proper way of doing the
 of release 2 be:
   cd release2
   cvs import -m "Import release 2" product VENDOR PROD2
   cd /workdir
   cvs checkout -jPROD2 product

That might work for release 2, but it wouldn't work for subsequent
releases.  It's better to always specify both tags:

cd release1
cvs import -m "Import release 1" product VENDOR PROD1
...  time passes ...
cd release2
cvs import -m "Import release 2" product VENDOR PROD2
cd /workdir
cvs checkout -j PROD1 -j PROD2 product
cd product
cvs commit -m'merge changes'

Then for the next release you'd use ``-j PROD2 -j PROD3'', etc.

-Larry Jones

That's one of the remarkable things about life.  It's never so
bad that it can't get worse. -- Calvin modules file corrupt?

2000-07-07 Thread Stephen Cameron

Is the modules file corrupted?

I try:

[scameron@zuul cvs.ctd]$ echo $CVSROOT
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home2/cvsroot
[scameron@zuul cvs.ctd]$ export CVSROOT
[scameron@zuul cvs.ctd]$ cvs -z3 co -c
ccvs @ÐàÈ
[scameron@zuu[scameron@zuul cvs.ctd]$ 

And I try:

[scameron@zuul cvs.ctd]$ cvs -z3 co -l ccvs
cvs [server aborted]: there is no repository /home2/cvsroot/@ðv30555


I tried this with a 1.10.8 client on Linux and also the current development
version (well last night's anyway, 7/6/2000, obviously I can't get today's
version) to rule out my hacked up version of CVS.

BTW, is there a way to see what version of CVS is running on the remote
end?  If not, should there be?

-- steve

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RE: [correction] [digest] Visual SourceSafe to CVS conversion

2000-07-07 Thread Alexey Mahotkin

 "SS" == Sheldon Samuels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SS I gather these are perl scripts.  Is this correct?  

Not all of them.  curth/ directory contains JavaScripts, while
h.nardmann/ -- file in C++.

Seems like the first choice is best for Windows.  
