Re: cvs-1.10.8 [checkout aborted]: closing CVS/Tag: Resource temporar

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Gilles-Eric Descamps writes:
> cvs server: Updating mydir/myfile
> cvs [checkout aborted]: closing CVS/Tag: Resource temporarily unavailable
> Any idea why I got this ?

A temporary resource shortage, almost certainly related to NFS.

> How do I prevent this ?

Don't use NFS.

-Larry Jones

The surgeon general should issue a warning about playing with girls. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

cvs-1.10.8 [checkout aborted]: closing CVS/Tag: Resource temporarily unavailable

2001-09-28 Thread Gilles-Eric Descamps

in two empty directories, (each directory on a different machine),
I ran a " cvs co -r mytag mydir "
using cvs-1.10.8 (+ edit -c patch) in pserver on solaris 2.7 (clients &
using NFS servers for file storage.
one finished perfectly, the other crashed almost at the end
cvs server: Updating mydir/myfile
cvs [checkout aborted]: closing CVS/Tag: Resource temporarily unavailable

Any idea why I got this ?
How do I prevent this ?

Gilles-Eric DESCAMPS

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS access control

2001-09-28 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, September 28, 2001 at 23:32:55 (+0400), Tobias Brox wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: CVS access control
> First they send this really fancy toy - a pocket device creating one-time
> codes, in the mail.  It arrives in an unlocked mailbox, and it's handed over
> by some mailman that could steal the letter without any trace.  To be sure
> nothing bad happens, they send the PIN-code for the device in an ordinary
> paper-letter two days before the device is sent.

that's about a dozen times better than any Canadian bank or credit
union, I'm afraid to say

(so far as I know no bank issues personal browser security certificates
and configures their secure servers to only accept connections from
browsers presenting valid, signed, certificates  that would at least
get rid of perhaps half the concerns I have about client host security)

> > However as yet nobody's really identified any generic security policy
> > requirements for CVS that cannot be implemented with filesystem ACLs.
> We have touched some few things the file system can't give with the current
> CVS implementation:
> - ACLs on branches
> - ACLs specified down to individual files, not only directories
> - ACLs on branch and tag creation and redefining.
> In addition, there might be possible to put separate permissions on adding,
> removing, committing, checking out, reading history, etc, etc.  Some of
> those things can be done through the file system, but not all of them, and
> you have to know CVS pretty well to deal with it.
> I can hardly argue that any of those things are important.  Not for me, at
> least.  I can't tell for others.

I'm not sure ACLs on branches are meaningful at all to anyone, at least
not in the bigger picture.  I suspect anyone who thinks otherwise is
either not aware of the way security works in and with CVS, or is under
some dreadful misimpression about what kind of protection ACLs on
branches would afford in the real world.  Defining a policy is one
thing, but when you go to actually implement technical controls to
manage that policy you've got to weigh the cost of such an
implementation, both up-front and in long term usage impacts, against
the relative benefits as identified by a threat and risk assement.

ACLs on specified files can be easily achieved through the appropriate
use of a modern ACL-capable filesystem.  However I'm not so sure ACLs on
individual files are necessary either -- this is, after all, only a
matter of structure and hierarchy.  If any file is important enough to
have restricted access then certainly it is important enough to be
placed in its own directory.  Given normal traditional unix filesystem
semantics this is absolutely necessary anyway since any directory that's
writable by a user effectively causes the files it contains to be
writable by that user too.  Specifically in the case of CVS it would be
trivial for me with write access to the directory to bypass CVS ACLs and
trick some authorised person into working with not the "official"
version of a file, but rather with one of my specification.  Only by
putting files in a directory writable only by the authorised committers
can you be sure that unathorised changes cannot be made to them.

That leaves ACLs on branch and tag creation and deletion, which are very
CVS-specific operations which indeed might warrant additional controls,
and I've already describe a simple way to document policy and provide a
superficial audit trail, if not exactly enforce it in a fool-proof way.

> As long as people have write permissions to the repository, they can easily
> forge any audit trail.  That is a real worry, I think - and it can only be
> solved by some tripwire system.

There are many viable techniques for secure logging of an audit trail.

I'm not sure any of them are necessary in a versioning system though.

The versioning system is after all implicitly, and explicitly, an audit
trail already.  Sometimes it's necessary to audit the auditors, but in
this case that probably already happens through external procedure and
process, and out-of-band auditing is always far more preferrable.

> If you're implying that terrorist acts in America happened because of a
> "false sense of security", I could hardly disagree more.  In the real world,
> there is nothing like "real security".  People that are determinated enough
> to perform terrorist actions, and have enough resources, will always find
> new ways to do terrorist actions.

In the real world if you look at the facts here you'll find that the
people who carried out those terrorist actions were, in all but maybe
one case, able to do so to completion specifically because those
immediately around them had a false sense of their own security.

There's no doubt that it took determination.  However no amount of
determination will allow anyone to go so far if everyone around them is
equally paranoid and watchful.

> I can see situations where "a false sense of security" combined with
> "s

Re: merge or branch?

2001-09-28 Thread Christine & Freight

Thanks Steve.

Yep, I created a branch origin tag, so I know where the branch forked off.

I appreciate the help!


"Stephen Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > From: Christine & Freight ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > I am having a dispute with a co-worker over how to do something in CVS.
> > was wondering if anyone out there can help?  Here's the situation:
> >
> > A branch (let's call it branchA) gets created off the main line.  Then,
> > some point in time, a branch (branchB) gets created off of branchA.
> >
> > Development continues down branchA, and a new directory, with new files,
> > gets added and committed on branchA.  This new directory is obviously
not on
> > branchB, since it was created after branchA was created.
> >
> > Question: how does one get the new directory from branchA onto branchB?
> I would merge the branchA changes into branchB
> cvs co -r branchB everything
> cd everything
> cvs update -d -j branchB_origin -j branchA new_directory
> cvs commit -m 'merged new_directory from branchA'
> You did create a tag (branchB_origin, above) to mark the
> beginning of branchB, right?
> Also, partial merges like this, (mergiing in _just_ the new_directory)
> instead of the whole branch, can make it difficult to keep track of
> what's merged and what's not later on, so be careful and use tags
> liberally to keep things straight.. So you'd probably want to tag
> branchA to indicate which portion was merged into branchB.
> Something like:
> cvs rtag -r branchB_origin branchA_merged_to_branchB everything
> cvs rtag -F -r branchA branchA_merged_to_branchB new_directory
> so that future merges from A to B could use this tag as a starting
> point and not have re-merge the same changes again.
> -- steve
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Cannot unsubscribe

2001-09-28 Thread Mark Jackson

"Luna, Glen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just wanted the group to know that unsubscribing is not always so
> easy.

Did you try the web interface?  From the headers:

> List-Unsubscribe: ,

Mark Jackson -
Physics is like sex:  sure, it may give some practical results,
but that's not why we do it.- Richard Feynman

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: multiple cvs imports

2001-09-28 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, September 28, 2001 at 11:45:35 (-0700), Stuart Donaldson wrote: ]
> Subject: multiple cvs imports
> When using cvs import, and merging in conflicts, cvs reports that the 
> way to merge the conflicts is with:
> cvs checkout -jVENDOR:yesterday -jVENDOR module
> However if I am importing multiple times to get several versions of a 
> project into CVS, it seems this would break if I was doing it all the 
> same day.  

it sometimes breaks even if you've only done one merge per day  :-(

> Is there a better way to get several versions into CVS?

RTFM!  (as usuall ... :-)

cvs co -j VENDOR-REL-1 -j VENDOR-REL+1 module

(i.e. use the previous release tag and the one just created by the most
recent import)

You can probably do many imports and just one merge too  Always just
use the vendor release tag from the last merge, plus the new one
(ignoring the directory navigation):

cvs import foo vend vend-1
cvs co foo
cvs import foo vend vend-2
cvs update -j vend-1 -j vend-2
cvs import foo vend vend-3
cvs import foo vend vend-4
cvs import foo vend vend-5
cvs import foo vend vend-6
cvs import foo vend vend-7
cvs update -j vend-2 -j vend-7

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problems with -f option and checkout

2001-09-28 Thread John McNamara

Ar Fri, 21 Sep 2001 20:12:29 -0400 (EDT), do scriobh Larry Jones:

>> Why doesn't Case 2 work?

>If the tag doesn't exist at all, CVS assumes that you've made a mistake
>and so doesn't do anything.  After all, if the tag doesn't exist at all,
>why are you specifying it with -f instead of just checking out the head?

So what is the intended function of the -f option?

The manual says:
"-f: If no matching revision is found, retrieve the most recent
revision (instead of ignoring the file)."

Doesn't this imply that the head revision should be checked out if the
specified tag isn't found.


Info-cvs mailing list

ADV: I bet that I make more money in the Web design business than you do. Time:6:13:36 PM

2001-09-28 Thread webmaster6523

I bet that I make more money in the Web design business than you do.

>From the customers I received last month I made $1560 income.
I also profited on these people $1000 up front.
And you know the funniest part?
I didn't even design their sites!
They did it for themselves!

I bet your sales pitch doesn't come anywhere near mine.

My sales pitch looks like this:

Free Website! 
Free .com, .net, or .org name! 
Free First Month! 
Free Shopping Cart for E-commerce! 
Free Secure Credit Card Transaction Server Access! 
Free Website Editor! (Allows you to control your entire site from anywhere in the 
with nothing more than your Internet browser!) 
Free Website Statistics Analysis! 
Unlimited everything! 
Unlimited Email Addresses! 
Unlimited Hosting Space! 
Unlimited Bandwidth! 
Unlimited Pages! 
Unlimited Capacity of items in the Shopping Cart! 
Fastest Websites!!! (Hosted on the best servers and bandwidth anywhere!) 
Website Promotion Options...
There is nothing left to add to this service! 
If you can use a word processor,
You can manage your own website! 
Only $35/month after your first FREE month! 
Everything you need to be doing business online NOW is here for only $25! (Limited 
time offer)

I have been advertising this pitch on the front of my website for my design business 1 
month, I have received over 40 signups.

People SIGNUP EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Almost, they bunch up on the weekends often.

1 month= $1560 income that comes in every month with no work!
I will beat that number this month easily, but assuming I just keep up the same pace, 
next month will net $3,120 PROFIT.
FOR A FACT I will be netting at least $10,720 a month by the end of the year.  I got 
that number after subtracting $8000 to account for cancellations down the line.  

That is a ton of money!  I can not even think of a way to not hit that number unless I 
completely stopped doing everything.

My service is also better.
You can't give anyone the as much value as I can.
You can't give them the power to control their site as I can.
You can't give them the prices that I can.
You can't get them online as fast as I can.
And even if somehow you found a way to do all that, you won't able to keep your 
customers as long as I do.
Wow.  Don't believe me?

The interface I give my customers is easier to use than any other I have seen.
It is by far the best web based interface you will ever see.  A monkey would have a 
time making a site look bad with the software I include for my Customers.

I charge them $35 a month and I only pay $10!  I know I could charge a lot more for 
the service, but I am more interested in getting as many customers as possible now, 
than I am on making more on them.

If you did the numbers to make sure I wasn't making them up, you'll see $560 missing 
this month.  Where did it come from?  There is an optional search engine submission 
program, that 70 percent of the people that signup opt for, I charge them $30/month.  
I pay $10.

If they do decide they would like custom work done, no problem.  I do it for them, and 
they don't try to bother me to change little things all the time on their site, 
because I give them the power to do it themselves, which they prefer.  I like it to, 
keeps my time free for things I enjoy.

In addition to being able to get at customers you can't, and being able to upsell them 
to all the custom design work I like, when ever I like,

I bet I have a whole bunch of other things you DO NOT HAVE.

Private Labeled to me Website Builder/Store Builder (Best Anywhere)
Private Labeled to me Shopping Cart
Private Labeled to me WebMail and Pop3 Service
Private Labeled to me Secure Server Hosting
Private Labeled to me Domain Name Registration
Private Labeled to me Search Engine Submission
Private Labeled to me Control Panel for FTP, email, user access...

I can make as many new templates as I like to start them out from too.

I also never have to pay for custom CGI work to provide E-Commerce solutions anymore.
It is all done for me already, even the payment gateway integration.

I use the same service my end-users use to do design work and It has cut my design 
time in more than half.
I can make a complete E-Commerce enabled site in 15-30 minutes, email, shopping cart, 
ftp, running on the net!
Can you do that??

Long story short.  Unless you have some plans I don't know about, My business will be 
beating yours for sure in about 12 months.

Can you compete?
Are you getting customers as fast as I am?
Are you making as much on them as I am?
Is that money you are making staying with you every month?
Is there a way for you to provide my customers something I don't?
Can you say the same for yourself?

I am going to let you in on SECRET now.  

Even though I know that my business will most likely be making a lot more than yours 
in 12 months, I am not greedy.
I know that BIG money is not in being greedy.
I know that No matter how much money my design company makes next year, If I combined 

Need Help -- Please

2001-09-28 Thread Olaf Meding

Why would I get the below error message?

   cvs checkout: move away dir/file; it is in the way

Even checking the same file out twice does not cause this error.  However,
if you look at the examples below (note they all contain 2 dirs) on what
works on what does not work you can see a pattern.  First, it only happens
with the -D switch!  Second, specifying two directries with the second
directory being a subdirectory of the first.

The examples below are a simplified example of my modules file.  I tracked
it down this far, but to me it looks like a bug?

Could someone try the below examples on a newer version of CVS (my Linux
server is 2-3 years old).  Thanks.

These commands fail:

cvs co -D "2001-09-13 00:30" code/optimization/productOpt
cvs co -D "2001-09-13 00:30" code/build code/build/config/buildList.txt
cvs co -D "2001-09-13 00:30" code/build code/build/config
cvs co -D "2001-09-13" code/build code/build/config/buildList.txt

These commands work:

cvs co -D "2001-09-13 00:30" code/build code/build/sbc.bat
cvs co code/build code/build/config/buildList.txt

I am using WinCVS with a Linux CVS server.


Info-cvs mailing list


2001-09-28 Thread Li, Jerry
Title: unsubscribe

Hi, administrator of this list:

Due to my career change, I would like to unsubscribe from this list. And later on subscribe with a different email address. Could somebody tell me how to unsubscribe?



RE: Crashed commit?

2001-09-28 Thread Zanabria, Moises

Thanks for quickly replay Larry, I removed the file and it works.
;) Moises.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Crashed commit?

Zanabria, Moises writes:
> Checking in pukjaskm.ppf;
> /home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/pukjaskm.ppf,v  <--  pukjaskm.ppf
> new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6
> cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file
> `/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/,pukjaskm.ppf,': File exists
> cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsvsTuv5

That file (/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/,pukjaskm.ppf,) is an RCS
lock file.  When modifying a file, RCS doesn't write over the existing
file, rather it writes a whole new file with a special temporary name
and, when that file has been completely written without error, it
renames it over top of the original file.  CVS works the same way.  The
error is telling you that there's already a file with that name, which
implies that either someone was in the process of updating that file
with RCS when you tried to do your commit or that someone was in the
process of updating it with RCS or CVS when the system crashed (or some
other serious error occurred) and the process was never completed.  If
the file is still there, it's probably safe to delete it (by hand), but
you may want to check first to see how old it is, how big it is, and
what it contains (which you can do with RCS).

-Larry Jones

I don't NEED to compromise my principles, because they don't have
the slightest bearing on what happens to me anyway. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Looking to purchase commercial CVS support

2001-09-28 Thread David Everly

My department is looking to purchase commercial support for CVS.  Does
anyone do that?  If so, who?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: multiple cvs imports

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Stuart Donaldson writes:
> When using cvs import, and merging in conflicts, cvs reports that the 
> way to merge the conflicts is with:
> cvs checkout -jVENDOR:yesterday -jVENDOR module
> However if I am importing multiple times to get several versions of a 
> project into CVS, it seems this would break if I was doing it all the 
> same day.  
> Is there a better way to get several versions into CVS?

There's a better way in general.  Each time you import, you supply a
release tag; you should use those release tags instead of the vendor tag
with the :yesterday modifier.  So instead of the above, you'd do
something like:

cvs co -jRel2 -jRel3 module

where "Rel3" is the release tag for the version you just imported and
"Rel2" is the release tag for the previous version.

-Larry Jones

Let's just sit here a moment... and savor the impending terror. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: multiple cvs imports

2001-09-28 Thread Kaz Kylheku

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stuart Donaldson wrote:
>When using cvs import, and merging in conflicts, cvs reports that the 
>way to merge the conflicts is with:
>cvs checkout -jVENDOR:yesterday -jVENDOR module
>However if I am importing multiple times to get several versions of a 
>project into CVS, it seems this would break if I was doing it all the 
>same day.  

That's correct.

>Is there a better way to get several versions into CVS?

Since each import is tagged, then you can obviously do the merge from
the previous tag:

cvs checkout -j previous_vendor_release_tag -j vendor

The vendor:yesterday is just a trick if you don't do more than one vendor
import in a day; then you don't have to look up what the last release
tag was.
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS access control

2001-09-28 Thread Tobias Brox

[Greg A. Woods - Thu at 03:44:52PM -0400]
> Not to mention almost no real authentication of the client user in the
> first place

First they send this really fancy toy - a pocket device creating one-time
codes, in the mail.  It arrives in an unlocked mailbox, and it's handed over
by some mailman that could steal the letter without any trace.  To be sure
nothing bad happens, they send the PIN-code for the device in an ordinary
paper-letter two days before the device is sent.  I've seen numerous stupid
security flaws from almost all Norwegian banks, at least.  Security by
obscurity, all the way.  Quite often they're bragging about how secure
the main door is - while ignoring completely that back door is wide open.

This same bank having this "very secure" (it could be secure, but is not as
of today), fancy system with code-generators does also have a telephone
banking service.  Can you believe it, they use static 3-digits PIN-codes for
the telephone service?  This code is (of course) beemed completely
unencrypted over the telephone network!  Bills can be paid through the
service, no security at all.  But the most increadible thing ... it's
completely unbelievable: I got a letter (and same did most other customers
of the bank) complaining that their telephone banking service wasn't much
used - so to make it easy to use they had changed the PIN-code to one that
should be easy to remember for me.  The three first digits of my birth date!
It's so insanly stupid, I'm quite sure it must be the marketing manager
himself that decided it was a smart thing to do.

It took them a whole month to discover the mistake - they sent a new letter
urging people to change their codes (without stating any reason), and
informed that the code automaticly would be changed if we didn't do it
within two weeks.

> However as yet nobody's really identified any generic security policy
> requirements for CVS that cannot be implemented with filesystem ACLs.

We have touched some few things the file system can't give with the current
CVS implementation:

- ACLs on branches
- ACLs specified down to individual files, not only directories
- ACLs on branch and tag creation and redefining.

In addition, there might be possible to put separate permissions on adding,
removing, committing, checking out, reading history, etc, etc.  Some of
those things can be done through the file system, but not all of them, and
you have to know CVS pretty well to deal with it.

I can hardly argue that any of those things are important.  Not for me, at
least.  I can't tell for others.

> For one a versioning system is, by definition, providing a detailed
> audit trail that can very very very easily be used to enforce
> accountability

As long as people have write permissions to the repository, they can easily
forge any audit trail.  That is a real worry, I think - and it can only be
solved by some tripwire system.

> of course that the level of trust between the members of a group working
> on a given module in a given repository is necessarily much higher than
> it would ever be in the example of a group of users using a database
> application.

Truely.  As said before, people are supposed to trust each other, and also
there shouldn't be possible to do any irreversal harm through CVS (though
anyone with write-permission to the repository can do any harm they like).

> > Still - security through obscurity /is/ better than no security at all!
> Nope, not true at all.  Security by obscurity leads to a false sense of
> security, and as pretty well every rational sane person in North America
> should realise by now there's really nothing worse than a false sense of
> security!

If you're implying that terrorist acts in America happened because of a
"false sense of security", I could hardly disagree more.  In the real world,
there is nothing like "real security".  People that are determinated enough
to perform terrorist actions, and have enough resources, will always find
new ways to do terrorist actions.  I don't think disallowing people to carry
nail cutting devices on the airlines will help anything at all - the
crashing airplane theme is probably used up, next time (and I'm quite sure
there will be a next time) we'll see something completely different, and far
more devastinge.  Still, no reason to worry, the risk for beeing killed by
traffic accident or heart trouble is many factors higher than the risk of
beeing killed by terrorist action.

I can see situations where "a false sense of security" combined with
"security through obscurity" would be very, very bad.  Take the Internet
banking example above, for instance, the customer might be completely
clueless about the technical details but very aware that all his money has
disappeared.  The bank can insist that the customer himself did wire all his
money to some Switz bank account, as they're cocksure their system is
perfectly secure.

Still, it seems like a lot of banks actually can afford to lean on "secu

CVS: merge problem?

2001-09-28 Thread Dave_Garrison

All -

I've encountered a problem when trying to merge a trunk revision of a file
into a branch revision.  Below is the background and description of the


It has been my understanding that CVS will merge according to the following
basic rules...

1. When code has been added to the source file, it will also be added to
the destination file
2. When code has been removed from the source file, it will be removed from
the target file
3. When the same line of code has changed in the target file it will be
flagged as a conflict


A file from the trunk had lines of code removed.

After doing the sync,  I had expected to see the lines of code move in the
target file but they stayed put.

Based upon my simple understanding of how the merge works can anyone
explain what may have happened?

Dave Garrison

Voice: (716) 214-1941
Fax: (716) 295-9157
Element K
'the knowledge catalyst'

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS access control

2001-09-28 Thread Tobias Brox

[Tobias Brox - Thu at 09:57:10PM +0400]
> To initiate a tunnel, read the CVS manual

ssh manual, of course.

> I haven't thought much through this suggestion, but I guess it should work
> and be secure.

Forgot to say - you'll have to trust those that sets up the tunnel quite a
bit.  They can forward any network activity through the CVS server, i.e.
sending spam and other nasty things.

A ssh tunnel is very nice if all the persons working on a project is
sitting in one or two officse, and you trust both them and the local network
(a quite stupid thing to do, but that's not my business anyway), but the CVS
server is somewhere else at the net.

Unemployed hacker
Will program for food!

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Crashed commit?

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Zanabria, Moises writes:
> Checking in pukjaskm.ppf;
> /home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/pukjaskm.ppf,v  <--  pukjaskm.ppf
> new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6
> cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file
> `/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/,pukjaskm.ppf,': File exists
> cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsvsTuv5

That file (/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/,pukjaskm.ppf,) is an RCS
lock file.  When modifying a file, RCS doesn't write over the existing
file, rather it writes a whole new file with a special temporary name
and, when that file has been completely written without error, it
renames it over top of the original file.  CVS works the same way.  The
error is telling you that there's already a file with that name, which
implies that either someone was in the process of updating that file
with RCS when you tried to do your commit or that someone was in the
process of updating it with RCS or CVS when the system crashed (or some
other serious error occurred) and the process was never completed.  If
the file is still there, it's probably safe to delete it (by hand), but
you may want to check first to see how old it is, how big it is, and
what it contains (which you can do with RCS).

-Larry Jones

I don't NEED to compromise my principles, because they don't have
the slightest bearing on what happens to me anyway. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

multiple cvs imports

2001-09-28 Thread Stuart Donaldson

When using cvs import, and merging in conflicts, cvs reports that the 
way to merge the conflicts is with:

cvs checkout -jVENDOR:yesterday -jVENDOR module

However if I am importing multiple times to get several versions of a 
project into CVS, it seems this would break if I was doing it all the 
same day.  

Is there a better way to get several versions into CVS?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Getting file comment info?

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Riechers

Mark Jaffe wrote:
> I am curious if there is a method for retrieving the "check-in comment" on a
> file revision.

AFAIK, not via cvs command options.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Getting file comment info?

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Mark Jaffe writes:
> I am curious if there is a method for retrieving the "check-in comment" on a
> file revision. I can't see the option after a quick glance through various
> status or log calls.

That's what the "log" subcommand does.

-Larry Jones

I never get to do anything fun. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Getting file comment info?

2001-09-28 Thread David Hoover

Quoth Mark Jaffe:
> I am curious if there is a method for retrieving the "check-in comment" on a
> file revision. I can't see the option after a quick glance through various
> status or log calls.

If you check 'cvs --help log', you'll see that it'll take a -r just like most
other commands, letting you do:
cvs log -r 1.5 foo.c

David Hoover

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Howto solve this in cvs ?

2001-09-28 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, September 28, 2001 at 16:34:19 (+), Gerhard Ahuis wrote: ]
> Subject: Howto solve this in cvs ?
> The vendor did a complete architecture change and cleanup between 2.x and 3.x.
> So I created a branch called MySoftBasedOn_2x on which further developments

you don't really want a branch -- normal branches don't work well in
vendor branched modules.

Your best approach is to start fresh with the 3.x release in a new module.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Crashed commit?

2001-09-28 Thread Zanabria, Moises

Hi guys , is somebody familiar with this error.

Checking in pukjaskm.ppf;
/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/pukjaskm.ppf,v  <--  pukjaskm.ppf
new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6
cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file
`/home/kmcvs/unix/UNIX3_KM/packaging/,pukjaskm.ppf,': File exists
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsvsTuv5


Info-cvs mailing list

http tunneling not supported

2001-09-28 Thread Craig_Reichenbach

Hi, I'm new to CVS & trying to use it to connect to a CVS repository at  I am behind a firewall at work and have WinCVS set to use
my company proxy.  I receive an error message that the proxy server "does
not support http tunnelling".  I haven't found anything about this problem
in the archives or cvs site faq.  Can someone please point me in the right


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: warnings/errors....

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

raptor writes:
> The problem is that I'm accessing from WinCVS working directory which is on
> linux-machine (via SAMBA)..

Don't do that!  Sharing working directories between different platforms
will cause you no end of grief; always checkout, edit, and commit on the
same platform.

-Larry Jones

Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze? -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How To Backup All of CVS?

2001-09-28 Thread Kaz Kylheku

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>How do I grab  $CVSROOT?  Are there CVS commands that allow you to do this?
>Or, do you need to grab everything through FTP?   I haven't been able to
>find any type of CVS command that would allow me to grab it.

There is no cvs command for this. The CVS repository is just an ordinary
directory containing ordinary files. So your questions really belong in
a UNIX system administration newsgroup.

>By the way, are there searchable CVS archives anywhere?

Searchable how? I'm not aware of any Internet search engines which index
CVS archives. CVS itself doesn't provide a repository ``grep''.
Info-cvs mailing list

Getting file comment info?

2001-09-28 Thread Mark Jaffe

I am curious if there is a method for retrieving the "check-in comment" on a
file revision. I can't see the option after a quick glance through various
status or log calls.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: warnings/errors....

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Riechers

raptor wrote:
> The problem is that I'm accessing from WinCVS working directory which is on
> linux-machine (via SAMBA)..
> And the CVS/Root contains linux path like /arh/cvs but for Windows it is
> different 'cause I have Drive-letters ...

Use a seperate working directory for each platform, or use *only one*
platform-specific client per working directory.


Info-cvs mailing list

They chuckled - but guess who's chuckling now! -YDGA

2001-09-28 Thread hicton

Need a quick $100 today?
Need a quick $100 this week?
Need to QUICKLY build a $5000 income?

This may be the most COMMON SENSE email you've ever read because
I'm gonna show you EXACTLY how I got SICK AND TIRED of all the stupid
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I'm gonna show you EXACTLY how I get money deposited RIGHT to MY
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and legitimate home based business that starts earning you money
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as much as you want to make!

I'm gonna give you the tools to make this an automated thing, so you
can be earning money whether you're at your computer or not!
Believe me when I tell you that this very simple system took me from
worrying about bills to having fun shopping in less than a week!

Are YOU sick of it all yet?
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Simply send me a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and an
autoresponder will immediately send you back the very simple and
straightforward explanation of how YOU can do what I've done. then
you can decide if it's something you can do.

But don't kid yourself.  You have to do SOMETHING different, right?
What if I'm telling the truch?  (And I can prove that I am?)  Send a blank
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see for yourself.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: strange behavior

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

raptor writes:
> Below is session saved with "script" (unnecessary stuff removed of cource
> for clarity), U can see some addional info that is printed from loginfo
> script...

It might be helpful to do that again with -t to get trace information.

-Larry Jones

Good gravy, whose side are you on?! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Chris Barker

"Greg A. Woods" wrote:

> I dunno about RSH on M$-Windoze -- there are nasty issues if you have
> the wrong RSH/RSHd implementation(s).  But I do know that SSH works OK
> with WinCVS.  The best instructions on setting up the WinCVS client for
> SSH are probably those published by

Thanks for all your help, I will try to get this working, it does sound
like the best option


Christopher Barker,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---   ---   --- ---@@   -@@   -@@
   --@@@ --@@@ --@@@
Oil Spill Modeling--   @--   @   --   @
Water Resources Engineering   ---  - 
Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics --

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Chris Barker

raptor wrote:
> What I've done was to set 'cvs' as a primary group for all the developers..
> and to give 'cvs' group write access to the whole repository Don't know
> is this is the right way but it seems to work...!!

This should work, but it's not necessary. I just went through all this
myself, and all the users accessing CVS have to be in the cvs group, but
not as their promary group. To get it to work right, you set the group
sticky bit(I think that's what it's called) on all the directories in
the repository with the command:

chmod g+s dirname

THis in Linux, apparently it's not required on all systems

And make sure all the directories are group cvs. 

chgrp cvs dirname

(You can use a find command to do it on the whole tree at once, if it's

>From now on all the files adn directories created should be set to group
cvs, and you are all set.


Christopher Barker,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---   ---   --- ---@@   -@@   -@@
   --@@@ --@@@ --@@@
Oil Spill Modeling--   @--   @   --   @
Water Resources Engineering   ---  - 
Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics --

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Chris Barker

Hi all,

I found the problem, and it was that I am stupid. Stupid, Stupid,

Larry Jones wrote:
> Make sure the users are using the -d option of update to create new
> directories (however you do that in WinCVS).

Duh!! that was the problem, and I did find it myself after spending some
time with the Cederqvist, before I sent another message to this group.
The permissions were all screwed up, but I don't think that was the
problem at hand. I have them all set correctly now, thanks to this
group, and I have a much better understanding or group permissions on
Linux as well.

Thanks for all your help.


Christopher Barker,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ---   ---   --- ---@@   -@@   -@@
   --@@@ --@@@ --@@@
Oil Spill Modeling--   @--   @   --   @
Water Resources Engineering   ---  - 
Coastal and Fluvial Hydrodynamics --

Info-cvs mailing list

Howto solve this in cvs ?

2001-09-28 Thread Gerhard Ahuis

Hi cvs folks,

I have the following situation:

A vendor branch called Vendor on which I import all updates from the vendor.
After the import is done I merge in all our local changes. A very common
situation I think.

The vendor is working with its own version numbers. The table next lists the
versions released:


The vendor did a complete architecture change and cleanup between 2.x and 3.x.
So I created a branch called MySoftBasedOn_2x on which further developments
on the 2.x software are done.
The main branch is based on 3.x software. Now the vendor is starting to 
supply service packs (ugh) for 2.x.
I cannot import this on the Vendor branch because the 2.x sources must not 
show up on the main branch.
What is the best way to import the 2.x service packs and let them showup on the
MySoftBasedOn_2x branch ?

I hope my story is clear..



Gerhard Ahuis

Unsolicited advertisements subject to $1000 consulting fee.

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-09-28 Thread raptor


I'm commiting on a and i'm getting these errors it is not big deal isn't
it ?!

cvs -z9 -q commit -m "removed index.asp" index.asp
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository
cvs commit: in directory .:
cvs commit: ignoring CVS/Root because it specifies a non-existent repository

The problem is that I'm accessing from WinCVS working directory which is on
linux-machine (via SAMBA)..
And the CVS/Root contains linux path like /arh/cvs but for Windows it is
different 'cause I have Drive-letters ...

Yeah i know it was not thought to be used that way ... but !!! :"))
Any woraround...

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Cannot unsubscribe

2001-09-28 Thread Dennis Jones

Did you try this? (you didn't follow the instructions that came with your

Subject: unsubscribe

- Dennis

"Luna, Glen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I remember in the past watching people asking to unsubscribe from this
> I had to laugh at their ignorance. It seems so easy - just send an email
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let the ezmlm app handle it from
> there.
> it is my turn to unsubscribe. But, no matter what I do I cannot
> get the exmlm program to cancel my subscription from this mailing list. My
> company did change hands and therefore changed domain names (twice) since
> first subscribed. I did force an unsubscribe email to the ezmlm program
> using all email address variations (3), each time receiving either a
> "confirmation number invalid" reply or a response stating that my address
> was not on the list.
> I finally sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; hopefully human
> intervention will remedy the situation.
> I just wanted the group to know that unsubscribing is not always so
> easy.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Cannot unsubscribe

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Riechers

"Luna, Glen" wrote:
> I remember in the past watching people asking to unsubscribe from this list.
> I had to laugh at their ignorance. It seems so easy - just send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let the ezmlm app handle it from
> there.

It seems your info is out of date. From this message's header:



Info-cvs mailing list

Cannot unsubscribe

2001-09-28 Thread Luna, Glen

I remember in the past watching people asking to unsubscribe from this list.
I had to laugh at their ignorance. It seems so easy - just send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and let the ezmlm app handle it from
there. it is my turn to unsubscribe. But, no matter what I do I cannot
get the exmlm program to cancel my subscription from this mailing list. My
company did change hands and therefore changed domain names (twice) since I
first subscribed. I did force an unsubscribe email to the ezmlm program
using all email address variations (3), each time receiving either a
"confirmation number invalid" reply or a response stating that my address
was not on the list. 

I finally sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; hopefully human
intervention will remedy the situation.

I just wanted the group to know that unsubscribing is not always so

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: strange behavior

2001-09-28 Thread raptor

Details :
Below is session saved with "script" (unnecessary stuff removed of cource
for clarity), U can see some addional info that is printed from loginfo
Don't worry about "typescript" it is where the session is saved.

RedHat 7.1/custom-kernel2.4.9/CVS1.11
Script started on Fri Sep 28 16:49:23 2001
[root@vfserver miscs]# mcedit httpd.conf
[root@vfserver miscs]# mcedit ./test/newfile
[root@vfserver miscs]#cvs -d ci -m ''
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining test
? typescript
Checking in test/newfile;
/arh/cvs/vf/miscs/test/newfile,v  <--  newfile
new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6
Update of /arh/cvs/vf/miscs/test

[root@vfserver miscs]# cvs ci -m ''
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining test
? typescript
Checking in httpd.conf;
/arh/cvs/vf/miscs/httpd.conf,v  <--  httpd.conf
new revision: 1.30; previous revision: 1.29
Update of /arh/cvs/vf/miscs

[root@vfserver miscs]# exit
Script done on Fri Sep 28 16:50:51 2001


| hi, me again...
| I'm tring to get the idea what comes on the STDIN on a loginfo-script, but
| meanwhile I got strange behavior, when I was tring to see what happens if
| there is several files to be commited (but from different directories).
| Scenario :
| /project/blah/testfile1
| /project/blah/test2/testfile2
| OK, I make change on both files.. then ..
| cd /project/blah
| cvs -d stuff -m '' ci
| What happens is that only "/project/blah/test2/testfile2" is commited, if
| issue :
| cvs -d stuff -m '' ci
| again.. the "/project/blah/testfile1" is also updated.
| The questions is isn't it expected that on the first commit both files has
| to be updated in CVS-repository...
| And the consequance is that I can understand what I will get on the STDIN
| my loginfo-script..
| Any ideas
| =
| iVAN
| =
| ___
| Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How To Backup All of CVS?

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Riechers

> How do I grab  $CVSROOT?  Are there CVS commands that allow you to do this?
> Or, do you need to grab everything through FTP?   I haven't been able to
> find any type of CVS command that would allow me to grab it.

You can't backup a repository through cvs commands. The repository is just
another directory on the system. Back it up like you would any other directory.

> By the way, are there searchable CVS archives anywhere?

Check this email's headers for the main archive. You could also check

> Just make a tarball of all the $CVSROOT, and you should be reasonably safe.
> Make a script to check for lock-files, and you should be even more safe
> (should be a pretty easy thing to do ... PS: I'm unemployed ;-)
> Before overwriting or deleting older backups, you should check that the
> repository is not corrupted.  There does exist some script for this, though
> I don't have any references.
> I also just hacked together a small and simple script that logs the md5sum
> of all files in the repository, and then checks that the older versions of
> the files are unmuted - though it does not yet check branches nor metadata.
> I might mail it to you if you're interessted (or anyone else that might be
> interested - I find it inappropriate to post a complete script to the
> mailing list, and I don't have IP access to publish it at the web
> somewhere).


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: merge or branch?

2001-09-28 Thread Stephen Cameron

> From: Christine & Freight ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> I am having a dispute with a co-worker over how to do something in CVS.  I
> was wondering if anyone out there can help?  Here's the situation:
> A branch (let's call it branchA) gets created off the main line.  Then, at
> some point in time, a branch (branchB) gets created off of branchA.
> Development continues down branchA, and a new directory, with new files,
> gets added and committed on branchA.  This new directory is obviously not on
> branchB, since it was created after branchA was created.
> Question: how does one get the new directory from branchA onto branchB?

I would merge the branchA changes into branchB

cvs co -r branchB everything
cd everything
cvs update -d -j branchB_origin -j branchA new_directory
cvs commit -m 'merged new_directory from branchA'

You did create a tag (branchB_origin, above) to mark the 
beginning of branchB, right?

Also, partial merges like this, (mergiing in _just_ the new_directory)
instead of the whole branch, can make it difficult to keep track of 
what's merged and what's not later on, so be careful and use tags 
liberally to keep things straight.. So you'd probably want to tag
branchA to indicate which portion was merged into branchB.

Something like:

cvs rtag -r branchB_origin branchA_merged_to_branchB everything
cvs rtag -F -r branchA branchA_merged_to_branchB new_directory

so that future merges from A to B could use this tag as a starting 
point and not have re-merge the same changes again.

-- steve

Do You Yahoo!?
Listen to your Yahoo! Mail messages from any phone.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Nils9 writes:
> Use sticky bits on the group for your files.

It's *not* the sticky bit (of which there is only one), it's the SGID
(set group id) bit.

-Larry Jones

I've got an idea for a sit-com called "Father Knows Zilch." -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Traversing a CVS repository

2001-09-28 Thread raptor

You probably want to do search here is one good solution :

u have the code, so u can write your-own and steal at their one.. :"))

| Does anyone know how I can traverse the directories and files stored in a
| CVS repository?  I'll be doing this from PERL.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Larry Jones

Chris Barker writes:
> OK, and I did chmod g+s on all the directories, and set all of them to
> group cvs. It still doesn't work. A remote user on WinCVS adds a
> directory, puts a file in it and adds that, and all seems fine from
> there, but non of the other users get that new directory when they do an
> update.

Make sure the users are using the -d option of update to create new
directories (however you do that in WinCVS).

-Larry Jones

Kicking dust is the only part of this game we really like. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS access control

2001-09-28 Thread yap_noel

>> Still - security through obscurity /is/ better than no security at all!
>Nope, not true at all.  Security by obscurity leads to a false sense of
>security, and as pretty well every rational sane person in North America
>should realise by now there's really nothing worse than a false sense of

Extremely well said!


This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: As if there wasn't enough discussion about access control...

2001-09-28 Thread yap_noel

Read only users need write permissions into the directories where locks are
created (see LockDir configuration).  They also need read permissions to
the repository directories and archives.




jrimmer@ellipsisdTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:   

Sent by: Subject: As if there wasn't enough 
discussion about access control... 



09/27/01 02:05 PM  



I've set up CVS on a Linux server.  We access it over SSH.

Currently, access is through group permissions; if you're a member of the
'cvs' group on the Linux box, you have full access the repository.  But if
you're not...

I'd like to be able to establish some sort of "checkout-only" access for
folks in marketing.  Is there a way to create such a thing using Unix file
permissions?  Or do I need to dig into the administrative files?

   ``Are all men from Texas loud-mouthed braggarts?''
 ``Just me, baby.  Just me.''

Info-cvs mailing list

This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How To Backup All of CVS?

2001-09-28 Thread Rebecca . R . Hepper

How do I grab  $CVSROOT?  Are there CVS commands that allow you to do this?
Or, do you need to grab everything through FTP?   I haven't been able to
find any type of CVS command that would allow me to grab it.

By the way, are there searchable CVS archives anywhere?

Tobias Brox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/26/2001 12:20:59 PM



Subject:  Re: How To Backup All of CVS?

[[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Wed at 11:14:12AM -0500]
> I would like to backup all of CVS nightly using a cronjob.  I want to be
> able to restore CVS to its original state in case something happens to
> server.  The problem is, I don't know exactly what I need to grab from
> in order to be able to re-create it.  I believe I need the RCS files (the
> history files with the ,v at the end) but is there other stuff I also
> How do I checkout or grab the RCS files?

Just make a tarball of all the $CVSROOT, and you should be reasonably safe.
Make a script to check for lock-files, and you should be even more safe
(should be a pretty easy thing to do ... PS: I'm unemployed ;-)

Before overwriting or deleting older backups, you should check that the
repository is not corrupted.  There does exist some script for this, though
I don't have any references.

I also just hacked together a small and simple script that logs the md5sum
of all files in the repository, and then checks that the older versions of
the files are unmuted - though it does not yet check branches nor metadata.
I might mail it to you if you're interessted (or anyone else that might be
interested - I find it inappropriate to post a complete script to the
mailing list, and I don't have IP access to publish it at the web

Unemployed hacker
Will program for food!

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: CVS access control

2001-09-28 Thread yap_noel

>Yes - love the idea of pserver keeping usernames / passwords independant
>the OS, and keeping cvs running as non-root.

I'm not sure if this is possible since I haven't tried it out myself, but I
think you can have each user have their own SSH keypair into a shared
account on the CVS server.  SSH can be configured so that all they can
execute is cvs and, IIRC, the environment variable CVS_USER can be set on a
per-key basis so that cvs records the proper username.


This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument
or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices, data
and other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and
are subject to change without notice. Any comments or statements made herein
do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., its
subsidiaries and affiliates.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread Nils9

Use sticky bits on the group for your files. That way you keep the original
author of the commit and can manipulate with group lists.
But why you need permissions for your own sandbox?

-Nils Jakobson

- Original Message - 
From: "raptor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Right Permissons !?

> What I've done was to set 'cvs' as a primary group for all the developers..
> and to give 'cvs' group write access to the whole repository Don't know
> is this is the right way but it seems to work...!!
> It was very annoing for me too..??
> One other thing I'm wondering is there a way to set automaticaly in same way
> different pemissions when the files go to the working copy (during update)
> !!! Anyone to have idea !?
> HtH
> =
> iVAN
> =
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Right Permissons !?

2001-09-28 Thread raptor

What I've done was to set 'cvs' as a primary group for all the developers..
and to give 'cvs' group write access to the whole repository Don't know
is this is the right way but it seems to work...!!
It was very annoing for me too..??
One other thing I'm wondering is there a way to set automaticaly in same way
different pemissions when the files go to the working copy (during update)
!!! Anyone to have idea !?


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Traversing a CVS repository

2001-09-28 Thread Andrew McGhee

@LargeNumberOfFilesAndDirectories = `find ${CVS_REPOSITORY}/`;
foreach (@LargeNumberOfFilesAndDirectories) {
next if //;

-Original Message-
From: Chalmers, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 27 September 2001 23:06
Subject: Traversing a CVS repository

Does anyone know how I can traverse the directories and files stored in a
CVS repository?  I'll be doing this from PERL.

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list