How can I tell CVS to take a directory as the latest Version of abranch?

2003-03-06 Thread Fabio Fracassi
Hi, I have allready asked this question on this list about a month ago, (How 
to add files to a branch), but nobody answered. since this is realy important 
and I couldn't find the information anywhere, I ask again.

I have a version of my project, which changed very much since the last 
checkout. there were files added, removed and moved, so a normal commit won't 
work as I expect it to, especially since CVS wont let me add any files to the 

What I like to know is this, how can I get my current working directory into 
CVS, as it is? Do I have to do it via a import? 



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How can I tell CVS to take a directory as the latestVersion of a branch?

2003-03-06 Thread Fabian Cenedese

I have a version of my project, which changed very much since the last 
checkout. there were files added, removed and moved, so a normal commit won't 
work as I expect it to, especially since CVS wont let me add any files to the 

Why doesn't cvs let you add files? What does it say? Is it really a branch?
Can you commit the modified files?

bye  Fabi

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [cvsgui] update command question

2003-03-06 Thread Gagneet Singh

I have files in a CVS repository under the directory cvsroot/sc/etc.  =
If I run the command cvs checkout sc/etc the files get placed in the =
current directrory, in the *same* directory structure (i.e. sc/etc/).  =
How can I place those files in different directory strructure, (e.g =

Which client are you using? If you are using WinCVS it has a checkbox for
overriding the local directory with another name for the checked oput

If you are working on a linux/unix variant please use the command.

cvs checkout -P -d cdf abc/etc

where abc is th anme of the module in the repository and cdf is the name
with which you wish to check it out as.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Help required

2003-03-06 Thread Donald Sharp
manually go fix the data and time.  The time is in the first column
after the first character.  It's stored as a hex time in seconds 
since the epoch.  Find the offending numbers and replace them with
'good' ones.


The time for the above two would be 3a9b9d79 and 3a9ba211.

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 11:27:20AM +0530, Amit Sharma (SCM) wrote:
 Hi All,
   I have one strange problem and need your help to solve. Wrongly I
 have modifie the date on the Server and users have checked in files to the
 Server So all files gone to the Server have wrong time stamp Later on I
 found the problem and corrected the files which have wrong time stamps but
 in history file under $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history still have the wrong time
 stamps in it and it creates problem for some of my other programs where I
 need to browse the history Please suggest
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Beware cygwin and CVS - moving tree risks.

2003-03-06 Thread Gianni Mariani
This is just a friendly note for anyone using cywin and CVS in a mixed 
environment (with samba and linux).

As you are probably aware CVS stores it's control files as text files 
and does not like spurious \r's in random strings that it reads.  FINE 
- trees checked out on unix remain as trees checked out on unix (even 
though you can get to them via samba shares, jou just DON'T do that.

Until yesterday, I was not aware that cygwin changes the text file line 
endings depedning on which windoze share you are opening - YIKES !

That means a tree checked out on an NT machine, moved to a linux machine 
and shared through a share has changed it's line-ending semantics which 
means the *same* cygwin/cvs is unable to use that tree.

I recently has a collegue  that accidently nuked his Windoze system 
registry and had to re-install.  To save his tree we booted linux and 
saved the entire NTFS partition on another linux box, we then mounted 
that partition on the linux box (using the loopback file device - very 
cool - cudos to the nerds who did this one!) and viola, new box, old 
tree, samba  share away, back up and running  NOT

Doing a bit-for-bit copy of the contents of the saved tree to the local 
drive made the world well again !

So, after too much time spent messing with this I came across some cywin 
docs that spoke about the change of CR-LF/LF semantics depending of 
where the file is being mounted (google is your friend).  Somehow, 
cygwin automagically knows you're on some samba share and uses unix 
style semantics for repositories in that share.  Just think of what mess 
you could generate with this kind of setup !

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Self compiling and login failure messages

2003-03-06 Thread Larry Jones
Wolfgang Mettbach writes:
 I downloaded the latest source code to get rid of the security bugs hanging
 around in older versions. After compiling I noticed messages about login
 failures in the syslog file. This wouldn't be bad if the used password wasn't
 written there unencrypted. If someone just mistypes one single character of
 his/her password it would be very easy to crack the real password.
 How do I get rid of these messages? Do I have to modify the source code or is
 there an option that can be used when compiling that I haven't found yet?

Fix your syslog configuration.  CVS syslogs actual passwords using the
authpriv facility (if your syslog doesn't support that facility, CVS
doesn't log the actual passwords).  The authpriv facility is defined as
authorization messages (like login failures) containing sensitive
information, so they should be logged to a file readable only by root
(or other trusted individuals); they should *NOT* be logged to the
normal syslog file.  You need to add a line something like:

authpriv.*  /var/log/secure

near the top of your /etc/syslog.conf (where /var/log/secure has
appropriate permissions).  Heaven only know what other kinds of
sensitive information you're publishing in your syslog.

-Larry Jones

I think grown-ups just ACT like they know what they're doing. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Want to get only those files changed since the time we last tagged.

2003-03-06 Thread Subramani, GnanaShekar (MED, TCS)
Hi all,

How can I checkout/get only those files which have changed since the
time we had tagged a build.  I am thinking of moving only these changes
to the application environments.

Request you to give your suggestion/solutions.

Thanks  Regards,
-Gnana Shekar- 
TATA Consultancy Services (
CPQ Program [Application Administrator]
DialCom :8*320-4989
Pager  :262-983-2023

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: View all tags or branches

2003-03-06 Thread Larry Jones
Rob Helmer writes:
 rlog and log accept the option to *not* show tags, but I guess it
 would be handy in your case to only show tags.

You might find status -v to be more useful for that case.

-Larry Jones

Everybody's a slave to routine. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: View all tags or branches

2003-03-06 Thread Ed Swierk
On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 05:00:56PM -0600, Hanman Gajarla wrote:

I am trying to view all the tags and branches created in one of our CVS
modules.  Does any one suggest a command for this purpose?
I use a Perl script called rtaginfo, designed just for this purpose.  It was 
originally posted to info-cvs last year.

You can find my modified version here:

I eliminated the progress indicator, to make it easier to pipe the output of 
rtaginfo to other programs.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Changes since a tag but only the revision and check in

2003-03-06 Thread Larry Jones
Patrick Lee writes:
 cvs log -r rev1::rev2 module
 And I have added new files that are tagged with rev2 but the files 
 don't exist with the rev1 tag, is it possible to have cvs log show 
 those files with log comments since the first revision of the file?

Not directly.  What you can do is collect the list of files from the
error messages and then do:

cvs log -r ::rev2 files

-Larry Jones

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: MFC'ing

2003-03-06 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Philip M. Gollucci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Thanks in advanced. Sorry for the crosspost, but I know some of you FreeB
 developers do this all the time.

But this is a CVS newsgroup/mailing list, not a FreeBSD forum. The
term MFC means nothing here, but looking up a FreeBSD FAQ reveals

  16.15. What does MFC mean?

  MFC is an acronym for ``Merged From -CURRENT''. It is used in
  the CVS logs to denote when a change was migrated from the
  CURRENT to the STABLE branches.

In other words, it denotes a merge in the wrong direction (from a CVS
perspective). To the rest of the world, MFC either means nothing, or
stands for Microsoft Foundation Classes, a proprietary C++ framework
for GUI development on Windows. :)

Don't assume that everyone understands your tribal acronyms.

CVS has little support for this MFC'ing. Suppose that a feature is
developed on the trunk, and that feature consists of multiple commits
over many days. Those commits will be interleaved with other commits
done by other people that have nothing to do with that feature. To
create a patch, you will have to unravel your changes from among those
irrelevant ones manually.

If you suspect that a feature you are doing on the trunk may be of
interest to other lines of development* then you should represent it
as its own branch, with a tagged branchpoint and all. Such a feature
isolation branch is simple to merge  wherever you want.

* ``line[s] of development'' is a trademark of Shi^H^H^HBitMover,
Inc., makers of the BitKeeper version control system.
Info-cvs mailing list

Pb with cvsweb

2003-03-06 Thread Samuel Blanchet


I'm using CVSWEB for 
NT and I can't download a binary file added in the repositoryafter the 
import action.

I'm looking for the 
good request to Add a bin file in a repository ?

Thank's a 
Info-cvs mailing list

two different behaviors for cvs export

2003-03-06 Thread Chris Chang

export 1
cvs -z9 -q export -l -r V2-03[build-217] -d ./rel

output 1 (expected)
U ./rel/bug1234.sql

export 2
cvs -z9 -q export -l -r V2-03[build-217] -d ./rel
test/incremental/V2-03/bug1234.sql test/incremental/V2-03/bug2467.sql

actual output 2 (_not_ expected)
U ./rel/test/incremental/V2-03/bug1234.sql
U ./rel/test/incremental/V2-03/bug2467.sql

expected output 2
U ./rel/bug1234.sql
U ./rel/bug2467.sql

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: two different behaviors for cvs export

2003-03-06 Thread Larry Jones
Chris Chang writes:
 actual output 2 (_not_ expected)
 U ./rel/test/incremental/V2-03/bug1234.sql
 U ./rel/test/incremental/V2-03/bug2467.sql
 expected output 2
 U ./rel/bug1234.sql
 U ./rel/bug2467.sql
 Any idea?

When you checkout/export a single module/directory/file with -d, CVS
shortens the paths as you expect.  When you do more than one, however,
CVS does *not* shorten the paths because a single working directory can
only contain files from a single repository directory.  While it might
be possible to look through the arguments and determine whether they all
refer to the same directory or not, there are lots of complications and
CVS doesn't bother.  If you want short paths, do one at a time.

-Larry Jones

Oh, what the heck.  I'll do it. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: View all tags or branches

2003-03-06 Thread Hanman Gajarla
Hi Ed,

I get the following message when I execute -t dirpath.

The cvs rlog command is deprecated 
use the synonymous cvs log command instead.

Any ideas?



-Original Message-
From: Ed Swierk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: View all tags or branches

On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 05:00:56PM -0600, Hanman Gajarla wrote:

I am trying to view all the tags and branches created in one of our CVS
modules.  Does any one suggest a command for this purpose?

I use a Perl script called rtaginfo, designed just for this purpose.  It
originally posted to info-cvs last year.

You can find my modified version here:

I eliminated the progress indicator, to make it easier to pipe the
output of 
rtaginfo to other programs.


Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: View all tags or branches

2003-03-06 Thread Riechers, Matthew W
Hanman Gajarla wrote:
 I get the following message when I execute -t dirpath.
 The cvs rlog command is deprecated
 use the synonymous cvs log command instead.

AFAIK, rlog was deprecated in 1.9, and resurrected in 1.11.1. You should
upgrade to the current release (1.11.5).


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Updating from parent directory

2003-03-06 Thread Eric Siegerman
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 02:45:25PM -0500, Larry Jones wrote:
 Craig Dickson writes:
  Of course there is no real need to pass the -r MAIN argument, since it will
  default to this, but this means I need to have logic in my script to act
  differently depending on if it is the MAIN branch or another branch.
  Am I doing something wrong, or is it normal not to be able to refer to the
  MAIN branch just like any other branch?
 Like the error message says, there is no MAIN branch.  There is a
 *default* branch, which is usually referred to as the trunk, but it
 is a virtual entity and has no name.

If necessary, you can refer to the trunk with -A.  In theory,
that's not always safe, since it can reset other sticky
attributes besides the branch.  That said, it's never been a
problem for me in practice.  Either way, though, it's still a
special case in your script.

However, it's updates you're talking about.  Once you've got all
the subdirectories checked out -- using the -r foo or nothing,
as appropriate -- the updates shouldn't have to specify a branch.
A simple:
cvs update -dP directory
for each directory should work in all cases.

Indeed, if you just say:
cvs update -dP B1_0 B2_0 MAIN
it should do the right thing -- but I'd want to test that before
depending on it.  (Note: the arguments there are the directory
names, not the branch names.)


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
A distributed system is one on which I cannot get any work done,
because a machine I have never heard of has crashed.
- Leslie Lamport

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: View all tags or branches

2003-03-06 Thread Larry Jones
Hanman Gajarla writes:
 The cvs rlog command is deprecated 
 use the synonymous cvs log command instead.

Upgrade your CVS (  Recent releases have gotten rid of
the deprecated rlog (which was just a synonym for log) and implemented a
brand new command with that name that get log information without having
to have a working directory.

-Larry Jones

Oh yeah?  You just wait! -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

rdiff -l on Redhat 8.0

2003-03-06 Thread John Coers

cvs rdiff -l does not seem to work on Redhat 8.0 with either
cvs v1.11.2 or 1.11.5.  It does a recursive check despite the -l.
The -l worked fine on Redhat7.1 using cvs v1.11.  Is this a known
problem? am I doing something wrong? or do I win a prize?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: rdiff -l on Redhat 8.0

2003-03-06 Thread John Coers
By the by, rdiff -l also works properly on cvs v1.11 on Redhat8.0.
Is there a reason I should NOT stay with 1.11 on RH8?
John Coers wrote:

cvs rdiff -l does not seem to work on Redhat 8.0 with either
cvs v1.11.2 or 1.11.5.  It does a recursive check despite the -l.
The -l worked fine on Redhat7.1 using cvs v1.11.  Is this a known
problem? am I doing something wrong? or do I win a prize?

Info-cvs mailing list

John CoersIntrinsity, Inc.

Info-cvs mailing list

cvs tag -F fails?

2003-03-06 Thread Daniel Quinlan
The documentation implies that the -F option to tag will move the tag 
to a
different version of a file:

  `cvs tag' will not move  a  tag  that  already  exists.
  With  the  -F option, however, `cvs tag' will re-locate
  any instance of symbolic_tag  that  already  exists  on
  that  file to the new repository versions.  Without the
  -F option, attempting to use `cvs tag' to apply  a  tag
  that  already exists on that file will produce an error
However, that doesn't seem to work for me:

% cvs tag -F dq
cvs tag: Not moving branch tag `dq' from to 1.3.
cvs tag: Not moving branch tag `dq' from to 1.3.
% cvs --version
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.2 (client/server)
What am I doing wrong?  Is there a way to re-tag some files so that
the tag corresponds to a later revision?
-- danq
Daniel M. Quinlan
Boulder Real Time Technologies, Inc  303/449-3229
2045 Broadway Suite 400  FAX 
Boulder, CO  80302

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS as storage

2003-03-06 Thread mehul choube
hi all,
	i m newbie regarding CVS repository used as storage.
	we are using CVS with a document management system. for now
5000 files are added to the repository in a months time. but in 
of months this will go upto 10 times the current load. will this 
access to the repository? will i need some extra tools to manage 

	waiting for reply.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS as storage

2003-03-06 Thread mehul choube
On Fri, 07 Mar 2003 Mahantesh M Vantmuri wrote :
mehul choube wrote:

i m newbie regarding CVS repository used as storage.
we are using CVS with a document management system. for now
5000 files are added to the repository in a months time. but in 
of months this will go upto 10 times the current load. will this 
access to the repository? will i need some extra tools to manage 
I do not think this will affect CVS. If you have enough space 
(and enough processor) to handle  so many files . You may want to 
use eatra tools based on what you want to do on these files.
these files will be frequently accessed  modified by multiple

Info-cvs mailing list

Pb with cvsweb

2003-03-06 Thread Samuel Blanchet


I'm using CVSWEB for 
NT and I can't download a binary file added in the repositoryafter the 
import action.

I'm looking for the 
good request to Add a bin file in a repository ?

Thank's a 
Info-cvs mailing list