Re: CVS Lock Files

2005-06-23 Thread Arno Schuring

In the mean time, I could modify my shell script to do a combo on 'find' :
find /cvs/ -name *lock*  -ctime? I'll look for any locks older than 
a certain number of days.  However, the problem is that our Builds are 
automated and at 2 a.m. I'm not here watching them to call or stop the 
person who caused the problem and if the builds are successful, the 
tagging must go on.

If you are absolutely sure no people are working on the repository at 2am, 
you could consider removing all locks at 1:55 or even in the same cron 
script before the build starts. But be aware of the problems when someone 
eventually decides that 2:00 am is a perfectly sound time to checkin new 
sources... (taking into account timezone shifts and the like).


 np: Spock's Beard - Crack The Big Sky

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS-Directories disappear when uploading per SFTP-Client

2005-06-20 Thread Arno Schuring

The problem is the following:
the cvs server is at the same time the web server where the application
runs. So I have to checkout to the web server. But: My IDE runs locally on
my machine and it needs the complete source code to enable it to use code
completion etc. Between my local machine and the server there is only a 
connection so I have the local changes mirrored to the web server (using 

SFTP client) and then do the commit from the web server.
Any better ideas?

Let CVS mirror the changes to the webserver. CVS is perfectly capable of 
handling multiple copies itself. There are some options you can consider:

- Since you have stfp access, I'm assuming you have ssh shell access as 
well. Go into your webserver's content directory and do a cvs checkout 
there. Each time you want to update the site, simply perform a cvs update on 
the webserver. Maybe change the settings of your webserver to ignore/hide 
the CVS/ directories (apache: modify the .htaccess file)

- This can be automated (but DON'T do that on your production site, since 
every mistake that gets committed to the repository will immediately be seen 
on the web), see (keeping 
a checked out copy)

- If somehow your sftp program/filesystem/ghost in the machine insists on 
removing the CVS/ directories when you upload, try uploading from another 
sandbox (so basically you will have two sandboxes on your local pc: one for 
'work' and one for 'upload'). The 'upload' copy can be created with cvs 
export, if you want.


 np: Dead Can Dance - Sanvean 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: have finished reading, ..

2005-05-31 Thread Arno Schuring


but this is a bit tricky, so making copies, doing cvs update -A and
then moving the copies over and then checking in is perfectly

Did I forget something, or CVS should have been left the original in the
file .#hello.c.1.1?

Only if you do update -C, I think. update -A still tries to merge, as would 
a normal update do.


 np: Monty Python - Oliver Cromwell 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: $id automatically inserted in file

2005-05-25 Thread Arno Schuring

Klaus Hebsgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] schreef in bericht 

 Sorry for not writing this from the beginning - I knew about this option, 
 however i access cvs through tortoise, and am not able to send commandline 
 options, is it really not possible to set this up on the server?

TortoiseCVS does support this option, though to my knowledge only at 
add-time. You can change keyword expansion when you choose cvs add... and 
then right-click the file in the dialog box.

You might want to ask on the tortoise mailing list for more expert knowledge 
on tortoisecvs.


  np: Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: branches and merging

2005-05-11 Thread Arno Schuring

Venkatesh, Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I guess this is a fairly often asked question
but just wanted to run this by everyone to get
some feedback first. (am referring to the
essential cvs guidebook)
Have two branches app4 and app4_test, which I
need to merge (and have done so already into the
app4 branch, so merged from app4_test into app4)

question1 :

should i now tag app4 to signify the point at
which the merge was made?
It would be prudent to do this if you ever wish to
do subsequent merges of the app4_test into the app4
branch in the future. However, if app4_test is to be
left dorment, then the tag is not really useful.
I haven't done much merging myself lately, but I always believed a 
branch-to-branch merge needed two states (tags) of the source branch, and 
the current state of the target branch. Or is both possible?

My question more clearly: why tag the target branch instead of the source 
branch? Does it really matter which one you choose?

 np: Genesis - Hairless Heart 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: branches and merging

2005-05-11 Thread Arno Schuring
That was more response than I had even hoped for. This is a good candidate 
to become a sticky at my desk somewhere :)

Thank you!

I haven't done much merging myself lately, but I always believed a
branch-to-branch merge needed two states (tags) of the source branch,
and the current state of the target branch. Or is both possible?
If you are to continue doing branch merges in the future, it is usually
desirable to tag the source branch so that you will know where to start
the next time you do a merge to the destination branch (for purposes of
discussion call this tag the 'merge-point').
Some people find it desirable to create a tag on the destination branch
just before doing the merge to facilitate backing out all of the changes
should it be determined that the branch was ill done (for purposes of
discussion call this tag the 'pre-sync-point').
Some people find it desirable to create a tag on the destination branch
just after the merge is complete so that they may be able to compare the
tag on the source branch with the post-merge tag to determine the drift
between the two branches (for purposes of discussion call this tag the
My question more clearly: why tag the target branch instead of the
source branch? Does it really matter which one you choose?
Typically, when one creates a new (child) branch, one will also create a
branch-point tag (for purposts of discussion call this tag
'branch-point') on the parent branch.
Consider the following work...
It is time to create the child-branch from the parent-branch
cvs checkout -r parent-branch -d parent module
cvs tag child-branch-point
cvs tag -b child-branch
It is time to merge the changes of the parent into the child
cvs checkout -r parent-branch -d parent module
cd parent
cvs tag parent-merge-point-1
cvs checkout -r child-branch -d child module
cd child
cvs tag child-pre-sync-point
cvs update -jchild-branch-point -jparent-merge-point-1
...resolve conflicts
cvs commit
cvs tag child-post-sync-point
At some later time, if it is desirable to merge the changes
of the parent into the child again, one does:
cvs checkout -r parent-branch -d parent module
cd parent
cvs tag parent-merge-point-2
cvs checkout -r child-branch -d child module
cd child
cvs tag child-pre-sync-point-2
cvs update -jparent-merge-point-1 -jparent-merge-point-2
...resolve conflicts
cvs commit
cvs tag child-post-sync-point-2
If at this time it is desirable to move all of the changes developed on
the child-branch into the parent-branch, then something like:
cvs checkout -r child-branch -d child module
cd child
cvs tag child-merge-point-1
cvs checkout -r parent-branch -d parent module
cd parent
cvs tag parent-pre-sync-point-1
cvs update -jchild-merge-point-1
...the above command is the same as 'cvs update -jchild-branch-point
.. -jchild-merge-point-1'
...resolve conflicts...
cvs commit
cvs tag parent-pst-sync-point-1
In the general case, the pre-* and post-* tags are not necessary.
I urge you to one of the fine books on cvs (cf, to help you understand the subtle points...

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Can't checkout to my C: root directly *PANIC* Admin Files Missing

2005-05-10 Thread Arno Schuring

I'm not sure, but I might have (at least) a clue for you...
I've tried 4 or 5 different Windows command-line versions of cvs.exe from 
(1.10.5 to 1.11.20). Created a folder called cvs directly under C:\, 
pointed the path stmt to it. Created Home=C: and CVSROO envrionment 
variables, etc and successfully logged in to our linux repository where CVS 
is kept.
Note that you say created a folder called cvs directly under C:\...
If I check out any of our CVS modules or projects from the main respository 
to any subfolder of my drive C: everything goes smoothly.  However none of 
the versions of CVS I tried allow me to directly check out a project to the 
root.  So when at the dos prompt and I type

C:\cvs co -P newproj
I get these bizzare errors:
cvs checkout: in directory .:
cvs [checkout aborted]: *PANIC* administration files missing
I think cvs treats the 'cvs' dir found as its own administrative dir. It 
then fails because it expects CVS/Repository and CVS/Root to exist, which 
obviously don't. Remember that windows' filesystem is case insensitive...

I'm not exactly sure of this, though: I fail to reproduce this on my machine 
(though it is linux, not windows):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work mkdir CVS
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work cvs up
cvs update: in directory `.':
cvs update: CVS directory found without administrative files.
cvs update: Use CVS to create the CVS directory, or rename the
cvs update: directory if it is intended to store something
cvs update: besides CVS administrative files.
cvs [update aborted]: *PANIC* administration files missing!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work cvs --version
Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.11 (client/server)
but checkouts do succeed:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work cvs co -P in4073
cvs checkout: Updating in4073

P.s. I meant to say WinXP desktop and Win2003 netwrk servers and 
repositories being on Linux servers.  Thanks again


Hope this helps,
Information without knowledge is noise
knowledge without wisdom is dangerous stupidity
Play online games with your friends with MSN Messenger

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: rcsinfo/loginfo exclude directories

2005-05-05 Thread Arno Schuring

You are confusing [^] with ^
^test-mode matches from the beginning of the line.  [^1234] matches
a character other than 1234.
I am not aware of a general purpose not for regular expressions.
As a rule, regular expressions try to match something, not not
match something.
Isn't it true that rcsinfo only picks the first line that matches? I think I 
remember something like that, but can't find it explicitly in the manual 

If so, you could create a filter like:
what_I_want_to filter   /dev/null
Everything_not_filtered   my_rcsinfo_template
In your case:
test-module  /dev/null
DEFAULT  /home/cvs/2.5/CVSROOT/bugz.txt
(and sorry for half top-posting)
-Original Message-
how does one specify, in the common syntax, the exclusion of a file?
For example, I want to apply a script called bugz.txt to ALL commits
except modules listed at the bottom of rcsinfo.  i have this regular
expression in rcsinfo that I thought tells cvs to apply
bugz.txt to all
modules that DO NO contain the string 'test-module' but it doesn't
what is the correct syntax for not?  I thought the '^' character was
proper regexese.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Arggg, I thought I had cvs worked out but I didn't

2005-05-01 Thread Arno Schuring

I didn't know installing cvs would be this complicated...
I was actually looking all over the internet for tutorials on how to
install cvs.  I found tutorials that show people as root installing and
using cvs, but I guess those tutorials are wrong.  (See

The link above concerns only pserver authentication; it is the only 
authentication method that requires cvs to be run as root. And, if you 
search the archives of this list you will find numerous objections to using 
pserver for read-write access.

Btw, installing cvs is not complicated. You have already installed cvs. 
Configuring might require some more work, depending on your requirements.

 3)  did cvs init as root (worked) -- So I guess for here, I should
create an account called cvs _without_ administrative privileges.

Administrative privileges aren't the problem. By default, cvs just assumes 
user root will never be checking in files (you can have other users with 
administrative privileges and have them happily use cvs). You don't have to 
create a user account for cvs.

You should do cvs init as the user that is going to use the repository. 
However, you should make sure that every user that is going to use the 
repository can access it both read-write.

btw, if user 'root' is the user you always log in as, then change that 
behaviour. There is no need for it.

   % id
   ...gid=nn0(name0) groups=nn1(name1),nn2(name2),n­n3(name3)...
I am definitely unfamiliar with that syntax.  I mean, is nn0() a
function that takes a c/c++ style char *?

Have you tried typing id at your console?
uid=500(aschuring) gid=101(LooS) 

choose one of the groups of which you (and your other users) are a
part as the group for your /cvs repository.

As seen by my id command above, I am a member of group 104 (group name 
cvs). Being a member of this group gives me access to the $CVSROOT at my 
machine. Also, I make sure that other users on the same machine are a member 
of this group as well.

   % chgrp -R nameN /cvs
   % find /cvs -type d -print |xargs chmod g+rwxs
I am actually very new to linux as I have been using windows for about
10 years.

Cut'n'paste is fairly common in windows too ;)

You need to be able to create lock directories in the /cvs repository
and if it is owned by root and you are not a member of the group for
the directory, this will be a problem.
I have no idea what a lock directory is... and I definitely don't know
how to make groups own a certain directory.  If there's a book for
total linux noobies on how to install cvs, I will definitely buy that

Lock directory:



  np: Dido - White Flag 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Win32 cvs client - Unix cvs server

2005-04-09 Thread Arno Schuring

set CVSRSH to something like this:
C:\tools\Putty\plink.exe -ssh -pw mypassword
The env var CVSRSH is the rsh command that cvs ext: is to run.
Setting CVSRSH (to anything) makes no difference. If I run:
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs update not handling binary files with conflicts correctly

2005-04-09 Thread Arno Schuring
When the update command is run it says that there is a conflict in the
WORD.tar (binary file). But when I ran cvs -nq update after the
changes are merged it shows that the Binary file has no conflicts. It
is supposed to mark it with a 'C' right?
CVS already told you...
$ cvs -f up -d -kk -j TAG1 -j TAG2 WORD.tar test9.txt
cvs update: nonmergeable file needs merge
cvs update: revision from repository is now in WORD.tar
cvs update: file from working directory is now in .#WORD.tar.
Which basically means that the WORD.tar revision is now the same as in the 
repository. If you want to create your conflict again, do a
$ mv .#WORD.tar. WORD.tar

and run cvs up

 np: Marillion - The Fruit Of The Wild Rose 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Security Breach Alert - CVS Home File Download Area Compromised

2005-01-26 Thread Arno Schuring

When I download a source *.tar.gz and corresponding *.tar.gz.sig, I 
file sizes consistent with values on download page and a PGP signature 
reports a valid file.
I haven't been able to download cvs-1.11.18.tar.gz.sig, does not even create 
an empty file. When clicking 'info' on the download page, it says 'file 
size: 0.0'. This is using Firefox 1.0 on Windows XP.

md5 of the source:
fff9cf794701b27de56b907746176c71 *cvs-1.11.18.tar.gz
cvs-1.11.11-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz from is 708 kB (725.534 bytes)
cvs-1.11.18-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz from is 720 kB (737.299 bytes)
35608cc22fa1cae86f43cb9336a5e12e *cvs-1.11.11-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz
5d88c104ef5b35b2996a44fa34a39170 *cvs-1.11.18-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz
sig files are all 0.0 bytes when clicking 'info', even though the download 
page says they're 66 bytes:
FILE cvs-1.11.18-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz.sig (File size: 0.0)

For what it's worth:
fff9cf794701b27de56b907746176c71 *cvs-1.11.18.tar.gz
3986d5a825cfb82436e7934b4bf71287 *cvs-1.11.18-AIX.gz
35608cc22fa1cae86f43cb9336a5e12e *cvs-1.11.11-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz
5d88c104ef5b35b2996a44fa34a39170 *cvs-1.11.18-SunOS-5.8-i386.gz
dbaf26eb74d5d4fa5201bb82f0d858ac *
e07f84dceb46e0b5a8a12dabd648d8e1 *cvs-1.11.18-HP.gz
f91de7cbed9dedb794b078ee32a0ebf4 *cvs-1.11.18-SUN.gz
File sizes appear to match the sizes indicated on the download page.
I haven't been able to download any files at all using IE6 sp2. error 
message: HTTP redirect failed


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Can't download CVS!

2005-01-05 Thread Arno Schuring
Rhino writes:
What are your thoughts on the relative merits of CVS, CVSNT, and WinCVS? 
would I choose one over the other? What are the negatives of each? Which 
these integrates best with Eclipse?
(snip - can't help you with CVS vs CVSNT)
(..) As far as I know, Eclipse is similar
in that it interfaces with some CVS implementation and should be happy
with either CVS or CVSNT.
Eclipse has its own CVS client integrated - no need for either CVS or CVSNT 
There used to be issues with Eclipse's client talking to a 1.12.x server, 
not sure if they are resolved yet.

You con't need an external CVS client if you're just using Eclipse, just 
open the CVS repositories perspective and add your sites. You may run into 
problems when using any other CVS client to access Eclipse' workspace, 
because of the :extssh: connection method that Eclipse uses by default


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Update and removing non-versioned workspace files

2004-12-17 Thread Arno Schuring

I can think of a lot of reasons for cvs not to do 
so... not even at user request.

You can always do 
  cvs -n up | awk '$1=="?" { print $2; }' | 
xargs rm

 np: Primus - Those Damned Blue-Collar 

  - Original Message - 
  Keith Chong 
  Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 10:56 
  Subject: Update and removing 
  non-versioned workspace files
  Is there a way to use update 
  and have any non-versioned files deleted from your local workspace? -C 
  doesn't appear to do it. Thanks 
  for any help.

  ___Info-cvs mailing 
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Ignoring whitespace and CR/LF when checking into repository

2004-11-18 Thread Arno Schuring
These make me ask more questions.
What is the default line ending character for ASCII files store in a
repository ?. Is this varies from OS to OS ?.
Does CVS client or server is supposed to perform the line ending
character conversion when a ASCII file is committed ?
RCS files have unix line endings (regardless of OS, I believe). The CVS 
client is responsible for the line-ending conversion.

Now the root cause of my problem is that when checked in by windows
developers using Eclipse it have CR/LF as line ending character and it
is stored as it is. Now I want that all files must be stored in Unix
Eclipse has an option treat all new files as binary which might be causing 
your problems. cvs does not convert line endings in binary files.

The ,v-files in the repository should not have any CR/LF line endings. I got 
away with using dos2unix -f directly on the respository.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS for DOS?

2004-11-17 Thread Arno Schuring
Hello Spiro!
Regarding ssh for dos: there is no widely-used tcp/ip stack available for 
DOS, so such network applications you are very unlikely to find. is the only one that I know of, but I have never seen 
a ssh client that uses wattcp.

I imagine it would be possible to port cvs to DOS using djgpp 
(, but you would still be stuck at the 
connectivity level - DOS has no native networking support.

There is no real risk in mixing DOS and windows environments (especially up 
to w98), since they share a common base (filesystem, line endings). You 
might run into problems with long filenames, but you probably already have 
encountered (or willfully avoided) those.

 np: Pain Of Salvation - A Trace Of Blood
- Original Message - 
From: Spiro Trikaliotis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:26 PM
Subject: CVS for DOS?

1. As we all know, it is always recommended to generate a CVS sandbox at
  the system on which the development should occur. That is, if we use
  Windows, use a Windows client, if we use some kind of Unix, use that
2. Furthermore, it is considered bad practice to share sandboxes
  between systems.
Now, I have the problem that I need access from a MS-DOS machine to a
remote CVS repository. Anywhere, using google, I did not find any
version of CVS for DOS (nor did I find ssh, which would be needed for
remote access, but this is another story).
Currently, I checkout the sandbox in Windows and move it to DOS via
Windows shares. It works, but it surely violates 1. and 2. Of courses,
Windows line endings and DOS line endings are the same, so 1. might not
be that big a problem, but 2. is one. Furthermore, it is very error
So, I ask you if you know of any DOS version of CVS (binary), or how I
could build that? If anyone knows how to find a working ssh client, this
would help me, too.
BTW: Now, it is no option to not use DOS at all, but to use the DOS box
of Windows, or some emulators on Linux. The compiler environment uses
some custom DOS extender, which is not compatible with all DOS boxes I
know of. Running a real DOS on VMWare is an option, and this is in fact
what I am doing.
Any input is highly appreciated,
Spiro R. Trikaliotis
Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Monitoring tool

2004-11-13 Thread Arno Schuring

Can anyone recomend a good moitoring tool for a CVS server?
We basically want to get mails when ever a commit is made, with the diff 
versioning information. We also want mails when tags are commited, branches
are made, etc.
How about cvs itself?
The taginfo section is also somewhere near...
Any good tool out there?
Info-cvs mailing list
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Q on CVS nstall/setup on windows...

2004-11-08 Thread Arno Schuring

Can someone please point me to any docuentation on what is needed to setup
and configure CVS client on a windows workstation.
Assumptions, registry keys (please no!), paths, ENV VARs, etc that CVS.EXE
uses/needs, etc.
I don't think CVS requires anything at all by itself. You'll need a $HOME 
dir for most command-line ssh clients, though. Have you tried just running 
the cvs.exe?

I haven't used cvs on my windows machine recently, but I don't remember 
having to setup anything (other than my ssh-client).

 np: Jeff Wayne - The Red Weed 

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: rtag of revision

2004-09-22 Thread Arno Schuring


That wouldn't be $SANDBOX/base/submodule/code.c, would it?
(or $CVSROOT, for that matter)

 This file's HEAD is currently at revision 1.18.  I want to apply the tag 
 SHIPPED_2.0 to revision 1.15.  I am attempting the command:
 cvs -n -t rtag -f -r 1.15 SHIPPED_2.0 /base/submodule/code.c
 But I get back:
 cvs rtag: notice: main loop with 
 CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/repository
 cvs server: WARNING: global `-l' option ignored.
 S- my_module (/base/submodule/code.c, Tagging, , SHIPPED_2.0)
 cvs [rtag aborted]: Absolute module reference invalid: 
 S- Lock_Cleanup()
Module references are always with respect to the repository directory.
You supplied an absolute path. Try skipping the leading '/'


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to handle cariage retrun ?

2004-09-08 Thread Arno Schuring



 Now I wanted to upload a text file (zipped on Windows) via ftp and then
 unzip and commit it directly on the server (using telnet).

 The problem is that it has changed the cariage return.
 Any Windows client updating this file gets now only /n cariage retruns,
 insted of /r/n.

 Could someone propose a solution to update a file with crlf on a linux
 server without changing the crlf for the windows clients ?
don't use crlf on linux

 I also found this in the cvs help. [Does it mean that I should have used a
 text file with only /n cariage return to make my commit on linux ?]:
yes you should. There are a number of different options you can try:
- send the file (unzipped) though ftp ASCII mode
- use the dos2unix command after unzipping
- don't use ftp, let cvs handle the file transfer
- use the dos2unix command directly on the repository file (I didn't say


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem uploading files in cvs repository to ftp server

2004-09-06 Thread Arno Schuring

Unfortunately, I never used loginfo or commitinfo triggers myself, so I
can't really provide you with a working example. You can do this without
modifying the perl script, provided you know your way around in a linux

 The perl script is from sourceforge
 ( I don't know how to write a
 Perl script that checks out a local copy.
Me neither. I guess perl has a spawn()-like mechanism for this.

Instead of executing the perl script directly, execute a bash script that
does the following:
- cvs co -d /tmp/myproject project_name
- run from /tmp/myproject
- (rm /tmp/myproject) if you prefer disk space to speed

 I use WinCVS to get a checkout out local copy on my windows PC. The CVS
 repository is on a linux server. You mentioned checkout a local copy; is
 the local copy at the linux server or at the windows PC?

Note that the above script runs on the server: it is a checked-out copy on
the server, so local in this case means on the same machine where the
repository is.



  Can you modify the perl script to first checkout a local copy and then
  upload the checked-out files?
  The local (server) copy can afterwards be removed, of course.
  - Original Message -
  From: Anand Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 9:01 PM
  Subject: Problem uploading files in cvs repository to ftp server
  I want to upload a file to a ftp server whenever a file is commited.
  file loginfo in the direcotry CVSROOT can make this possible.
  I added a line on the left a regular expression (for a certain
  and on the right the command to be executed. The command is a perl
  that uploads the file(s) to a ftp server.
  When I looked on the ftp server I noticed that I saw only files with ,v
  the  end. These are all RCS files, but I only want to upload checked
  files (without the ,v).
  Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
  Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS on SSH

2004-09-06 Thread Arno Schuring


   How do I enable CVS on SSH?
Enable SSH

And the long answer:
The only thing you need to use cvs over ssh is to enable an ssh daemon on
the cvs server (make sure ssh users can execute the cvs executable), and use
the :ext: connection method on your clients. If you use the command line
client, make sure you set CVS_RSH to your ssh executable (probably ssh,
though I've used it with plink also).


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Problem uploading files in cvs repository to ftp server

2004-09-05 Thread Arno Schuring

Can you modify the perl script to first checkout a local copy and then
upload the checked-out files?
The local (server) copy can afterwards be removed, of course.


- Original Message - 
From: Anand Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: Problem uploading files in cvs repository to ftp server

 I want to upload a file to a ftp server whenever a file is commited. The
 file loginfo in the direcotry CVSROOT can make this possible.

 I added a line on the left a regular expression (for a certain directory)
 and on the right the command to be executed. The command is a perl script
 that uploads the file(s) to a ftp server.

 When I looked on the ftp server I noticed that I saw only files with ,v at
 the  end. These are all RCS files, but I only want to upload checked out
 files (without the ,v).

 Does anyone know how to accomplish this?



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Re: Question about RCS files

2004-08-26 Thread Arno Schuring


 I am a CVS newbie and I would like to do/have the following:

 On the clients I work with:
 CVSROOT=:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib/cvs;

 CVS update is done by:
 cd /SOMEWHERE/sv;
 cvs -d $CVSROOT update -dP;

 CVS commit is done by:
 cd /SOMEWHERE/sv;
 cvs -d $CVSROOT commit;

cvs -d $CVSROOT makes little sense... cvs uses $CVSROOT by default

 I describe all this because I dunno if you might need this information to
answer me the following question:

 I thought that the CVS-Tree LOCAL and on the SERVER are IDENTICAL (after I
did an update).

 But on the server the files end with ,v and have all the comments and
version stuff inside.

 I now know that these files are the rcs files (the backbone of the cvs?).
more or less. Never touch the files in $CVSROOT

 But I need an exact copy of the version a CLIENT has in its /SOMEWHERE/sv
dir on the SERVER (so without the rcs stuff).

 How can I achieve this? Do I have to to do an cvs-checkout on the server
and cvs-update everytime a client did commit something?

 Or can I say to the server somehow to keep automatically the rcs stuff
seperate in one dir and an client-like-copy of the cvs-repository in
another dir?

See keeping a checked-out copy


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [OT ?] *WIN*CVS setup questions

2004-08-23 Thread Arno Schuring

You might want to try the *WIN*cvs mailing list



- Original Message - 
From: New Bie 123 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [OT ?] *WIN*CVS setup questions


 surprisingly, command line like :
 cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freedos login
 cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/freedos co
 work !!

 But ... me being that Windows user not liking command line, set up *Win*
 CVS. For some reason, I'm still unable to get Win CVS to checkout :-((

 - At present, Login worked. Thanks !
 - the other question remains

 So my questions for **Win CVS** set up are

 Do I include the module name portion while setting the
 browse to directory using the binocular button ?

 If cd /home/abc/mycvs_code is the general directory where I have
 many sub directories, like  /freedos, /freesomethingelse etc. etc.,
 which one do I browse to - to

 **just** cd /home/abc/mycvs_code

 - and

 What is the module name  path on server when I click on Remote -
 checkout module in Win CVS

 Many thanks


 -Original Message-
 From: Gaurav Vaish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 4:48 PM
 To: New Bie 123
 Subject: Re: [OT ?] *WIN*CVS setup questions
 You must login before checking out.
 Step 0. Set all variable, specifically, CVSROOT Step 1. make a directory,
say, /home/me/projects/FreeDos Step 2. execute cvs login. When asked for
password, simply press enter.
 Step 3. execute cvs co freedos
 Note that I've capitalized FreeDos just to demonstrate that FreeDos
 is just a name and may or may not match the module name.
 When you execute step 3, you will get something like:
 /home/me/projects/FreeDos/freedos/... all files
 Happy Hacking,
 Gaurav Vaish

   New Bie 123

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Re: Moving a CVSNT Repository to Linux.

2004-04-14 Thread Arno Schuring


- Original Message - 
From: Jim.Hyslop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: Moving a CVSNT Repository to Linux.

 I believe Windows 95 Explorer _may_ have arbitrarily _displayed_ the name
 a canonical format (first letter uppercase, followed by all lower-case
 letters IIRC) but I believe the case of the name was always preserved (a
 'dir' command at the command prompt would indicate the correct case).
Windows versions 9x had an option to prettify file names that were in 8.3
format. Files in 8.3 format were all caps, and explorer would display them
as you RC. There was an option to switch off prettifying (allow filenames
in all capitals). All versions should however be case-preserving.

Arno Schuring

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: How to compose a new module out of dirs in other modules !

2004-03-12 Thread Arno Schuring

The use of ampersand modules is half the solution. The other half is
(or at least that's how I solved it. If there's a nicer/cleaner way, please
do tell)

You can create aliases for your other dirs, and add a -d flag in the modules

ModuleNEW  newdir1 newdir2
newdir1  -d Test/dir11 moduleSrc/dir1/dir11

One (slightly ugly, though perfectly as-designed) added feature is that cvs
allows you to checkout newdir1 also as a separate module. If you're running
a cvs server for multiple users, you might want to mark the extra modules
with a '_' for example, and ask your users not to check out modules starting
with '_' - though there's no harm when they do.


  np: The Police - Message In A Bottle
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Biechele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 10:49 AM
Subject: How to compose a new module out of dirs in other modules !

I have the following problem:

I have a project which contains many dirs and subdirs.
Now I want to compose a new module containing some arbitrary subdirs in
different dir levels to a new module.
BUT the dirs in the new module should be also in different levels.

E.g. (I checkout moduleSrc and see)

I want to have: (when I checkout moduleNEW)
moduleNEW/Test/dir11 (ampersand module of moduleSrc/dir1/dir11)
moduleNEW/oneDir/twoDir/threeDir/dir2 (ampersand module of moduleSrc/dir2)

How can I accomplish this ??
If i use ampersand modules I can not tell the new path in the new module!!

Thank you for any help.

Peter Biechele

Dr. Peter Biechele, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS question

2004-02-05 Thread Arno Schuring

Add the following line to your CVSROOT/modules file:

PackAPackA PackB

Hope this is what you are looking for

Arno Schuring

 - Original Message - 
From: Sophie Coon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 2:28 AM
Subject: CVS question

 I have the following problem.

 Lets assume that the top level repository contains a directory PackA which
 contains 2 files: afile1 and afile2.

 The repository also contains another directory at the same level, PackB
 which contains 1 file, bfile1.

 I'd like to know if CVS provides a mechanism that will create the
 when executing cvs co PackA.

 when executing cvs co PackB.

 I'd like to keep PackB independent from PackA under CVS, but have it
 out as a subdir of PackA if checking out PackA.

 Thanks in advance for any information.
 Best regards
 Sophie COON   The Scripps Research Institute
 Research Programmer III   Molecular Graphics Laboratory
   10550 North Torrey Pines Road
 Phone: (858) 784-9556La Jolla, CA 92037
 Fax  : (858) 784-2860

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