RE: Tags usage -- comments please

2004-06-10 Thread Eugene Kramer
I agree. In my previous company build process provided report in a format:

bug description
developer, who fixed
developer's CVS comments associated with the fix
list of files modified for the bug

This was a very effective way to communicate source changes, because it
provided the context for the change. It was all an in-house development.
This information is extremely valuable for QA, who can focus their effort
based on the list of modified files.


-Original Message-

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let me turn your question around: how often have you had to determine
exactly which files have been affected by a specific bug fix? (This is an
open question to anyone reading this message). I cannot recall ever needing
this information.

It happens often enough when you want to port a specific bug fix to a new

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Migrating from Telelogic to CVS

2003-11-30 Thread Eugene Kramer
Hi Jeeva,

If the history of the development is not an issue, you need to keep in mind
a few things:

- architecture of the projects in Continuus. In CCM it is possible to reuse
the same source file in multiple projects. You do not want to end up with
copies, so you might need to restructure the modules in CVS
- file types. Make sure that binary files have proper flags in CVS. Look at
CCM's migration rules - you can generate similar rules for CVS' file types
- directory versions. If presence of directories is important for your
software, make sure that you have some hidden directory markers or retrieve
sources from CVS allowing empty dirs
- I'd add a distinct tag to CVS sources, which identifies a baseline in CCM
from which the sources came. Especially if you do not preserve the history



-Original Message-
From: Jeeva Sarma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 12:25 AM
Subject: Migrating from Telelogic to CVS

I am faced with the task of migrating from continuous
(telelogic)to CVS in the near future. I have been
using/administering cvs for quite a while, but am new
to Telelogic.Can anyone give me any suggestions, tips
, any info at all as to how I should do it? Should we
do it manually, i.e just check in the latest revisions
directory by directory into the cvs repo? Or are there
any scripts available? I don't think we need to
preserve revision history. Will be thankful for any

Jeeva Sarma

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Secure remote CVS

2001-02-06 Thread Eugene Kramer

This is covered here:

You might need to set up RhostsRSA authentication. Plain rhosts is
considered non-secure.

Another good link, is, of course,, which
discusses various methods of authentication and +/- of them.



: -Original Message-
: From: David H. Thornley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 3:06 PM
: Subject: Secure remote CVS
: We have a lot of source code that needs to be kept secure.  Right now,
: we're using a LAN protected from the outside world by a firewall,
: and that seems to be working.
: Now we'd like to be able to use CVS over considerably longer
: distances, securely.
: I recommended setting CVS_RSH=ssh, and was told that the users
: then had to type in their password for every file being transferred,
: and that is more typing than they're willing to put up with.
: We're not about to use straight pserver, for security reasons.
: There has got to be a way to log into a remote server securely,
: but I don't know enough about the networking involved.
: Any pointers?
: -- 
: David H. Thornley  Software Engineer
: at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (763)-694-2556
: at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
: ___
: Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Converting binary files to text

2001-01-23 Thread Eugene Kramer

I did no follow the thread from the beginning, so may be, it has been
already said. 

It is also possible to change the file without direct operations in the

cat /dev/null  filename.ext
cvs ci -m 'kb - kv' filename.ext
cvs admin -kkv filename.ext

copy file from good location

cvs ci -m 'text version of the file' filename.ext

By doing this you can fix repos, which are not directly accessible and keep
the history of the change.


: -Original Message-
: From: Dennis Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 11:12 PM
: To: Larry Jones
: Cc: CVS Mailing List
: Subject: Re: Converting binary files to text
: Right Larry, the order would have to be:
: rm filename.ext   # remove the binary file
: cvs rm filename.ext # remove the file from the repository
: cvs ci filename.ext  # commit the remove
: remove the original file from the Attic
: cvs ad filename.ext # add the new text file
: cvs ci filename.ext  # commit the add
: At this point, the repository is correct, and a 'cvs up -A' 
: by the user gets
: him the correct file in his local trees.  It's a little 
: convoluted, but it
: seems to work.
: - Dennis
: - Original Message -
: From: "Larry Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: To: "Dennis Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:07 PM
: Subject: Re: Converting binary files to text
:  Dennis Jones writes:
:   Let me add some more information.  Here is what I am 
: thinking MIGHT =
:   work:
:   1) Do a "cvs remove" on the original (binary, '-kb') file
:   2) Do a "cvs add" and "cvs commit" using the text version 
: of the file
:  Note that you have to commit the remove before you can 
: re-add the file.
:   Then when a developer does a "cvs update", his binary 
: version of a file
:   should get replaced with the text one.  Sound like it will work?
:  Nope.  When you re-add the file, CVS will resurrect the 
: repository file,
:  including the -kb flag.
:  -Larry Jones
:  ___
:  Info-cvs mailing list
: ___
: Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Some advice: using CVS to do config management

2000-12-01 Thread Eugene Kramer

Nope, does not do the trick:

boxster 7: ls
CVS/  foo.src*
boxster 8: touch adfad .adf werwe
boxster 9: cvs add
Usage: cvs add [-k rcs-kflag] [-m message] files...
-k  Use "rcs-kflag" to add the file with the specified kflag.
-m  Use "message" for the creation log.
(Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)

However, there is no harm in trying to add a file, which is already in the
repo. CVS will not let you do it anyway.

I have mulitple cron jobs taking database schema snapshots and checking them
into CVS. The script pretty much does 'cvs add *'. I just ignore errors
related to files already in CVS.


-Original Message-
From: Stephen Rasku [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: Some advice: using CVS to do config management

Graham Leggett wrote:

What would happen if I "cvs add"ed a file that was already in the
repository? What I could do is this:

foreach file( in directory )
   cvs add file

There is no need to do this.  Just do "cvs add" with no other 
arguments and it will add all new files.

Stephen Rasku   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software EngineerWeb:
TGI Technologies

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Obtaining a list of all projects in CVS

2000-11-28 Thread Eugene Kramer

Alternatively you can do 

cvs rdiff -s -D "1/1/2037" .

which prints the names of the directories only. The wrapper script, 
cvsls, which I posted about two months ago does not do it.


 Antony Stace wrote:
  Is there a command which will list information about all the 
projects in
  the CVS repository?  Ie, what projects exist, what files are being
  worked on in each project, etc.  Or do I need to write a script 
to get
  this type of info?
 There isn't one.  'cvs co -c' and 'cvs co -s' will work if the 
 admin file is up to date but you shouldn't set up a modules file 
for this
 The easiest way is to use 'ls' in the toplevel of the repo if you 
 You can try the following to get a complete file list, and you 
might be
 able to deduce the project list from that:
  cvs -nq rdiff -s -D"Jan 1, 1970" . |awk '{print $2}'
 There's also a wrapper script floating aroud that I'm told does 
what you
 ask.  Search the mail archives.
 Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
 mailto:dprice@o... OpenAvenue ( )
 "I tried to think but nothing happened!"
 - Curly
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Remedy 4.5.1/CVS 1.10 Integration

2000-11-17 Thread Eugene Kramer

Hi Amparo,

If you are talking about an integration of Remedy Admin Tool with 
CVS, I do not know about such a creature. I've written an ARSPerl 
script, for taking snapshots from AR System to keep workflow 
definitions in CVS.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Bellon-Champ, Amparo" 
 Can anyone tell me if they have experience integrating Remedy 4.5.1 
and CVS
 1.10?  We are about to start the process and need all the 
 we can get.
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Moving repository (slowly)

2000-09-27 Thread Eugene Kramer

I'd suggest not to have both paths available and not modify users'
sandboxes. Assuming that you do not modify all the sources in your
repository every night, I suggest to copy the repositoy without shutting
down the access, then shutdown pserver, do incremental copy using rdist or
rsync, remount new disk with an old name, and bring the pserver up.


 -Original Message-
 From: Aldo Longhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:43 PM
 Subject: Moving repository (slowly)
 CVS gurus:
 I have a minor problem that I would like your input on...
 I am running out of disk space on the partition that
 currently holds my repository (accessed via pserver).
 I have a new disk with lots of space and I want to move
 the entire repo to this new disk.  My problem is that I
 have users all over the world and I can't rely on them
 to either (1) check in everything, delete sandboxes and
 check out from the new location or (2) use the script
 (I forget its name) for changing the "root" entries
 in their local checked-out files.  My proposal is this:
 (1) Copy the repo to the new disk.
 (2) Rename/delete the original repo and create a mount
 from the new location to the old location.
 (3) Distribute information about how to change the CVSROOT
 env. variable and also how to use that script whose name
 I can't remember (help?).
 (4) Eventually, remove the "temporary" mount.
 I figure this way, the entire repo will be available via
 BOTH paths during the transition period and my users will
 have plenty of time to change over.  Eventually I will
 announce the day/time at which the original is going away
 and anyone who has not transitioned by then can scream and
 yell all they want.
 How does this sound?  Any concerns?  Any better ideas?
 Thanks in advance.
 CVS 1.10 via pserver on an HP-UX server
 Various Unix/WinNT clients
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Info-cvs mailing list

RE: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Eugene Kramer

Thanks for catching the problem.

I guess, it will be practical to use 1971 unless someone's timezone is off
by a year :-) Folks, who used RCS before 1971 are out of luck as well. Here
is a better featured version:

-- cut here --

# lists files and directories in the module(s) on the server without
# checking them out
# Eugene Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

echo "Usage:"
echo "  cvsls [-bql] [-r rev | -D date] modules..."
echo "  -b  Print basename for files"
echo "  -q  Do not print versions"
echo "  -l  Local directory only, not recursive"
echo "  -r rev  List files and revisions for tag rev"
echo "  -D date List files and revisions as of date"

while getopts lbqD:r: arg
case $arg in 
r)  tagsw="-r $OPTARG";;
D)  datesw="-D $OPTARG";;
l)  flat="-l";;
q)  padver=" ";;
b)  basename=" ";;
H)  usage
exit 0;;
\?) usage
exit 1;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

[ $# = 0 -o \( ! -z "$tagsw" -a ! -z "$datesw" \) ]  usage  exit 1
[ -z "$padver" ]  padver='(\1)'   # extract revision in sed
[ -z "$basename" ]  basename='\1' # preserve file's path

cvs rdiff -s $flat -D 01/01/1971 $tagsw $datesw "$@"  21 \
| sed -e 's/File.//' \
  -e 's/is new; current revision./  (/' \
  -e "s/(\([0-9][\.0-9]*\)/$padver/" \
  -e 's/^cvs server: Diffing/cvs server: Listing/' \
  -e "/^cvs server: Listing/!s@^\(.*/\)@$basename@" \
  -e 's/[   ]*$//'

RE: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Eugene Kramer

Nothing, you are right, and I changed the script in my local copy. I posted
the script before your email arrived.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

Eugene Kramer writes:
 I guess, it will be practical to use 1971 unless someone's timezone is off
 by a year :-) Folks, who used RCS before 1971 are out of luck as well.
 is a better featured version:

What's wrong with "1970-01-01 UTC"?

-Larry Jones

Mom must've put my cape in the wrong drawer. -- Calvin

cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-25 Thread Eugene Kramer

After posting earlier today cvs rdiff command, which outputs the list of
files on the server without checking the module out, I played with the
command a little bit more and got it to print version numbers in addition to
the file list.

The output looks like that:

% cvsls HEAD admin tools
cvs server: Listing admin
admin/ (1.4)
admin/cronbuild (1.39)
admin/ (1.23)
admin/envar.readme  (1.1)
admin/ntbenv.bash   (1.1)
admin/ntbuild.bash  (1.6)
cvs server: Listing tools
tools/Makefile  (1.8)
tools/ (1.2)
tools/   (1.2)

Here is the script itself. It is intentionally not fancy so that people can
add other command line parsing if desired.

--- cut here --

# lists files and directories in the module(s) on the server without
# checking them out

# cvsls BranchName modules...
# for main trunk use 'cvsls HEAD modules...'

branch=$1; shift

cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r $branch "$@"  21 \
| sed -e 's/File.//' \
  -e 's/is new; current revision./  (/' \
  -e 's/(\([0-9][\.0-9]*\)/(\1)/' \
  -e 's/cvs server: Diffing/cvs server: Listing/'

--- cut here --


RE: How to find out what files are in a module?

2000-08-24 Thread Eugene Kramer

cvs rdiff -s -r 0.0 module

then hack away the output. Shows the tips though. Anybody has and idea on
how to see it on a branch?


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: How to find out what files are in a module?

Mike Castle writes:
 cvs -n co

Unfortunately, that doesn't work:

 bash-2.02$ cvs -n co c9x
 cvs checkout: in directory c9x:
 cvs [checkout aborted]: there is no version here; run 'cvs checkout' first

-Larry Jones

Hmph. -- Calvin

RE: How to find out what files are in a module?

2000-08-24 Thread Eugene Kramer

For what it's worth:

to list files on the main trunk:

cvs rdiff -s -r HEAD -D 01/01/1970 module | sed -e 's/File.//' -e 's/ is

to do it on a branch:

cvs rdiff -s -r BRANCH_TAG -D 01/01/1970 module | sed -e 's/File.//' -e 's/
is removed.*//'

I've just compared the results against checked out directories, and they
match. I did not do full testing with subdirs, and the syntax above does not
comply with cvs rdiff command format, but it looks like it works.

Thank you for the question and suggestion. It got me thinking.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Castle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: How to find out what files are in a module?

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 02:09:40PM -0400, Larry Jones wrote:
 Mike Castle writes:
  cvs -n co
 Unfortunately, that doesn't work:
  bash-2.02$ cvs -n co c9x
  cvs checkout: in directory c9x:
  cvs [checkout aborted]: there is no version here; run 'cvs checkout'

Well, damn!

Is that something that is easily fixable or would require significant

   Mike Castle   Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen

RE: how to factorise files

2000-08-22 Thread Eugene Kramer


You are correct, CVS will not allow you to have files from different trees
in one directory, however the following structure is possible:




modules file can look like that:

readme  -l -d . . README
projectA-a topmk A
projectB-a topmk B



-Original Message-
From: Arash Khodabandeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 12:27 AM
Subject: how to factorise files


I have two modules that share some files.
For example module A/ and B/ that share a 
README file.

I would like to manage the README file in one place,
for example in a special module C/

So my CVS structure looks like:
   $CVSROOT/A/ ... and all its files ...
   /B/ ... and all its files ...
   /C/README (plus other files)

It seams that I can not create a checked out
module composed of A/ and all its files, put the
C/README file, but placed at the top of the
checked out A/:
checkedoutA/ ... and all its files ...
and checkedoutB/ ... and all its files ...

Working with ampersand modules, I can only create
a top module that contains in 2 separate subdirectories
A/ and all of its files and C/ with the README file:
topmoduleA/A/ ... and all its files ...
topmoduleB/B/ ... and all its files ...

Am I right to thing that CVS does not allow the kind of
Check out I am trying to do?

Let me know if you have experience with this. I will 
appreciate any input.

MAny thanks in advance,

RE: cvs + continuus

2000-08-22 Thread Eugene Kramer

Hi Nick,

Continuus does use RCS as a backed storage format for archive files, but
this is where similarities end. First of all, there is no branching inside
these RCS files, all metadata is kept separately, in Informix. Also, only
text files are kept with deltas in RCS files, all versions of binary files
are kept as separate files.

However, you should be able to migrate CVS repository to Continuus. It is
possible to feed Continuus migration process with ,v RCS files, and it will
preserve revisions numbers during the migration. Preserving label
information, submission comments and magic branches is another story, and I
am not ready to describe it now for I do not know the details. Ask me in a
couple of months...


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 7:33 PM
Subject: cvs + continuus

Does anyone know anything about combining CVS and Continuus or even 
if this is possible. I am lead to bellieve that the internal file 
representations are the same.

Any information woiuld be greatly appreciated.

Nick Doan

RE: CVS'ing home directory files; CVS in place

2000-08-03 Thread Eugene Kramer

For what it's worth, this is Makefile I use in my CVS controlled dir to
populate the 'dot' files (does not overwrite writable files and allows you
to see the diffs):

HOMEFILES := .login .aliases .cshrc .ssenv .profile .bashrc .cvsrc \
 .Xdefaults .pinerc .exrc
DTFILES := dtwmrc
all: $(patsubst %,$(HOME)/%, $(HOMEFILES)) \
 $(patsubst %,$(HOME)/.dt/%, $(DTFILES))
$(HOME)/% $(HOME)/.dt/%: %
@echo Installing '$' ;\
if [ -w $@ ]; then \
exit 1 ;\
fi ;\
chmod +w '$@' /dev/null 21 ; cp -p $ '$@' ; chmod 500 '$@'
@for f in $(HOMEFILES); do \
  echo $$f  ;\
  diff $$f $(HOME)/$$f ;\
done ;\
for f in $(DTFILES); do \
  echo $$f  ;\
  diff $$f $(HOME)/.dt/$$f ;\

-Original Message-
From: Donald Sharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 2:49 PM
To: Glew, Andy
Subject: Re: CVS'ing home directory files; CVS in place

Why don't you create a subdirectory that you checkout
everything into.

Then from your home directory create symlinks into the subdirectory.

for instance:

mkdir .real_home
cd .real_home
cvs co -d glew glew-home
cd ..
ln -s .real_home/glew-home/.cshrc .cschrc

I would actually write a script that goes through and creates
all the symlinks correctly.

On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 01:03:06PM -0700, Glew, Andy wrote:
 This is probably a dumb question, but:
 I want to use CVS to version control files in my home
 directory, such as ~glew-home/.cshrc.
 I have created a module, $CVSROOT/glew-home, and populated
 it with my historic RCS files. 
 I can check out this module as follows
   cvs co -d HOME glew-home
 However, how do I check it out over/on-top-of
 my existing home directory?  Since I do not have
 root, I cannot do
   cd ~glew/..
   rm -rf glew
   cvs co -d glew glew-home
 And the following attempt to accomplish it in place
 gives an error
   cd ~/glew
   cvs co -d . glew-home