RE: Use cvs in a script

2000-07-12 Thread Gary Pinkham

sending the script to the list would help us debug it for you... I set
up a script on a Solaris box with no problems though I'm leaving the
interaction for login active...I would guess that if you login from the
command prompt and then not have a login in the script that the "other" cvs
commands will look for your .cvspass file in your home directory and not
have to 'login'... Never tried it but in my mind it should work


-Original Message-
From: Thorsten Sturm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 4:59 AM
Subject: Use cvs in a script

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this mailing-list so please be patient if this question has
already been answered.

I'm trying to use cvs from within a shell script on linux machine. As
long as I'm using my local cvs repository everything works out fine.
But when I try to switch to a remote repository problems arise.

I use the -d flag to specify the remote repository, but I can't login
to that one. Just to be sure I setted it up correctly, I tried to
login from the command line and it works. But using my script fails.
There is nothing special within the scipt before the login call. Can
anybody help?

By the way, is there a way to specify the password for cvs login in
advance, so that there is no interaction within the script?


RE: Cvswebedit needs to be made GPL/open source. Any volunteers?

2000-07-10 Thread Gary Pinkham

I'd like to volunteer to help but since I'm in the process of changing jobs
I don't have time to manage the project... If someone does offer to
manage it I'd like to help out and contrib some work... Just out of
curiosity, if someone takes over project management couldn't we use
sourceforge or something similar and just GPL the project or do you truly
want to hand it off to


-Original Message-
From: Martin Cleaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 6:08 PM
To: Shaun Campbell
Subject: Cvswebedit needs to be made GPL/open source. Any volunteers?

Hi Shaun,
 The latest version is over a year ago, on

There is no latest version and unfortunately, due
mainly to work pressures,my commitment to cvswebedit
has tailed off. I regret to say that I have not
even made time to incorporate a set of changes Erik
Östhols kindly contributed on Jan 17th. (see

Now - what I would like is someone to volunteer to
manage the process of passing cvswebedit over to the
GPL and its incorporation as a piece of software
managed by their processes. I guess this sort of
handover is a very common request for GNU, however my
attempt at finding a simple form to fill
in on their site ( was unsuccessful.

I am wanting to hand cvswebedit over to GNU in the
hope that by doing so this makes it easier for others
to contribute their patches to the code.
This contribution process could be performed using
either an installable CVS client (such as WinCVS,
command line CVS or TkCVS) or using a web client
(such as cvswebedit).

I find it so strange, that cvswebedit suffers from not
being collaboratively maintained. After all, it is
precisely this task that it was designed to
help with!

So then, any volunteers? I'll be honest upfront: Right
now I can personally commit very little at the moment
as I have averaged a 65 hour week for the last 2
months. Furthermore, I expect this situation to
continue until Mid August. Ideally a volunteer for
this must have time, know their way around the GNU
processes, and have a good knowledge of CVS, Perl and

I am sorry that I cannot be of more help right now.


- Original Message -
From: Shaun Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 7:22 PM
Subject: cvswebedit

 Have you done any more work on cvswebedit since last
year.  If so, can I
 download the latest version from anywhere?


 Shaun Campbell

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Re: How to acquire a pserver named lock with CVS ?

2000-06-14 Thread Gary Pinkham

couldn't you write a 'lock' file into the cvsroot of the repository and then
delete it when the script ends...  That way when the script runs it checks
for the lock file first... if it's there it means the script is already
running (unless it dies last time before it deleted the lock)...


Gilles-Eric Descamps wrote:
 We're using CVS in pserver mode.
 We're using tags for our release mechanism.
 Before tagging a file, I have written a script
 that checks that there is not a more recent version
 of that file already with that tag in the repository.
 However, my script is not atomic.
 If two person try to run it together, the check
 for a more recent version will take too much time,
 specially as the users tag a whole directory.
 How can I acquire a named lock in the CVS repository ?
 I'd like to have only one user at a time able to run
 this script for release "Rel_3".
 So, I could border my script by:
 getlock ("Rel_3");
 verify ();
 tag ();
 leavelock ("Rel_3");
 Gilles-Eric DESCAMPS,  Voice: (408) 545-1130
 SILICON ACCESSFax: (419) 844-7467
  Enabling the Next Generation Internet
 2801A Orchard Parkway - San Jose, CA, 95134-2013
 "Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?"

Gary Pinkham  
Reasoning, Inc. 
One New England Executive Park  
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SourceForge and Pserver how?

2000-06-05 Thread Gary Pinkham

Hey, does anyone know how sourceforge has the pservers set up??  By this I mean
is it one cvsroot per project or one giant cvsroot???   If it's one per project
do they add a new cvsroot to the inetd.conf file everytime there is a new
project and reload inetd???   

I also noticed they use ssh to access checkin/checkout..Is ssh the best way
(security and usage wise) to access the server remotely???   Do they add a new
login id for every developer to the server??  Any ideas???


Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. 
One New England Executive Park  
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: query - cvs for sparc machine

2000-05-17 Thread Gary Pinkham

I'm using it on on a ultrasparc...   I downloaded the source and compiled it
myself...   Works fine...


Amit Garg wrote:
 I have a query regarding CVS. Is it possible to use CVS on SPARC with
 solaris running on it? I have found various versions of CVS for solaris but
 they don't work on SPARC machine.
 If it is available, please let me know from where I can download the CVS
 that I can use on SPARC machines.
 Amit Garg
 Software Engineer
 Intersoft Technologies
 270, Littleton Rd, #23
 Westford, MA

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PServer connection failure

2000-05-09 Thread Gary Pinkham

I've gotten something similar when I had messed up the inetd.conf file.
Send you lines from inetd.conf to the list...


Larry Jones wrote:
 rajkumar samuel writes:
  cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from dev-sun1: CVS commands
 That looks like your CVS doesn't understand the pserver command -- what
 version of CVS is it and did you build it yourself or get it prebuilt
 from somewhere?  If you built it yourself, the output from running
 configure would be very informative.  If not, you might want to try
 getting the latest interim release (1.10.8) from and
 doing so.
 -Larry Jones
 My dreams are getting way too literal. -- Calvin

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cvs checkout -c again

2000-05-05 Thread Gary Pinkham

I've been using ...

cvs rdiff -s -r 0 . | grep 'Diffing'

to get a directory list of the repository..  I know it's a hack but it seems to
work good


Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 11:29:17AM -0600, Win32 M$ wrote:
  Agree, it should. Or, should we have 'cvs ls' and 'cvs cd' and 'cvs pwd' to
  "walk" the tree in the repository?
 I like that solution.  (We already have 'cvs rm', after all...)
  This question comes back again and again simply because it is so very
  natural and obvious to try to walk the tree in the repository that I think
  everybody is shocked when they discover for the first time that is't not
  available in CVS.
 I sure was.  For that matter, I still am.
 On the one hand, I can see the security (albeit purely by obscurity) factor
 in not allowing people to find out about projects other than by being
 explicitly told about them (either by direct contact ("Hey, Joe - grab the
 doc project!") or by putting them in CVSROOT/modules).  On the other hand,
 though, there's the nuisance factor of having to do the telling.
 The Shortest Windows Manual:  "Turn off the power switch."
 Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
 w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI++++ D G e* h+ r++ y+

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. 
One New England Executive Park  
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Performance Monitoring Tool

2000-04-27 Thread Gary Pinkham

So I take that no one has any opinions on performance monitoring for CVS?

Gary Pinkham wrote:
 Before I venture down the path of writing one from scratch.. Can anyone 
 think of a tool that I can use to monitor the usage of a CVS server??   
 For instance elapsed time for a checkout/checkin, etc
 Any ideas???

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. 
One New England Executive Park  
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SSH for WinCVS?

2000-04-18 Thread Gary Pinkham

Tom Roche wrote:
 While I'm here:
 * Is there a WinCVS FAQ? I've looked at its help, but didn't see
   anything relevant. Is there a FM I should R ?-)
 Please post to me as well as to the list/group, if possible. TIA,

try the WinCVS users Guide at

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Windows interface for CVS

2000-04-13 Thread Gary Pinkham


How to integrate cvc into MS Developer Studio (Visual C++)

You can integrate cvc into the MS Developer Studio (Visual C++) and use cvc
commands from inside programming environment to update or commit changes


Antonio Sindona wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm just subscribed to this mailing list and i'd like to know if there is a
 Windows (sorry ;-) ) interface for CVS. I've found a windows client, but it
 works from command line. What i'm looking for is the equivalent of Visual
 Source Safe, i.e. something  which could be used directly inside VB or VC++.
 Thanks in advance
 Italtel S.p.a.
 Dr. Antonio Sindona
 Tel. 091/8615684 (uff.)
 Tel. 0347/6160212 (cell.)
 Fax. 091/8615445
 EMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ufficio)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Privata)
 Internet Mailbox Omnitel: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: libxnet

2000-04-13 Thread Gary Pinkham

never mind...  I discovered that I was looking for the file in my local library
path not on the server...   I had the file, but the server was missing it..   I
had the sys-admin guy copy it over and all works well!!!   Thanks anyways!!!


Gary Pinkham wrote:
 I just tried to install 1.10.8 and now when I run cvs login I get
 not foundI know is there in /lib... I probably have
 something messed up in the config   (I'm not the sys-admin so I had a hell of a
 time getting this installed..) Any suggestions of what I did wrong???  I
 didn't notice any errors during the compile...
 Gary Pinkham
 Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
 One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
 Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

multiple repositories.

2000-04-12 Thread Gary Pinkham

Could someone point me in the right direction for setting up a shell script for
inetd to call since I have 4 repositories and can only fit three in inetd...   I
basically did /bin/cvs cvs --allow-root/usr/local/cvsroot (blah blah blah)
pserver... But this does not work...  So I'm guessing that I'm supposed to
have some other command

Also...   Since I'm on the subject...   I have these four distinct repositories
and do not want to allow access from one to the other..  Could I have
accomplished this with one repository   Say I have usr/local/cvsroot/ as the
root with dev and tech-sup underneath the root...  Could I then just point
people to /usr/local/cvsroot/dev or /usr/local/cvsroot/tech-sup as a root or do
they need to point to /usr/local/cvsroot???


Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: multiple repositories.

2000-04-12 Thread Gary Pinkham

I put 

/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/cvs1 --allow-root=/usr/local/cvs2
--allow-root=/usr/local/cvs3 --allow-root=/usr/local/cvs4 pserver


then I added 

cvsserve  stream tcp nowait root /etc/inet/

into inetd.conf...

when I try to do a cvs login
I get the following
"cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from ape: CVS commands are:"

If I execute the from the command prompt I get the "CVS commands are:
blah blah blah"..SO I was figuring that I needed to code the line different
in the script then I would in the inetd.conf file...   I have no idea


Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 11:20:50AM -0400, Gary Pinkham wrote:
  Could someone point me in the right direction for setting up a shell script for
  inetd to call since I have 4 repositories and can only fit three in inetd...   I
  basically did /bin/cvs cvs --allow-root/usr/local/cvsroot (blah blah blah)
  pserver... But this does not work...  So I'm guessing that I'm supposed to
  have some other command
 Your problem is simply that inetd doesn't like commands longer than 30
 characters.  All you need to do is put your '/bin/cvs cvs
 --allow-root/usr/local/cvsroot (blah blah blah)' command into a shell script
 and call the script from inetd.
 The Shortest Windows Manual:  "Turn off the power switch."
 Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
 w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI++++ D G e* h+ r++ y+

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

jCVS Servlet

2000-04-07 Thread Gary Pinkham

Anyone have any luck getting this up and running..I'm by far no expert with
java and/or servlets so I'm guessing that I've screwed something up on the jserv
side and not in the jcvs side but I'd thought I'd check with you guys first
before I find a jserv mailing list... 

I have a couple of zones setup and one of them is example...

when I type http://pc4/example into my web browser I get 

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.


Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: protocol sample.

2000-03-29 Thread Gary Pinkham

I'm trying to write a dll to use with cold fusion...   I'm guessing that sending
normal commands wouldn't be very efficient


Donald Sharp wrote:
 Why not just use the normal cvs commands?
 On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 09:06:11PM -0500, Gary Pinkham wrote:
  Anyone out there have a c/c+ code snippet of some of the client server protocol
  api...  I am definatly not an expert c/c++ programmer so I need a shove in the
  right direction...   I want to be able to code a client to access the cvs server
  preferably through a port
  Any help would be great...

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: protocol sample.

2000-03-29 Thread Gary Pinkham

I guess I confused the matter when I said api...  What I wanted to see was a
simple example of using the protocol through a socket...


Donald Sharp wrote:
 I said 'there is no api' because the guy sounded like he wanted
 a api specification/header files and a library to link to.  There is no
 library to link to...and no standard header file.  Yes if you start poking
 under the covers and start pulling apart cvs you can get what you want
 but that's not exactly usefull or quick
 This is why i suggested the fork/exec method
 On Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 08:30:41AM -0700, Tobias Weingartner wrote:
  On Wednesday, March 29, Donald Sharp wrote:
   there is no api.  Cvs client server works via STDIN/STDOUT redirection.
   This is why you need to have cvs run by inetd.  Inetd provides the
   hookup of the pipes between STDIN/STDOUT and the sockets
  Ok, there are at least 1 wrong statement in here.  There is no "api", but
  there is a client-server protocol.  It is documented within the distribution.
  Not the best, but it is there.  You may be able to "snarf" parts of the
  code to do that api from within the CVS code.
  Also, you don't NEED to run the CVS server via inetd.  There are other
  ways of invoking the server such that STDIN/STDOUT are connected to the
  client in the right way.
   Figure out what you want to do and fork/exec the apropriate cvs command.
  This is usually easier, althout other CVS look/work-alikes have been
  implemented using just the client-server protocol.  Have a look at
  jCVS and the like.

Gary Pinkham   
Reasoning, Inc. Voice: 781-359-3132
One New England Executive Park  Fax:   781-229-2770
Burlington, MA 01803Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

protocol sample.

2000-03-28 Thread Gary Pinkham

Anyone out there have a c/c+ code snippet of some of the client server protocol
api...  I am definatly not an expert c/c++ programmer so I need a shove in the
right direction...   I want to be able to code a client to access the cvs server
preferably through a port

Any help would be great... 
