Cannot remove directories from the CVS repository

2005-07-06 Thread Peter Desjardins
There is a directory with a few empty subdirectories stuck in my CVS
repository.  I've worked with my local IT expert and checked through
several CVS mailing list archives.

A few weeks ago I renamed a directory in my CVS module.  I did this by
making a copy of the directory, using the release command for the
copy, renaming the copy, using cvs add for the new name directory, and
using cvs remove for the old name directory.  It seems that the old
name directory was not removed correctly.  Now when I checkout the
module, the old name directory appears in my working directory with a
small number of its subdirectories and CVS control files.  However, it
does not contain any of the content files.  The new named directory has
been working perfectly.

At the time I tried this renaming, I was using Windows XP and
TortoiseCVS to manage my module.  Since then I have switched to Windows
XP and the Cygwin command line.

Right now, if I checkout the module, CVS will create the old name
directory and some of its subdirectories in my working directory.  Then
if I use cvs update -P immediately after the checkout, CVS will
include the following message for the old name directory and each of
those subdirectories:

cvs update: cannot remove directoryX/subdirectoryY: Directory not empty 

The directories are empty in my working directory; I checked with ls
-a.  How can I get the old name directory out of the repository?  Has
anyone else seen a message like this?

Thanks for your help.

Peter Desjardins
SupplyScape Corporation

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Cannot remove directories from the CVS repository

2005-07-06 Thread Peter Desjardins
 Have you tried checking out with -P, that is, cvs co -P? Does 
 it generate the same directories?

I just tried that. It did not prevent the directories from appearing in
the working directory.  The difference is that now I see this message
during the checkout instead of the first update:

cvs checkout: cannot remove directory/subdirectory: Directory not empty

 The empty directory does not happen to be only different in 
 case to another directory (or file) in your repository? 

No, the name of the directory is unique, even if case were not

Thanks for your help.  I appreciate your taking the time to read about
my problem here.

Peter Desjardins
SupplyScape Corporation 

Info-cvs mailing list