WebDAV folders internally have hundreds of copies of the same few files

2018-11-13 Thread Anatoli


I'm not sure this is due to some configuration option, bug or feature, 
but I'm observing some folders on Cyrus HTTP WebDAV server having 
hundreds (995 at this moment to be precise) internal files in the format 
"NNN." that correspond to the same file but different versions in time.

There are 2-3 files (xls) in the folder that are edited constantly 
during the day and it looks like each save operation creates a new file. 
The files are of some 3-5Mb each. In the explorer/web view there are 
only a couple of files with a total size of 17.5Mb, but the reported 
disk usage for the folder is of 1.6Gb.

Could someone please shed some light on what's going on and how to make 
each file visible to the users to be stored in only one internal file?


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bug renameing/deliting special use folders in murder setup.

2018-11-13 Thread Michael Menge


we discovered a bug in cyrus imapd 3.0.8 in murder/aggregator configuration.

We have the following default stucture:

a LIST "" "*"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX
* LIST (\HasChildren) "/" Mail
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" Mail/drafts
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Mail/s-spam
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" Mail/sent
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" Mail/trash
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" Mail/v-spam
a OK Completed (0.000 secs 7 calls)

ctl_mboxlist -d | grep ^user.zrstes1
user.zrstes11 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Mail   1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Mail.drafts1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   
user.zrstes1.Mail.s-spam1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   
user.zrstes1.Mail.sent  1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Mail.trash 1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Mail.v-spam1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   

Renaming/Deleting a Mailbox with Special-Use Flag fails

b RENAME Mail/v-spam Mail/spam
b NO SPECIAL-USE flag conflict
c DELETE Mail/v-spam
c NO SPECIAL-USE flag conflict

but Renaming/Deleting the Folder above will succeed

d RENAME Mail Test
* OK rename Mail Test
* OK rename Mail/drafts Test/drafts
* OK rename Mail/s-spam Test/s-spam
* OK rename Mail/sent Test/sent
* OK rename Mail/trash Test/trash
* OK rename Mail/v-spam Test/v-spam
d OK Completed

but results in broken entries in the mailboxdb on mupdate master and frontends

ctl_mboxlist -C /etc/imapd_fe.conf -d | grep ^user.zrstes1
user.zrstes11 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Mail.drafts1 ma05.mail.localhost!
user.zrstes1.Mail.sent  1 ma05.mail.localhost!
user.zrstes1.Mail.trash 1 ma05.mail.localhost!
user.zrstes1.Mail.v-spam1 ma05.mail.localhost!
user.zrstes1.Test   1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Test.drafts1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   
user.zrstes1.Test.s-spam1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   
user.zrstes1.Test.sent  1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Test.trash 1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   lrswipkxtecdan
user.zrstes1.Test.v-spam1 ma05.mail.localhost!ssd zrstes1   

see the missing partition for old names of the special use folders.
it seams that the sepecial use annotation was moved with the folders without
a problem

* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" Test/drafts
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" Test/sent
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" Test/trash
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" Test/v-spam
e OK Completed (0.000 secs 7 calls)

On the backend the mailboxdb entries look fine. But the user is unable  
to rename/move the folders back,
or create the new folders with the old name because the folder are  
still reserved on the mupdate server.

f RENAME Test Mail
* OK rename Test Mail
* NO rename Test/drafts Mail/drafts: unable to reserve mailbox on  
mupdate server

f NO unable to reserve mailbox on mupdate server
g LIST "" "*"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" INBOX
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Mail
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Drafts) "/" Test/drafts
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" Test/s-spam
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Sent) "/" Test/sent
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Trash) "/" Test/trash
* LIST (\HasNoChildren \Junk) "/" Test/v-spam
g OK Completed (0.010 secs 7 calls)

a "ctl_mboxlist -m -a" on the backend will fix the mailboxdb on the  
mupdate master/frontend

I am not sure if moving a special use folder should work or not this  
should be consistent to

renaming a top folder.

At the moment our users are unable to restore their folder structure if they
renamed/moved their folders unintended.


   Michael Menge

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:  

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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