Re: mbox operations performance issue

2017-01-20 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Miguel Mucio Santos Moreira via Info-cyrus  


I've had a problem for some days with mailboxes operations like sam, dam etc.
Those operations are too slow, I have some mailboxes with many  
subfolders when I applied a sam command to allow other user access  
it, the command spends too much time (e.g 20hours).

There's nothing weird in logs or etc.
We have murder environment with cyrus-.4.16-4 on Debian 7.

mailbox operations need to be acknowledged by/committed on the MUPDATE server.

Is the mupdate server still running?

Do you see connections from the backends to the mupdate on port 3905?

Can you create new mailboxes?

Did you try restarting cyrus on mupdate server

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Re: imap impersonate

2017-01-19 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Gabriele Bulfon :

my imapd.conf has already :
admins: sonicle
sasl_mech_list: plain
if I try an imap session with:
where xxx comes from 'echo -en "\0sonicle\0pass" | base64' , I  
get authenticated as sonicle.

Now, how do I switch to the desired user?
Once I understand how to do it via imap protocol, I need to  
replicate it in java code through:

Thanks in advance!

Quoting from

2.  PLAIN SASL Mechanism

  The mechanism consists of a single message, a string of [UTF-8]
  encoded [Unicode] characters, from the client to the server.  The
  client presents the authorization identity (identity to act as),
  followed by a NUL (U+) character, followed by the authentication
  identity (identity whose password will be used), followed by a NUL
  (U+) character, followed by the clear-text password.  As with
  other SASL mechanisms, the client does not provide an authorization
  identity when it wishes the server to derive an identity from the
  credentials and use that as the authorization identity.

so it is UserID\0AdminID\0AdminPass

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Re: imap impersonate

2017-01-19 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Gabriele Bulfon via Info-cyrus :

is there any mechanism with Cyrus imap to impersonate another user?
I've seen other imap servers scenarios where one may use plain  
authentication and sending user as mailboxuser plus a separator plus  
adminuser and use only adminpassword, to get access to the  
mailboxuser as is (dovecot, exchange).

Anything like this in Cyrus?

Cyrus can use the PLAIN mech to allow admin access as the user.
You need to add plain to sasl_mech_list in imapd.conf
And the "admin" account has to be listed in admins or proxyservers
in imapd.conf



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Re: Problems with SSL

2016-11-30 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Infraestructura TIC - UNNOBA via Info-cyrus  

I'm using cyrus on Debian vm for several years but now, SSL starts to fail:

Nov 29 13:05:58 server1 cyrus/imaps[9595]: inittls: Loading
hard-coded DH parameters
Nov 29 13:05:58 server1 cyrus/imaps[9595]: imaps TLS negotiation
failed: [2801:0:140:f42:f3fa:b0b2:4ab1:8d10]

I tried with self-signed certificates, and third-party ones, but the
result is the same.
I spent two days trying to figure out what happened, without results.

#openssl s_client -connect mail.server.test:993 -crlf -state
SSL_connect:before SSL initialization
SSL_connect:SSLv3/TLS write client hello
SSL3 alert read:fatal:handshake failure
SSL_connect:error in SSLv3/TLS write client hello
140019483313280:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3
alert handshake failure:ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1388:SSL alert number
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 176 bytes
Verification: OK
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)

I believe the server and client have no SSL/TLS version and/or Cipher  
in common and

therefore can't establish an encrypted connection.

Some time ago i found an ssl server test suite
witch tries to do what does for web servers  
but for all protocols

and server not reachable form the internet.

You might want to check your server with ./ mail.server.test:993

Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol  : TLSv1.2
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
Start Time: 1480435442
Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Extended master secret: no

I'm using this versions:

cyrus-admin   2.5.10-2
cyrus-clients 2.5.10-2
cyrus-common  2.5.10-2
cyrus-doc 2.5.10-2
cyrus-imapd   2.5.10-2
cyrus-murder  2.5.10-2
cyrus-pop3d   2.5.10-2
cyrus-replication 2.5.10-2

Both, certificate and key, are accesibles by user cyrus. Certificate is

This is the config:

$sudo -u cyrus /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/cyr_info  conf
tls_ciphers: TLSv1+HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH
tls_client_ca_dir: /etc/ssl/certs
tls_client_ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/cyrus.pem
tls_server_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/cyrus.pem
tls_server_key: /etc/ssl/private/cyrus.key
tls_session_timeout: 0

And before I declared myself "I'm completely lost", I was watching
entropy ... but is ok.

#cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

¿Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


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Bugs in cyrus murder 2.5 (was: Front End not forwarding requests to the backend)

2016-11-15 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus :

Michael Menge via Info-cyrus wrote on 07/11/16 10:30:

Quoting Alberto Cardenas via Info-cyrus :

I'm trying to setup Cyrus Murder for testing and have three virtual
machines for this purpose (frontend, mupdate and backend). The three
machines are running Centos 6.5, SASL 2.1.23 and Cyrus 2.3.16

you might want to consider using a more recent cyrus Version. Cyrus 2.3.16
is about 7 years old. 2.5.10 is the latest stable, 3.0 will be coming out
soon. I don't think it has something to do with your problems but, there
have been many bugfixes and improvements since 2.3. And if you set up a
new system it would make things easier in the future.

For murder I recommend the latest 2.4.x release. 2.5 has still several issues
open with murder and I can not recommend using it without in deep knowledge
how to handle them (eg. maintain your own patches). 2.4 simply works compared
to 2.5.

Thanks for the info, we are also still running cyrus 2.4 on our  
production environment.
But mostly because that was the stable version at the time we migrated  
from stand alone
to murder setup and the "never touch a running system" mentality. I  
was not aware that

there was decreased stability for murder setup in the cyrus 2.5 version.

Do you have some specific bugs in mind?

Greetings Michael

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: Front End not forwarding requests to the backend

2016-11-07 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Alberto Cardenas via Info-cyrus :


I'm trying to setup Cyrus Murder for testing and have three virtual  
machines for this purpose (frontend, mupdate and backend). The three  
machines are running Centos 6.5, SASL 2.1.23 and Cyrus 2.3.16

you might want to consider using a more recent cyrus Version. Cyrus 2.3.16
is about 7 years old. 2.5.10 is the latest stable, 3.0 will be coming out
soon. I don't think it has something to do with your problems but, there
have been many bugfixes and improvements since 2.3. And if you set up a
new system it would make things easier in the future.

Looks like communication from frontend to muptade and from backend  
to mupdate is working fine since I can list the mailboxes created in  
the backend using the “cyradm -u cyrus localhost” and “lm” commands,  
which shows the same user’s mailboxes result on the three boxes.

The problem seems to be between the frontend and the backend since  
the frontend is not forwarding the imap requests to the backend. To  
test this, I am using the command “telnet localhost 143” on the  
frontend server. Once that I get connected and authenticated, I  
issue the command “select inbox”, but I receive the message “NO  
Server(s) unavailable to complete operation”. In the  
/usr/log/maillog file there is an error message that says “failed:  
Connection timed out”

I have not configured yet the smtp server, not sure if it is  
required, so I am trying to focus to get the imap part working.

The smtp server is needed to for the mail delivery and sieve redirects
and vacation but not for the imap access, so you can configure it later.

Any guidance would be appreciated.  I have spent several days  
working in this problem without getting any progress at all.

First, you din't set servername in you backend imapd.conf, which could lead
to the problem that the wrong name is used in the mailbox.db on the  
mupdate server.

You can check that name used to register the created mailboxes on the  
mupdate by

mupdate> ctl_mboxlist -d

The 3. column is the name of the backend follwod by the partition name  
seperated by !
Make sure that the name used resolves to the correct ip address and  
the the backend

is listening on the imap port on this ip

The forndend needs to be able to connect to the backend on the imap  
port. You can test this

with telnet, but you can also use imtest which can help you to speak starttls.
Also check your audit logs on the frontend, selinux tends to block  
wanted connections.

also "netstat -tupen | grep :143" can help to check the connection  
between frontend and backend.

Here are my configuration files:
Frontend’s imap.conf
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus murder
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
#tls_cert_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
#tls_key_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
#tls_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
allowplaintext: yes
mupdate_port: 3905
mupdate_username: murder
mupdate_authname: murder
mupdate_password: cvacva
cyrus-backend2_password: cvacva
proxy_authname: murder

Frontend’s cyrus.conf
 recover   cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
 idled cmd="idled"
 mupdate   cmd="mupdate" listen=3905 prefork=1
 imap  cmd="proxyd" listen="imap" prefork=5
 checkpointcmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
 delprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
 tlsprune  cmd="tls_prune" at=0400

Backend’s imap.conf
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus murder
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
altnamespace: yes
allowplaintext: yes
proxyservers: murder
mupdate_port: 3905
mupdate_username: murder
mupdate_authname: murder
mupdate_password: cvacva

Backend’s cyrus.conf
 recover   cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
 idled cmd="idled"
 mupdatepush cmd="ctl_mboxlist -m"
 imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5
 checkpointcmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
 delprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
 tlsprune  cmd="tls_prune" at=0400

Mupdate’s imap.conf
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus murder
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
allowplaintext: 1

Mupsate’s cyrus.conf
 recover   cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
 idled cmd="idled"
 imap  cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5
 mupdate cmd="mupdate -m" listen="mupdate" prefork=1
 checkpointcmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
 delprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
 tlsprune  cmd="

Re: Sieve login issue. Please help.

2016-09-22 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Müfit Eribol via Info-cyrus :


I am a happy user of cyrus-imapd for years without any major problem  
for  small user base.

Currently, I am having login problem for sieve. I have been trying  
to find the problem for days.

Please find below information about my configuration:

1. Installed software: cyrus-imapd-2.4.17, postfix-2.10.1,  
cyrus-sasl-2.1.26, cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.26, cyrus-sasl-lib-2.1.26 on  
CentOS 7.

2. Authentication is done through saslauthd, pam and mysql.

3. pwcheck_method: saslauthd, mech_list: plain login

4. There is no problem with login to imapd or smtpd.

5. cyrus.conf

imaplocal cmd="imapd -C /etc/imapd-local.conf"  
listen="" prefork=0

  imaps cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=1
imapslocalcmd="imapd -C /etc/imapd-local.conf"  
listen="" prefork=0

  sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

You did not define an ip address here, so sieve will use

sievelocal  cmd="timsieved -C /etc/imapd-local.conf"  
listen="" prefork=0

this will likely fail, as the "sieve" service above will is already  
listening on

and blocking

  lmtpunix  cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=1

6. imapd.conf

postmaster: postmaster
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
#admins: cyrus
allowanonymouslogin: no
allowplaintext: no
#tls_require_cert: 1
sasl_minimum_layer: 128
autocreatequota: 20
maxmessagesize: 0
reject8bit: 0
munge8bit: 0
quotawarn: 90
timeout: 30
poptimeout: 10
dracinterval: 0
drachost: localhost
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sieve_maxscriptsize: 32
sieve_maxscripts: 5
sieve_allowplaintext: 1
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
tls_cert_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/imap.pem
tls_key_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/imap.pem
tls_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/imap.pem

7. imapd-local.conf

postmaster: postmaster
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
allowanonymouslogin: no
allowplaintext: yes
autocreatequota: 100
maxmessagesize: 0
reject8bit: no
quotawarn: 90
timeout: 30
poptimeout: 10
dracinterval: 0
drachost: localhost
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sieve_maxscriptsize: 32
sieve_maxscripts: 5
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail

8. shell:

[root@server ~]#  sieveshell -u user1 -a user1 localhost
connecting to localhost
unable to connect to server at /usr/bin/sieveshell line 170.


Sep 22 10:34:45 server sieve[15050]: Lost connection to client -- exiting

9. shell:

[root@server ~]# telnet localhost sieve
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
"IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.4.17-Fedora-RPM-2.4.17-8.el7_1"
"SASL" ""
"SIEVE" "comparator-i;ascii-numeric fileinto reject vacation  
imapflags notify envelope relational regex subaddress copy"


10. When I try to login using smartsieve


Sep 22 10:38:32 server sieve[16029]: STARTTLS failed: localhost[]

you are not connecting to sievelocal but to sieve and therefore  
"allowplaintext: no" from
imapd.conf is preventing auth:login and auth:plain from showing  
without usage of startls

I don't understand why STARTTLS is being called when connecting from  
localhost? Is it normal? Obviously, I am doing something wrong.

I would appreciate any help. Thank you.



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Re: Invalid mailbox name

2016-09-22 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Paul van der Vlis via Info-cyrus :

Op 21-09-16 om 14:11 schreef Michael Menge via Info-cyrus:


Quoting Paul van der Vlis via Info-cyrus :


I am syncing many mailboxes from one IMAP server to another. Now I get
sometimes errors on mailbox names. I found out that Cyrus does not
accept brackets in a mailbox name. Is there documentation about what
characters are accepted in mailbox names??

The allowed ASCII-Chars are defined in the macro GOODCHARS in

non-ASCII-Chars are handled by RFC 3501 5.1.3.

This subject has been discussed a few years ago on this list, and GOODCHARS
has been changed between cyrus versions.

2.2:#define GOODCHARS "
2.3:#define GOODCHARS "
Master: #define GOODCHARS "

Thanks for your answer!

I am wondering about the dot. So far I know I cannot use it in a mailbox
name, but it is in the list.

I suspect that your cyrus is configured to use the . as hierarchy seperator.
see "unixhierarchysep:" in imapd.conf manpage for details.

And what's "master" exactly? So far I see, I cannot use e.g. brackets in
a mailbox name.

Master is the name of the main development branch in git. A new branch for
cyrus imapd 3.0 will be forked from the master branch with the release of
the new version.

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Re: Invalid mailbox name

2016-09-21 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Paul van der Vlis via Info-cyrus :


I am syncing many mailboxes from one IMAP server to another. Now I get
sometimes errors on mailbox names. I found out that Cyrus does not
accept brackets in a mailbox name. Is there documentation about what
characters are accepted in mailbox names??

The allowed ASCII-Chars are defined in the macro GOODCHARS in imap/mboxname.c
non-ASCII-Chars are handled by RFC 3501 5.1.3.

This subject has been discussed a few years ago on this list, and GOODCHARS
has been changed between cyrus versions.

2.2:#define GOODCHARS "  
2.3:#define GOODCHARS "  
Master: #define GOODCHARS "  

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Re: unable to delete corrupted mail box on cyrus v2.3.16

2016-01-11 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Sophie Loewenthal via Info-cyrus :


I have a broken mailbox that I would like to delete.

This is Cyrus v2.3.16 on CentOS 6.

 I tried reconstructing the mailbox from scratch ( Because I suspect  
this was manually deleted from disc ).

mkdir imap-store/spool/imap/domain/^long
cd imap-store/spool/imap/domain/^long
chmod 755 .
chown cyrus:mail .
touch cyrus.header
chown cyrus:mail cyrus.header

log into cyradm:
localhost> lam user/kat.long lrswipkxtecda
localhost> reconstruct -r user/kae.long
reconstruct: Mailbox has an invalid format
localhost> dm user/kat.long
deletemailbox: Permission denied

you must give your admin account the permission to delete the mailbox

localhost> sam user/kat.long cyrus all
localhost> dm user/kat.long

Names and domain names replaced with false entries.

How could I remove this?

Kind regards,

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Re: migrating mails between two cyrus servers keeping seen states

2015-12-18 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Marcus Schopen :

Am Freitag, den 18.12.2015, 14:09 +0100 schrieb Michael Menge via


Quoting Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus :

> Hi,
> I'm planning to move some mailboxes from a cyrus server (2.1.18 - which
> is a kind of mail archive) to another one (2.4.17+caldav~beta9-3).
> Playing around on a test system with copying a user's mailbox and doing
> a following "reconstruct -r" came out with a mailbox without seen states
> on read mails on the new system; all mails unread. Normally I move
> mailboxes using imapsync to keep states etc., but on a number of really
> large mailboxes the initial sync takes days. Any other suggestions than
> (slow) imapsync tools?
Befor 2.4.x the seen information was stored in extra files in /var/imap/user
Did you copy these files too?

Ah, it's an old Debian system. These files are stored in
eg. /var/lib/cyrus/user/t/testuser.seen. Where do I have to copy this
file on the new server to? And there is a testuser.sub in the same dir,
which contains the subfolders. What about this file?

The seen information is now included in the cyrus.* files (i think in  
the index file),
but upgrading form an older version with reconstruct should check the  
.seen file at
the old location. The location depends on your setting of  
configdirectory, fulldirhash

and hashimapspool in impad.conf.

The handling of the sub file has not changed. But you should copy them  
to the new server,

if you want to keep the subscription information.

You should check

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Re: migrating mails between two cyrus servers keeping seen states

2015-12-18 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus :


I'm planning to move some mailboxes from a cyrus server (2.1.18 - which
is a kind of mail archive) to another one (2.4.17+caldav~beta9-3).
Playing around on a test system with copying a user's mailbox and doing
a following "reconstruct -r" came out with a mailbox without seen states
on read mails on the new system; all mails unread. Normally I move
mailboxes using imapsync to keep states etc., but on a number of really
large mailboxes the initial sync takes days. Any other suggestions than
(slow) imapsync tools?

Befor 2.4.x the seen information was stored in extra files in /var/imap/user
Did you copy these files too?

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Re: Pb with automatically sort emails

2015-12-17 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Masson Christophe via Info-cyrus :


I try to sort automatically emails into subdirectories with a adress  

I have a internal error with lmtp
[/var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp] said: 451 4.3.0 Unexpected internal  
error (in reply to end of DATA command)).

When i try to a subdirectories wich don't exist, i have a error  
message, ok its' right.

I have try to put acl for postman. Where is the pb?

There are 2 ways to sort mails to subfolders, one is the  
plus-addressing feature.

1. Mails send to testuser+testfol...@testdomain.bla will be stored in  
the folter

"testfolder" of the testuser if the p acl is set for 'anyone'. If this acl is
not set the mail will be delivered normaly, as if the foldername was  
not present

(to the INBOX) if no sieve script is configured.

2. You can use sieve scripts to store mails in different folders. At  
the moment
it is not possible to filter based on the display name of an  
email-address, but

filtering based on the email-addres itself works fine.

" 451 4.3.0 Unexpected internal error" indicates that something else is wrong,
you should check your cyrus log for more details.

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
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Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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Re: Replication problem do_folders(): failed to rename

2015-12-14 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


Quoting Patrick Boutilier via Info-cyrus :

On 12/14/2015 06:25 AM, Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus wrote:

Am Freitag, den 11.12.2015, 19:10 +0100 schrieb Marcus Schopen via


I have a problem with a single mailbox. The user's Outlook crashed and
since then the sync_client is running wild on this user account and
produces high load on the master. I stopped sync_client on master side
for the moment.

When I try to sync the user by hand

/bin/su - cyrus -c "/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sync_client -S replicaserver -v
-u testuser

I do get the following error.

Dec 11 17:54:48 master cyrus/sync_client[22727]: RENAME received NO
response: Operation is not supported on mailbox
Dec 11 17:54:48 master cyrus/sync_client[22727]: do_folders(): failed to
rename: user.elsa-secgen -> user.testuser.Archives.Gesch&AOQ-ftsjahr
Dec 11 17:54:48 master cyrus/sync_client[22727]: IOERROR: The remote
Server(s) denied the operation
Dec 11 17:54:48 master cyrus/sync_client[22727]: Error in
do_user(testuser): bailing out!

Comparing master and slave on filesystem I do see the subfolder
"25-Jahr-Feier" in "user.testuser.Archives.Gesch&AOQ-ftsjahr 2014-15.",
but only on master but not on slave side. And why does sync_client want
to rename and where does it get this order from?

I can login into the users' mailbox on master side and new message are
shown in the INBOX.

How can I fix it?

Should I try a "reconstruct -r user.testuser" on master and slave or
just on slave? (do I have to shutdown cyrus for a reconstruct -r on a
user box?)

Or can I delete the complete mailbox on slave side start an "sync_client
-S replicaserver -v -u testuser"?

Thanks for helping

I did a reconstruct on the replica whichs runs through on the 12 GB
mailbox ot the user within a second (too fast?).

/bin/su - cyrus -c "/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -r user.testuser"

A following sync ended up with the same error:

/bin/su - cyrus -c "/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sync_client -S replicaserver -v
-u testuser

Any ideas?

No, but this seems weird. Was this user ever renamed?

user.elsa-secgen -> user.testuser.Archives.Gesch&AOQ-ftsjahr

Cyrus uses the folder "Unique ID" for syncronisation. If this "Unique  
ID" is NOT unique

it will confuse syncronisation.


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M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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Re: Cyrus imap 2.3.11-xx with postfix 2.9.4

2015-11-25 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Quoting Josef Karliak via Info-cyrus :

Good morning,
  we had some issue tomorow's morning - some users couldn't login to an
email system. We use ypages for distributing passwd maps, authorizing
daemon is saslauthd.
  Some users logged in, some not. "Unauthorized" users made a record to
the syslog:
Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 saslauthd[10396]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate
failed: User not known to the underlying authentication module
Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 saslauthd[10396]: do_auth : auth failure:
[user=username] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]
Nov 24 08:01:23 email1 imap[26411]: badlogin: localhost []
plaintext username SASL(-13): authentication failure: checkpass failed

  About this time +/- seconds I see in the mail log this complains of the
postfix to the cyrus's lmtp:
Nov 24 08:01:25 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: 19535581B: non-LMTP
response from[public/lmtp]: do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC:
Timed out
Nov 24 08:01:25 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: to prevent loss of
mail, turn off command pipelining for public/lmtp with the
lmtp_discard_lhlo_keyword_address_maps parameter
Nov 24 08:01:50 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: 19535581B: non-LMTP
response from[public/lmtp]: do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC:
Timed out
Nov 24 08:01:50 email1 postfix/lmtp[29859]: warning: to prevent loss of
mail, turn off command pipelining for public/lmtp with the
lmtp_discard_lhlo_keyword_address_maps parameter

  The username was in all 3 hosts maps, another users logged in, there is
no complains about network connections.

  This worked fine for an years, but this issue happened twice within 2

  An administrators of the ypages servers don't see any problem or logs
about theirs server.

  What caused this issue ? What can I do to prevent it.

The errors "User not known to the underlying authentication module" and
"do_ypcall: clnt_call: RPC: Timed out" indicate that your system is unable
to query the ypages in time. As this happens to postfix and cyrus I think
it is not a problem in postfix or cyrus but in your ypages client,
ypages server or the network connection.

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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Re: PATCH for lmtp was [frontend lmtp connections to mupdate master]

2015-11-19 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

"2. Mail delivery via the frontends is deferred (lmtpproxyd cannot  
locate mailbox). "

should be updated too

Quoting Ken Murchison :


On 11/17/2015 03:29 AM, Michael Menge wrote:

Hi Ken

thanks. Do you intend to patch 2.4.x and 2.5.x ?

I am a bit confused by the recent changes of cyrusimap and cyrus.fondation.
Is the bugtracker still used by the project?
If yes, you should close,
if not, someone should add some information where the new  
bugtracker can be found



Quoting Ken Murchison :

I committed a revised version just a little while ago:

On 11/16/2015 04:41 AM, Michael Menge via Info-cyrus wrote:


is there anything missing from my side, or something that I can do to help
that my patch can be included?



Quoting Nic Bernstein via Info-cyrus :

We're starting to run into this same issue -- lmtp proxies fail  
to deliver mail when mupdate master craps -- and so started to  
investigate this thread.  However, it doesn't look like Michael  
Menge's patch made it in.  Your thoughts?


On 10/07/2014 08:17 AM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
I'm convinced :)  I'll probably add it with Ken while we're at  
CMU in a couple of weeks when we can test it together.  This is  
precisely the kind of thing we love to see!  Thanks.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2014, at 10:23 PM, Michael Menge wrote:


as we have had an other crash of mupdate master last week, we used the
patch on our production system.

After the patch was added the load on mupdate master was dropping form
about 10 to about 1.

After one week of using it we have not found any problems.
As I have not received any other feedback, I added it to the

Pleas consider adding it to 2.5 and



Quoting Michael Menge :


Quoting Michael Menge :

Quoting Michael Menge :

By thew way, the reason I was so surprised in the first  
place was, that

I have been fooled by the documentation:

Configuring the frontends
However, because the frontends only talk to the mupdate master
via   a  slave running on the local machine, you will also need
to set  up  a  slave on the same machine, in the SERVICES section
of   cyrus.conf,  like so

And an other misleading DOC !

UMich patch

Patch Patches are against 2.2 but are being moved to 2.3
Lmtpproxyd   will now use the local mailboxes.db

Quoting Wesley Craig :

On 29 Sep 2014, at 10:08, Michael Menge

thanks for your mail. By any chance do you still have the patch?

In fact, I don't.  Dusting off my notes, I recall now that instead
of patching this (bogus) code, we instead decided to configure the
frontends as "unified", while leaving the backends "standard".  The
only downside of this approach was that a naive admin could
potentially create a user's mailbox on a frontend.

Sorry I said that we ported that code forward: in fact we simply
got  the effect of consulting mailboxes.db without porting forward.


I have patched my lmtpd to use the local mailbox.db in all cases,
unified Murder, and standalone cyrus already did this.
I tested it with a few testmails on my test system,
but as i don't have a unified setup or a standalone test system
at the moment i didn't test these setups.

I would appreciate a review.


 Michael Menge

 M.MengeTel.: (49)  

Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

 M.MengeTel.: (49)  

Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

Cyrus Home Page:
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+ smime.p7s
7k (application/pkcs7-signature)

Nic Bernstein
Onlight, Inc.
6525 W Bluemound Road, Suite 24   v. 414.272.4477
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53213-4073

Re: Advise needed for new mail server

2015-11-19 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Hi Mufit,

Quoting Mufit Eribol via Info-cyrus :


I have been successfully using postfix+cyrus-imapd (2.4.17) for our  
small company for years on our local server. The emails are now  
accounting to a size of  some 160GB. As we are having power and  
internet problems quite often, I rented a VPS from a world renowned  
hosting company and installed postfix+cyrus-imapd there.

My question is, as I have limited hard disk space (40GB) on VPS, I  
can't (and don't want to) copy all of my local emails to the VPS.  
The new mail server will have a fresh start. But old emails needs to  
be accessible on the local server as well.

Currently, I am planning to change the names of local domains to  
some non-existent name just for the internal lookup ( -->, so that we can setup on our email  
clients on lan. The real domain will be setup on our  
desktop email clients as usual. I think, using on local  
lan just for reading mails by cyrus will work, but it is not an  
elegant solution.

I would appreciate any ideas.

Cyrus Murder my be the solution for you.

The Clients will only connect to one server (VPS), and the mails can  
be stored on different
backend servers. There is only minimal configuration change needed on  
your old server, but you

would need to rename the folders.

1 backend (VPS) for the INBOX and folders with new Mail
1 backend (old System) with all old folders in an archive subfolder  
for each user

1 mupdate master (VPS)
1 frontend (VPS)


   Michael Menge

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

Cyrus Home Page:
List Archives/Info:
To Unsubscribe:

Re: PATCH for lmtp was [frontend lmtp connections to mupdate master]

2015-11-17 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus

Hi Ken

thanks. Do you intend to patch 2.4.x and 2.5.x ?

I am a bit confused by the recent changes of cyrusimap and cyrus.fondation.
Is the bugtracker still used by the project?
If yes, you should close,
if not, someone should add some information where the new bugtracker  
can be found



Quoting Ken Murchison :

I committed a revised version just a little while ago:

On 11/16/2015 04:41 AM, Michael Menge via Info-cyrus wrote:


is there anything missing from my side, or something that I can do to help
that my patch can be included?



Quoting Nic Bernstein via Info-cyrus :

We're starting to run into this same issue -- lmtp proxies fail to  
deliver mail when mupdate master craps -- and so started to  
investigate this thread.  However, it doesn't look like Michael  
Menge's patch made it in.  Your thoughts?


On 10/07/2014 08:17 AM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
I'm convinced :)  I'll probably add it with Ken while we're at  
CMU in a couple of weeks when we can test it together.  This is  
precisely the kind of thing we love to see!  Thanks.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2014, at 10:23 PM, Michael Menge wrote:


as we have had an other crash of mupdate master last week, we used the
patch on our production system.

After the patch was added the load on mupdate master was dropping form
about 10 to about 1.

After one week of using it we have not found any problems.
As I have not received any other feedback, I added it to the

Pleas consider adding it to 2.5 and



Quoting Michael Menge :


Quoting Michael Menge :

Quoting Michael Menge :

By thew way, the reason I was so surprised in the first place  
was, that

I have been fooled by the documentation:

Configuring the frontends
However, because the frontends only talk to the mupdate master
via   a  slave running on the local machine, you will also need
to set  up  a  slave on the same machine, in the SERVICES section
of   cyrus.conf,  like so

And an other misleading DOC !

UMich patch

Patch Patches are against 2.2 but are being moved to 2.3
Lmtpproxyd   will now use the local mailboxes.db

Quoting Wesley Craig :

On 29 Sep 2014, at 10:08, Michael Menge

thanks for your mail. By any chance do you still have the patch?

In fact, I don't.  Dusting off my notes, I recall now that instead
of patching this (bogus) code, we instead decided to configure the
frontends as "unified", while leaving the backends "standard".  The
only downside of this approach was that a naive admin could
potentially create a user's mailbox on a frontend.

Sorry I said that we ported that code forward: in fact we simply
got  the effect of consulting mailboxes.db without porting forward.


I have patched my lmtpd to use the local mailbox.db in all cases,
unified Murder, and standalone cyrus already did this.
I tested it with a few testmails on my test system,
but as i don't have a unified setup or a standalone test system
at the moment i didn't test these setups.

I would appreciate a review.


  Michael Menge

 M.MengeTel.: (49)  

Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

 M.MengeTel.: (49)  

Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

Cyrus Home Page:
List Archives/Info:
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Email had 1 attachment:
+ smime.p7s
 7k (application/pkcs7-signature)

Nic Bernstein
Onlight, Inc.
6525 W Bluemound Road, Suite 24   v. 414.272.4477
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53213-4073

 M.MengeTel.: (49)  

Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:


Re: PATCH for lmtp was [frontend lmtp connections to mupdate master]

2015-11-16 Thread Michael Menge via Info-cyrus


is there anything missing from my side, or something that I can do to help
that my patch can be included?



Quoting Nic Bernstein via Info-cyrus :

We're starting to run into this same issue -- lmtp proxies fail to  
deliver mail when mupdate master craps -- and so started to  
investigate this thread.  However, it doesn't look like Michael  
Menge's patch made it in.  Your thoughts?


On 10/07/2014 08:17 AM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
I'm convinced :)  I'll probably add it with Ken while we're at CMU  
in a couple of weeks when we can test it together.  This is  
precisely the kind of thing we love to see!  Thanks.


On Tue, Oct 7, 2014, at 10:23 PM, Michael Menge wrote:


as we have had an other crash of mupdate master last week, we used the
patch on our production system.

After the patch was added the load on mupdate master was dropping form
about 10 to about 1.

After one week of using it we have not found any problems.
As I have not received any other feedback, I added it to the

Pleas consider adding it to 2.5 and



Quoting Michael Menge :


Quoting Michael Menge :

Quoting Michael Menge :

By thew way, the reason I was so surprised in the first place was, that
I have been fooled by the documentation:

Configuring the frontends
However, because the frontends only talk to the mupdate master
via   a  slave running on the local machine, you will also need
to set  up  a  slave on the same machine, in the SERVICES section
of   cyrus.conf,  like so

And an other misleading DOC !

UMich patch

Patch Patches are against 2.2 but are being moved to 2.3
Lmtpproxyd   will now use the local mailboxes.db

Quoting Wesley Craig :

On 29 Sep 2014, at 10:08, Michael Menge

thanks for your mail. By any chance do you still have the patch?

In fact, I don't.  Dusting off my notes, I recall now that instead
of patching this (bogus) code, we instead decided to configure the
frontends as "unified", while leaving the backends "standard".  The
 only downside of this approach was that a naive admin could
potentially create a user's mailbox on a frontend.

Sorry I said that we ported that code forward: in fact we simply
got  the effect of consulting mailboxes.db without porting forward.


I have patched my lmtpd to use the local mailbox.db in all cases,
unified Murder, and standalone cyrus already did this.
I tested it with a few testmails on my test system,
but as i don't have a unified setup or a standalone test system
at the moment i didn't test these setups.

I would appreciate a review.


   Michael Menge

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

Cyrus Home Page:
List Archives/Info:
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Email had 1 attachment:
+ smime.p7s
  7k (application/pkcs7-signature)

Nic Bernstein
Onlight, Inc.
6525 W Bluemound Road, Suite 24   v. 414.272.4477
Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53213-4073

M.MengeTel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung  mail:

Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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