how to expunge DELETE.user.username from mailboxes db ?

2015-12-09 Thread Riccardo Veraldi via Info-cyrus

after removing a mailbox with cyradm (dm user.username).

I have plenty of DELETED.user.username  in the mailboxes database.

for example given user.username which has been deleted, i still ahave 
the following entries

/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist  -d  | grep -i username

DELETED.user.username.5667F5BC0 default username lrswipkxtecda

DELETED.user.username.Drafts.5667F5C20 default username lrswipkxtecda
DELETED.user.username.SPAM.5667F5C30 default username lrswipkxtecda
DELETED.user.username.Sent.5667F5C30 default username lrswipkxtecda
DELETED.user.username.Trash.5667F5C50 default username lrswipkxtecda

how can I get rid of these entries in the mailboxes database ?
after years it is full of DELETED entries.

thank you

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Re: cyradm cannot connect to cyrus imap server

2014-02-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
if cyrus is your user admin just do

cyradm --user cyrus --server localhost

and it will work

depending on your password backend you may need to add user cyrus with 
sasldb2 or
if you use local unix account with saslauthd you just need to set a 
password for user cyrus with passwd

On 2/20/14 11:12 PM, Scott Lambert wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 10:35:42AM +0100, Willy Offermans wrote:
 Dear Cyrus Friends,

 I need your help to solve the following:

 I'm setting up cyrus on my new FreeBSD 10.0 server. I have used the following
 package: cyrus-imapd24-2.4.17_4

 If I test my setup with imtest, I get connection to the imap server.

 MyName@MyComputer:~$ imtest -m login -u username -a username -s localhost

 It works

 However, if I try to connect via cyradm, I cannot login.

 MyName@MyComputer:~$ cyradm --user username localhost
 verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
 cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as username

 You specified your authentication mechanism to be login with imtest.

 You did not specify an authentication mechanism with cyradm.

 Perhaps it would work if you try :

 cyradm --auth login --user username localhost

 That is only a guess.

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Re: namesppace trouble

2013-06-02 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

yes u are right

but on FreeBSD 9.1 with cyrus version from ports collection happen this...


so i asked if there is a way to change this behaviour

thank you

On 6/2/13 9:49 PM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 1, 2013, at 10:22 PM, fddi wrote:
 but anyway  all the mailboxes are created with username into


 while I wanted them to be


 I can't figure out while this cyrus-imapd from FreeBSD ports is not like 

 the  cyrus-imap for linux rpm downloaded from has the standard 

 Note: accuracy is important.  That doesn't happen.  You can get this:


 But the hashing is never the other way around.  For domains it is


 (no, it's not entirely sane - but that's how it is)


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problems with quota files

2013-02-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
Hello I am running cyrus 2.4.17

I realized that quota shown for users with quota command is much less 
than real filesystem usage

an example:

/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/quota user.username
Quota   % Used Used Root
  1500   34  5189501 user.username

du -sh /var/spool/imap/m/user/username

I am a bit worried about it.

I am using ext4

the same problem was also on the previous cyrus version I was using 
2.3.16  because I have the same problems.

I fixed the quota files with quota -f but it did not resolve my problem.

any hints ?

thank you


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Re: problems with quota files

2013-02-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

thanks for your reply.
I do not have any particular single instance store setup... it is just a 
normal raid5 DELL Perc with SATA disks...


On 2/20/13 8:17 PM, Simon Matter wrote:
 Hello I am running cyrus 2.4.17

 I realized that quota shown for users with quota command is much less
 than real filesystem usage

 an example:

 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/quota user.username
  Quota   % Used Used Root
1500   34  5189501 user.username

 du -sh /var/spool/imap/m/user/username

 I am a bit worried about it.

 I am using ext4

 the same problem was also on the previous cyrus version I was using
 2.3.16  because I have the same problems.

 I fixed the quota files with quota -f but it did not resolve my problem.

 any hints ?
 Maybe single instance store is causing it?


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upgrading to latest cyrus-imapd

2013-02-15 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
i am currently running cyrus 2.3.16 on Centos 5 and I Want to upgrade to 
a new imap server runining cyrus 2.4.17

can I safely rsync the mailboxes and reconstruct them ?
that is can I safely upgrade form 2.3 to 2.4 ?

with rsync and reconstruct i never had a problem...

any hints ?

thank you


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running cyrus-imapd over openstack cloud storage ?

2012-12-16 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
I ask if anyone ever tried cyrus-imapd /var/spool/imap partion over an 
openstack cloud storage.
I have such an idea to try it but if anyone already did it, I wanted to 
ask if this can slow the cyrus-imap
access to file and folders, or if this is just good for a sort of imap 
storage reiliability.

I have to implement an imap server for about 1+ mailboxes.
any hints on the architecture I might use ?

thank you


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TLS wrrors on cyrus imapd log file

2012-09-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
I am using cyrus-imapd-2.4.10

I have configured it properly with X509 certificates.
Everything is working fine but for every client connection I receive 
this error: TLS server engine: cannot load CA data

Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: TLS server engine: cannot load CA data
Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: imapd:Loading hard-coded DH parameters
Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: SSL_accept() incomplete - wait
Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: SSL_accept() succeeded - done
Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher 
DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits reused) no authentication
Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: login: 
[] username plain+TLS User logged in

X509 certificate is ok it is not expired; it complains about CA 
certificate data, but the certificate path inside imapd.conf is correct.

what the problem could be ?

thank you


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Re: TLS wrrors on cyrus imapd log file

2012-09-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
these are my settings

tls_cert_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/iride.pem
tls_key_file: /etc/pki/tls/private/iride.key
tls_ca_file: /etc/pki/CA/INFN-CA.pem

On 9/20/12 8:15 PM, Andrew Morgan wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Riccardo Veraldi wrote:

 I am using cyrus-imapd-2.4.10

 I have configured it properly with X509 certificates.
 Everything is working fine but for every client connection I receive
 this error: TLS server engine: cannot load CA data

 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: TLS server engine: cannot load CA 
 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: imapd:Loading hard-coded DH 
 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: SSL_accept() incomplete - wait
 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: SSL_accept() succeeded - done
 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher
 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits reused) no authentication
 Sep 16 04:04:42 iride imaps[9363]: login:
 [] username plain+TLS User logged in

 X509 certificate is ok it is not expired; it complains about CA
 certificate data, but the certificate path inside imapd.conf is correct.

 what the problem could be ?

 What are your tls_* settings in imapd.conf?  I am running Cyrus 
 v2.4.16 and do not see the cannot load CA data error in my logs.  
 Here are my tls_* settings:

 tls_ca_path: /etc/ssl/certs
 tls_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/
 tls_key_file: /etc/ssl/certs/


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NOAUTHENTICATION problem with timsieved

2012-08-06 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
i have troubles with timsieved belonging to  cyrus-imapd version 2.4.13

with version 2.4.10 I didn't have this problem.

it is impossible for me to authenticate on timsieved:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
IMPLEMENTATION Cyrus timsieved v2.4.13-Invoca-RPM-2.4.13-CNAF_1.el6
SIEVE comparator-i;ascii-numeric fileinto reject vacation imapflags 
notify envelope relational regex subaddress copy

I see the UNAUTHENTICATE string which I never seen in previous timsieved 

managesieve plugins give me errors like this

[06-Aug-2012 11:52:16] No supported authentication method found. The 
server supports these methods: , but we want to use: PLAIN ():

basically no authentication method is supported inside timsieved.

this is my imapd.conf

configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: cyrus
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
hashimapspool: true
allowplaintext: false
allowusermoves: true
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
tls_cert_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_key_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd.pem
tls_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/CA.pem

and this is my cyrus.conf

   # do not delete this entry!
   recovercmd=ctl_cyrusdb -r

   # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/sockets
   # add or remove based on preferences
   imapcmd=imapd listen=localhost:imap prefork=5
   imapscmd=imapd -s listen=imaps prefork=1
#  pop3cmd=pop3d listen=pop3 prefork=3
   pop3scmd=pop3d -s listen=pop3s prefork=1
   sievecmd=timsieved listen= prefork=1

   # these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP
#  nntpcmd=nntpd listen=nntp prefork=3
#  nntpscmd=nntpd -s listen=nntps prefork=1

   # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtpcmd=lmtpd listen=lmtp prefork=0
   lmtpunixcmd=lmtpd listen=/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp prefork=1

   # this is only necessary if using notifications
#  notifycmd=notifyd listen=/var/lib/imap/socket/notify 
proto=udp prefork=1

   # this is required
   checkpointcmd=ctl_cyrusdb -c period=30

   # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
   # Sieve or NNTP
   delprunecmd=cyr_expire -D 7 -E 3 -X 7 at=0400

   # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
   tlsprunecmd=tls_prune at=0400

anyone could give me a hint on why timsieved behaves in this way ?

thank you


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cyrus marks vacation messages as duplicate

2012-07-24 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
i have a problem.
When a user configures a vacation rule such as

# rule:[vacation]
if true
 vacation :days 100 vacation test;

the reply vacation message is never sent to the sender of message and I 
have this in imapd.conf

Jul 24 11:48:42 iride lmtp[29631]: duplicate_check: user.veraldi 0
Jul 24 11:48:42 iride lmtp[29631]: Delivered: to mailbox: user.veraldi
Jul 24 11:48:42 iride lmtp[29631]: duplicate_mark: user.veraldi 1343123322 269982
Jul 24 11:48:42 iride lmtp[29631]: duplicate_mark: .veraldi+@.sieve. 1343123322 0
Jul 24 11:48:42 iride lmtp[29631]: USAGE veraldi user: 0.002999 sys: 

the vacation reply message is recognized as a duplicate message and this 
is wrong.

Is this a bug ?
How can I fix this ?

any vacation messagereply is recognized as duplicate and thus is suppressed

I am using cyrus-imapd-2.4.10 on Centos 5

thank you


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Re: Cyrus imap server and filesystem type.

2011-10-03 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
On 10/3/11 10:44 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-10-03 at 22:08 +0200, Bron Gondwana wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 09:58:28PM +0200, Josef Karliak wrote:
Hi there,
what filesystem type do you use for Cyrus imapd ? I use SLES11x64
 (or opensuse 11.4).
I use Reiserfs3.6, so far so good. But couldn't be better ? :)
Thanks for share your expericiencies.
 We used to use reiserfs 3.6, but we changed to ext4 a while back.
 ext3 was awfully bad, but ext4 is working fine.
 +1 ext4

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I am using XFS on centos5 as filesystem for imap server.
IT works fine but I noticed more space is wasted compared to ext3

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problem with a user mailbox

2011-09-26 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

I have migrated mailboxes from cyrus-imapd 2.3.7 to cyrus-imapd 2.4.10  
on CentOS 5.6

everything went fine except for a user who has a lot of nested folders

this user has a mailbox called StoRM like this:


this is in the mailboxes file

but on the filesystem there is another folder called StormSupport which 
is not seen as


inside this there is another level of folders like


and so on

basically cyrus is unable to see user.username.StoRM.StormSupport and 
its subfolders

I tried to reconstruct the mailbox with -f -r but no clue, the problem 
Folder  user.username.StoRM.StormSupport  and its subfolders are 
correctly seen on the old server
but not on the new one. Cyrus does not see them.

how can I fix this problem ?

thank you


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idled errors

2011-09-26 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
on the impd.log I have plenty of idled errors

Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27607]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27584]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27583]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27582]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27580]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27579]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27578]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27577]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27552]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27393]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27419]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27441]: error sending to idled: 1
Sep 26 15:12:50 iride imaps[27440]: error sending to idled: 1

I have cyrus-impad 2.4.10  and my configurations looks fine

in /etc/cyrus.conf

   # do not delete this entry!
   recovercmd=ctl_cyrusdb -r

   # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE

in /etc/imapd.conf

idlesocket: /var/lib/imap/socket/idle
imapidlepoll: 60

so I guess why idled cannot be contacted.

any clue ?

do I have to disable idled

thank you


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Re: problem with a user mailbox

2011-09-26 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

reconstruct simply ignores the folders...

I had to dump mailboxes from the old server grepping the StormSupport 
folder and subfolders

/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ctl_mboxlist -u  /tmp/mailboxes.txt

then I added the missing mailboxes in the text file  and re-imported 
from text file and then it worked.

but I did not know why reconstruct could not find the folder itself...

the permission were ok I checked them many times.

thank you

P.S. I did not try with -x I ws in hurry to fix hte problem and it 
worked with ctl_mboxlist

than I had o reimport hte mailboxes

On 9/26/11 3:19 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 14:41 +0200, Riccardo Veraldi wrote:
 I have migrated mailboxes from cyrus-imapd 2.3.7 to cyrus-imapd 2.4.10
 on CentOS 5.6
 everything went fine except for a user who has a lot of nested folders
 this user has a mailbox called StoRM like this:
 this is in the mailboxes file
 but on the filesystem there is another folder called StormSupport which
 is not seen as
 inside this there is another level of folders lik
 and so on
 basically cyrus is unable to see user.username.StoRM.StormSupport and
 its subfolders
 I tried to reconstruct the mailbox with -f -r but no clue, the problem
 Folder  user.username.StoRM.StormSupport  and its subfolders are
 correctly seen on the old server
 but not on the new one. Cyrus does not see them.
 how can I fix this problem ?
 Have you tried with the -x option?

 Have you triple checked permissions?

 When you run the reconstruct do you see any messages in the log?

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Re: Migration using imapsync

2011-09-15 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
I gave up with imapsync.
I use rsync then reconstruct the migrated mailbox and fix quota file

On 15/set/2011, at 14:10, Mogens Melander wrote:

 Hi Guys
 I realize that this is probably not a Cyrus problem, but the imapsync
 community don't strike me as responsive. And you guys know everything :)
 I'm trying to move from an old uw-imap to Cyrus 2.4.8 using imapsync 1.456.
 So far my main problem has been the lack off useful documentation on
 imapsync's part. Specially on the --regextrans2 parameter. I managed
 to figure that one out by 2 days of Googling and trial-error attempts.
 My remaining problem is, how to create parent folders for sub folders.
 The uw-imap folder structure is flat (a list of files) so i would like
 to get related stuff into a tree structure using subfolders.
 I got a bunch of --regextrans2
--regextrans2 's#^BURAPA$#Biker Stuff/BURAPA#' \
--regextrans2 's#^BikeWeek$#Biker Stuff/BikeWeek#' \
--regextrans2 's#^Biker Events$#Biker Stuff/Biker Events#' \
--regextrans2 's#^Hard Rock$#Biker Stuff/Hard Rock#' \
--regextrans2 's#^John Daytona$#Biker Stuff/John Daytona#' \
 Resulting in correct created subfolders
user/testuser/Biker Stuff/ (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Biker Stuff/ (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Biker Stuff/Biker (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Biker Stuff/Hard (\HasNoChildren)
user/testuser/Biker Stuff/John (\HasNoChildren)
 Using Squirrel Mail as client, i would like to collapse those
 folders, to only show Biker Stuff (unread/total).
 For this to work, i need the parent folder
user/testuser/Biker (\HasChildren)
 To be created. I can do that manually in cyradm or Squirrel Mail, but there's
 too many parent folders needed for each user to do it by hand.
 Any ideas as to how this can be done. Either by imapsync or some clever 
 Zenwalk 6.4 Core
 Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 14 11:49:43 CEST 2009
 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
 Mogens Melander
 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.
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Re: recover mailboxes

2011-03-04 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

you must recover the enitre mailbox from your backup, for example user 
called generic

at this point you use reconstruct to rebuild hte mailbox with cyrus 
index files

su cyrus
reconstruct -r -f user.generic

then you rebuild hte quota

quota -f user.generic

and you are done.

But you must recover the individual message files in the mailbox path 
otherwise you are lost.


On 3/4/11 9:30 AM, Chantal Rosmuller wrote:

Hi list,

Is it possible to recover imap mailboxes with:
cyrus.cache, cyrus.index and cyrus.headers?

The OS is maxosx server 10.4

I want to recover mail from the backup but I cannot find the 
individual message files.

Regards, Chantal

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migrating from normal configuration to virtualdomains

2010-11-08 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
I am migrating my actual cyrus config to one supporting virtual domains.

the problem is how to copy the old /var/spooll/imap  to the new one 
supporting virtual domains

my domain is for example
the old configuration has the mailboxes root in /var/spooll/imap

if I enable virtual domains and I set up as default domain,
can I simply rsync my /var/spooll/imap from old server to new server 
without having troubles ?

thank you


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verify cyrus user

2010-11-08 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
Hello, I am using ckuser_cyrus.m4 sendmail macro to enable the cyrus 
user lookup using sendmail socketmaps
and it works in normal cyrus configuration.

But when I enable cyrus virtualdomains it does not work anymore, and it 
always fails for domains which are not defaultdomain.

anyone has a fix about this ?

thank you


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problems with lmtp delivery

2010-10-22 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

hello I am trying to configure my main mail server to deliver mail to a 
cyrus-imapd mail store is the mail server is the imap server

I configured sendmail accordingly

Mlocal, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPSXmnz9, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, 
A=TCP 24

and it tries to deliver mails to the cyrus imap server

but I have this error on the cyrus side

Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: accepted connection
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride master[30456]: about to exec 
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: connection from 
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30456]: executed
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: skiplist: checkpointed 
/var/lib/imap/tls_sessions.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: imapd:Loading hard-coded DH parameters
Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: SSL_accept() incomplete - wait
Oct 22 13:24:15 iride lmtp[30434]: wrong version number in SSL_accept() 
- fail
Oct 22 13:24:15 iride lmtp[30434]: [lmtpd] STARTTLS failed: []

anf from the mail server mx side I have this error:

Oct 22 13:16:23 iris-new sendmail[7335]: o9MALhlW007079: to=veraldi, 
delay=00:54:39, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=660015, [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 430 
Authentication required

i simply would like to deliver emails to the cyrus mailstore with LMTP 
without STARTTLS or authentication, is it possible ?



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Re: problems with lmtp delivery

2010-10-22 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

I fixed the problem using -a option in lmtpd

  lmtp  cmd=lmtpd -a listen=lmtp prefork=5



Riccardo Veraldi wrote:
 hello I am trying to configure my main mail server to deliver mail to a 
 cyrus-imapd mail store is the mail server is the imap server

 I configured sendmail accordingly

 Mlocal, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPSXmnz9, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, 
 A=TCP 24

 and it tries to deliver mails to the cyrus imap server

 but I have this error on the cyrus side

 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: accepted connection
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride master[30456]: about to exec 
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: connection from 
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30456]: executed
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: skiplist: checkpointed 
 /var/lib/imap/tls_sessions.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: imapd:Loading hard-coded DH parameters
 Oct 22 13:22:29 iride lmtp[30434]: SSL_accept() incomplete - wait
 Oct 22 13:24:15 iride lmtp[30434]: wrong version number in SSL_accept() 
 - fail
 Oct 22 13:24:15 iride lmtp[30434]: [lmtpd] STARTTLS failed: []

 anf from the mail server mx side I have this error:

 Oct 22 13:16:23 iris-new sendmail[7335]: o9MALhlW007079: to=veraldi, 
 delay=00:54:39, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=660015, [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: 430 
 Authentication required

 i simply would like to deliver emails to the cyrus mailstore with LMTP 
 without STARTTLS or authentication, is it possible ?



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DELETED mailboxes

2010-07-05 Thread Riccardo Veraldi
I recently deleted some mailboxes.
Some of them where recreated with the same mailbox name.

So now i have the new mailboxes


but issuing a lm command I still can see the old mailboxes are still 
existent like wit the DELETED prefix:


how can I purge the old mailboxes in the mailboxes.db without damage to 
the new mailboxes
and without damage to the content of mailboxes in /var/spool/imap ??

thank you


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cyrus db problems

2006-06-20 Thread Riccardo Veraldi

Hello, I installed cyrus on Digital Unix TRu64 5.1
I have this problem when the master process starts

Jun 20 09:43:13 myhost master[483457]: process started
Jun 20 09:43:13 myhost master[487539]: about to exec 

Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[487539]: recovering cyrus databases
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[487539]: skiplist: recovered 
/disk1/imap/mailboxes.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[487539]: skiplist: recovered 
/disk1/imap/annotations.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds

Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[487539]: done recovering cyrus databases
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost master[483457]: The service passed was not 
recognized for the specified socket type., disabling sieve

Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost master[483457]: ready for work
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost master[490727]: about to exec 

Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: checkpointing cyrus databases
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: archiving database file: 
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: archiving database file: 
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: DBERROR: error listing log 
files: Permission denied
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: DBERROR: archive 
/disk1/imap/db: cyrusdb error
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: DBERROR: error listing log 
files: Permission denied
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: DBERROR: archive 
/disk1/imap/db: cyrusdb error
Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost ctl_cyrusdb[490727]: done checkpointing cyrus 

Jun 20 09:43:14 myhost master[483457]: process 490727 exited, status 1

but the permissions seems to be ok:

drwxr-x---  11 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 imap


drwxr-x---  11 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 carboni  system   512 Jun 19 21:49 ..
-rw---   1 cyrusmail 144 Jun 20 09:43 annotations.db
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 db
drwx--   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 db.backup1
drwx--   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 db.backup2
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 19 21:52 log
-rw---   1 cyrusmail 144 Jun 20 09:43 mailboxes.db
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 19 21:52 msg
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:45 proc
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 19 21:52 ptclient
drwxr-x---   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 19 21:50 sieve
drwxr-xr-x   2 cyrusmail 512 Jun 20 09:43 socket

what's wrong ?

thank you a lot


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