Re: Did calculating the quota change from 2.3 to 2.5?

2016-12-31 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 31/12/16 06:17, Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus wrote:

> If your cyrus.* files are identical then you have pretty weird mailboxes,
> but yeah - I guess it could happen if you had two folders with identical
> messages in identical order and all the timestamps identical.

Especially empty mailbox cyrus.cache/squat and most cyrus.annotation (2.5)
files got linked together on my testhost.

I use freedup with the patch sent in
on regular basis without harm.

Meanwhile the patch is included in the most recent 1.6-3 release of freedup.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: Did calculating the quota change from 2.3 to 2.5?

2016-12-30 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 29/11/16 22:37, Jason L Tibbitts III via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Fun random question: Does anything blow up if you run hardlink on your
> mail spool?  (The hardlink program finds identical files and hardlinks
> them.)

Using "hardlink" is IMO not save on imap spools since it also links cyrus.*
files what's definitely not what you want.

I recommend using freedup instead. Something like
freedup -n -v -a -T -o '-name "*."' -l /var/spool/..

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: mailboxes.db locking problem after updating from 2.4 to 2.5.9

2016-11-17 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 18/11/16 01:07, Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2016, at 10:51, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
>> I already filed a bug 
>> but no response so far. I directly asked Bron, but no response as well.
> Sorry, I really don't have a clue.  2.5 does have a different mailboxes.db
> format, so it's a bit more CPU intensive.  The real massive win for CPU
> usage is going to come with reverse ACLs:

Thanks for the response in the first place! I'm sorry to push this topic
continuously because I appreciate all your hard work (and Ellies as well) on
cyrus very much!

We had a quite hard time keeping our infrastructure operational after doing
the final step upgrading our frontends to 2.5. Seeing others having the same
stress should be quite a warning for people thinking about an upgrade.

Since Deniss has these troubles with skiplist as well on 2.5 it looks like the
triggers it. twoskip seems to perform even worse if mailboxes.db reaches a
certain size,
or it's only the size penalty which hits twoskip earlier.
150-200 MB seems critical for locking issues.


I read about them some time ago in the 3.0.0-beta changelog. Hopefully we're
on a stable cyrus release supporting it before reaching the critical size for

> But to get there, we need to solve reverse ACLs for groups.  I did ask about 
> it here:

Sorry, we don't use groups.

> But then didn't follow up to add group reverse ACL support in Cyrus, so 
> reverse ACLs are broken if you're using groups.

So, 2.5 wont get them anyway I guess;-)

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <> |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: mailboxes.db locking problem after updating from 2.4 to 2.5.9

2016-11-17 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 17/11/16 14:00, Deniss via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Hello,
> I trying to migrate one big cyrus imap server from 2.4 to 2.5.9.
> I updated binaries, fix db backend in imapd.conf and converted
> mailboxes.db with ctl_mboxlist -d & -u to twoskip.
> cyrus ran fine until morning when a count of simultanious sessions
> started to rise.

Sounds familiar;-)

> I converted mailboxes.db back to skiplist and got a bunch (10-20 per
> sec) of following logs:

I did the same. twoskip was and is useless on my frontends. With skiplist my
loads dropped at least down to 2-5. After doubling our vCPUs it runs quite well.

Do you use roundcube by any chance? If yes update to 2.5.10 and do not use
$config['imap_disabled_caps'] = array('LIST-EXTENDED');

Otherwise roundcube sends two 'LIST "" "*"' on each login and triggers two
full table scans on your mailboxes.db

> 180M /var/imap/mailboxes.db.skiplist.24
> 215M /var/imap/mailboxes.db.skiplist.25
> 262M /var/imap/mailboxes.db.twoskip.25

Wow, larger then ours. We've ~140MB on skiplist.25.

> Any ideas or suggestion for investigation ?

I already filed a bug
but no response so far. I directly asked Bron, but no response as well.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: Bugs in cyrus murder 2.5

2016-11-15 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Michael Menge via Info-cyrus wrote on 15/11/16 17:08:
> Thanks for the info, we are also still running cyrus 2.4 on our  
> production environment.
> But mostly because that was the stable version at the time we migrated  
> from stand alone
> to murder setup and the "never touch a running system" mentality. I  
> was not aware that
> there was decreased stability for murder setup in the cyrus 2.5 version.

For 2.5.10 it's primarily not stability. It's functionality.

> Do you have some specific bugs in mind?

The major ones are:

If you use XFERs between backends... they are still completely broken:

This one may still hurt if you use shared mailboxes (on different backends):

And last but not least .. performance issues on frontends (compared to 2.4):

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: command line deletion of files

2016-09-29 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Vladislav Kurz via Info-cyrus wrote on 29/09/16 17:04:
> ipurge is nice but I would really appreciate if it had a --dry-run
> option. I'm never sure what it will really delete.

It got one in 2.5.9.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Huge performance problems after updating from 2.4 to 2.5.9

2016-09-29 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

A can add another story of that type, but with different setup:

We already migrated to 2.5.7 on our ten backends some month ago step by step
and upgraded to 2.5.9 lately. We never had any performance issues on them. All
of them have done a full "reconstruct -V max" and special-use metadata is set
to step in for static xlist missing in 2.5 frontends.

Yesterday I did the final step by updating our mupdate server and the murder
frontends. No problems on the mupdate server so far.

The configs are mostly the same like for 2.4 (except for the changed names).
The only key change done was from skiplist to twoskip for all databases:
annotation_db: twoskip
duplicate_db: twoskip
ptscache_db: twoskip
mboxlist_db: twoskip
seenstate_db: twoskip
statuscache_db: twoskip
subscription_db: flat
tls_sessions_db: twoskip
userdeny_db: flat

All of them are placed in /var/spool/imap/config except statuscache and
tlscache which reside in /dev/shm.

After migrating the frontends yesterday evening I already recognized a higher
load and decided to keep an eye on it.

Our 3 frontends are:
CentOS 6 (vmware based)
4 CPUs

They usually have ~4000-4500 concurrent imap(s) connections at peak time and
had a load ~1-3 with cyrus 2.4. swap was not used.

Today in the morning we had the same connection count with load ~100-250 with
cyrus 2.5.9 and twoskip. no swap used. top shows a huge amount of imap
processes in running state. Another thing I recognized was that changes in
mailboxes.db on backends reached the mupdate server, but didn't come through
to the frontends anymore even after 15 minutes.

I changed mailboxes.db and tlscache back to skiplist and load went down to
5-15. So, much better but still 5 times as high as with 2.4 and still causing

Currently I have no idea what causes the load besides twoskip (which I can
live without since skiplist never caused us any troubles).

I compared "USAGE" loglines from two days (2.4) ago to 2.5 with skiplist and

2.4   : user: 0.384322, sys: 0.029056 (23538 USAGE lines, 09:00-10:00)
2.4   : user: 0.353515, sys: 0.030814 (25790 USAGE lines, 13:00-14:00)
2.5 ts: user: 0.903491, sys: 0.028196 (23429 ..., 08:00-09:00)
2.5 ts: user: 1.130391, sys: 0.032894 (27709 ..., 09:00-10:00)
2.5 sl: user: 0.864270, sys: 0.026580 (29567 ..., 13:00-14:00)
2.5 sl: user: 1.077462, sys: 0.032952 (25879 ..., 14:00-15:00)

Comparing all three I wonder why skiplist makes such a big difference.

lmtpd shows now relevant difference for all three.

Most likely I will go for horizontal scaling putting a 4th frontend in the line.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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2.5.9 build issues

2016-08-20 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
After modifying my spec file from 2.5.8 to 2.5.9 I ended up with two new

*) jcal.c can't be compiled with jansson < 2.7 (eg. every RHEL) because
json_boolean_value() is missing. I fixed it with:
--- cyrus-imapd-2.5.9/imap/jcal.h.orig  2016-08-20 16:20:52.049359274 +0200
+++ cyrus-imapd-2.5.9/imap/jcal.h   2016-08-20 16:21:03.719723892 +0200
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@

 #include "util.h"

+#define json_boolean_value json_is_true
 extern char *icalcomponent_as_jcal_string(icalcomponent* comp);
 extern icalcomponent *jcal_string_as_icalcomponent(const char *str);
 extern const char *begin_jcal(struct buf *buf);

*) htmlstrip.c gets installed as source to /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd. It seems
it doesn't get compiled at all and the source gets installed instead.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: squat broken after upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5?

2016-06-21 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus wrote on 21/06/16 01:52:
> This could very well be a bug in the upgrade :(  It would be great to have
> a test case to check this.  I can't do that today, but maybe ellie can do
> something.
> Sadly our bug tracking situtation for Cyrus is a mess at the moment, but
> I'm hoping to have that cleaned up soon.

I filed

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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squat broken after upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5?

2016-06-20 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

I upgraded some backend hosts from 2.4.18 to 2.5.8. Currently they are all
still running with index version 12.

Some of these mailboxes have squatter activated as annotation and my
cyrus.conf has
squatter  cmd="squatter -asir *" at=0500

I see that it runs at night and logs entries like:
Jun 20 05:00:15 lauren squatter[27593]: indexing mailbox user.

There are no errors in the log from squatter.

But today I recognized on my own mailbox that squatter returns nothing while
searching with thunderbird. The resulting imap request looked like:
<1466414132<18 UID Search UNDELETED (OR (OR OR TO "search" HEADER CC "search"
SUBJECT "search") BODY "search")
<1466414132>* SEARCH
18 OK Completed (0 msgs in 0.010 secs)

I then moved the current squat db and the same search returned 214 messages.

Rebuiling the squat db and searching again resulted in the exact same 214

It seems that something changed within the squat DB and 2.5 can't search in
the old 2.4 DBs. That's bad in two ways.

*) search doesn't fail with an error and simply returns no result. no fallback
to searching without squat db.
*) the squat db is not refreshed/rebuilt after upgrade.

Is this a bug or is something broken on my side?

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: idled multiplying and consuming the server

2016-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Eugene M. Zheganin via Info-cyrus wrote on 10/06/16 16:58:
> idled cmd="idled" listen="/var/imap/socket/idled" proto="udp" prefork=0

That looks like an entry in the SERVICE section. That's wrong for idled.

idled should be added at the end of the START section like


idled   cmd="idled"

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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prefork and IPv6

2016-06-09 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

I recently wondered why some of my preforked processes on my murder backends
never get used. I detected them because some quite old lmtpd's were holding
locks on an already deleted deliver.db.

After some debugging I recognized that cyrus-master seems to fork the
configured amount of "prefork" daemons twice. One half listening on IPv4 and
the other half on IPv6. Since IPv6 is practically never used from our
frontends they stay forever doing nothing on the backends.

Is there some reasonable way to prevent this other than setting prefork=0?

I'm only using SERVICE entries like:
  Bimap cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5

Only the port is used for listen= without interface/IP.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: Cannot connect with cyradm

2016-05-07 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 06/05/16 04:24, Stuart Castergine via Info-cyrus wrote:

I recommend changing the password from the "fury" thingy to something else.
Maybe you want to strip base64 encoded credentials in the future.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: disable starttls, ssl only

2016-04-26 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Gabriele Bulfon via Info-cyrus wrote on 26/04/16 12:25:
> Hi,
> is it possible to disable completely the starttls option on cyrus imapd?
> I want just connections on 993 over ssl, no starttls at all.
> I noticed a number of "Fatal error: tls_start_servertls() failed" and noticed
> a slow down of the entire machine during these errors.
> I wouldn't like to have some kind of ddos attak using starttls on 993 or
> something.

Remove it from cyrus.conf?

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: 2.5.7 caldav interoperability

2016-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
rsto--- via Info-cyrus wrote on 21/04/16 22:51:
> P.S.: I am based in Vienna as well, so feel free to reach out to me :)

Thanks for your offlist help. I think you pointed me in the right direction.

2.5.7 announces VPOLL for all except iOS/8 devices. HEAD doesn't announce
VPOLL at all

/* Apple clients don't like VPOLL */
types &= ~CAL_COMP_VPOLL;
vs. 2.5.7
/* XXX  iOS/8 doesn't like VPOLL */
if (hdr && strstr(hdr[0], "iOS/8")) types &= ~CAL_COMP_VPOLL;

May I ask to backport this change to 2.5.x? I patched it locally and can
confirm that our iOS/7 and 9 devices are able to access the Default Calendar 

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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Re: mailboxes.db invalid entries

2016-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
Jan Kowalsky via Info-cyrus wrote on 22/04/16 01:28:
> First I tried to dump the mailbox.db with ctl_mboxlist -d /tmp/mailboxes.txt
> After deleting the wrong entry manually I wanted to reload the mailbox
> again with ctl_mboxlist -u /tmp/mailboxes.txt. All operation with
> stopped cyrus.

Have you renamed your mailboxes.db after using -d and before using -u?
Otherwise ctl_mboxlist will import your dump into the existing mailboxes.db.

And are this exactly the commands you used?
I think
ctl_mboxlist -d >/tmp/mailboxes.txt
ctl_mboxlist -f /tmp/ -u  |
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2.5.7 caldav interoperability

2016-04-21 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

In our efforts to move on to 2.5 we also try to support caldav/carddav for our
employees. In our tests we tried to share the Default calendar through as many
devices/platforms as possible (not only) including Thundbird, OSX and iOS.

One problem we have is that iOS can access the Account and creates a new
Kalender on first access, but it does not use/detect the Default calendar. It
creates one with long UID name like 22xxx9EA-EFxx-4Exx-BAxx-Ax3D7xxx and
gives it a localized "displayname" attribute. In english "Calendar".

Calendars added by OSX are detected as well. Only Default is missing.

OSX on the other hand detects the Default as well as the iOS "Calendar" and
can access both.

For a user it is impossible to "guess" that UID mailbox/calendar name to use
it in clients without autodetection like lightning.

Is this a know issue that iOS can't/wont detect the Default calendar? Maybe
fixed in HEAD? Or is it something we did wrong in our configuration?

Greetings, Wolfgang

PS: carddav Default addressbook on the other hand works with iOS as well.
Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: @ in mailboxname: 2.4 vs. 2.5

2016-04-08 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 08/04/16 23:28, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Is it save to remove this limitation from mboxname.c?

This patch was reverted in "some" releases, but obviously not in 2.5.
Please do so.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <> |
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@ in mailboxname: 2.4 vs. 2.5

2016-04-08 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

If not using virtual domains it was always allowed to use "@" in mailbox
names and our users did. Up to 2.4.

2.5 considers it as "invalid mailbox name" due to a change in mboxname.c

This makes 2.5 highly incompatible with existing murder infrastructure. Why
was this change introduced and not mentioned in the changelog?

Is it save to remove this limitation from mboxname.c?

Wolfgang Breyha  |
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Re: drown/SSL issue

2016-03-03 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus
On 02/03/16 12:02, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> You do not need to rebuild OpenSSL. I would check the SPEC File of the CentOS
> 7 RPM which patches they included. If the TLS changes were not backported I
> would try to build one of the newer 2.4.18 SRPMs for Fedora (eg. 23) on 
> CentOS 7.

As of today RHEL/CentOS ships openssl updates with deactivated SSLv2 at
build time. It should be enough to update it and restart cyrus.

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha <> |
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Re: drown/SSL issue

2016-03-02 Thread Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus

Tony Galecki via Info-cyrus wrote on 02/03/16 03:57:
> I’m trying to figure out how to make my Cyrus install to not be susceptible to
> the drown issue.
> I have tried limiting the ciphers to TLSv1.2 but haven’t had much success.

Limiting the cipher list does not deactive protocol support in OpenSSL.

I don't know which patches Fedora backported from 2.4.18, but it seems not
enough, because 2.4.18 disables SSLv2/v3 by default and you can set
tls_versions: ...
in your config. Setting these is the only way to get rid of the protocolls

On older cyrus versions you can set
tlsonly: 1
but this can/will limit your protocoll support to TLSv1, with disabled v1.1
and v1.2, because TLSv1_server_method() was used.

You do not need to rebuild OpenSSL. I would check the SPEC File of the CentOS
7 RPM which patches they included. If the TLS changes were not backported I
would try to build one of the newer 2.4.18 SRPMs for Fedora (eg. 23) on CentOS 

Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha  |
Vienna University Computer Center | Austria

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