We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Cyrus IMAPd version 

This is a stable released in the 2.4 series, containing a mere 5 bug-fixes 
since version 2.4.3, released two days ago. Particular focus of this release 
has been paid to upgrade paths, for which many of our users have contributed 
feedback -with a special thanks to Bron Gondwana for making the fixes happen.

The URL for this release is:


We recommend that all users of earlier Cyrus IMAP versions in 2.4.x series 
update to this release.

We also recommend users of earlier Cyrus IMAP versions (2.2.x, 2.3.x) test the 
upgrade path to version 2.4.4 for its seemless upgrade capabilities, and 
report issues to us through Bugzilla:


A list of bugs logged and fixed in version 2.4.4 can be found on our Wiki:


Questions and comments can be directed to our mailing lists:

  info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu (public list)


  cyrus-de...@lists.andrew.cmu.edu (development)

We also like to invite you to join us on IRC:

  #cyrus on the FreeNode network.

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Senior Engineer, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeu...@kolabsys.com
t: +316 42 801 403
w: http://www.kolabsys.com

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Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/

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