--On Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:23 AM +0100 Christos Soulios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 3) After that, it compiles for awhile and then stops on imap/protocol.c
    with the following error:

      cc: Error: ./../lib/prot.h, line 209: Missing ";". (nosemi)
      __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));

Looking in lib/prot.h, I see the following:

      extern int prot_printf(struct protstream *, const char *, ...)
          __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));

    What is that supposed to do?  I simply deleted the line that has the
    __attribute__ on it and put a semicolon on the previous line and it
    compiles.  What problems will I see by doing that?

__atribute__ keyword handling is done at the configure script and for compilers that do not support this extension there is a #define statement. However, a '#include <config.h>' statement is missing from the lib/prot.h file and for this reason it does not build with other than gcc compilers. If you add it, then it is ok.

You are absolutely correct, and this indeed fixed the problem elegantly. Rob, can you throw a #include <config.h> at the top of prot.h in CVS, or do you need a patch given to you?

     Scott W. Adkins                http://www.cns.ohiou.edu/~sadkins/
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