
This is an update to the host to network signaling draft. Note the
name is now properly host2netsig.

Other changes include:
* Add suggestion that signals could be in a namespace managed by IANA
and allow vendors to define their own signals
* Added a use case that host to network signals could be used as routing hints
* Describe motivation and requirement for removing host to network
signals from packets in flight, gave example of how this might be done
in Hop-by-Hop Options
* Added a requirement to define a common carrier protocol for host to
network signals
* Added a requirement to define a key distribution protocol if signals
are encrypted

Any feedback is appreciated!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <internet-dra...@ietf.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 7:01 AM
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-herbert-host2netsig-00.txt
To: Tom Herbert <t...@herbertland.com>

A new version of Internet-Draft draft-herbert-host2netsig-00.txt has been
successfully submitted by Tom Herbert and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:     draft-herbert-host2netsig
Revision: 00
Title:    Host to Network Signaling
Date:     2023-10-04
Group:    Individual Submission
Pages:    25
URL:      https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-herbert-host2netsig-00.txt
Status:   https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-herbert-host2netsig/
HTMLized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-herbert-host2netsig


   This document discusses the motivations, use cases, and requirements
   for Host to Network Signaling.  In Host to Network Signaling, hosts
   annotate packets with information that is intended for consumption by
   on-path elements.  Signals may be used to request services on a per
   packet basis from on-path elements, to request admission into the
   network, or to provide diagnostics and tracing information.

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