Re: [Interest] json file handling

2015-04-15 Thread Andre Somers
On 15-4-2015 17:25, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Wednesday 15 April 2015 16:36:15 André Somers wrote:
 The dilemma I'm in is, how can I tell the json writer to append to a
 current json file without loading the whole file back in memory (eg
 read json from file-edit in Qt-write back to file). Because, after a
 while, I suppose the file will get quite large.
 I don't think JSON is particulary suitable for this kind of application
 (and neither is XML).
 CBOR might be, since it does support undefined length maps and arrays.
I'm not familiar with that format, but I'll look it up. I guess the 
choice for JSON or XML is made due to convenience though, as classes to 
read and write these are readily available. I doubt the same can be said 
of CBOR.
 As for XML, the format may not be suitable but QXmlStreamWriter is since it
 keeps the state of which tags it needs to close and allows you to simply
 stream data into it. On the receiver side, QXmlStreamReader is capable of
 receiving incomplete data and making the best it can with what has been
I'd expect a log-file like output to be well defined at any moment in 
time, or as close as possible to that. So, while QXmlStreamWriter is 
suitable, it does not produce a valid XML file until you finalize the 
write. That may not be what you want (even though QXmlStreamReader could 
be used to parse the incomplete file*).

I think a simpler aproach may be a better one in such cases: simply add 
new values to the end of a file when the become available. No fancy 
markup languages to wrap them. That will result in a smaller file 
(especially compared to XML), faster writing and no problems reading the 
data back in. Simple CSV will do if you want a text-based file, but a 
binary file could also function really well if that is not needed. Just 
append to the file when you have new data available. Such approaches 
have worked with log files for decades :-)


*) Though I seem to remember there are actually some problems with that 
in reality.

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Re: [Interest] a few questions about QML Components

2014-05-20 Thread Andre Somers
Nurmi J-P schreef op 19-5-2014 14:29:
 On 19 May 2014, at 12:51, Alexander Ivash wrote:

 I was trying to use QML components in simple android application but 
 confronted several issues:

 1. I couldn't find any API allowing to adjust widths of columns in TableView 
 based on the content. Do I understand right that the only way to achieve 
 this is to go through all the entries in model manually and calculate 
 maximum width using 'paintedWidth' of Text element? Does the better way 
 exist? For future would be really nice to have some property like 
 QtQuick.Controls 1.2 (Qt 5.3) introduces TableView::resizeColumnsToContens() 
 and TableViewColumn::resizeToContents().
Stupid question probably, but why arn't these written in a declarative way?


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Re: [Interest] Can a view somehow notify a model of which rows it is going to show on screen?

2014-04-22 Thread Andre Somers
Mark Gaiser schreef op 20-4-2014 4:04:

 the title says it all...

 I can't find any signals that expose this information in the model.
 I would like to know this from the QML ListView component. What i can
 do is tell the model where the current y position is in the models
 content and the height of each row. That gives me enough information
 to calculate which rows are visible, but i'm hoping there is some
 way out there that i just haven't discovered yet.

 I'm asking because i have a big dataset and only want to sort the data
 that is visible for the user (partial_sort along with nth_element will
 do that).
AFAIK, there are no facilities for that. The way to know what data is 
needed, is simply to respond to the data() calls in QAbstractItemModel. 
Only rows that are needed are (should be) fetched. But that information 
is not shared in advance.

Are you sure that this is your performance bottleneck though? To me, it 
sounds like premature optimization to worry about this and to try to 
optimize this.


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Re: [Interest] aboutQt (Qt 4.8) dialog lacks vital information - people relying on it violate license terms(?)

2014-04-06 Thread Andre Somers
Thiago Macieira schreef op 6-4-2014 4:00:
 What's more, there are a few requirements that cannot be met by a dialog. For
 example, everyone needs to distribute Qt themselves, on a server they own or
 are responsible for, not rely Qt Project or Digia to have the sources.
Nonsense. You don't need to have to run a server serving Qt. Where does 
it say that in the license? You have to provide the sources on request, 
and one way to fulfill that obligation is to run a server. Another is to 
simply handle the request if and when they arrive, and supply the 
sources on another medium.  We simply have the sources in store in case 
anyone^H^H^H any customer asks for them. If they want to receive Qt from 
us, we will comply. We never had that request though. They simply want 
working software so far. Note that our software also isn't available for 
sale online. It comes with the hardware devices they buy, though updates 
are provided online.


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Re: [Interest] DPI

2014-02-23 Thread Andre Somers schreef op 23-2-2014 13:24:

I want to determine how much pixels in 10 mm.
I use the next calculations:

And this calculations return to me 28 that on my desktop is 5 mm only.
0.0393700787 is how  much inches in millimeter...
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure that the right physicalDpi is returned? That is not a value 
you can absolutely rely on.


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Re: [Interest] QSqlQuery

2014-01-26 Thread Andre Somers

Igor Mironchik schreef op 26-1-2014 16:29:


I have some questions about database support in Qt 5.

First of all, is it safe to transfer a QSqlQuery instance from one 
thread to another to process him in another thread. I.e. I want to 
execute SELECT query on DB thread and return a QSqlQuery from that 
thread to the GUI thread, where I will navigate and show users the 
result of the query.

No, that is not safe. You can use database access from threads, but 
every thread needs it own QSqlDatabase instance of the database 
connection. The documentation states:
A connection can only be used from within the thread that created it. 
Moving connections between threads or creating queries from a different 
thread is not supported.



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Re: [Interest] QTableView column format

2014-01-25 Thread Andre Somers
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi schreef op 25-1-2014 12:13:
 On 01/22/2014 10:24 AM, André Somers wrote:
 If you want to modify it at the 'view' end, you should use a
 QStyledItemDelegate subclass and install that on the view, or on a
 specific column of the view.
 I did that exactly but unfortunately it didn't work :(

 May you please tell me what's wrong?!
Your delegate is dealing with the editor, but not with the display. Try 
reimplementing the displayText method. Also, check if the data type you 
get from the database really is numerical. SQLite can be weird with data 
types in my experience.


 I'm still get 5.25446e+06 for 5254458.963

 I call the following:

   EcsLongDigitDelegate *delegate = new EcsLongDigitDelegate;
   ui-tableView-setItemDelegateForColumn(2, delegate);

 Database table (SQLite):
 ,nam_full_name TEXT,nam_id DOUBLE DEFAULT (null) );

 Delegate class:
 #include ecslongdigitdelegate.h

 EcsLongDigitDelegate::EcsLongDigitDelegate(QObject *parent) :

 QWidget *EcsLongDigitDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const
 QStyleOptionViewItem option, const QModelIndex index) const
   QDoubleSpinBox *editor = new QDoubleSpinBox(parent);
   return editor;

 void EcsLongDigitDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const
 QModelIndex index) const
   double value = index.model()-data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toDouble();
   QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox = static_castQDoubleSpinBox*(editor);

 void EcsLongDigitDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor,
 QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex index) const
   QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox = static_castQDoubleSpinBox*(editor);
   double value = spinBox-value();
   model-setData(index, value, Qt::DisplayRole);

 void EcsLongDigitDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const
 QStyleOptionViewItem option, const QModelIndex index) const

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] How to center the check box.

2013-12-29 Thread Andre Somers schreef op 29-12-2013 15:25:

 I have a QTableView which uses a custom
 model based on QAbstractItemModel.
 The model sets the Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable flag
 for one of the columns and the model data()
 function responds to the Qt::CheckStateRole
 for the same column. The result is a working
 check box in the corresponding column of the
 table view.

  This is all good.

 My problem is that the check box is presented
 flush left in the column and I would like
 it to be centered. The closest I could find was
 Qt::TextAlignmentRole which didn't sound right
 or have any affect.

 Any help would be appreciated.

There is no easy way to make the check box appear aligned differently. 
The only way I know of, is to create your own delegate and do the 
rendering yourself (using QStyle to do the hard work, of course).


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Shift+Tab Shortcut

2013-09-20 Thread Andre Somers
Op 20-9-2013 21:13, Daniel Otto Bolognani schreef:
 Hello list!

 We ported our software from QT3 Support to Pure QT4 and now we are facing 
 some different behaviour on the shortcuts, we have managed almost all of the 
 problems, unless the Shift+Tab shortcut that we need to intercept.

 When it was Qt3 Support we had this:
 Q3Action *q3act = new Q3Action(this);
 QKeySequence *ks = new QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Backtab);

 And when pressed, the SLOT keypress was called and everything was working 
 like it should.

 To port to QT4 we did this:
 QAction *act3 = new QAction(this);
 QKeySequence *ks = new QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Backtab);

 All the other shortcuts worked unless the backtab (shift+tab)! We have tried 
 to use this on the keypress event too:
 void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
// Even if I test Qt::Key_Tab it doens't work either
if ((e-modifiers()==Qt::ShiftModifier  e-key() == Qt::Key_Backtab) || 
  QMessageBox msgbox;

 It hadn't worked either.

 The only thing that resolved this was to grab the FocusOut event and test if 
 it was a backtab reason, but in my personal opinion it is an horrible 
 Aren't these 2 other methods supposed to work? What are we doing wrong?

 Thanks in advance,
 Interest mailing list
Did you try installing an eventfilter on your QApplication object?


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Re: [Interest] QFileDialog is lovelier the second time around...

2013-06-14 Thread Andre Somers

Op 14-6-2013 19:27, Constantin Makshin schreef:

Try non-static QFileDialog members -- it's more likely to ignore 
various system [shell] extensions.

And way less likely to look and feel anything close to what the user 
expects in a file dialog on his platform... At least, on windows, the Qt 
file dialog is horrible IMHO.


On Jun 14, 2013 3:11 PM, Mojmír Svoboda wrote:

Hello again,

I tried to use QFileDialog for classic file selection, but
it feels very sluggish, expecially the first time.

I think it's due to heavy dll dependencies that are to be
loaded, in my case it makes ~85 dlls.

I wonder why of course and I'd like to know whether there
is some more lightweight version of open file dialogue

Many thanks,
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Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Place a QWidget below a button (and follow it!)

2013-06-13 Thread Andre Somers
Op 13-6-2013 19:37, schreef:
 In details, I have a widget that will display a floating window when the
 user clicks on a QToolButton. This floating widget must be placed below
 the button that summoned its soul, and if the main window moves, the
 floating window must be positioned in the same place.

 Reimplement the moveEvent of the main window
 (which has the tool button as a child.)
 In it, reevaluate the position of the child
 tool button (to be tracked) and move the
 floating window as required.

 Converting widget positions in and out of the
 global coordinate system will come in handy.
While Bill is right, there is another way that allows you to do this 
without changing the main window for it: event filters. That will allow 
you to keep all the code you need for this in one place, in the widget 
that you want to make move.

What I'd do, is give that widget a constructor argument with a pointer 
to the widget to follow around. Using QWidget::window, you find out what 
the window is the widget to be followed lives in. Install an event 
filter on that window-widget. If you use scrollable views somewhere, 
you'll need to iterate up yourself, to install the event filter for 
every widget in between too.
In your widget-that-follows, reimplement the eventFilter(QObject*, 
QEvent*) method, and look for move and resize events. If you get these, 
you again take the geometry of the widget-to-follow, and use the 
mapToGlobal function of the widget-to-follow to get the global 
coordinates. Then, re-position your widget-that-follows to those 


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Container members in abstract base class?

2013-05-22 Thread Andre Somers
Op 22-5-2013 21:34, Thiago Macieira schreef:
 On quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2013 16.52.29, Jonathan Greig wrote:
 Thank you André. The dynamic_cast worked perfectly. I'm from a C background
 and have been doing C-style casts for years without any major problems.
 Apparently this guy has also:)
 A C cast is equivalent to a chain of reinterpret_cast and const_cast. It does
 not do static casting or dynamic casting, which means it will not do pointer
 adjustments properly.

 So, as a rule of thumb: do not use C-style casts in C++ code and always use
 the least invasive C++ cast operator that you can use. And another rule of
 thumb: dynamic_casts are always checked[*], all the other casts are never
You're overlooking our very own qobject_cast. That one works on QObject 
derived classes without requiring the use of RTTI in the compiler, and 
work across library boundaries. So, if your class inherits QObject, I'd 
prefer qobject_cast instead.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt Sensors, can it support CPU, GPU and HDD sensors as well?

2013-05-14 Thread Andre Somers
Op 14-5-2013 18:24, Mark schreef:
 On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013 10.54.46, Mark wrote:
 Can the Qt Sensor package add support for that?
 I think so.
 But how since the base class is obviously a little too focused on
 other types of sensors.. Or would there simply be a second base class
 for heat based sensors? So i guess the base would be QHeatSensor.
 Then for the actual sensors it would look somewhat like:
 QCpuSensor : public QHeatSensor
 QGpuSensor : public QHeatSensor

 But then you still have other sensors. Last one that comes to mind is
 fan speed. A CPU also has a fan speed sensor so how would that work?
 Another base for speed control QFanSpeed which is then also
 inherited by the QCpuSensor? It would look like this:
 QCpuSensor : public QHeatSensor, public QFanSpeed
That API seems unlikely to me. It seems far more likely that we'd see a 
QHeatSensor and some API to first enumerate the available heat sensors, 
and then get them. Or, perhaps, we'd see an even more generic sensor 
like QSimpleScalarSensor that could contain anything from a heat, a fan 
speed to a voltage. You'd still need API to enumerate and get them, of 
course. However, I'm not working on this, so don't rely on my answer :-)


 Are there any plans to implement any of this (thread subject)?
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Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QSqlDatabase

2013-05-07 Thread Andre Somers
Op 7-5-2013 18:06, Duane schreef:

 I don't think this is a Qt error, nor an error in our apps as nothing
 has chanced in them.  I'm assuming it something else affecting the
 server.  We aren't the only application on this database.  I need some
 way to find what is causing it.  I am adding some debugging to report
 the database errors but the .err file from mysql shows no errors so I am
 not optimistic.
You might want to investigate the stability of your network connection 
between your server and your client.


 One thing that I noticed, we have multiple apps and on this installation
 one set of apps is running using Qt4.5.1  and another set is using
 4.7.1.  They both use the plugins for MySql.  I'm wondering if there
 could be some issue with that?
 No, it shouldn't be.

 I don't think so either.  I have checked a couple of other installations
 that don't have this problem and they are set up similarly.  I notice
 that the others ones have a higher number of max connections so I'm
 looking at that. I've increased the number and asked their IT guys to do
 show processlist if this happens again.

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Re: [Interest] How to save QTextEdit content by QSqlQuery

2013-01-26 Thread Andre Somers

Op 26-1-2013 0:51, M. Bashir Al-Noimi schreef:

Hi guys,

I want to save the content of QTextEdit to the database through 
QSqlQuery... how can I do that?

Running textEdit-toHtml() won't work because the returned string has 
many illegal characters to execute into sql.
As long as you use the binding feature of QSqlQuery to put your HTML in 
your query, as opposed to trying to build the sting manually, you should 
be fine.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt 5 and filesystem

2013-01-05 Thread Andre Somers

Op 5-1-2013 6:57, Jason H schreef:

Why isn't there a proxy?
Because these only exist on QGraphicsView (and were not that great an 
idea there either, for that matter).


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] CSS and Vertical Progress Bar

2012-09-28 Thread Andre Somers

Op 28-9-2012 0:33, Austin, Alex schreef:

I find that if I apply any CSS to a vertical progress bar, any text 
displayed on the bar becomes horizontal. Is there a CSS rule I need to 
add to make it vertical again?

I certainly know about the QProgressBar:vertical selector, but don't 
know what rule will rotate the text properly.

Sounds like a bug in Qt to me. Text rotation is not a style sheet property.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QLIneEdit Bug still valid ?

2012-07-17 Thread Andre Somers

Op 17-7-2012 2:51, Constantin Makshin schreef:

I can't say for sure, but most probably yes.
You'd have to check to see if that does not block the emission of the 
signal then after the user edited the text. Does anyone know what the 
signal emission order _should_ be in case where a user edits the line 
edit, and the validator corrects that input?


On 07/17/2012 04:10 AM, Petric Frank wrote:

Hello René,

so patching this location to pass false as additional third parameter should
fix the issue, right ?


Am Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012, 01:06:43 schrieb Constantin Makshin:

It works incorrectly only when the validator changes the text.

The cause is QLineControl::fixup() (src/gui/widgets/qlinecontrol.cpp,
line 387) --- it calls QLineControl::internalSetText() with only 2
parameters, omitting the one that controls emission of the textEdited()
signal. And since that parameter defaults to 'true', you get what you get.

On 07/16/2012 03:38 PM, R. Reucher wrote:

On Monday 16 July 2012 09:14:31 Constantin Makshin wrote:

Functions you are interested in are (line numbers are taken from the
code in the Git repository):
src/gui/widgets/qlineedit.cpp, line 383 (QLineEdit::setText)
src/gui/widgets/qlinecontrol_p.h, line 213 (QLineControl::setText)
src/gui/widgets/qlinecontrol.cpp, line 676
(QLineControl::internalSetText) src/gui/widgets/qlinecontrol.cpp, line
620 (QLineControl::finishChange)

Nothing looks wrong there...

Yeah, I also recall it was working correctly when I used it last time...

However, the example acts wrongly, but it somehow only happens when
the validator is set. The attached example (w/o the validator) works

HTH, René

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Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Where are the USER properties of Qt-provided QObjects documented?

2012-06-28 Thread Andre Somers

Op 28-6-2012 8:21, Andreas Pakulat schreef:


Am Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012 schrieb Bo Thorsen :

Hi Frank,

Den 28-06-2012 06:40, K. Frank skrev:
 Where in the documentation (not the source code) can I find out
 of the properties of a standard Qt QObject class is the designated
 USER property?

You can't find this, and it doesn't matter. You might be able to
find it
using the QMetaObject introspection, but I guess this is only for
designer or something like it. I've never used this property.

 For some context, from the documentation for The Property System:

 The USER attribute indicates whether the property is
designated as
 the user-facing or user-editable property for the class.

What do you need this for?

I don't know what the op needs this for, but KDE's kconfigxt system 
uses the property to connect widgets and their corresponding config 
file entry automatically.

It is also used for things like QDataWidgetMapper.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QTabWidget/QTabBar allowing user to edit tab names

2012-06-28 Thread Andre Somers
Op 27-6-2012 23:02, Carl Schumann schreef:
 Qt community.

 I would like to allow the user to edit tab names in my application,
 e.g., by right-clicking and then being given a text field to enter the
 new name.   How would this best be done please?  Thanks for any help.

Perhaps this Qt DevNet forum topic can be of help?

I once used this approach to create a charm to add this behavior to a 
QTabBar or QTabWidget, but I cannot share that code as it was proprietary.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Make a flat Model from a hierarchical Model with all children

2012-03-28 Thread Andre Somers
Op 28-3-2012 8:20, Bo Thorsen schreef:
 Den 27-03-2012 14:01, André Somers skrev:
 Op 26-3-2012 18:34, schreef:
 I have a hierarchical Model and i want to have a flat Model.

 Does anyone have an idea on how to do this with an proxy model?

 Try this:

 Interesting. Not sure why he (Bo) didn't just replace the view with a
 QTreeView though? Seems simpler...

 Hehe, you're missing the next level - the view classes are not the 
 only ones that can use the models :) I use this to choose items in a 
 tree model with a combo box.

 QComboBox can take a model to deliver the items in it. But tree models 
 have parents and usually multiple columns. The flat proxy can make a 
 single item with the text of each item based on several columns.
No, I got that part. My point was (or was supposed to be) that QComboBox 
can also display a tree directly, if you use it's setView method and set 
a tree view there. For easy use, you'd only need to confine the tree to 
a single column, but the parent/child relationship does not need to be 
removed for that.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Does it really worth it?

2012-03-27 Thread Andre Somers
Op 28-3-2012 1:13, STEFANI Mathieu schreef:
 Right, KDChart is available in both GPL and commercial license, see :)

But, you'll have to admit, that KDAB is not really all that clear on its 
site on the option that you can also use GPL. I found it out only when I 
downloaded 'demo' code (after creating a login). When I inspected it, 
the headers told me it was under GPL licence.
Still, once you figure it out, it's a nice set of components.

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt is good because...

2012-03-26 Thread Andre Somers
Op 26-3-2012 23:24, Quim Gil schreef:

 Please help creating a list of points explaining why Qt is good compared
 to other alternatives for application developers.

 Let’s focus on specifics: contrastable proof points and experiences from
 developers working in different platforms are greatly appreciated.

 You can reply here or edit directly the wiki. In any keep I'll do my
 best keeping all the relevant information in the wiki page.

 Thank you!
The two main points are for me:
* The documentation is clearly best-of-breed, and
* The API's are generally clear and consistent, making the framework 
easy to learn and predictable

As a bonus: it has a great community around it! :-)


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Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Logging best practice.

2011-12-01 Thread Andre Somers

Op 1-12-2011 16:12, Stefano Cordibella schreef:

Hi all,
is the state of the art use the debug functions (qDebug, qWarning, 
...) in conjunction with a custom message handler (qInstallMsgHandler) 
for log to file system?
I found very simple and useful this approach, but I think that a log 
function with message level is needed (i.e: qMessage() ) for a 
complete set of logging levels.

Anyone else think that we need a new function with message log level?
Thanks in advance,

Did you evaluate Qxt's logging framework?

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