[Interest] Installer Repositories Down

2019-03-05 Thread Andrew Ialacci

It appears the Qt installation repositories are offline.

Can anyone confirm?

Screenshot of failed install:

Have tried on a few different machines and remote VM’s. Same result.

- Andrew 
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Modern

2018-12-22 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Should have done this a long time ago...


So long and thanks for all the fish __

On 12/22/18, 9:53 AM, "Interest on behalf of Roland Hughes" 

On 12/21/2018 4:37 PM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 21.12.2018, 19:42, "Vlad Stelmahovsky":
>> Nope, its only my guess based on short Dart code checking and some 
articles, how it works
>> Google definitely aware about Qt, but its huge, so..
> Note that declarative UI description languages were known long before 
QML, even Motif had a couple of them

They predate C++. They predate DOS and the x86 architecture. They 
existed during CP/M. DBASE II provided a scripted UI language which was 
interpreted at run time. Even found an example on-line.


So did RBASE and every other RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool.

The primary difference between first generation interpreted UI languages 
and QML is the early ones required a licensed version of the interpreter 
be previously installed on the target. With QML applications the engines 
are bundled in.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions
(630) 205-1593


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Re: [Interest] Segmentation fault on exiting Qt event loop

2018-12-17 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Wow, Yes!

I forgot to include actually killing the threads first before checking if they 
are running. Oops…

Assuming each threads quit() is called and all operations are stopped in each 
thread correctly is using a loop and sleep still ok?

From: Konstantin Shegunov 
Date: Monday, December 17, 2018 at 12:30 PM
To: Andrew Ialacci 
Cc: Ramakanth Kesireddy , Qt Interest 

Subject: Re: [Interest] Segmentation fault on exiting Qt event loop

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:26 PM Andrew Ialacci 
mailto:and...@dkai.dk>> wrote:
I’ve had this issue on Windows especially when destroying worker threads on an 
application exit.

Which you shouldn't do.

What I ended up doing was sleeping the main thread until each worker threads 
isRunning() return false;
I’d love to know if this is the //best// solution to this problem but from what 
I’ve found it works very well.

Nope. Call QThread::quit or QThread::requestInterruption (depending on whether 
you have a running event loop in the thread(s)). And wait for them with 
QThread::wait before allowing the QThread objects to be destroyed.
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Segmentation fault on exiting Qt event loop

2018-12-17 Thread Andrew Ialacci
I’ve had this issue on Windows especially when destroying worker threads on an 
application exit.

What I ended up doing was sleeping the main thread until each worker threads 
isRunning() return false;

Something like:


I’d love to know if this is the //best// solution to this problem but from what 
I’ve found it works very well.

From: Interest  on behalf of Ramakanth 
Date: Monday, December 17, 2018 at 11:57 AM
To: Qt Interest 
Subject: [Interest] Segmentation fault on exiting Qt event loop


I'm using Qt 4.8 on TI Sitara embedded linux.

Firstly, a segmentation fault occurs in the destructors, which are called after 
the event loop is exited. Trying to find the root cause for this.

However, if we comment out the mainwidget destructor call, the QApplication 
instance created on stack throws a segmentation fault.

But if QApplication is created on heap and qApp->quit() loop and destructor is 
not called, the seg fault does not occur.

Why does the QApplication instance throw seg fault when created on stack? Is 
this related to destructor clean up issue?

Should the cleanup of resources be done before
qApp->quit() is called using aboutToQuit() signal?

Best Regards,

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] SQL databases and threading

2018-10-12 Thread Andrew Ialacci
It is not. You should create a QObject, move that to a thread, and then work 
with the query inside the thread inside the QObject.

I needed to do massive insertion of financial data and ended up writing a 
request / reply interface. Think QNetworkRequest / Reply and then a dispatcher 
to handle the scheduling of jobs.

From: Interest  on behalf of 
Konstantin Shegunov 
Date: Friday, October 12, 2018 at 8:53 AM
To: Interests Qt 
Subject: [Interest] SQL databases and threading

Is there any way to tell (besides looking at the sources) if a given SQL 
plugin, or single methods of it, is reentrant/thread safe? The docs are rather 
evasive on the issue ...
What would be allowed to do if I want to thread the SQL queries? Can I 
serialize the exec/prepare and then pull the resultset in another thread?
Ideally I would like to process the results in a thread if possible, even if I 
have to serialize the exec.

Currently I'm working with the PQSQL driver, but general answers are acceptable 
as well.

Thanks in advance.
Kind regards.
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] [Qt3d] QSceneLoader in Thread

2018-10-10 Thread Andrew Ialacci
The worlds best article on the subject:


Sent from my iPad

On Oct 10, 2018, at 2:11 PM, Jérôme Godbout 
mailto:godbo...@amotus.ca>> wrote:

Make sure to check how QObject are related to a QThread. Each QObject belong to 
a single QThread and cannot be used into other thread. If you need the object 
into another thread to do processing or signal/slot, you will need the 
QObject::moveToThread() function on each object first.

You might want to check if the moveToThread() does affect children too (I'm not 
sure anymore), so you might only move the root parent or you might need to do 
your own function to move all children too. You also make a lot of parentless 
object into your code above, make sure this is what you want.

I did this with a secondary QQmlEngine that was executing some Qml declaration 
into is own other thread and then move the resulting object back to the main 
loop thread QQmlEngine. So it's doable but not too funny.

The GUI rendering can only work into the Main loop thread, take care if you do 
some rendering of the scene that will be rendered on screen. The offscreen 
rendering into buffer does't suffer from this limitation if I remember well. 
Note this is not Qt3D directly, but my guess here is that it's proabbly working 
the same way.

On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 08:01, Saif Suleiman 
mailto:saifqahe...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Currently I am trying to import a scene in my Qt3d application. The problem is, 
when creating an instance from QSceneLoader and set the sources QUrl then add 
it to an Entity, it freezes the application until it finishes the importing. I 
tried to put it in thread like :

void start()
qDebug() << "Thread";

QAspectEngine* pAs = new QAspectEngine();
pAs->registerAspect(new QRenderAspect());

QRenderSettings *renderSettings = new QRenderSettings();
renderSettings->setActiveFrameGraph(new Qt3DExtras::QForwardRenderer());

   // Root entity
   Qt3DCore::QEntity *sceneRoot2 = new Qt3DCore::QEntity();


   Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader *sceneLoader = new Qt3DRender::QSceneLoader();
   SceneWalker sceneWalker(sceneLoader);
   QObject::connect(sceneLoader, ::QSceneLoader::statusChanged, 
, ::onStatusChanged);



This fuction will run when the Qthread emit the started signal, but then i got 
this : QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different 

So i do not know how to import a scene in qt3d without freezing the app, can 
any one help please.

Thanks in advance.
Interest mailing list



Jérôme Godbout
Senior Software Developer

p: +1 (418) 800-1073 ext.:109
m: +1 (581) 777-0050


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Re: [Interest] QDatetime issue with date beyond 2038

2018-10-05 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Might be helpful:


Sent from my iPad

On Oct 5, 2018, at 7:48 PM, Ramakanth Kesireddy 
mailto:rama.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:


Am unable to set date and time(beyond 2038) using QDateTime on 32 bit linux 
kernel.  Using QDateTime::currentdatetime() to retrieve the current datetime 

Please let me know if there is any API to set date and time or do I need to 
upgrade to 64 bit linux kernel to resolve the same?

Best Regards,
Interest mailing list
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Interest Digest, Vol 73, Issue 18

2017-10-17 Thread Andrew Ialacci

You reported a bug, got a response and have made your other  points 50x over 

If you don’t like how Qt handles things, fork the code base and maintain it 

Seriously this has been going on for over a week now.

Take a step back and have drink. 諾

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 17, 2017, at 5:17 PM, Roland Hughes 
> wrote:

On 10/16/2017 02:22 AM, Viktor Engelmann wrote:

If YOU need a copy of something which clearly will not fit within the
confines of the bug tracker system YOU take the additional time to
copy it.

Turning your argument around, what happens when your current bug
tracking system disappears and is replaced by something else? You
_still_ lose the history.

The bug tracking system is under our control - it will not just
disappear (from our perspective).

Oh yes it will!

Speaking as someone who has heard that soo many times before, let's just 
count a few for Qt shall we.

The Trolltech bug database was never going to just disappear (from our 
perspective). It did. A tiny fraction of the bugs migrated to the new system 
but most were mass exterminated with

"The version this bug is reported against is no longer supported..."

The Nokia bug tracker was never going to just disappear (from our perspective). 
It did. Few, if any of the older bugs made it into the current database. Most 
were mass exterminated with

"The version this bug is reported against is no longer supported..."
We could replace it some day in the

future, but not without transferring the knowledge to a new system. Your
blog post might just disappear (from our perspective) - I have seen
situations like that often enough. Stackoverflow also demands that you
briefly state what you find on a page you link (and for the same reason).

At some point one of two things will happen. The company which currently owns 
Qt will be eaten _OR_ the OpenSource Qt project will fork. The second 
possibility is __extremely__ close to happening as I type this. There are an 
awful lot of companies, not to mention OpenSource projects which feel they have 
been completely abandoned by the powers which be at Qt. Indeed, many of them 
have been. I get a phone call 6-18 months from this pimp named Harmman (sp?) 
something or other to go work on a medical device enhancement. Need Qt 3 and 
OS/2 Warp skills. Company filed Qt 3 bugs which weren't addressed by then 
owners, had to customize Qt itself and is now maintaining their own little 
spinoff because enhancements don't require a 7+ year clinical trial process.

I hear from quite a few companies in similar boats. They started development 
for a medical/industrial device which had a lengthy testing/approval process, 
filed bug reports for that version only to see them rot or fall victim to a 
mass extermination.

The current owners of Qt and the current OpenSource maintainers don't offer or 
seem to understand the concept of an LTS (Long Term Support) version. They are 
constantly pursuing script kiddies and that worthless QML instead of 
maintaining the base which built them. This will soon force a fork in the 
OpenSource project. One which rips out all of the QML and focuses on nothing 
but bug fixes for 12 years. Yes, 12 years. That's how long these environments 
need a stable tool set. You have a 1-2 year development cycle, up to 7 years in 
clinical trials, and 5+ years of enhancement/maintenance product life. Enough 
of these companies are starting to run into each other or hire consultants who 
have worked at others in the same boat that the "maintain our own" philosophy 
is starting to morph into "we maintain a fork."

Also, the blog post contains a lot of informations that are irrelevant
to the bugreport (like where you got the instruction, the complaints of
the other readers of that how-to, the complaint about the reliability of
how-tos on the internet in general, etc.)

Well, if you think "where you got the instruction" is irrelevant then you 
aren't qualified to fix the problem. The "where" is the most important part as 
it is the official wiki. That wiki is spawning lots of other blog posts and 
wikis which are also wrong because they are based on it.

A single test application which uses every OpenSource database in the Raspbian 
repos along with the WebEngine needed to be used to proof the instructions. 
This wasn't done because the wiki was developed from a "user story" via AGILE 
instead of proper software methodology. As a result, the instructions don't 
work for much beyond "Hello World!"

Lastly I would like to point out that improving the bug report would
probably have taken less time than what you have invested on this complaint.

Improving a bug report which will most likely rot until the next mass 
extermination would not have helped as many people nor would it have provided 
additional content for "The Phallus of AGILE and Other Ruminations" hopefully 
being released sometime 

Re: [Interest] move methods in QList

2017-10-10 Thread Andrew Ialacci
I personally favor QVector and use it instead of QList.

There are times though when you must use a QList because some class or function 
requires it. For example many of the Qt JSON classes deal with QLists instead 
of QVectors.

Take a read over this thread from SO:


Depending on your use case, also check out QVarLengthArray.


On 10/10/17, 8:46 AM, "Interest on behalf of Hamish Moffatt" 

I'm interested in storing a big structure in QList, and I would like to 
move it to the list, but unlike std::list QList does not seem to have 
push_back(T&&), insert(..., T&&) etc.

Should I use std::list instead? Or use a QList of pointers (eg 
QSharedPointer) to my structure? Or construct a default item and move my 
new one over it, as in

Big itemToAppend;
QList list;
list.last() = std::move(itemToAppend);

Are there any plans to add the move methods to QList etc?


Interest mailing list

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Re: [Interest] propagateComposedEvents-like behavior with qt controls 2 components (no C++)

2017-09-25 Thread Andrew Ialacci
I think you can chain the signal calls using signal.connect(otherSignal) and 
then set the drag target to null.

I had to implement something like this while writing an MDI windowing system. 
Admittedly though I did resort to moving 99% of the geometry manipulation and 
event handling to CPP. 

I wish there was a way to subclass the QQC2 controls completely that allowed 
lower level access to each controls event system. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 25, 2017, at 9:28 AM, Daniel d'Andrada  
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanna have the following (A):
> Foo {
>Button {}
> }
> or (B):
> Item {
>Button {}
>Foo {}
> }
> Where "Foo" is an item that is interested only in drag gestures. So when
> one is performed it does its thing. It ignores clicks, letting them go
> to the Button element inside/behind it.
> So A is a QQuickItem::filtersChildMouseEvents way of doing things (like
> Flickable), whereas B is a MouseArea::propagateComposedEvents approach.
> B is not an option as QtQuick.Controls2 are not MouseArea based, so it
> just won't work.
> To implement Foo as in option A I would have to resort to C++. But I
> would like a pure-QML solution for this. Is it possible?
> Best regards,
> Daniel
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> you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of 
> this e-mail and any attachment(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have 
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> replying to this e-mail and then delete this e-mail and any attachment(s) or 
> copies thereof from your system. Thank you.
> ___
> Interest mailing list
> Interest@qt-project.org
> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Dynamic QML menu from C++ data?

2017-08-28 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Use an Instantiator:

Example copied from a random project


On 8/28/17, 6:28 PM, "Interest on behalf of Murphy, Sean" 

I'd think this is a pretty easy thing to do, but I'm struggling to find an 
example that shows it. In my QML, I have a button. When the button is clicked, 
a popup menu should open. That part I have working, what I'm struggling with is 
I need to be able to dynamically populate the popup menu from the C++ side, and 
then get which menu item was clicked on back to the C++ side. 

I'm struggling to find just a simple example of how to do this. Does anyone 
have a quick link to something like that?

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Re: [Interest] QML Dialog -> onClosing

2017-08-21 Thread Andrew Ialacci
If using Qt Quick Controls 2 (TWO) Dialog inherits from Popup which has the 
signals you need


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 21, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Igor Mironchik 
> wrote:


Let's say I have the next dialog in QML:

Dialog {

id: dlg

title: qsTr( "Dialog..." )

standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok

Text {

anchors.centerIn: parent

font.pixelSize: 30

font.bold: true

text: qsTr( "Text" )


onAccepted: { doSomething() }


This is nice. But how can I handle closing dialog, i.e. when user clicks on X 
window button?

Thank you.

Interest mailing list
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt Quick main window contents are all rendered at an offset position

2017-08-04 Thread Andrew Ialacci
You mention you have a Window QML item as the root in your main.qml file. And 
then inside the Window you have MainWindow custom component. 

Is the top level / root item inside MainWindow.qml also a Window? So, nested 

I've been building an MDI interface with QML for a while now and have 
definitely noticed some funny things when it comes to multiple windows with 
QML. Wondering if what you have going on is similar though unintentional. 

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 4, 2017, at 5:26 AM, Rob Allan  wrote:
> We have a Qt Quick application which, for most members of our team, works 
> just fine. But for one team member, there is a strange bug in the way it is 
> rendered. This user has a Microsoft Surface tablet, and the app runs OK on 
> the tablet itself. But when he runs the app on an external monitor, the 
> strange rendering occurs.
> What he is seeing is that the contents of the main window are shifted, maybe 
> 4 pixels to the right and about 20 pixels down. The extra space at the top 
> and left is filled with white, or sometimes black. Items in the bottom right 
> get clipped as they are pushed beyond the bounds of the main window.
> The really weird thing is that there are are a number of MouseAreas in the 
> scene, and they all behave as if they were positioned at the right location - 
> even though the items they are associated with are rendered at the wrong 
> location! That means you have to click a little higher than the visible 
> position of the items in order for them to handle clicks as expected. If it 
> weren't for this fact, I would suspect this was a bug in our code, and that 
> we were somehow setting a non-zero (x, y) coordinate for something near the 
> top of our QML scene. But because the MouseAreas behave as if they were at 
> the correct location, that seems a lot less likely, and I wonder if it is a 
> Qt Quick rendering bug.
> The outermost QML items in our app are very simple. We have a Main.qml 
> containing a Window item, which contains a MainWindow (our own QML type). 
> Inside MainWindow we have a Rectangle that is supposed to represent the 
> outermost frame within which all other content is drawn. MainWindow has 
> anchors.fill within the Window, and the framing Rectangle has anchors.fill 
> within MainWindow. So there is no reason why this outermost frame shouldn't 
> fill the parent Window - yet on this one device, it appears a few pixels down 
> and to the right.
> Is this a known bug with QML rendering? Or can anyone think of any other 
> reason for why this might be happening?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> ___
> Interest mailing list
> Interest@qt-project.org
> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Qt for Windows & openssl

2017-07-13 Thread Andrew Ialacci
It’s some licensing thing between Qt and OpenSSL. 

You have to download the Open SSL binaries and place them in your application 
folder or statically link the libraries yourself.

On 7/13/17, 8:44 AM, "Interest on behalf of Alexander Ivash" 

Is there are reasons for not including openssl libraries into Qt
binary packages?
Interest mailing list

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] JS numbers to qint64

2017-07-12 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Any fancy math, do in C++ with a floating-point library and pass to JS/QML as a 
string purely for the intent of displaying in the UI. The only exception should 
be for layout / item positioning. There are single JS file floating point libs 
but… Use C++ :P

Disclaimer: This is just a suggestion and could likely be wrong. Definitely 
defer to anything anyone else suggests on this mailing list as they are all 
smarter than me!

On 7/12/17, 10:55 AM, "Interest on behalf of Thiago Macieira" 

On quarta-feira, 12 de julho de 2017 02:53:39 PDT Shantanu Tushar wrote:
> qml: Opening 5762702576189441
> Opening 5762702576189442
> As you can see the number changes. What am I doing wrong?

Expecting JS numbers to be precise.

Remember that in JavaScript, numbers are actually double-precision floating 
point. They are lossy.

They can represent with fidelity only in the range ±2^53. Yours is inside 
range (only just!) but a simple manipulation of it could throw it outside 
a while.

I recommend staying well away from the limits. Like limiting to 32 bits.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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Interest mailing list

[Interest] Qt Remote Objects QOBJECT_REPLICA Macro

2017-06-28 Thread Andrew Ialacci

I am trying to have the repc compiler automatically generate a repc file from 
an existing QObject.

According to the documentation below this should be possible using the 

However, there is no information on how to use it or where to put it in a 

QtRO Docs:

Empty Macro Definition:

I’ve tried looking through the QtRO source on code.qt.io but there are no 
references to the macro there either.

Hope this was the right place to ask.

Many thanks to everyone at Qt for this amazing framework!

- Andrew

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2

2017-06-28 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Ahh. Great point! Forgot all about this  despite using it daily for templates. 

Thank you 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 28, 2017, at 9:49 AM, Shantanu Tushar 
<shaan...@gmail.com<mailto:shaan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

You don't necessarily need a separate file,just import like this -

import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as QQC1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.1

QQC1.TableView {
// ...
Button {
// this will be QtQuick Controls 2 Button

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Andrew Ialacci 
<and...@dkai.dk<mailto:and...@dkai.dk>> wrote:
Thank you for your time and response!

I originally tried to use the current / old TableView but noticed when 
including the import in my QML file it also downgraded the other components 
like Button to the old style.

Putting the QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import and declaring the TableView declaration 
in a separate qml file seems to solve the problem.

Another question/s:

For my model I’m using a QAbstractListModel that manages a list of plain, NON 
QObject objects.

* Should each property of my objects be exposed to QML using named roles / 
roleNames? Is this the correct way to use a TableView from QML?

StackOverflow has said no

Yet this presentation by ICS said yes: (slides 5 - 7)

My goal is to allow a user to show or hide columns at will. So again, if it was 
a table of People, they might want to hide the location column and only show 
Name, Age, and Gender.

* Can you say if the NEW 5.11(ish) TableView will use the QAbstractListModel or 
the QAbstractTableModel?
* Will the API be similar to the CURRENT TableView?
* Will it rely on roleNames to denote columns?

On 6/26/17, 6:19 PM, "Frederik Gladhorn" 
<frederik.gladh...@qt.io<mailto:frederik.gladh...@qt.io>> wrote:

    On søndag 25. juni 2017 10.32.27 CEST Andrew Ialacci wrote:
> Hello,
> I understand that there is currently no TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2.
> According to this bug report, it’s slated for 5.10:
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51710

I just commented on the bug, I doubt we'll get there in time. Simply because
we don't want to see all the issues (especially performance) we had with the
table view again. It'll be a lot of looking into ListView and probably a new
independent item, not based on ListView, I don't know the details. If the
Controls 1 table view is good enough, use it. It mixes nicely with Controls 
(use import as).

> Does anyone know if this is still true? Or when 5.10 will be released?

5.10 is scheduled for the end of this year. I'd rather expect this to be in
5.11 - mid next-year. I hope we'll have something sooner for people to play
with though, let's see.


> Can anyone think of a way to use a GridView or ListView that would allow
> for:
 - Dynamic column contents based on the underlying model.
> - Rearrange / resize table columns.
> - Addition or removal of columns at run time.
> - Somehow some way magically not use loads of JavaScript for all the 
> and manipulation of cells.

> Thanks to everyone for their time and ESPECIALLY to TeamQT!
> ❤

Interest mailing list

Shantanu Tushar(UTC +0530)
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2

2017-06-28 Thread Andrew Ialacci
Thank you for your time and response!

I originally tried to use the current / old TableView but noticed when 
including the import in my QML file it also downgraded the other components 
like Button to the old style. 

Putting the QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import and declaring the TableView declaration 
in a separate qml file seems to solve the problem.
Another question/s:

For my model I’m using a QAbstractListModel that manages a list of plain, NON 
QObject objects.
* Should each property of my objects be exposed to QML using named roles / 
roleNames? Is this the correct way to use a TableView from QML?

StackOverflow has said no

Yet this presentation by ICS said yes: (slides 5 - 7)

My goal is to allow a user to show or hide columns at will. So again, if it was 
a table of People, they might want to hide the location column and only show 
Name, Age, and Gender.

* Can you say if the NEW 5.11(ish) TableView will use the QAbstractListModel or 
the QAbstractTableModel?
* Will the API be similar to the CURRENT TableView?
* Will it rely on roleNames to denote columns?

On 6/26/17, 6:19 PM, "Frederik Gladhorn" <frederik.gladh...@qt.io> wrote:

On søndag 25. juni 2017 10.32.27 CEST Andrew Ialacci wrote:
> Hello,
> I understand that there is currently no TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2.
> According to this bug report, it’s slated for 5.10:
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51710

I just commented on the bug, I doubt we'll get there in time. Simply 
we don't want to see all the issues (especially performance) we had with 
table view again. It'll be a lot of looking into ListView and probably a 
independent item, not based on ListView, I don't know the details. If the 
Controls 1 table view is good enough, use it. It mixes nicely with Controls 
(use import as).

> Does anyone know if this is still true? Or when 5.10 will be released?

5.10 is scheduled for the end of this year. I'd rather expect this to be in 
5.11 - mid next-year. I hope we'll have something sooner for people to play 
with though, let's see.


> Can anyone think of a way to use a GridView or ListView that would allow
> for:
 - Dynamic column contents based on the underlying model.
> - Rearrange / resize table columns.
> - Addition or removal of columns at run time.
> - Somehow some way magically not use loads of JavaScript for all the 
> and manipulation of cells.
> Thanks to everyone for their time and ESPECIALLY to TeamQT!
> ❤

Interest mailing list

[Interest] TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2

2017-06-25 Thread Andrew Ialacci

I understand that there is currently no TableView in Qt Quick Controls 2.

According to this bug report, it’s slated for 5.10:

Does anyone know if this is still true? Or when 5.10 will be released?

Can anyone think of a way to use a GridView or ListView that would allow for:
- Dynamic column contents based on the underlying model.
- Rearrange / resize table columns.
- Addition or removal of columns at run time.
- Somehow some way magically not use loads of JavaScript for all the sizing and 
manipulation of cells.

Thanks to everyone for their time and ESPECIALLY to TeamQT!

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[Interest] Qt Remote Objects QOBJECT_REPLICA Macro

2017-06-15 Thread Andrew Ialacci

I am trying to have the repc compiler automatically generate a repc file from 
an existing QObject.

According to the documentation below this should be possible using the 

However, there is no information on how to use it or where to put it in a 

QtRO Docs:

Empty Macro Definition:

I’ve tried looking through the QtRO source on code.qt.io but 
there are no references to the macro there either.

Hope this was the right place to ask.

Many thanks to everyone at Qt for this amazing framework!

- Andrew

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