[Interest] Errors while building Qt 6 on Windows

2023-02-20 Thread Daljit Singh
Hi all,
I’m trying to build Qt 6 on Windows 11, but I’m getting some errors when I run 
./configure that I can’t understand the cause of.
I used the following instructions:

 git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git qt

 git checkout dev

 perl ./init-repository --module-subset=qtbase,qtshadertools,qtdeclarative

However, when I run ./configure I get these errors:

CMake Error at qtbase/cmake/QtExecutableHelpers.cmake:466 (message):

  Unable to build syncqt: Change Dir:


  Run Build Command(s):C:/Qt/Tools/Ninja/ninja.exe && [1/1] Linking CXX

  executable C:\Qt\6.5.0\qt6_source\qt\qtbase\bin\syncqt.exe

  FAILED: C:/Qt/6.5.0/qt6_source/qt/qtbase/bin/syncqt.exe

  cmd.exe /C "cd .  && C:\Strawberry\c\bin\c++.exe -O2 -g -DNDEBUG

  CMakeFiles/syncqt.dir/main.cpp.obj -o



  -Wl,--major-image-version,0,--minor-image-version,0 -lkernel32 -luser32

  -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lcomdlg32

  -ladvapi32 && cd ."


  CMakeFiles/syncqt.dir/main.cpp.obj: in function


  const&, std::filesystem::__cxx11::path const&)':


  undefined reference to


  const&) const'

The full log can seen here https://pastebin.com/8jZ4pA3E

Does anyone have any clue on what might be the problem?

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Windeployqt for Windows on ARM64 missing

2022-06-05 Thread Daljit Singh
I’m trying to deploy my application on Windows ARM64 by cross-compiling it on 
my x64 machine. I was able to compile the program successfully, but couldn’t 
find windeployqt.exe inside C:\Qt\6.2.4\msvc2019_arm64. Is there a way to use 
windeployqt when deploying on Windows ARM64?

Daljit Singh
Interest mailing list

[Interest] Custom OpenGL drawing with Skia breaks Qt Quick Scenegraph rendering

2022-02-28 Thread Daljit Singh
I'm using the 2d vector graphics library Skia (with its OpenGL backend) in my 
Qt 5 project, but I have ran into a bug that I haven't been able to solve . To 
use Skia in my project, I've tried multiple different ways (using 
QQuickFramebufferObject, QSGRenderNode and also directly connecting to 
QQuickWindow::beforeRendering and other signals to draw my custom OpenGL code).
However, with all the different ways I've tried, the result is that Qt Quick 
Scene Graph rendering becomes broken introducing artefacts such as blurry and 
pixelated text and icons. It seems that Skia messes up with the OpenGL state 
and this in turn breaks the rendering of Qt Quick items (I'm already using 
I'm not exactly sure why this happens, but I've also tried isolating Skia in a 
separate OpenGL context (as demonstrated here 
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-scenegraph-textureinthread-example.html) and as 
expected the problem goes away.

I've create a small GitHub repository here 
https://github.com/daljit97/SkiaQtBug which shows the bug (since Skia is a pain 
to build I've included a prebuilt binary for x64 Windows, so you should be able 
to just open the project in Qt Creator and run it right away). This small 
example follows this tutorial at the following link 
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-scenegraph-openglunderqml-example.html and shows 
how mixing Skia rendering calls and native Qt Quick results in blurry and 
pixelated Text elements.
Also if you run the example with Qt 6, then the problem get slightly better (no 
more pixelated text) but other rendering artefacts are introduced.

Has anyone got any idea on what's going on?

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Low frame rate in rendering custom opengl code in Qt Quick

2022-01-04 Thread Daljit Singh
Hi, I'm using a third party library (Skia) to render custom opengl code in sync 
with the QtQuick Scene Graph (Qt 5.15 on Windows 11).
I'm using the QQuickFramebufferObject and QSGRenderNode classes to create 
custom QQuickItems to render my scene. The approach works fine, but I've come 
across a very strange issue that I'm unable to solve. The problem consists in a 
sudden unrecoverable drop in FPS during the rendering of my scene. I've noticed 
that the issue presents itself whenever the rendering frame time jumps above a 
certain threshold (most of the times my app is able to render at 60fps, but 
there are times when there is a lot of content to render). When this happens, 
the frame rate no longer jumps back to 60 fps as expected, but instead is 
remains weirdly low (less than 10 fps) for the remaning time of the session. 
This is despite the fact on subsequent draw calls I render nothing in my opengl 
Doing some logging with the helper logging categories provided by Qt, I can see 
that the scene graph that the render time is fine most of the time, but the 
logs consistently report an unusally high sync time in the threaded render 
loop. An example log message shows (other frame logs show similar times):

> Debug: time in renderer: total=4ms, preprocess=0, updates=0, binding=0, 
> rendering=4 (scenegraph\coreapi\qsgrenderer.cpp:281, void __cdecl 
> QSGRenderer::renderScene(const class QSGBindable &))
> Debug: Frame rendered with 'threaded' renderloop in 134ms, sync=129, 
> render=4, swap=1 - (on render thread) 
> (scenegraph\qsgthreadedrenderloop.cpp:902, void __cdecl 
> QSGRenderThread::syncAndRender(class QImage *))

Has anyone got any clue about what might be going here?

Best Regards,
Interest mailing list

[Interest] Using QSGRenderNode with Skia

2021-09-28 Thread Daljit Singh
I'm working with a drawing application where I'm using Skia (opengl backend) 
for rendering the content (QPainter was too slow for my needs). To do this I 
first used the QQuickFramebufferObject class and was successfully able to 
render Skia's drawing commands.

However, for various reasons the QSGRenderNode class is more suited for my 
needs as it enables to render with no intermediate FBO. So, I tried to use it 
but unfortunately when I tried, the Skia drawing commands are rendered 
incorrectly. The coordinate system seems to be vertically mirrored and when the 
window application is resized, the QQuickItem moves around and translates its 
position unexpectedly.
A full example demonstrating the issue can be downloaded here 

Is there a way to setup QSGRenderNode so that the Skia's drawing commands are 
rendered as expected?

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] QSGRenderNode and OpenGL rendering using QPainter

2020-09-27 Thread Daljit Singh
I have added a stackoverflow post which is more detailed and makes it easier to 
see the code. 

From: Interest  on behalf of Daljit Singh 

Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 10:36:16 AM
To: interest@qt-project.org 
Subject: [Interest] QSGRenderNode and OpenGL rendering using QPainter

Hi, I wanted to make use of QSGRenderNode to paint some QML items using third 
party libraries (mainly Skia). So I decided to gave it a go, but I am having a 
trouble on understanding how to properly use this class. I have wrote a simple 
class derived on QQuickItem that essentially paints a QSGRenderNode using its 
updatePaintNode method.

To paint the node, I am currently using QPainter together with 
QOpenGLPaintDevice, but my code produces unexpected results. Here is an example 
https://pastebin.com/BzMzhu41, where I am trying to create an item that paints 
a line from (0,0) to (400,400).

I would expect this code to create a QML Item  (https://pastebin.com/6ZRrMvFi) 
that paints a line from the top-left towards the bottom right of the item, but 
instead the line seems drawn with an incorrect offset.

I suspect this has something to do OpenGL (on which I am not an expert on), but 
not really sure. Could someone point me in the right direction on how to go 
about this?
Interest mailing list

[Interest] QSGRenderNode and OpenGL rendering using QPainter

2020-09-20 Thread Daljit Singh
Hi, I wanted to make use of QSGRenderNode to paint some QML items using third 
party libraries (mainly Skia). So I decided to gave it a go, but I am having a 
trouble on understanding how to properly use this class. I have wrote a simple 
class derived on QQuickItem that essentially paints a QSGRenderNode using its 
updatePaintNode method.
To paint the node, I am currently using QPainter together with 
QOpenGLPaintDevice, but my code produces unexpected results. Here is an example 
https://pastebin.com/BzMzhu41, where I am trying to create an item that paints 
a line from (0,0) to (400,400).
I would expect this code to create a QML Item  (https://pastebin.com/6ZRrMvFi) 
that paints a line from the top-left towards the bottom right of the item, but 
instead the line seems drawn with an incorrect offset.
I suspect this has something to do OpenGL (on which I am not an expert on), but 
not really sure. Could someone point me in the right direction on how to go 
about this?
Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

2020-08-21 Thread Daljit Singh

There is another possibility. Keep vsync but add a frame delay. That is,
if you know your application can finish each frame in less than, say,
5ms, then you delay the start of each frame loop by 1000/Hz - 5
milliseconds. For 60Hz that means sleeping for 11.6ms after rendering
the last frame. The render loop then reads input and renders the next
frame in the remaining 5ms, giving you a latency of 5ms instead of 16.7.

Thanks Nikos for your reply. I am quite new to the world of computer graphics 
so your thoughts were really helpful. Following your ideas, I was noticeably 
able to improve the latency in my application! The average render time for each 
frame (when not scrolling) is about 1-2 ms (I rudimentally tested this using 
QElapsedTimer in debug mode), since I cache what has previously been drawn in 
an FBO. What I did then is schedule a timer with an interval of 15ms (my screen 
refresh rate is 60hz) that get triggered after calling QQuickItem::update() and 
when the new input events from the pen come in I put them in a queue until the 
timer has stopped running (so effective calling the next update() slot at t > 
15ms). This little hack helped quite a bit and it's very convenient since I am 
able to turn it off at any point I need, so when the latency is not critical 
(e.g. when scrolling my canvas) I switch it off.
I made some rudimental test videos using my phone (60 fps 0.5 speed) which 
shows the improvements: Normal latency<https://imgur.com/a/LZJC1xt> vs Improved 
latency<https://imgur.com/c4YcdpP>. Of course, disabling vsync still gives 
better results.

Just as an extra data point: have you tried driving the Qt Quick render
loop manually, using QQuickRenderControl?
Yes Giuseppe, you're right I forgot to mention that option. I am not too 
familiar with this class so I need to study it before attempting this. However, 
I would like to avoid this since it would essentially involve creating your own 
threaded renderer and it would require significant time to build and maintain a 
solution that has feature parity with the default solution provided by Qt 
(although from the example in the documentation it doesn't seem to be too bad).

From: Interest  on behalf of Nikos Chantziaras 

Sent: 21 August 2020 03:10
To: interest@qt-project.org 
Subject: Re: [Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

On 19/08/2020 18:57, Daljit Singh wrote:
> - the vsync issue is commonly known in competitive gaming where input
> lag is quite important, one way to solve this would to limit the
> framerate of the application to be slightly lower than the display
> refresh rate (this
> https://medium.com/@petrakeas/vsync-with-low-input-lag-50ms-lower-2437118bfa5
> provides more details). However, Qt provides no way to limit the
> framerate of an app.

A frame rate cap will result in a cyclic latency graph. On *average* the
latency will be reduced, but individual frame will oscilate between 0
and 16.7ms of latency over time.

So this actually works for bringing down average latency when playing
games, but the variable latency effect might not be wanted in a
professional application.

> - the possibility of dynamically turning off V-Sync at runtime would
> allow an app to operate in "low-latency" mode when required. Currently
> this is not possible in Qt, as the QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval needs
> to be called before the QML scene is created.
> - make the threaded renderloop not rely on Vsync throttling so low
> latency and multithreaded rendering is possible, this was what I wanted
> to know in my previous reply. There seem to be changes to the render
> loop in Qt 6, but I am not sure if this has been implemented.

There is another possibility. Keep vsync but add a frame delay. That is,
if you know your application can finish each frame in less than, say,
5ms, then you delay the start of each frame loop by 1000/Hz - 5
milliseconds. For 60Hz that means sleeping for 11.6ms after rendering
the last frame. The render loop then reads input and renders the next
frame in the remaining 5ms, giving you a latency of 5ms instead of 16.7.

If you miss the target time though, then that frame will need to wait
for the next vblank, resulting in a 33.3ms frame time. Or you disable
vsync for just that frame, which will give you a tear.

However, there's other factors at play here as well. The GPU driver
usually does not immediately send out each frame immediately to the
screen when it's presented. Furthermore, since frame preparation (CPU)
and frame rendering (GPU) are asynchronous in today's graphics APIs, you
get several prepared frames queued up for rendering. This is the biggest
contributor to latency today, not the 16.7ms frame latency of 60Hz
double buffer vsync. That's why disabling vsync in games for example
doesn't give you a 16.7ms reduction, it gives yo

Re: [Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

2020-08-19 Thread Daljit Singh
Hi Andreas,
the latency issue is platform independent (I have tested my application on 
Windows, Linux X11 and Android.
When V-Sync is enabled, there is a noticeable delay on displaying the rendered 
frames. For example, on a 60hz monitor the delay can be up to 16ms. When VSync 
is turned off this doesn't happen because the rendered frames are displayed as 
soon as possible without being limited by VSync throttling. As mentioned here 

"NOTE: The threaded and windows render loops rely on the graphics API 
implementation for throttling, for example, by requesting a swap interval of 1 
in case of OpenGL. ...Without blocking in the swap buffers operation (or 
elsewhere), the render loop will run animations too fast and spin the CPU at 
100%. ..."

Indeed if VSync is disabled (setting the swap interval to 0), the QML 
animations go crazy fast. In order to avoid this it's possible to use the 
"basic" renderloop, the only problem is that the basic render loop makes the 
application single-threaded (as there is no dedicated render thread) so if 
rendering a frame takes a little bit (like >5ms) then QML animations appear 
jerky as while the rendering is ongoing the animation events are blocked.

Now I think there might be some ways this could be solved:

- the vsync issue is commonly known in competitive gaming where input lag is 
quite important, one way to solve this would to limit the framerate of the 
application to be slightly lower than the display refresh rate (this 
provides more details). However, Qt provides no way to limit the framerate of 
an app.

- the possibility of dynamically turning off V-Sync at runtime would allow an 
app to operate in "low-latency" mode when required. Currently this is not 
possible in Qt, as the QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval needs to be called 
before the QML scene is created.

- make the threaded renderloop not rely on Vsync throttling so low latency and 
multithreaded rendering is possible, this was what I wanted to know in my 
previous reply. There seem to be changes to the render loop in Qt 6, but I am 
not sure if this has been implemented.


From: Interest  on behalf of Daljit Singh 

Sent: 15 August 2020 01:08
To: interest@qt-project.org 
Subject: [Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

Hi, I am developing a cross platform application for displaying pen input. The 
project requires real-time rendering of digital ink (stylus input) and hence 
the latency of the rendered strokes is very important. To render the strokes I 
am using a custom QQuickItem together with QSGRenderNode. Unfortunately, 
drawing the ink results in significant latency as the input is rendered with 
some delay (e.g. comparing it to something like OneNote I would say there seems 
to be around 10-15ms more delay). I came across a previous mail thread here 
https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/interest/2014-March/011692.html where it 
is mentioned that this is largely due to VSync and it's possible to disable 
this by calling QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval(0). This works well and reduces 
the latency significantly, unfortunately it also introduces another problem: 
the render loop for the Qt Quick scenegraph must be set to "basic" otherwise 
QML animations go a bit crazy.

My application requires that some of the ink to be rendered when the user is 
scrolling a large canvas (for which I am currently using Flickable), but using 
the basic render loop results in the animation being quite jerky (so scrolling 
is not smooth at all) as while the strokes are rendered the animation system is 
stopped (at least this is my understanding). Is there a way to overcome what I 
described? I only require the app to be in "low-latency" mode while the user is 
drawing on the screen and for all other scenario I would like to stick with the 
threaded render loop.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

2020-08-19 Thread Daljit Singh
To follow up on this, I was looking at the source code for the renderloop in 
the Qt repositories and I found this comment here 
Qt Declarative (Quick 2). Contribute to qt/qtdeclarative development by 
creating an account on GitHub.

- Uses one QRhi (and so OpenGL Context, Vulkan device, etc.) to render multiple 
- This assumes multiple screens can use the OpenGL context.
- Animations are advanced using the standard timer, so QML animations run as 
expected even when
vsync throttling is broken.

Does that mean that with Qt6 the "threaded" render loop used by the QML 
SceneGraph has animations correctly even when v-sync is disabled?
From: Daljit Singh 
Sent: 15 August 2020 01:08
To: interest@qt-project.org 
Subject: Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

Hi, I am developing a cross platform application for displaying pen input. The 
project requires real-time rendering of digital ink (stylus input) and hence 
the latency of the rendered strokes is very important. To render the strokes I 
am using a custom QQuickItem together with QSGRenderNode. Unfortunately, 
drawing the ink results in significant latency as the input is rendered with 
some delay (e.g. comparing it to something like OneNote I would say there seems 
to be around 10-15ms more delay). I came across a previous mail thread here 
https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/interest/2014-March/011692.html where it 
is mentioned that this is largely due to VSync and it's possible to disable 
this by calling QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval(0). This works well and reduces 
the latency significantly, unfortunately it also introduces another problem: 
the render loop for the Qt Quick scenegraph must be set to "basic" otherwise 
QML animations go a bit crazy.

My application requires that some of the ink to be rendered when the user is 
scrolling a large canvas (for which I am currently using Flickable), but using 
the basic render loop results in the animation being quite jerky (so scrolling 
is not smooth at all) as while the strokes are rendered the animation system is 
stopped (at least this is my understanding). Is there a way to overcome what I 
described? I only require the app to be in "low-latency" mode while the user is 
drawing on the screen and for all other scenario I would like to stick with the 
threaded render loop.


Interest mailing list

[Interest] Mouse/Pen input latency in Qt Quick and render loop

2020-08-14 Thread Daljit Singh
Hi, I am developing a cross platform application for displaying pen input. The 
project requires real-time rendering of digital ink (stylus input) and hence 
the latency of the rendered strokes is very important. To render the strokes I 
am using a custom QQuickItem together with QSGRenderNode. Unfortunately, 
drawing the ink results in significant latency as the input is rendered with 
some delay (e.g. comparing it to something like OneNote I would say there seems 
to be around 10-15ms more delay). I came across a previous mail thread here 
https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/interest/2014-March/011692.html where it 
is mentioned that this is largely due to VSync and it's possible to disable 
this by calling QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval(0). This works well and reduces 
the latency significantly, unfortunately it also introduces another problem: 
the render loop for the Qt Quick scenegraph must be set to "basic" otherwise 
QML animations go a bit crazy.

My application requires that some of the ink to be rendered when the user is 
scrolling a large canvas (for which I am currently using Flickable), but using 
the basic render loop results in the animation being quite jerky (so scrolling 
is not smooth at all) as while the strokes are rendered the animation system is 
stopped (at least this is my understanding). Is there a way to overcome what I 
described? I only require the app to be in "low-latency" mode while the user is 
drawing on the screen and for all other scenario I would like to stick with the 
threaded render loop.


Interest mailing list