Re: [Interest] Size of libQt5Core in 5.3

2014-05-13 Thread Daniel Bowen
Thanks again for the info.

Here's where I've gotten to so far.

Starting from the last ./configure command line I mentioned, plus
-no-feature- for every qfeature.txt item (minus LIBRARY, SETTINGS and
REGULAREXPRESSION, since it doesn't build without those), I was at 4.3 MB

Added to the size:
1. From the -no-feature- for every feature list, I pulled out a few more
of the -no-feature- things for features we need directly or indirectly.  So,
these things are not specified to ./configure anymore (and so the feature is
(removed -no-feature-LIBRARY -no-feature-SETTINGS
-no-feature-REGULAREXPRESSION earlier)
-no-feature-XMLSTREAM -no-feature-XMLSTREAMREADER
-no-feature-XMLSTREAMWRITER -no-feature-TEMPORARYFILE -no-feature-TEXTDATE
-no-feature-DATESTRING -no-feature-PROPERTIES -no-feature-TEXTCODEC
-no-feature-CODECS -no-feature-SYSTEMSEMAPHORE, -no-feature-SHAREDMEMORY,
-no-feature-TRANSLATION -no-feature-HTTP -no-feature-UDPSOCKET
-no-feature-NETWORKPROXY -no-feature-SOCKS5 -no-feature-NETWORKINTERFACE
(I still want to switch over to the -qconfig way, but qconfig is not
automatically built in the Linux desktop build, and has errors for me when

I realize not all those affect libQt5Core. At that point, was about 4.8 MB after stripping (up from 4.3 MB).

Reduced the size:
1. In qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf, I had previously updated
-O3. I then updated QMAKE_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_FULL to use -Os. (Save ~0.8 MB)
2. Edit to comment out CONFIG += exceptions (Save ~380 KB)
3. Use the steps that John Layt gave for updating the
qtbase/util/local_database stuff for locale data, to generate a qlocale.xml,
remove locale items for everything except C and US English, then run Noted the effect on
(Save ~0.7 MB)
4. Have version of
qtbase/src/corelib/mimetypes/mime/packages/ without
comment xml:lang items
 sed '/\comment xml:lang/d'
 Update qtbase/src/corelib/mimetypes/mimetypes.qrc to reference
(Save ~220 KB)

After these changes, was 3.0 MB stripped!  (3048028
bytes). If I trimmed the mime types down to a single item and took out the
DOCTYPE, it went down a little bit more (25KB less).  So, that's within
striking distance now.

Other things I might still try:
- Updating the TLD stuff to slim it down.
- See if I can safely remove some other things from the locale information.
John? (likely subtags, language name list, etc.)
- If there's an update that makes -no-feature-REGULAREXPRESSION work, use

A few other comments:

Peter Kümmel wrote:
 Maybe it is worth to think about a Qt library which really only
 provides essential stuff. What would such a library contain,
 when all the but the GUI needs it was removed?

QtCore generally has just essential stuff for either UI or non-UI. Of course
there's other libraries too that have nice things for both UI and non-UI
like QtNetwork, etc. QtCore does have some things typically used for UI that
might not be needed for non-UI use, like animations, etc., but there are
-no-feature items for those (or most those).  We've been using Qt for many
things for a few years now.  It's a great C++ library in general.  We have
embedded software without any UI, middleware that runs on desktops or (some)
mobile without any direct UI, and then UI pieces as well. The middleware
piece has been used in apps that run .NET on Windows or Objective-C on Mac
(exposing exported C functions or COM interop/PInvoke, and keeping C++ class
use internal to the library).

There's other libraries too that are interesting for non-UI use that Qt

Thiago Macieira
 Note that it's configuring something outside of Qt and
 possibly affecting other applications in your system.

It seems like the locale reference by qtbase/util/local_database and the
locale classes are self contained.  It does use data from the outside, but
I'm not sure how it would affect other applications in the system (unless
they're using the Qt version we make).

Thiago Macieira
 Why are you even trying to build qttools for your target environment? Just
 skip the module altogether.

That's a good idea. I had run it mainly for qtpaths and lrelease.

Peter Kümmel
 So maybe the question should be, what does an essential 1M Qt lib need
 to be of any use?

I don't know what a target size would be per-se, but the specific list might
depend on who you ask.  There are some things that might sound like UI
related at first, like say QSize QPoint and QRect, but those are actually
nice to have for non-UI stuff.  I think QtCore largely has essential non-UI
common things, but a few things that I don't see us using from QtCore for

[Interest] Two candidate updates for 5.3.x

2014-05-12 Thread Daniel Bowen
In trying to reduce the size of Qt for an embedded environment, I've run
into a couple problems that would be best solved by updates to the source.
There was a comment that issues with 5.3.0 RC could be sent to the mailing
list here.

1. If -no-gui is specified, qtdiag tries to build, but encounters the error
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: gui-private gui
-- To fix, update qttools/src/, change
!android:!ios:!qnx:!wince*:!winrt*:SUBDIRS += qtdiag
qtHaveModule(gui) {
!android:!ios:!qnx:!wince*:!winrt*:SUBDIRS += qtdiag

2. -no-feature-REGULAREXPRESSION does not work. For the following desktop
Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 x64) ./configure and make:

./configure -release -opensource -shared -largefile -confirm-license
-no-feature-REGULAREXPRESSION -verbose

The following error is encountered:
g++ -c -include .pch/Qt5Core -pipe -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -pthread
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -g -O3
-fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -std=c++0x -Wall -W
-I../../mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I../../include -I../../include/QtCore
-I../../include/QtCore/5.3.0 -I../../include/QtCore/5.3.0/QtCore -Iglobal
-I../3rdparty/pcre -I../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src -I../3rdparty/md5
-I../3rdparty/md4 -I../3rdparty/sha3 -I.moc -o .obj/qregularexpression.o
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:761: error: incomplete type
'QRegularExpression' used in nested name specifier
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:762: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{'
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:786: error: redefinition of 'int
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:761: error: 'int convertToPcreOptions'
previously defined here
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:786: error: incomplete type
'QRegularExpression' used in nested name specifier
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:807: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of
'QRegularExpressionMatchPrivate' with no type
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:807: error: expected ';' before '*' token
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:817: error: 'PatternOptions' in class
'QRegularExpression' does not name a type
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:845: error: 'QRegularExpression::MatchType' has
not been declared
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:846: error: 'QRegularExpression::MatchOptions'
has not been declared
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:851: error: field 'regularExpression' has
incomplete type
tools/qregularexpression.cpp:857: error: 'MatchType' in class
'QRegularExpression' does not name a type

Interest mailing list

[Interest] Size of libQt5Core in 5.3

2014-05-11 Thread Daniel Bowen
I have an embedded environment where we use non-UI parts of Qt (Qt Core, Qt
Networking) on an ARM host processor.

We've been using 4.8.4 for a little while. There's some other changes coming
to this code, and we've been looking to move to 5.x with the upcoming 5.3.
After working through several issues, I got the release candidate of Qt 5.3
compiled for this processor.  At first, was 6.6 MB!
With 4.8.4, we were able to get libQtCore4 down to 2.6 MB.

So I started putting in -skip, -no-feature, etc. having features we would
still use, but other things stripped out. I also had a mkspec use -Os to
optimize for size. Using something like this:

OPENSSL_LIBS=-L(path for openssl) -lssl -lcrypto ./configure -release
-opensource -prefix (path for prefix) -extprefix (path for prefix) -shared
-largefile -I (path for jpeg) -L (path for jpeg) -sysroot (path for sysroot)
-xplatform linux-arm_v5t_le-g++ -confirm-license -system-zlib -system-libpng
-system-libjpeg -openssl-linked -no-accessibility -no-freetype -no-harfbuzz
-no-glib -no-gui -no-widgets -no-cups -no-iconv -no-evdev -no-icu
-no-fontconfig -no-pch -no-dbus -no-xcb -no-directfb -no-linuxfb -no-kms
-no-opengl -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtdeclarative -skip qtdoc
-skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtlocation -skip qtquick1 -skip
qtquickcontrols -skip qtscript -skip qttranslations -skip qtwebkit -skip
qtwebkit-examples -skip qtx11extras -skip qtxmlpatterns
-no-feature-TEXTHTMLPARSER -no-feature-TEXTODFWRITER -no-feature-CSSPARSER
-no-feature-CONCURRENT -no-feature-DRAGANDDROP -no-feature-SESSIONMANAGER
-no-feature-SHORTCUT -no-feature-ACTION -no-feature-DOM
-no-feature-ITEMVIEWS -no-feature-DIRMODEL -no-feature-STANDARDITEMMODEL
-no-feature-LISTVIEW -no-feature-TABLEVIEW -no-feature-TREEVIEW
-no-feature-DATAWIDGETMAPPER -no-feature-COLUMNVIEW -no-feature-MOVIE
-no-feature-IMAGEFORMAT_XPM -no-feature-FREETYPE -no-feature-BIG_CODECS
-no-feature-ICONV -no-feature-FTP -no-feature-ACCESSIBILITY
-no-feature-ANIMATION -no-feature-STATEMACHINE -no-feature-GESTURES
-no-feature-DBUS -no-feature-XMLSCHEMA -verbose

It went down to 5.3 MB. 5.3 MB was still too bit, so I went through the
features from qfeatures.txt, and did -no-feature for every single feature
listed.  libQt5Core wouldn't compile without LIBRARY, SETTINGS and
REGULAREXPRESSION, so I took the -no-feature out for those things.  Even
with all of that removed, was still 4.3 MB after being
stripped.  That would have some things removed though that we want.

Is there any way to get Qt Core to compile smaller, like under 3MB? Am I
missing anything to skip or -no-xyz or -nomake or -no-feature?  Why is so much bigger than

We may just need to move to 4.8.6 and leave it there instead of jumping onto

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[Interest] Cross platform Web services server

2014-03-06 Thread Daniel Bowen
I'm wondering what other people are using these days for providing web
services from a server point of view for embedded devices, where the server
code is integrated as a shared library and geared more toward providing
RESTful services for a limited number of clients on the local network.
Something that's also cross-platform.  Ideally, you'd be able to have
different handlers for different base paths.  For example, registering a C
callback or handler C++ class/interface or Qt signal/slot for /path1, and
if a request came in for /path1/thing1?a=b, then the registered hander
could deal with that.

SSL integration (with QSsl and friends, or openssl) and authentication
support are important too.

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Re: [Interest] Relashionship between time_t and QDateTime

2013-08-27 Thread Daniel Bowen

The MSDN library states:

To account for daylight saving time when converting a file time to a local 
time, use the following sequence of functions instead of using 

For example:
(incoming fileTimeUtc)
FILETIME fileTimeLocal;
SYSTEMTIME systemTimeUtc = {0}, systemTimeLocal = {0};
::FileTimeToSystemTime(fileTimeUtc, systemTimeUtc);
::SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, systemTimeUtc, 
::SystemTimeToFileTime(systemTimeLocal, fileTimeLocal);
// SYSTEMTIME will lose accuracy less than a millisecond.  We'll tack 
that back on.
fileTimeLocal += (fileTimeUtc % Millisecond);

If this is on Windows and before Vista, then past timezones might not be 
correct if the rules are different than the current set of daylight savings 
transition rules (only Vista and later has the dynamic timezone stuff that 
tracks timezone transition changes in years past).  In the QDateTime docs I see 
On Windows and Windows CE, where the system doesn't support historical DST 
data, historical accuracy is not maintained with respect to DST.  I don't 
believe that's quite true - Windows support historical DST data if you use the 
calls above, and its on Vista or later.  You can also use calls like 
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation and GetTimeZoneInformationForYear on Vista and 
later for more explicit historical timezone info.

The thing to remember is that time_t and FILETIME and QDateTime (at least 
=5.1) all represent a moment in time without regard for timezone.  Like 
2013-08-27T11:50:00. It's up to you to track which timezone the time_t or 
FILETIME you have belongs to.  (i.e., 2013-08-27T11:50:00-06:00)

I think the best way to track things if timezones are in the mix is to track 
the date/time as one thing, and separately track the timezone offset for that 
date/time.  Then you can convert reliably between different local times or UTC. 
 We ended up with our own class for tracking time that does that.  (Kind of 
like the .NET DateTimeOffset compared to the DateTime class).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf 
Of Constantin Makshin
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:40 AM
To: Qt Interest
Subject: Re: [Interest] Relashionship between time_t and QDateTime

When converting time from UTC to local time, Windows uses the *current* state 
of daylight saving, not one that was active at the time the original timestamp 
is pointing to.

On 08/27/2013 01:55 PM, Frank Hemer wrote:
 On Tuesday 27 August 2013 10:19:06 Calogero Mauceri wrote:
 On 8/26/2013 7:30 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013 17:42:58, Calogero Mauceri wrote:
 QDateTime myDateTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(f_mtime);

 The date time printed doing a myDateTime.toString() is

   Wed Dec 5 12:36:18 2007

 Retrieving the last modified information using QFileInfo, the 
 result is different

   QFileInfo fi(filepath);
   QDateTime myDateTime = fi.lastModified();

 I get this result

   Wed Dec 5 11:36:18 2007

 That is there is one hour difference. I guess the difference is due 
 to the daylight saving management, but I can not understand how 
 that management is performed.

 Note: if I look at the file properties on Windows dialog, the last 
 modified time is shown as

   Wed Dec 5 12:36:18 2007

 Ah, Windows...

 The problem might be simply a matter of timezones. The timestamps on 
 files on Windows are not stored with time_t, but with some 
 Windows-specific data. We get a FILETIME back from Win32.

 Anyway, up until Qt 5.2, you cannot trust the output of a QDateTime 
 with qDebug since it does not include the timezone. You have to 
 ensure that the

 dates you're comparing by text are in the same timezone:
 qDebug()  dt.toUTC();

 Thanks for your reply.

 Unfortunately the problem is still there even if I force a toUTC() 
 conversion for both QDateTime, either the one initialized from time_t 
 or the one returned by QFileInfo :/.

  QDateTime dtFromTime_t = QDateTime::fromTime_t(mtime).toUTC();
  QDateTime dtFromFileInfo = fi.lastModified().toUTC();
  int sec = ABS(dtFromTime.secsTo(dtFromFileInfo));   // sec returned 
 is 3600
 Daylight savings handling in windows is somehow 'weird'.
 The timestamps of files change when switching the system time from 
 summer time to winter time and vice versa.

Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Relashionship between time_t and QDateTime

2013-08-27 Thread Daniel Bowen
 One key is in the Remarks section of 
 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime()'s documentation
  The SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function may calculate the local time 
  incorrectly under the following conditions:
  - *The time zone uses a different UTC offset for the old and new years*.
  - The UTC time to be converted and the calculated local time are in 
  different years.

Thanks for that.  It looks like for Windows 7 and later, there's now a 
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx (and TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx) which 
use the dynamic time zone structure.  It doesn't list the caveats that 
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime mentions, so perhaps its historical accuracy is 
better (for when DST has changed the rules for the timezone in the past).

It is a little more cumbersome to have those functions only in later versions 
of Windows - you'd need to LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress to be able to call 
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx if you detect Windows 7 or later, and use 
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime otherwise (if you try to early bind and just 
call the function in an if statement, you'd get entry point not found on 
older operating systems).


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Relashionship between time_t and QDateTime

2013-08-27 Thread Daniel Bowen
One other note:

 And since daylight saving transition dates and time tend to slightly drift
 year to year, there's absolutely no guarantees of getting correct time 
 conversion results; in general case 1-hour error is nearly inevitable.

The timezone structure on Windows tracks the ST-DT and DT-ST rules for the
transition, not an absolute date - like 02:00 on the first Sunday in April
spx).  So, if the rules haven't changed, but the absolute dates have from
one year to the next, I think you'll still get the right answer if you use
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime.  But, when the rules change, like they did
in the US in 2007 (,
that's when it would be wrong to calculate the local time using the current
year's rules for some range of dates, and you'd need

So, to test, you could use a UTC FILETIME for a date/time on March 31, 2006,
have your system set to one of the timezones in the US that follows daylight
savings, then try to convert that to local time.  If it's following the
current rules, the conversion will be an hour too early.  If it's
historically accurate, it will be correct.


Interest mailing list

Re: [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,

2012-10-24 Thread Daniel Bowen
  Let me state for the record that I do not use volatiles for thread 
  synchronization.  But the issue at hand is not whether a volatile 
  can be used for full-featured thread synchronization, but whether 
  it can be used by one thread to signal a second looping thread to 
  It can. In that restricted scenario, even a non-atomic write would 
  be sufficient.


  CPU A writes to the volatile signalling variable, but it writes to its 
  CPU-specific cache.  The thread that's looping runs on CPU B, and 
  repeatedly reads from the volatile signalling variable, but always 
  reads it from its own CPU-specific cache.  So it never gets the signal 
  to quit, and potentially loops forever.

 Well, that's not exactly how processors work. CPU A will eventually get
 to write the data from its cache back to main RAM. And CPU B will
 get to notice that and discard its cache. So the code running on CPU B
 eventually get to see the new value.

 The question is only how long that might take.
 Also note that you should not implement a busy-wait loop like that, like
 a spinlock. At least on x86, if one CPU is constantly reading from the
 address, it will prevent the others from writing to it. Since you're
 busy- looping, you're spending power.

I'm also quite interested in this topic. There are a handful of places where
I've used a similar pattern where one thread is doing a loop, and reading a
stop flag to stop a while loop, and some other thread can write to that stop
flag.  That stop flag is a member variable.  The loops where I've used it
with a stop variable are not constantly pounding the CPU unnecessarily.  For
example, let's say you have a thread that auto saves any changes on a
regular interval, or one that processes work items if there are any.  And
a QWaitCondition is used to wake up to either do work, or stop.  But if
there isn't anything to do, it's doing a smart wait.  For example:

m_waitCondition.wait(m_lock, m_autoSaveInterval);

With some other method called from another thread like

bool A::stopAndWait(unsigned long timeoutMs)
m_stop = true;
return this-wait(timeoutMs);

So, in that case, I've typically declared
volatile bool m_stop;

With the intention of using volatile for don't optimize the read away.

After reading some various links like the Herb Sutter article referenced
earlier, a co-worker believes that volatile in this case is unnecessary.
i.e., just use
bool m_stop;

So, I'd like to understand the possibilities for the best cross-platform
code.  Going one time too many is OK.
- Is reading and writing to a bool m_stop (no volatile) without a mutex
locked OK? Or could the read of the member variable m_stop realistically be
optimized away?
- Is reading and writing to a volatile bool m_stop without a mutex locked
- If no locking is OK, is volatile better for m_stop, or does it not matter
(and just causes a little bit slower execution for the read/write of
- Is not using volatile on bool m_stop OK, but both reading and writing to
m_stop should be done with a mutex locked?
- If m_stop is only read or written with a mutex locked, could the value
ever be stale that is read (causing one time too many)?
- What if m_stop was QAtomicInt instead of bool?


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