Hello I am trying to emulate a traffic light,I have four images to toggle 
between,I made a function to check the equality of the source image and change 
it on click,but it doesn't work,I think the problem in checking the equality of 
the source. Any ideas...ThanksRamyimport QtQuick 2.4
Item{    id:traffic_light
    property string property3: "vector-traffic-light-3.png" //green    property 
string property2: "vector-traffic-light-2.png" //yellow    property string 
property1: "vector-traffic-light-1.png" //red    property string property0: 
"vector-traffic-light-0.png" //off
    function toggle()    {        if (trafficlight.source == property0)         
     trafficlight.source = property1;         else if            
(trafficlight.source == property1)              trafficlight.source = 
property2;         else if            (trafficlight.source == property2)        
      trafficlight.source = property3;        else if            
(trafficlight.source  == property3)              trafficlight.source 
=property0;    }

    Image {        id: trafficlight        x: 30        y: 30        width: 43  
      height: 140        opacity: 0.7        source: property1
        MouseArea {            x: 0            y: 0
            width: 43            height: 140            hoverEnabled: true      
      onClicked:toggle()        }
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