
I am working on a project that requires that I use Qt3D with the OculusVR
sdk. The issue i am having is the inability to know when it is the end of a
frame in the rendersystem so i can submit the scene's rendertexture to the
ovr sdk. The obvious solution would be to use the QRenderAspect in
synchronous rendering mode then submit the scene's rendertexture to the ovr
sdk after calling renderAspect->renderSynchronous(). I am trying to achieve
something similarly to what is done here
as recommended by Seam Harmer, however I am working purely in c++ and not
qml. I am also trying to avoid building a custom version of qt3d as much as

Is synchronous rendering using plain old qt and c++ currently possible in
the qt3d version that comes in the 5.6 release? Can anyone provide a small
sample or just a snippet of how to initialize and render using synchronous

Any help would be appreciated.

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