[PHP-DEV] PHP 7.1.7 Released

2017-07-06 Thread Joe Watkins

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.1.7.

This is a security release with several fixes included, all users of PHP
7.1 are encouraged to upgrade.

For source downloads of PHP 7.1.7 please visit the downloads page:


Windows binaries can be found on:


For a list of changes included in this release, see the ChangeLog:


Follows is verification information:

SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1


SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1


SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1



Re: [PHP-DEV] "Reader" as alternative to Iterator

2017-07-06 Thread Davey Shafik
I believe the correct solution to this is an OuterIterator — an
OuterIterator contains the logic to constrain the loop, for example, we
have the LimitIterator, FilterIterator, RegexIterator, etc.

See this example:

You can build your own OuterIterators, which implements whatever logic your
Reader should have.

OuterIterators are also compose-able, you can stack them, though of course
there are performance considerations here.

I would say that any alternative to OuterIterator's should have a clear and
demonstrable benefit in both developer experience, and performance before
it should be considered.

- Davey

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:51 AM, Rowan Collins 

> On 3 July 2017 16:58:16 BST, Andreas Hennings  wrote:
> >My motivation was to be able to use iterators and readers
> >interchangeably.
> >Readers are easier to implement as classes.
> >Iterators have the benefit of the generator syntax.
> >The idea is to have a library where some stuff is implemented as
> >reader classes, and some other things are implemented as iterator
> >classes.
> >
> >Then for the actual operational code, I need to choose to use either
> >iterator syntax or reader syntax. So either I need adapters for all
> >iterators, or I need adapters for all readers.
> An alternative to adapters in this case might be a Trait that allows you
> to write the class as a Reader, but turn it into a fully-functioning
> Iterator with one line of code. If you always call your read method read()
> you only need a single adapter which calls that at the appropriate times
> and buffers the value to know if it's reached the end. That adapter could
> be "pasted" by a Trait into each class where read() is defined, and read()
> could even be private.
> Regards,
> --
> Rowan Collins
> [IMSoP]
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] PHP 5.6.31 is available

2017-07-06 Thread Ferenc Kovacs

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.6.31.
This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this
release. All PHP 5.6 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

For source downloads of PHP 5.6.31 please visit our downloads page:

 Windows binaries can be found on http://windows.php.net/download/.

The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog:

To verify the downloads, you can use the following information:

SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


Julien Pauli & Ferenc Kovacs

[PHP-DEV] BAD Benchmark Results for PHP Master 2017-07-06

2017-07-06 Thread lp_benchmark_robot
Results for project PHP master, build date 2017-07-06 14:00:37-07:00
commit: fc336c7
previous commit:8e0ddc8
revision date:  2017-07-06 23:06:11+03:00
cpu:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @ 2.30GHz 2x18 cores, 
stepping 2, LLC 45 MB
mem:128 GB
os: CentOS 7.1
kernel: Linux 3.10.0-229.4.2.el7.x86_64

Baseline results were generated using release php-7.0.0, with hash 60fffd2 from
2015-12-01 04:16:47+00:00

benchmark   relative   change since   change since  
current rev run
std_dev*   last run   baseline  
   with PGO
:-|   Wordpress 4.2.2 cgi -T1  0.09% -0.19%  2.84%  
:-|   Drupal 7.36 cgi -T1  0.18%  0.20%  1.97%  
:-|   MediaWiki 1.23.9 cgi -T5000  0.08%  0.00%  3.27%  
:-(   bench.php cgi -T100  0.02% -1.51% 45.90%  
:-(  micro_bench.php cgi -T10  0.01% -2.52% 20.42%  
:-(  mandelbrot.php cgi -T100  0.02% -2.13% 43.31%  

* Relative Standard Deviation (Standard Deviation/Average)

If this is not displayed properly please visit our results page here: 

Note: Benchmark results for Wordpress, Drupal, MediaWiki are measured in
fetches/second while all others are measured in seconds.
More details on measurements methodology at: 

Subject Label Legend:
Attributes are determined based on the performance evolution of the workloads
compared to the previous measurement iteration.
NEUTRAL: performance did not change by more than 1% for any workload
GOOD: performance improved by more than 1% for at least one workload and there
is no regression greater than 1%
BAD: performance dropped by more than 1% for at least one workload and there is
no improvement greater than 1%
UGLY: performance improved by more than 1% for at least one workload and also
dropped by more than 1% for at least one workload

Our lab does a nightly source pull and build of the PHP project and measures
performance changes against the previous stable version and the previous nightly
measurement. This is provided as a service to the community so that quality
issues with current hardware can be identified quickly.

Intel technologies' features and benefits depend on system configuration and may
require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies
depending on system configuration.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Extensions License

2017-07-06 Thread Sara Golemon
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Scott Arciszewski  wrote:
> I haven't received any direction for what to do here, so I opened this
> issue on the libsodium-php repo:
> https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium-php/issues/127
> If we get a full checklist of consent from every contributor, including
> Frank, that should be enough to unblock this pull request, no?
If the extension is relicensed to the PHP license and Copyright
assigned to The PHP Group, then every problem goes away in the
simplest and least uncertain way possible.

If the above can't be done, we still have options.  The BSD license
currently on the extension is not, in and of itself, super
problematic.  The only issue which needs resolving in my mind is
addressing the frontier between ext/sodium and the rest of php-src.
Code migrating (in either direction) muddies the waters between these
parts of the repo and I just don't know what the consequences of that
are.  Maybe they're nothing.

I wanted to move that part of the discussion here in the interest of
getting other stakeholders to comment.  Particularly those who are
formally members of "The PHP Group". Rasmus? Ze'ev? Andi? I think you
three are the only ones in that category still active.


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Extensions License

2017-07-06 Thread Scott Arciszewski
On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Scott Arciszewski 

> ​Hi all,
> Towards the end (currently, anyway) of the pull request discussion, a
> possible resolution emerges for ext/sodium: https://github.com/php/php-
> src/pull/2560#issuecomment-312452732
> I've never dealt with licensing issues before, so I'm not sure what the
> process is myself.
> However, feel free to treat my contributions as CC0/WTFPL/Unlicense so
> that everyone can freely just relicense my contributions as whatever
> license without complication. You don't even need me to sign off on it.
> Just, have at it.
> Would it make sense to post an issue on the libsodium-php Github to ask
> the contributors if they consent to a relicense? Or should we track them
> down and email them individually?
> This is new territory for me, so I apologize if anything I said sounds
> stupid.
> Regards,
> Scott Arciszewski
> Chief Development Officer
> Paragon Initiative Enterprises ​
​Hi again,

I haven't received any direction for what to do here, so I opened this
issue on the libsodium-php repo:


If we get a full checklist of consent from every contributor, including
Frank, that should be enough to unblock this pull request, no?​

Scott Arciszewski
Chief Development Officer
Paragon Initiative Enterprises 

Re: [PHP-DEV] Getting fd from stream

2017-07-06 Thread Niklas Keller
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Kalle Sommer Nielsen 
> wrote:
> > 2017-07-06 11:12 GMT+02:00 Martijn van Duren :
> >> I have an (exotic) case where I need to be able to get the
> >> filedescriptor from a previously opened stream (via stream_socket_pair)
> >> to hand over to the child process, which needs to reexecute.
> >>
> >
> "hand over to a child process"
> Child as in pcntl_fork()? Or a subprocess via exec() et. al.?
> For the former, the variable should (I think) carry over.
> For the latter, the stream number is going to be a meaningless value
> to the subprocess. ((e.g. stdin (fd=0) for the parent is a different
> source than stdin for the child, despite being the same number)).
> I'm not sure of your exact use case, but you might be able to use
> proc_open to spawn the child and supply the socket in the descriptor
> spec which will (I think, iirc) bind the internal socket to a new pipe
> between the parent and child.  Though it's possible you'll need to
> maintain a proxy loop in the parent.
> 40% of the above is guesswork and conjecture, but maybe it'll spawn
> the right question.

There's a (I think undocumented) feature that allow transferring sockets to
other processes with the socket extension.


Bob implemented that, so maybe he can help you.

But what's your exact use case?

Regards, Niklas

Re: [PHP-DEV] Getting fd from stream

2017-07-06 Thread Sara Golemon
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Kalle Sommer Nielsen  wrote:
> 2017-07-06 11:12 GMT+02:00 Martijn van Duren :
>> I have an (exotic) case where I need to be able to get the
>> filedescriptor from a previously opened stream (via stream_socket_pair)
>> to hand over to the child process, which needs to reexecute.
"hand over to a child process"
Child as in pcntl_fork()? Or a subprocess via exec() et. al.?

For the former, the variable should (I think) carry over.
For the latter, the stream number is going to be a meaningless value
to the subprocess. ((e.g. stdin (fd=0) for the parent is a different
source than stdin for the child, despite being the same number)).

I'm not sure of your exact use case, but you might be able to use
proc_open to spawn the child and supply the socket in the descriptor
spec which will (I think, iirc) bind the internal socket to a new pipe
between the parent and child.  Though it's possible you'll need to
maintain a proxy loop in the parent.

40% of the above is guesswork and conjecture, but maybe it'll spawn
the right question.


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Partial Classes

2017-07-06 Thread Michał Brzuchalski
06.07.2017 15:34 "Johannes Schlüter"  napisał(a):
> On Do, 2017-07-06 at 13:11 +0500, Khawer . wrote:
> > Partial Classes
> >
> > If we are using same class for different purposes we can extend it,
> > and add new properties and methods. But we will also have to use new
> > class name, when we create objects. C# provides a better concept
> > "Partial Classes". Why not to also implement it in PHP?

Because class in few files won't autoload and more files cause you don't
have class in one place and switching through files may increase
Also this would lead to ambiguity if you load few partial classes which
uses methods from not-loaded one how can you know where to find it?

> >
> > Example:
> >
> > Partial Class abc {
> >
> >   public function sayhi() {
> >echo "Hi";
> >   }
> >
> > }
> >
> > Partial Class abc {
> >
> >   public function sayhello() {
> >echo "Hello";
> >   }
> >
> > }
> My understanding is that C# mostly uses this for GUI stuff where
> forms/widgets are designed in a visual editor and code is written in
> text. By using partial classes those can be in different files, thus
> developers don't touch generated files.
> Except for that a need for splitting this up indicates a design issue
> to me. Like a class doing too many things.
> PHP has traits which you eventually can use to emulate such a system in
> a more explicit way.
> http://php.net/traits
> > Q: What will happen if both classes contain same method names?
> > A: We will show error method already exists.
> >
> > Q: Will it break any existing code?
> > A: No, there will be no impact on any existing coding because we are
> > not changing anything.
> It would break usage of "partial" which is not a keywor, yet.
> johannes
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Getting fd from stream

2017-07-06 Thread Kalle Sommer Nielsen
Hi  Martijn

2017-07-06 11:12 GMT+02:00 Martijn van Duren :
> Hello internals@,
> I have an (exotic) case where I need to be able to get the
> filedescriptor from a previously opened stream (via stream_socket_pair)
> to hand over to the child process, which needs to reexecute.
> I saw that the php:// wrapper supports php://fd/X syntax, so I reckon
> there should be a way to extract the information as well from a stream
> as well. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to find it.
> Can someone point me in the right direction?

It seems like this is not exposed at all by PHP.

I have CC'ed Sara as one of the old school streams persons, maybe she
has some insights why it is not exposed or if it is worth exposing
fileno() in 7.2+


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Distrust SHA-1 Certificates

2017-07-06 Thread Anatol Belski
Morning, guys,

> -Original Message-
> From: Niklas Keller [mailto:m...@kelunik.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 4:39 PM
> To: Anatol Belski 
> Cc: Sara Golemon ; Jakub Zelenka ; PHP
> Internals 
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Distrust SHA-1 Certificates
>   Ok, so you strive to create a completely new RFC with a solution based
> on today's situation. I think you still don't see my point. Say there's
> insecure_allow_sha1_signature, which is a stream context. Then
>   - in 7.0 and 7.1
> - if absent, insecure_allow_sha1_signature = true
> - if present, the given value taken
> - impact for 7.2 migration - if explicit 
> insecure_allow_sha1_signature =
> false is in the code, no impact
>   - in 7.2
> - if absent, insecure_allow_sha1_signature = false
> - if present, depending on the decision either the exact value is 
> taken
> or ignored
> - future impact - none, the option can be even silently removed
>   - in 7.3
> - removed and disabled completely
>   No see same if insecure_allow_sha1_signature is an INI
>   - in 7.0 and 7.1
> - if not set, insecure_allow_sha1_signature = On
> - if set, the given value is taken
> - impact for 7.2 migration - depending on decision, either it's
> deprecated warning or disabled by default
>   - in 7.2
> - if not set, insecure_allow_sha1_signature = Off
> - if set, the given value is taken, warning is issued
>   - in 7.3
> - removed and disabled completely
>   Both options do same, but in different manner. Both have advantages
> and downsides, but one option only is both necessary and sufficient to achieve
> the goal.
> You plan assumes we'll disallow sha1 / md5 completely in the future, dunno
> whether that'll be the case. I'd prefer that.
Nome, that's not mine, it's was your intention as I've remembered, might be 
wrong. Anyway, what I wanted is only to show the redundancy having multiple 
ways to do same. 

Anyway, now that Jakub also responded with an approach as well, maybe it's time 
to get an RFC get the thing done? It could have the two suggestions brought 
till now as an "exclusive or" choice and the disablement plan. The one that won 
would be followed up. An implementation were great to have before.

Both suggestions, either the separate context options for md5 and sha1, or 
security levels, do same job and only differ in the way it's done. The downside 
of security levels is, that fe the suggested security level 2 will disable 
both, while user might want to disable only sha1, that's where the separate 
options win on flexibility. Whereby having a higher security level should 
automatically ensure a certain weak functionality is disabled at once, which 
has some use as well. IMO, the INI option is a no go - the argument that user 
can get everything done at once breaks encapsulation, as not every stream in 
the app might require it.

The plan about the default disablement by version brought by Jakub sounds 
plausible, as for me. IMHO the complete disablement should not be a part of 
this RFC.

I would suggest, it's time to get on RFC and bust this issue. It would be 
great, if all the interested parties could cooperate on this.



Re: [PHP-DEV] Partial Classes

2017-07-06 Thread Johannes Schlüter
On Do, 2017-07-06 at 13:11 +0500, Khawer . wrote:
> Partial Classes
> If we are using same class for different purposes we can extend it,
> and add new properties and methods. But we will also have to use new
> class name, when we create objects. C# provides a better concept
> "Partial Classes". Why not to also implement it in PHP?
> Example:
> Partial Class abc {
>   public function sayhi() {
>    echo "Hi";
>   }
> }
> Partial Class abc {
>   public function sayhello() {
>    echo "Hello";
>   }
> }

My understanding is that C# mostly uses this for GUI stuff where
forms/widgets are designed in a visual editor and code is written in
text. By using partial classes those can be in different files, thus
developers don't touch generated files.

Except for that a need for splitting this up indicates a design issue
to me. Like a class doing too many things.

PHP has traits which you eventually can use to emulate such a system in
a more explicit way.

> Q: What will happen if both classes contain same method names?
> A: We will show error method already exists.
> Q: Will it break any existing code?
> A: No, there will be no impact on any existing coding because we are
> not changing anything.

It would break usage of "partial" which is not a keywor, yet.


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] PHP 7.0.21 available

2017-07-06 Thread Anatol Belski

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.21.
This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release.

All PHP 7.0 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version.

For source downloads of PHP 7.0.21 please visit our downloads page:

Windows binaries can be found on http://windows.php.net/download/

The list of changes is recorded in the ChangeLog:

Anatol Belski and Ferenc Kovacs

P.S. Below is the verification information for the downloads

SHA256 hash: 2ba133c392de6f86aacced8c54e0adefd1c81d3840ac323b9926b8ed3dc6231f
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1


SHA256 hash: f2f05f629dd02c75834ddf033916bd5ff92a720602839d81fd8b6d90e37b6225
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1


SHA256 hash: 6713fe3024365d661593235b525235045ef81f18d0043654658c9de1bcb8b9e3
PGP signature:
Version: GnuPG v1


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] PHP 7.2.0 Alpha 3 Released

2017-07-06 Thread Remi Collet
The third alpha for 7.2.0 was just released and can be downloaded
from: https://downloads.php.net/~remi/
Or using the git tag: php-7.2.0alpha3

The Windows binaries are available at: http://windows.php.net/qa/

Please test it carefully, and report any bugs in the bug system.
The next release will be tagged on Tuesday July 18th and released on
Thursday July 20th.

This first Beta will also be
- feature freeze
- PHP-7.2 branch

Get your RFCs implemented unless you want to wait for PHP-7.3

See below for Hash Values and GPG signatures

Thank you, and happy testing!


MD5 hash: 3ea8b6af1e000dc0f74e20fd0f62eed8
SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


MD5 hash: b83efbc529eb27724c59dd301f4205e8
SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


MD5 hash: de555e594f4211d0152c6a762762ae01
SHA256 hash:
PGP signature:


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] Getting fd from stream

2017-07-06 Thread Martijn van Duren
Hello internals@,

I have an (exotic) case where I need to be able to get the
filedescriptor from a previously opened stream (via stream_socket_pair)
to hand over to the child process, which needs to reexecute.  

I saw that the php:// wrapper supports php://fd/X syntax, so I reckon
there should be a way to extract the information as well from a stream  
as well. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to find it.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


Martijn van Duren

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread li...@rhsoft.net

Am 06.07.2017 um 08:13 schrieb Khawer.:

In all major programming languages we access object properties and methods
using dot(.).

Abc Abc = new Abc();

Abc Abc = new Abc();

var apple = new function() {
 this.name = "Test";

Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access object
properties and methods using dot(.)

to gain what?

We will still

who is "we"

keep "->" until PHP 8 to maintain backward compatibility

and then force to rewrite every single piece of code out there?
that's a "have a solution and seeking for the problem"

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DEV] Partial Classes

2017-07-06 Thread Khawer .
Partial Classes

If we are using same class for different purposes we can extend it, and add
new properties and methods. But we will also have to use new class name,
when we create objects. C# provides a better concept "Partial Classes". Why
not to also implement it in PHP?


Partial Class abc {

  public function sayhi() {
   echo "Hi";


Partial Class abc {

  public function sayhello() {
   echo "Hello";


Q: What will happen if both classes contain same method names?
A: We will show error method already exists.

Q: Will it break any existing code?
A: No, there will be no impact on any existing coding because we are not
changing anything.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread Michał Brzuchalski
06.07.2017 09:43 "Niklas Keller"  napisał(a):
> Stephen Reay  schrieb am Do., 6. Juli 2017,
> >
> > > On 6 Jul 2017, at 13:13, Khawer .  wrote:
> > >
> > > In all major programming languages we access object properties and
> > methods
> > > using dot(.).
> > >
> > > C#:
> > > Abc Abc = new Abc();
> > > Abc.method();
> > >
> > > Java:
> > > Abc Abc = new Abc();
> > > Abc.method();
> > >
> > > JavaScript:
> > > var apple = new function() {
> > >this.name = "Test";
> > > }
> > > alert(apple.name());
> > >
> > >
> > > Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access
> > object
> > > properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until
> > to
> > > maintain backward compatibility.
> >
> > In each of those languages, the plus operator is used for string
> > concatenation.
> >
> > In PHP the dot operator is used for string concatenation, and objects
> > be cast to strings when concatenating, so how do you differentiate the
> > calls at the end of this block:
> >
> > class Bar {
> > public function baz() {…}
> >
> > public function __toString(): string {...}
> > }
> >
> > function baz(): string {…}
> >
> > $foo = new Bar();
> > $foo.baz(); // call method Baz on object $foo
> > $foo.baz(); // concat the result of casting $foo to string, with the
> > result of calling baz()
> >
> Obviously by using plus for concatenation.

That would be huge BC break because plus on string which ale numerical is
adding numbers so result fir now would be sum. Not concatenated string.

> Regards, Niklas
> >

Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread Niklas Keller
Stephen Reay  schrieb am Do., 6. Juli 2017, 09:04:

> > On 6 Jul 2017, at 13:13, Khawer .  wrote:
> >
> > In all major programming languages we access object properties and
> methods
> > using dot(.).
> >
> > C#:
> > Abc Abc = new Abc();
> > Abc.method();
> >
> > Java:
> > Abc Abc = new Abc();
> > Abc.method();
> >
> > JavaScript:
> > var apple = new function() {
> >this.name = "Test";
> > }
> > alert(apple.name());
> >
> >
> > Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access
> object
> > properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until PHP 8
> to
> > maintain backward compatibility.
> In each of those languages, the plus operator is used for string
> concatenation.
> In PHP the dot operator is used for string concatenation, and objects can
> be cast to strings when concatenating, so how do you differentiate the two
> calls at the end of this block:
> class Bar {
> public function baz() {…}
> public function __toString(): string {...}
> }
> function baz(): string {…}
> $foo = new Bar();
> $foo.baz(); // call method Baz on object $foo
> $foo.baz(); // concat the result of casting $foo to string, with the
> result of calling baz()

Obviously by using plus for concatenation.

Regards, Niklas


Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread Stephen Reay

> On 6 Jul 2017, at 13:13, Khawer .  wrote:
> In all major programming languages we access object properties and methods
> using dot(.).
> C#:
> Abc Abc = new Abc();
> Abc.method();
> Java:
> Abc Abc = new Abc();
> Abc.method();
> JavaScript:
> var apple = new function() {
>this.name = "Test";
> }
> alert(apple.name());
> Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access object
> properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until PHP 8 to
> maintain backward compatibility.

In each of those languages, the plus operator is used for string concatenation.

In PHP the dot operator is used for string concatenation, and objects can be 
cast to strings when concatenating, so how do you differentiate the two calls 
at the end of this block:

class Bar {
public function baz() {…}

public function __toString(): string {...}

function baz(): string {…}

$foo = new Bar();
$foo.baz(); // call method Baz on object $foo
$foo.baz(); // concat the result of casting $foo to string, with the result of 
calling baz()
PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Exposing object handles to userland

2017-07-06 Thread Michał Brzuchalski
06.07.2017 07:24 "tyson andre"  napisał(a):
> Updated https://github.com/TysonAndre/php-src/pull/1 , which is now much
> In response to Nikita Popov's comments:
> > I'm +1 on the addition and would be fine with including it without RFC,
> > there are no objections on internals.
> How long should I wait to see if there are objections before creating a
pull request?

AFAIK you can create PR any time.

> > > - Can two objects can have the same object id
> > >   but different object handlers?
> > No: In PHP 7 this is not possible, which is also why spl_object_hash()
> > longer includes the handlers.
> True. Checking again, the implementation of spl_object_hash
> doesn't include the handlers, so I don't need to worry.
> > You can drop the masking. It was never effective at what it's supposed
> > do (hide memory addresses), but as this is the object ID only, it is
> > completely unnecessary here.
> > [...]
> > Only in the sense that it could theoretically wrap around to negative
> > numbers. Of course those would still serve as IDs just as well.
> That makes sense. I'm omitting the XOR
> (and returning the unobfuscated object handle/id)
> in the proposed change, then.
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread Marco Pivetta
What's the point?

Sorry for the snarky response, but it had to be done 

On 6 Jul 2017 8:13 AM, "Khawer ."  wrote:

In all major programming languages we access object properties and methods
using dot(.).

Abc Abc = new Abc();

Abc Abc = new Abc();

var apple = new function() {
this.name = "Test";

Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access object
properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until PHP 8 to
maintain backward compatibility.

Re: [PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread ilija . tovilo
The dot is already the string concatenation operator. This would be a horrible 
migration process. The PHP team is never going to upset the developer 
experience that much for a purely cosmetic change.

Also, C and C++ use the -> symbol, two major languages.


On 6 Jul 2017, 08:13 +0200, Khawer . , wrote:
> In all major programming languages we access object properties and methods
> using dot(.).
> C#:
> Abc Abc = new Abc();
> Abc.method();
> Java:
> Abc Abc = new Abc();
> Abc.method();
> JavaScript:
> var apple = new function() {
> this.name = "Test";
> }
> alert(apple.name());
> Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access object
> properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until PHP 8 to
> maintain backward compatibility.

[PHP-DEV] Change -> to dot(.)

2017-07-06 Thread Khawer .
In all major programming languages we access object properties and methods
using dot(.).

Abc Abc = new Abc();

Abc Abc = new Abc();

var apple = new function() {
this.name = "Test";

Why not to make PHP similar to these languages by allowing to access object
properties and methods using dot(.). We will still keep "->" until PHP 8 to
maintain backward compatibility.