On 30 April 2024 11:16:20 GMT-07:00, Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com> 
>I think setting some expectations in the proper context is warranted here.
>1. Would a native decimal type be good for the language? I would say we
>probably are not going to find many if any people who would be against it.

As I said earlier, I don't think that's the right question, because "adding a 
native type" isn't a defined process. Better questions are: Should a decimal 
type be always available? Does a decimal type need special features to maximise 
performance? Should we have special syntax for a decimal type? What functions 
should support a decimal type, or have versions which do?

>2. Is there a need for it? Well, the whole world of e-commerce, accounting
>and all kinds of business systems that deal with money in PHP world do not
>leave any room for doubt - https://packagist.org/?query=money . The use
>case is right there :)

That's a great example - would a decimal type make those libraries redundant? 
Probably not - they provide currency and rounding facilities beyond basic 
maths. Would those libraries benefit from an always-available, high-performance 
native type? Certainly. 

Would they benefit from it having strong integration into the syntax and 
standard library of the language? Not really; there's a small amount of actual 
code dealing with the values.

>4. Is it a lot of engine work?

Only if we go for the maximum ambition, highly integrated into the language. 

> Is it worth it? 

I'm actually not convinced.

>5. But BCMath/GMP/etc!!! Well, extensions are optional.

Extensions are only optional if we decide they are. ext/json used to be 
optional, but now it's always-on.

> They are also not as fast and they deal with strings.

Not as fast as what? If someone wants to make an extension around a faster 
library, they can. And only BCMath acts directly on strings; other libraries 
use text input to create a value in memory - whether that's a PHP string or a 
literal provided by the compiler doesn't make much difference.

I absolutely think there are use cases for decimal types and functions; but "I 
want a faster implementation" and "I want to add a new fundamental type to the 
language, affecting every corner of the engine" are very different things.

Rowan Tommins

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