Re: [PHP-DEV] Type hinting

2010-05-27 Thread Evert | Filemobile

On 2010-05-27, at 8:14 PM, Zeev Suraski wrote:

 At 13:59 27/05/2010, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
 Auto-conversion does not validate input to the function/method, it merely 
 obfuscates the wrong input by converting it to desired type resulting in a 
 potentially un-expected value. I must say I am completely against the 
 auto-conversion hint idea.
 All of PHP is built on that kind of conversion.  See Brian Moon's email for a 
 detailed instructions.
 BTW - even if strict type checking was implemented, do you truly think people 
 won't simply cast their inputs to make PHP shutup about 42 not being a 
 valid int?  Let me assure you, they would.  You'd gain nothing - as a matter 
 of fact you'd lose out a bit since abc strings or arrays will happily cast 
 into (int), while with our proposed solution - they won't.

Is a 'scalar' typehint still being considered? It doesn't seem to suffer from 
the conversion vs. typechecking argument.

As far as this discussion goes, I would want to add the following:

function f(array $a) {

f(new StdClass);

Currently both throw:
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to f() must be an array, integer 

IMHO it would be inconsistent with the language to let an 'int' typehint behave 
in any way different.

The way I see it, one end of the discussion proposes: 

function f(int $i) {

as an alternative to:

function f($i) {
  $i = (int)$i;

While the other end as an alternative to:

function f($i) {
  if (!is_int($i)) trigger_error(..etc..);

The first mainly just saves a few characters, (or introduces a whole new type 
conversion table), while the second provides 
  * a consistent way to communicate incorrectly typed arguments.
  * strict argument passing, making it easier to spot mistakes earlier in the 
development process.

While you can disagree the world needs strict typing in PHP, I find it hard to 
believe the 'conversion syntax sugar' is really considered. 


P.S.: The last thing I want is add more noise to the discussion. Consider 
emailing me off-list if you want to respond to this.
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Type hinting

2010-05-27 Thread Evert | Filemobile
 Is a 'scalar' typehint still being considered? It doesn't seem to suffer 
 from the conversion vs. typechecking argument.
 Currently, it's available in trunk:

Ah that's great news, thanks!

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Regarding serialize

2009-08-18 Thread Evert | Filemobile

Protected properties are serialized as:

0x00 + * + 0x00 + property name

The null characters don't show up in your console, but pipe the output  
through for example 'hexdump -C' and you should see them..


On 19-Aug-09, at 1:37 AM, Chris Stockton wrote:

Apologies for the double post, but the output might help... long day.
Notice the strlen is different, as well as the truncation on


string(43) O:13:testSerialize:1:{s:7:*_foo;a:0:{}}
string(45) O:13:testSerialize:1:{s:7:*_foo;a:0:{}}
string(45) 'O:13:testSerialize:1:{s:7:*_foo;a:0:{}}'
string(31) 'O:13:testSerialize:1:{s:7:'

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: PHP 5.3.0 Released!

2009-06-30 Thread Evert | Filemobile

On 30-Jun-09, at 10:19 AM, Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:


I've been using APC with PHP 5.3 on my dev box for sometime now and  
it works no worse then it did with 5.2.

No worse! You're not really selling it :)

Congrats all anyway, this is a release I'm quite excited about. Yay  
for closures!

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP] PHP 5.3.0alpha2

2009-06-30 Thread Evert | Filemobile

On 4-Sep-08, at 12:06 AM, Andi Gutmans wrote:

Btw, contrary to what many believe, 32bit PHP tends to perform better
than 64bit PHP.
So unless there's a really good reason why you want 64bit I wouldn't
waste too much time on that.

I have heard this before, but CPU hasn't really been our bottleneck on  
our webservers, rather than memory.

Am I doing it wrong, or is that a 'really good reason' ?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Is it true that short_open_tag is deprecated in PHP 6?

2009-04-13 Thread Evert | Filemobile

On 13-Apr-09, at 4:06 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:


Thats because with short_open_tags on, you need to use:
?php echo('?xml ... ?'); ?

It's a pretty small use case (that's a problem only if you have xml  
documents which has to have php code which has to be inlined) and as  
you see, can be easily handled. I think that should not make whole  
very useful syntax deprecated.

I think the parser should look ahead and check for something like :


(either ?php or ? + linebreaks/whitespace).


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Destructor Order

2008-10-22 Thread Evert | Filemobile
I believe the end of your script part is the problem.  Imagine you  
have some
object (say, ActiveRecord style) that writes itself to the database  
when it's
destroyed if the data has been modified.  Now cache that object in a  
variable somewhere for performance.  You're also using PDO, so your  

connection is a global or singleton instance of the PDO class.

Then your script reaches the end.  Does your object get destroyed and
therefore saved to the database before or after the PDO object goes  
away?  I

don't actually know.

I'm not saying that manual destructor order is the correct way to  
deal with
that issue necessarily, but I think that's the sort of use case it's  

to address.

If you want to treat a PHP script as a traditional application, you  
should be prepared to unset() and keep references of everything  
yourself. Relying on the garbage collector for your business logic to  
work is just bad design.

I'd personally always explicitly do a -saveObject in similar  
situations as its predictable and quite frankly never found a use for  
a destructor other than debugging..

Sounds like a subject that doesn't belong on PHP-DEV in any event.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [RFC] Help debugging overloaded objects

2007-01-16 Thread Evert | FileMobile

Ignore this message if it doesn't make sense..

wouldn't this essentially be the same as __toArray() ?


Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello Michael,

ok current name and other options in one list:

1) get_debug_info()
2) get_debug_hash()
3) get_dump_vars()
4) get_dump_hash()

does this list contain anythign you like?

best regards

Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 8:32:41 AM, you wrote:


Marcus Boerger wrote:

Hello internals,

  the attached patch introduces a new handler to the engine that is
supposed to help debugging overloaded objects. It allows to return a
temporary hash rather then the object properties. This way an extension
can show non properties in var_dump() and print_r(). It will be used
in extensions like SimpleXML. To show how it will look like the changes
for said extension are alsopresent. Last but not least the handler can
be NULL in which case the old behavior is maintained. If noone objects
I will commit this by the end of the week.

Any comments?


A strong +1 from me. Though, I don't like the name of the handler...



Best regards,


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Feature request

2006-11-09 Thread Evert | FileMobile

Edin Kadribasic wrote:

Dmitry Shirokov wrote:

Hey guys.

What are you thinking about adding this feature:

function foo()
   return array(1,2,3,4,5,6);

echo foo()[4];  //   it that
// or may be (foo())[4] ?

// instead of
$var = foo();
echo $var[4];

+1 I would very much like this feature in PHP.


Me too, I know I don't have any voting rights here, but I'm running into 
this one every day.


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[PHP-DEV] PHP bug search

2006-09-28 Thread Evert | FileMobile

The bug search doesn't seem to work correctly..

I was trying to find if there were bugs related to the ftp extension, 
but then i found out searching for 'ftp' wouldn't return anything..

So i wanted to be sure and try out 'PDO' and 'COM' as search queries, 
but nothing seemed to return anything..


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