Re: [PHP-DEV] Traits expecting interfaces implicitly leads to expensive runtime checks

2010-12-10 Thread Martin Wernstahl
First i have to say that I am not a PHP internals developer, but as a user I
think it would maybe be better to just let the trait use the implements
keyword, and copy that to the classes utilizing the trait?
Or does that seem illogical when the trait does not implement all of the
methods specified by the interface?

(Because I think expects might be a common name in APIs for some kind of

Best Regards
Martin Wernstahl

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 18:09, Stefan Marr wrote:

 Hi Nathan:

 On 10 Dec 2010, at 17:49, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
  Def not :D, however, I still think this paradigm is lacking.  Don't you
 think it makes more sense if I write a trait that expects a given interface
 or class to be able to specify said interface/class in it's entirety with
 just a single identifier rather than listing out all the methods?
  For example, I think this would be ugly
  trait IteratorHelper{
  abstract public current();
  abstract public key();
  abstract public next();
  abstract public rewind();
  abstract public valid();
  essentially you're redeclaring the entire interface in the trait, the
 same would be true of the public interface of an expected class.  i think it
 would be much more elegant to allow a specification on the trait declaration
 itself, something like
  trait IteratorHelper expects Iterator {
 :D That was exactly my thought when I was writing my first answer.
 My second thought was, damn, not another keyword...

 But since you also seem to see the need, we should give it a thought.

 Anyone else with an opinion on that?

 Best regards

 Stefan Marr
 Software Languages Lab
 Vrije Universiteit Brussel
 Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
 Phone: +32 2 629 2974
 Fax:   +32 2 629 3525

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Traits expecting interfaces implicitly leads to expensive runtime checks

2010-12-10 Thread Martin Wernstahl
Oh, sorry, should have read the RFC thoroughly before sending an email.

But yeah, require might be a good choice, provided it doesn't collide with
the specific require logic in the scanner/parser (I don't have much
knowledge on that subject, but I've peeked a few times on it as it is

Best Regards
Martin Wernstahl

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 18:29, Nathan Nobbe wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Martin Wernstahl m4r...@gmail.comwrote:

 First i have to say that I am not a PHP internals developer, but as a user
 I think it would maybe be better to just let the trait use the implements
 keyword, and copy that to the classes utilizing the trait?

 This is actually in the RFC as a rejected proposal

 But what I'm talking about is something different.  We're not trying to say
 'these are the methods implemented in the trait', rather, 'this trait
 expects a class it is used with to be of a certain type or implement a
 certain interface' for the trait to do its job.


Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Making T_FUNCTION optional in method declarations

2010-11-27 Thread Martin Wernstahl

The T_STRING token never contains $, AFAIK all identifiers starting with
$ are instead classed as T_VARIABLE tokens.

So you'd search for the visibility modifier (+ static, etc.) + T_STRING for
methods, and visibility (+ static) + T_VARIABLE for properties.


2010/11/27 Johannes Schlüter

 On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 23:14 +0100, Johannes Schlüter wrote:

 T_STRING ( param_list ) { { statement_ist } }

 I forgot T_FINAL there.


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[PHP-DEV] New to the PHP internals and I want to help

2009-06-18 Thread Martin Wernstahl

I'm an 18 years old student from Sweden with an interest in
programming, particularly in solving more
complex problems (like creating a database abstraction, advanced
template parser etc.).
I use PHP because it is a very nice and adaptable language, and I work
as a web developer in my free time.

I've wanted to add a few features to PHP for some time (a few years
ago I tried to implement closures,
but it didn't go well because I didn't really know where to start - by the way,
I really like the current implementation of closures so far!).

Does anyone have somewhere to point me for resources on how to modify
the PHP core?
(More specifically, add/modify things to/in the Zend engine)

I'm attempting to implement a kind of extend-on-the-fly thing, so it
would be possible to
add and replace methods on classes on the fly (for example it would be
helpful when extending
classes and still wanting to refer to them by the same name, eg. in a

I've tried a few things but I cannot get the parser to parse the
syntax correctly,
it always complains about a T_STRING that according to my rules
*should* be there but it thinks not.
I haven't been able to get much information about re2c, so I'm
grateful for help and/or links.

Also, if you think I should start by creating/modifying/fixing
something else (that is easier)
in the PHP core, just tell me ;)

Best Regards
Martin Wernståhl

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