Re: [PHP-DEV] reference caller object

2009-09-19 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Chris Trahey z dnia sobota 19 września 2009:
 I guess what I'm really getting at is another access modifier:
 private, protected, public...
 And now adding something like trusted.
 trusted function myMethod() callable trustedInterface {}

 In a case like this, caller would always be available, but not always

Or maybe just add friend classes or, since we have namespaces, something akin 
default (namespace-level) accessibility?

Personally I'd be against functions behaving differnetly when called from 
different contexts, it just breaks encapsulation. Also, PHP model is not 
message passing (as in eg. Erlang), we have just plain function/method calls. 
Also, what would be the sender/caller when executed from non-method (eg top-
level script or plain function)?

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Upgrading to internal DateTime

2008-12-10 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Jonathan Bond-Caron z dnia wtorek 09 grudnia 2008:

 Unix timestamps are simpler since you know they are always in UTC.

 Just thought I'd raise that there's nothing wrong with storing all dates as
 ISO in a given timezone. It takes a little more work but if your
 consistent, it can managed.

 If I'm wrong, please let me know :)
It's not really feasible to store dates in specific timezone, as most 
national/local timezones support DST - and that is a pain to support, as eg. 
sorting breaks when some timestamps get repeated. That's why it's usually 
better to store datetimes as either UTC datetime or plain unix timestamp. I 
usually go with the former - using database datetime type.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object

2008-11-17 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Christopher Vogt z dnia poniedziałek 17 listopada 2008:

 I have a good understanding of OOP. This is not a start for me. I am
 just refactoring existing PHP code to be object-oriented. You say there
 are plenty of reasons for a Fatal error, so please tell me a few, so I
 understand the reasons.
You're calling a method. This requires code execution, but the code isn't 
there. If you were accessing a property of non-existing object (that is, if 
you were doing $user-fullname;) then you'd get a warning and NULL. It's not 
so for functions, as they're request for code execution, not for value 
(remember, not all functions return values as they most important effect - 
it's not Haskell).

Calling non-existing function returns in fatal error in PHP; it's the same 

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Constants in double-quoted strings

2008-10-29 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Arvids Godjuks z dnia środa 29 października 2008:
 People, when you will start to learn that such approach is a mess?
 First, use ' ' instead of   and format your SQL better and you woun't
 have any problems:

 define ('STATUS_ACTIVE', 1);
 define ('NUM_PER_PAGE', 25);
 $q = 'SELECT
 ID, Name
 FROM Projects
 LIMIT '.NUM_PER_PAGE.', '.$offset;
 $res = mysql_query ($q);

It's almost the same as original poster's version (except for $offset).
 a). It's more readable without syntax highlighting
 b). It's just faster.
 c). It's a good style.
 d). I think if that is easy to do, it would be implemented a long time ago.
With regard to a and c - this is just your opinion, others might find it less 
readable (or indifferent). And for b - speed difference between ' and  
should be negligable (esp. with opcode caches).

I only worry it could break BC - people might have used {SOMETEXT} in 
strings and not expect it to be interpolated (I've done so myself).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: my last attempt at sanity with namespaces

2008-10-17 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Ryan Panning z dnia piątek 17 października 2008:
 Request              Autoload Gets   Type
 A::B:C              A::B:C         Class
 A::B:func()         A::B            Namespace
 A::B:C::CONST       A::B:C         Class
 A::B::C:D::method() A::B::C:D      Class
 A::B::C::D:CONST    A::B::C::D      Namespace

I'm just a mere user, but if we go for other namespace separator (be it ::: 
or : or anything else), then I'd rather see it used both between namespace 
and class/function/constant name *and* between namespace parts. To be clear - 
for the examples above I'd rather have them written as:


or A:::B:::C, A:::B:::func, A:::B:::C::CONST.

That way :: is just operator for static class access (static methods and 
properties), while : or ::: is just namespace access operator, so we can 
always assume that anything on the left side of ::: or : is a namespace. In 
Ryan's version :: is sometimes static class access operator, sometimes 
namespace segment separator, depending on position.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotations Request

2008-08-21 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Volodymyr Iatsyshyn z dnia czwartek 21 sierpnia 2008:
 Now I use emulation of Java Annotations. I wrote simple class, that uses
 PHPDoc block, gets annotations declarations and their arguments, uses
 eval() to convert arguments string to array, then I create instance of
 class and assigns parameters. This solution is fine just now, but it
 will be very cool to have annotations as language feature. I'm pretty
 sure that lots of frameworks would like this feature :-)

I understand, as I'm simulating those myself (although in a different way). 
But we'd love annotations for situations such as the one I presented before, 
as well as WSDL generation etc.

Instead of using annotations we use something like that:

class X {
   public static   myMethod_methods = array('POST', 'GET');
   public static   myMethod_access = 'any';
   public function myMethod() {}

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Annotations Request

2008-08-20 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Marcus Boerger z dnia środa, 20 sierpnia 2008:
 Hello Volodymyr,

 Basically there is no need for annotations in PHP unlike there is in Python
 for instance. However, while the following work:
 php -r 'class T { const C=42; var $p=T::C; } var_dump(new T);'
 php -r 'class T { const C=42; const D=T::C; } var_dump(new T);
 the next two do not:
 php -r 'class T { const C=42; var $p=T::C + 1; } var_dump(new T);'
 php -r 'class T { const C=42; const D=T::C + 1; } var_dump(new T);

 So you might want to have full support for evaluated consts/default values.

I don't really get your point. Annotations are not about constant values, but 
about adding arbitrary attributes to classes and methods/functions. 

A simple use case (in pseudocode):

class MyController extends BaseController {

   public function index() {

   public function comment() {

   public function admin() {

class BaseController {
   public function _execute() {
$action = $this-parseTheUrl();
$method = new ReflectionMethod($this, $action);
if ($method-annotations('method') != $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
 return $this-methodNotAllowed();
} elseif (! 
$this-currentUser-hasPrivilege($method-annotations('allow')) {
 return $this-forbidden();
} else {
 return $this-$action();

Python does not need annotations, as functions can have arbitrary attribute 

def a():

a.x = 5

It also has very powerful mechanism of decorators, which are basically 
higher-order functions applied to functions on their definition, but I don't 
think Volodymyr asks for so much. 

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New string functions: str_startswith() and str_endswith()

2008-07-21 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Rasmus Lerdorf z dnia poniedziałek, 21 lipca 2008:
 It also isn't any shorter:




Only if comparing to a static string, but not for this case:

if (substr($path, -strlen($extension)) == $extension)

Readability would also increase.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Using Network functions.

2008-06-26 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Mangol Smith z dnia czwartek 26 czerwca 2008:

 But, doesn't this make my extension depend on Curl or any PEAR extension
 you are talking about? That is what I wan't to avoid.

Are you sure you even need to write your own extension? If you just want to do 
HTTP requests, then curl or HTTP extension should be sufficient.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] New flame

2008-06-24 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Stefan Esser z dnia wtorek 24 czerwca 2008:

 The problem here is that newer Asian systems will use UTF-8 (except
 those nations using characters not possible in utf-8) and therefore the
 customers of the PHP developers (on this list) will not need that

UTF-8 can express all characters in the Unicode. Do you mean that unicode 
still lacks some characters for asian languages used today?

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE: Optional scalar type hinting

2008-01-03 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Stanislav Malyshev z dnia czwartek 03 stycznia 2008:
  type-hinting is asserting.
  checking of types is needed only on interface-border points (where

 With strict checking, that means instead of calling:
 you'd have now to do:
 if(is_integer($bar)) {
 // stupid foo() call would blow up if passed not integer, so I have
 to manually handle it
 // oh wait, actually I don't have any way to handle it - I need
 foo() to be called to proceed
 // so let's just
 die(can't call foo() because \$bar is not integer);

This code is just a good argument *FOR* type hints. When foo is:
function foo(int $bar) {...}
and you want the code to die if $bar is not integer, then foo($bar) would be 
the way to go, without the need for the mess you posted. And if you know that 
you have either an int or string representing an integer in $bar, then 
foo((integer)$bar) would work just well.

The only problem with the cast is that (integer)'abc' is 0, but it has been so 
for a long time and there is no need to change it. is_numeric check solves 
the problem.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE: Optional scalar type hinting

2008-01-03 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Stanislav Malyshev z dnia piątek 04 stycznia 2008:
  This code is just a good argument *FOR* type hints. When foo is:
  function foo(int $bar) {...}
  and you want the code to die if $bar is not integer, then foo($bar) would

 Why would you want it? I wouldn't want my code to die, I would want it
 to work.

You wrote:

 With strict checking, that means instead of calling:
 you'd have now to do:
 if(is_integer($bar)) {
     // stupid foo() call would blow up if passed not integer, so I have
 to manually handle it
     // oh wait, actually I don't have any way to handle it - I need
 foo() to be called to proceed
     // so let's just
     die(can't call foo() because \$bar is not integer);

This shows that you explicitly die() if $bar is not integer. But with strict 
type hinting this is unneccessary - the script would automatically die if 
$bar was not integer. In other words, with strict scalar type hinting the 
above would behave just like 


with the only difference being the error message (in your version you've got 
your own error message, automatic script failure would raise some built-in 
error - which IMO should be E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, as E_FATAL gives blano 
output on production sites where display_error is 0).

Not that I care if scalar type hinting is implemented or not, I just wanted to 
point out that your example is just plain wrong.

  you have either an int or string representing an integer in $bar, then
  foo((integer)$bar) would work just well.

 And then how exactly strict typing helps you?

Here it doesn't help, but is easy to work around if you are sure you know what 
you're doing. This is the same workaround that is needed if someone used 

if (! is_integer($bar)) {die()}

inside of the foo method.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Just checking something before posting a bug report

2007-09-26 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Martin Alterisio wrote
 class Foo {
     static public $foo;

     function __toString() {
         self::$foo = $this;
         return 'foo';

 $foo = (string) new Foo();

Got even stranger result here:
string(3) foo
ALERT - canary mismatch on efree() - heap overflow detected 
(attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file 'unknown')

So I confirm your problem (var_dump should report object, not string).

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE : Namespaces and __autoload()

2007-09-12 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście LAUPRETRE François z dnia środa, 12 września 2007 12:38:
  What do you mean by try both? Could you explain a bit more on that?

 Yes. PHK's autoload handler is not filename-based. It works as a (poor
 man's :) runtime linker, with a symbol map. In this map, interfaces and
 classes have different symbol types. Today, when this handler receives a
 request, it cannot know if it should look for an interface or a class. So,
 it has to search both in turn.

 Please consider that filename-based autoload handlers are just a primitive
 implementation. If you consider only this family of handlers, that's right:
 getting the symbol type is not very important. But, with smarter map-based
 autoload handlers, it becomes very interesting to extend the feature to
 functions and, there, providing the symbol type along with the requested
 value becomes mandatory.

But how can interpreter know if it's looking for class or interface? There are 
obvious cases (class X implements Y, class A extends B, interface A extends 
B), but what with following language construct:

function doSomething (Service s) {...}

PHP tries to autoload type Service, but it can't know if it's looking for 
interface or class. Both are possible.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE : Namespaces and __autoload()

2007-09-12 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Stut z dnia środa, 12 września 2007 15:59:
 LAUPRETRE François (P) wrote:
  From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  This would need to come from the user implementation of __autoload
  through naming conventions or a lookup table. PHP does not
  get involved
  with resolving a type to a filename, and rightly so.
  The question is not to have PHP get involved in the symbol to filename
  I have a lookup table, but the requested type must come from the
  interpreter context and, if the autoload handler does not get it, it
  cannot know what type to look for in its lookup table. Unfortunately,
  even if not very common, a function and a class can have the same name.
  In this case, there will be two entries in the lookup table. If I don't
  know which type is requested, I can only search all known types. Maybe it
  would be enough but it wouldn't be elegant nor efficient, especially if
  we extend the mechanism to functions and constants.

 I agree that if the autoload mechanism were extended to functions and
 constants (which I am opposed to, not that anyone will care) there would
 need to be a type provided to __autoload so it knew what it was looking
 for. However, this surely doesn't apply to classes and interfaces since
 the interpreter has no way of knowing and no reason to care what a
 particular symbol is since the two are interchangeable.

But is that flag really needed? If the code has some naming rules, then those 
can be used to determine what we're looking for - for example:
something - a function
SOMETHING - a constant
Something - a class
ISomething - an interface (although distinguishing between classes and 
interfaces is not strictly necessary as those are quite similar).

So if such distinction is necessary, it can be coded for specific project, 
using such rules as a hint or as strict rule, depending on needs.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE : Namespaces and __autoload()

2007-09-12 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Stanislav Malyshev z dnia środa, 12 września 2007:
  function doSomething (Service s) {...}
  PHP tries to autoload type Service, but it can't know if it's looking

 Actually, in this case (and in any case where type of existing object is
 checked) autoloading is unnecessary (and it's a bug if it happens) since
 if the type Service is not loaded, there can be no objects of this type,
 thus we can decide the question of is object s of type Service without
 loading anything - the answer would be no.

All right, seems it was fixed in the meantime -

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Patch for macros for tracking refcount and is_ref

2007-09-04 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście David Wang z dnia wtorek, 4 września 2007 16:24:

+#define always_inline inlinue

Shouldn't that be

+#define always_inline inline


(in zend.h)
Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Question about Namespace patch

2007-07-23 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
  working with a large library and have to import a lot of classes, the
  way this works is nothing but a pain. We would be better off not using
  namespaces at all, in this case. Thus, the problem has not been solved.

 Once more, you DO NOT have to import a lot of classes. Please do read
 what I write. You SHOULD NOT import classes in global space. Namespaces
 are NOT the way to bring all classes in global space, and it should not
 be done.

OK, so suppose I want to have four namespaces for my project:
MyApp for some shared code,

Now in many places in my code in Model I'd use some ORM library - let's assume 
it's similar to python's SQLAlchemy. Now is there any way for me to have 
access **in Model namespace** to all classes from SQLAlchemy namespace 
without using

import SQLAlchemy::Column
import SQLAlchemy::Table
import SQLAlchemy::Join
import SQLAlchemy::ForeignKey
import SQLAlchemy::Session
import SQLAlchemy::Transaction

and tens of other classes? I know your patch makes it possible to use fully 
qualified names everywhere.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Question about Namespace patch

2007-07-23 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Brian Moon wrote
  import SQLAlchemy::Column
  import SQLAlchemy::Table
  import SQLAlchemy::Join
  import SQLAlchemy::ForeignKey
  import SQLAlchemy::Session
  import SQLAlchemy::Transaction

 Why use namespaces if you are going to do this?  You are just bringing
 your classes into the global name space.  The nice thing about
 namespaces IMO, is that I don't have to have a class named
 SQLAlchemy_Transaction.  I can just have a class named Transaction in
 the SQLAlchemy namespace.  I can then create a new object using $obj =
 new SQLAlchemy::Transaction.

Because I just want those names directly available in one part of my 
application - the one which uses a lot of SQL. As far as I see this is not 
possibl with the proposed implementation - I can't do a local (file-scope or 
namespace-scope) import.

All other languages I know that have namespaces (Java, python, C++) allow 
programmers to import other namespaces locally - usually for a single file. 

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Recursive classes ... possible bug?

2007-06-05 Thread Paweł Stradomski
 Dear internals,

 I stumbled upon the following odd error message from PHP which I was not
   function test(){
 echo $this == $this-c1-c2?'equals':'not equals'; // Somehow this

Use === (shallow test - returns true iff the variables refer to the same 
instance) instead of == (deep comparision - member-by-member).

AFAIK this behaviour was introduced in 5.2 or 5.1 - well, just another BC 

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] function overriding and class inheritance

2007-05-29 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Emil Ivanov wrote:
 class C1 {}
 class C2 extends C1 {}

 abstract class Work1 {
  public function f1(C1 $c);

 class Work2 extends Work1 {
  public function f1(C2 $c);

Strange thing is I don't get any error message here, although there definitely 
should be one.

PHP 5.2.2-pl1-gentoo (cli) (built: May 21 2007 12:36:57)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies

And regarding your code - it should work the other way round - you can only 
loose preconditions and tighten postconditions, which is a result of 
substituion rule already mentioned by Stanislav.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Segfault in PHP 5.2.1

2007-04-24 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Derick Rethans wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, David Lindstrom wrote:
  Still, PHP should never segfault?

 Almost never... stack overflows are okay.


I' ve run into PHP segfaulting (infinte loop of two constructors) recently and 
I think it should not happen in any case - no matter if the PHP script 
running is buggy or not. I makes debugging difficult and brings unpredicatble 

Besides - it is not documented at all.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Object-Caching and Reference Counting

2007-01-21 Thread Paweł Stradomski
On 21 jan 2007 Lars Schultz wrote:
 Perhaps you could use your own reference counting?
 Keep your real objects in private array and instead of returning them
  return a simple object which would forward all methods and properties by
  __get/__set/__call. The constructor would increase your internal refcount
  by one, destructor would decrease it.

 I use those objects quite often as they are used to access the database
 to manipulate or search for related data. It wouldn't perform well and
 is actually not at all practicable because there are so many classes for
 which I'd would have to copy the interface.

I don't see any place where you'd have to change the interface - except for 
the class which contains that private array; you can use the name of your 
current  class (MyObject)as the name of this new forwarding class and make a 
new name for the class which would be a copy of your current class (eg. 
MyObject_private). Therefore in all function definitions required class 
specification doesn't need to change.

Well, perhaps you would have to change some factory class if you use one, 
but that should be a one place - if you kept your code clean.

I think this solution is better, as you don't have to rely on internal 
refcounts, which can be implemented in another way (or dropped altogether) in 
future releases.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP Object-Caching and Reference Counting

2007-01-19 Thread Paweł Stradomski
Lars Schultz wrote:
 I know that a lot of you may say: Why do need to do that?...and I'd have
 to think for 3 days and then write for 4 days and would give up. It
 seems like a nice solution to me and if any of you have an idea as to
 how I could implement this differently, please feel free to point it out
 to me.

Perhaps you could use your own reference counting?
Keep your real objects in private array and instead of returning them return 
a simple object which would forward all methods and properties by 
__get/__set/__call. The constructor would increase your internal refcount by 
one, destructor would decrease it.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Comments on PHP security

2007-01-11 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Andi Gutmans z dnia czwartek, 11 stycznia 2007 20:53:
 Stefan, do you truly believe that other languages allow for secure shared
 hosting without using a setuid or chroot solution? I mean take Ruby,
 Python, Java, C/C++.

It wasn't me who's been asked, but at least for Java, the answer is yes. You 
can declare privileges for the code based on where it is located (in the 
filesystem tree). That should be sufficient, if used properly.

Paweł Stradomski

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Comments on PHP security

2007-01-11 Thread Paweł Stradomski
W liście Andi Gutmans z dnia czwartek, 11 stycznia 2007 21:48:
 How familiar are you with Java in shared hosting environments?

Been hacking one mayor Java app to make it work with JSM. Not much, but I 
believe Sun took much care to make sure JSM works as advertised.
Paweł Stradomski

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