[PHP-DEV] REMOVE : [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] svn: /php/php-src/ branches/PHP_5_3/ext/date/php_date.ctrunk/ext/date/php_date.c

2011-01-31 Thread ca

- Original Message -
From: William A. Rowe Jr. [mailto:wr...@rowe-clan.net]
To: internals@lists.php.net
Sent: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:28:19 -0600
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-CVS] svn: /php/php-src/ 

On 1/30/2011 10:36 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
 On 1/30/11 8:30 PM, Daniel Convissor wrote:

 That's not an option for the large number of people who want to run PHP
 under Apache, let alone folks who don't have VC9 tools.  The diff() code
 is mauling data types in undesirable, though easily fixable, ways.

 Aren't Apache VC9 builds readily available these days?

From all I've heard, mod_fcgid is the way to go anyways, so isn't the
whole discussion academic?  It doesn't matter how php is built if you
are loading the appropriate number of single process instances as fastcgi

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[PHP-DEV] REMOVE : [PHP-DEV] Re: Zend engine's hashtable performance tweaks

2011-01-31 Thread ca

- Original Message -
From: Marcin Babij [mailto:marcin.ba...@nasza-klasa.pl]
To: internals@lists.php.net,apc-...@lists.php.net
Sent: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:35:53 +0100
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Zend engine's hashtable performance tweaks

I've managed to change my patch to merge against trunk, there were some
problems with interned strings optimization. I've created bug report with
new patch:

I've changed hashing function again, it looks like working better than
previous, but nothings proven.

What's to be done (this is listed also in bug report):
should be changed and html_tables.h regenerated, but this will need to
rewrite hashtable engine from C to PHP,
- APC should be fixed.

 Hi Marcin,

 Can you mail the PHP Internals list and also the apc-...@lists.php.net
 list when you have logged the bug?  I mentioned your patches to Gopal,
 the APC maintainer, and he was interested to see what was needed.



 On 01/11/2011 04:28 PM, Marcin Babij wrote:
 I merge patch with trunk, do some things already proposed, and I'll
 create bug report with patch for trunk in 1, 2 weeks most.

 On 12/31/2010 10:15 AM, Pierre Joye wrote:

 Thanks for the patches :)

 Can you open a bug report please (and attach the patches to it)? I'm
 sure this patch will be updated a couple of times before it reaches
 the repository.


 Hi Marcin,

 Did you log a bug for this?



 On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Marcin Babij
 marcin.ba...@nasza-klasa.pl wrote:
 Sorry for no attachments in previous message, I think my attachments
 redirected with message by lists.php.net email confirmation system.
 I send
 them again, and for sure I attach links to public copy of them over
 https://gist.github.com/761094 -
 https://gist.github.com/761096 -

 I work for social network company, where we were running
 project. One of it's results is patch to Zend engine's Hashtable,
 which we
 want to share and ask you for comments and improvements.

 Why we do this?
 We run profiling on our production servers and found out that
 functions take 10-20% CPU time of request. So there is some room
 for easy

 What was done?
 - Hash function in zend_hash.h was rebuilt and became much faster,
 losing the most important properties.
 - Hashtable implementation was changed from Simple chaining to Open
 addressing with linear probing, but with linked bucket, not
 included in
 hash array, which causes:
 -- Bucket structure to lose 2 pointers.
 -- Searching works similar, but don't have to jump with pointers
 stored in
 different memory locations, inserting, deleting and rehashing don't
 to update linked list, but must search for first empty bucket,
 which is
 fast, because it scans continuous memory.
 -- Load factor decreases from 1.0 to 0.5-0.75 to make less
 collisions and
 faster hashtable, which in turn increases memory footprint a little.
 - Open addressing doesn't change significantly performance, but
 next thing
 was to create new array (arEmpty), which is of size nTableSize
 which keeps track of used/empty buckets and makes inserting and
 much faster. In future it can be tested as bit-array with size of
 nTableSize/8 bytes.
 - More macros were added to replace repetitive constructs.
 - New constants were added to allow:
 -- Creating new hashtables of size at least X (where 4 and 8 are
 reasonable), which makes no rehashing and reallocing memory while
 size to 2 and then to 4.
 -- For small tables it's better to extend them by a factor of 4
 times, not
 2, to make rehashing cost smaller for most hashtables, of cost of
 higher memory consumption.
 -- For large tables it's better to have other load factor, closer
 to 1,
 while for small tables it's better to use load factor closer to 0.5.
 - APC was patched to take changes in Bucket structure into account.

 How was it tested?
 It was tested with make test, where one more (comparing to original
 sources) test fails, but it's most probably because
 http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48858 - IMO test is badly
 constructed (is
 too simple) and any change of hashing function makes it fail. Also
 it was
 tested on our testing environment and production servers
 requests to our site, with 120requests/s at peak on Xeon @ 2.50GHz
 8GB RAM running Debian Linux.

 What is the gain?
 After tests CPU usage dropped by about 4% -6%.
 Memory footprint goes up just by few percent.

 What can be done in future?
 - Make new constants configurable by php.ini.
 - Test if changing arEmpty from byte-array to bit-array helps on
 - Tweak default constants' values using some real-live benchmarks.
 - Prove (or modify