Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-26 Thread Pierre Joye
On Sun, Sep 26, 2021, 7:42 PM Jordi Boggiano  wrote:

> > I'm surprised that is_resource() returns false for resource objects,
> > does anyone knows why it wouldn't return true in such case ?
> >
> > This is a very weird behavior, I'd expect it to return true, moreover
> > this is the most annoying detail of this BC break, in my opinion.
> >
> > I have lots of code using is_resource() but I usually don't bother
> > checking for type (maybe I'm doing it wrong). But I'd also expect
> > get_resource_type() to be deprecated somehow and return
> > backward-compatible values for converted resources to objects.
> Right, having is_resource return true for resourcey objects would have
> prevented all resource-related errors I ran into with php8.0 migration I
> believe. That'd be a welcome improvement/fix for 8.1.

that was proposed but purity won if I remember correctly.

That's kind of defeat the initial goal (attempt) of yearly releases. Now I
feel like we introduced more, small or big, bc in minor releases in the
name of purity. That counter balance the yearly release with no bc from a
migration pace pov.



Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-26 Thread Nicolas Grekas
Le dim. 26 sept. 2021 à 14:42, Jordi Boggiano  a écrit :

> > I'm surprised that is_resource() returns false for resource objects,
> > does anyone knows why it wouldn't return true in such case ?
> >
> > This is a very weird behavior, I'd expect it to return true, moreover
> > this is the most annoying detail of this BC break, in my opinion.
> >
> > I have lots of code using is_resource() but I usually don't bother
> > checking for type (maybe I'm doing it wrong). But I'd also expect
> > get_resource_type() to be deprecated somehow and return
> > backward-compatible values for converted resources to objects.
> Right, having is_resource return true for resourcey objects would have
> prevented all resource-related errors I ran into with php8.0 migration I
> believe. That'd be a welcome improvement/fix for 8.1.

I'm not sure about this one: is_resource($foo) ? get_resource_type() is
pretty common. Also this would break some expectations with gettype($foo)



Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-26 Thread Jordi Boggiano

I'm surprised that is_resource() returns false for resource objects, 
does anyone knows why it wouldn't return true in such case ?

This is a very weird behavior, I'd expect it to return true, moreover 
this is the most annoying detail of this BC break, in my opinion.

I have lots of code using is_resource() but I usually don't bother 
checking for type (maybe I'm doing it wrong). But I'd also expect 
get_resource_type() to be deprecated somehow and return 
backward-compatible values for converted resources to objects.

Right, having is_resource return true for resourcey objects would have 
prevented all resource-related errors I ran into with php8.0 migration I 
believe. That'd be a welcome improvement/fix for 8.1.


Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek -

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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-25 Thread Craig Francis
On Thu, 23 Sept 2021 at 17:53, Nikita Popov  wrote:

> I believe the changes in PHP 8.1 with the highest migration burden for
> open-source libraries are the additional of tentative return types (aka
> "put #[ReturnTypeWillChange] everywhere") and deprecation of null arguments
> to internal functions, followed by the float to int precision-loss
> deprecation and, depending on project, the Serializable deprecation.
> [...]
> I'm not sure what we can do about that though. Sure, we could stop with the
> (runtime) deprecations, only document the change and then directly
> implement it at the next major version. That would be much simpler for us
> (generating runtime deprecations is actually a major implementation pain,
> as well as a big performance concern) and would make minor version upgrades
> for libraries much simpler. However, it also removes the ability to address
> problems before they turn into fatal errors, e.g. by recording any stray
> deprecation warnings in production.

While "put #[ReturnTypeWillChange] everywhere" has been fairly easy...
"deprecation of null arguments to internal functions" is a major issue,
because they are everywhere, and only really found at run-time... and tbh,
I can't explain to anyone why it's so important this will be broken in the
future, especially for the majority of projects who are not using

Don't get me wrong, a user/library defined function that says it only wants
a string, I get that, but they have full control over it (for their
projects) so they can be as strict as they like, or use `?string`... but
the internals functions have always accepted NULL, and used by everyone.

As I noted last week, frameworks use NULL for undefined GET/POST/COOKIE
values, so these NULL get everywhere; and it can be useful to distinguish
between a value that wasn't set vs an empty string (e.g. when saving to a
database, a NULL can be "do not change", which is different to "set this
field to an empty string").

One of the projects I work with have gone down the route of "check it, but
you should probably stick `strval()` in every case of `strlen()`, `trim()`,
`strpos()`, `htmlspecialchars()`, `strtoupper()`, `hash()`,
`hash_equals()`, `simplexml_load_string()`, `strtotime()`, `explode()`,
etc"... which really doesn't seem sensible (one commit was over 200
manually checked/changed lines, and took about 3 days)... the other
projects have gone with the "we can stick on 8.0 for a while, hopefully
things change".

Maybe PHP 8.1 could be updated so these string functions could continue
accepting NULL?


Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-25 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

Am 23.09.2021 um 18:52 schrieb Nikita Popov:

I believe that this continues to be the default behavior of PHPUnit for
example. This means that in practice, deprecations do break code, even
though they are intended not to.

That is correct: by default, PHPUnit converts PHP deprecations, errors, 
notices, and warnings to exceptions.

While disabling the conversion of PHP deprecations to exceptions, for 
instance, is possible by setting convertDeprecationsToExceptions="false" 
in your PHPUnit XML configuration file, I do think that the default should 
be changed to not covert PHP deprecations to exceptions.

The next releases of PHPUnit 8.5 and PHPUnit 9.5 will change this.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-24 Thread Rowan Tommins

On 24/09/2021 15:11, Larry Garfield wrote:

Might one possible way forward be to work with the PHPUnit folks to make deprecations not a 
test-breaking issue, but report them side-channel somehow?  (Like "risky" tests now pass, 
but have an extra note on them.)  That seems like it would resolve the "deprecations get 
turned into breaking changes immediately" problem, at least.

There is already a "convertDeprecationsToExceptions" configuration 
setting, but it defaults to "true":

I disagree with that default, but presumably some people think it is a 
sensible one.


Rowan Tommins

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-24 Thread Larry Garfield
On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, at 11:52 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:

> I believe the changes in PHP 8.1 with the highest migration burden for
> open-source libraries are the additional of tentative return types (aka
> "put #[ReturnTypeWillChange] everywhere") and deprecation of null arguments
> to internal functions, followed by the float to int precision-loss
> deprecation and, depending on project, the Serializable deprecation.
> What all of these have in common, is that they are all semver compliant
> changes, because they "only" introduce deprecations. Deprecations are
> explicitly not considered backwards-compatibility breaks.
> Now, there are two problems with this picture: The first one is that
> deprecations often get promoted to exceptions by generic error handlers. I
> believe that this continues to be the default behavior of PHPUnit for
> example. This means that in practice, deprecations do break code, even
> though they are intended not to.
> The second one is that this does not really hold up for open-source
> libraries. At the application layer, you can suppress all deprecations, and
> call it a day. At the library layer, the usual perception is that if your
> library throws deprecation warnings, it's not compatible with the given
> version of PHP. Taken in conjunction with deprecation to exception
> promotion (in test suites if nothing else) there is some truth to that
> perception.
> While deprecations are intended as a backwards-compatible mechanism to warn
> you about upcoming changes without requiring immediate action, in reality
> open-source libraries have to treat deprecations as immediate breakage.

Might one possible way forward be to work with the PHPUnit folks to make 
deprecations not a test-breaking issue, but report them side-channel somehow?  
(Like "risky" tests now pass, but have an extra note on them.)  That seems like 
it would resolve the "deprecations get turned into breaking changes 
immediately" problem, at least.

--Larry Garfield

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-23 Thread Thomas Nunninger


Am 22.09.21 um 15:29 schrieb Matthew Weier O'Phinney:

Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.

Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:

 if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
$someSpecificType) {
 // skip a test or raise an exception

Resource objects, however:

- Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
- Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
in all cases.

Would it be helpful if is_resource() raises an error if a resource 
object is provided as argument instead of returning false? (Should that 
be limited to the newly introduced resource objects in 8.1? Would a 
deprecation be enough?)

Of course, existing code would not work with that change. But you should 
be able to spot the error and fix it.

It should be possible to write code that works with PHP < 8.1 and >= 
8.1. Combined with Rowans idea of a Resource base class or interface 
that might even be easier?

(I assume it's of no additional help to change get_resource_type() to 
accept resource objects and return the same result as the former, 
corresponding resource type.)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-23 Thread Rowan Tommins

On 23/09/2021 17:52, Nikita Popov wrote:

If we dropped
all non-deprecation changes from PHP 8.1, the upgrade would be a bit
easier, but not by much. This is not where the main cost is.

Be that as it may, the question remains whether *the particular case of 
is_resource() and get_resource_type()* could be made easier.

Was the option of having a "Resource" base class or interface ever 
discussed? If it had a method called something like 
"getResourceTypeString()" then get_resource_type() could do (the 
internal equivalent of):

if ( is_resource($arg) ) {
   // current logic
elseif ( is_object($arg) && $arg instanceOf Resource ) {
    return $arg->getResourceTypeString();

I suspect as 8.0 and then 8.1 gain adoption, there is going to be a lot 
of confusion around the resource -> object change. Most users probably 
don't really know what a "resource", they just know the boilerplate to use.


Rowan Tommins

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-23 Thread Nikita Popov
On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 3:30 PM Matthew Weier O'Phinney <> wrote:

> Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (
> PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
> would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
> differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable objects
> instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!
> The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
> like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.
> With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
> encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously linked
> to.
> Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
> introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.
> Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:
> if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
> $someSpecificType) {
> // skip a test or raise an exception
> }
> Resource objects, however:
> - Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
> - Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
> resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
> in all cases.
> This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I did
> PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
> integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
> successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
> was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
> present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
> until test suites in other components started failing that we were able to
> identify the issue.
> Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
> prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
> instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
> quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was
> irritating.
> When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
> "not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in UPGRADING".
> This is not an acceptable explanation.
> - There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were happening.
> (In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place — which
> is concerning considering the BC implications!)
> - In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
> version, only in new major versions.
> Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
> incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
> notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
> producing resource objects.
> The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
> projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in and
> of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions makes
> things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
> there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
> changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
> anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
> should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.

I believe the changes in PHP 8.1 with the highest migration burden for
open-source libraries are the additional of tentative return types (aka
"put #[ReturnTypeWillChange] everywhere") and deprecation of null arguments
to internal functions, followed by the float to int precision-loss
deprecation and, depending on project, the Serializable deprecation.

What all of these have in common, is that they are all semver compliant
changes, because they "only" introduce deprecations. Deprecations are
explicitly not considered backwards-compatibility breaks.

Now, there are two problems with this picture: The first one is that
deprecations often get promoted to exceptions by generic error handlers. I
believe that this continues to be the default behavior of PHPUnit for
example. This means that in practice, deprecations do break code, even
though they are intended not to.

The second one is that this does not really hold up for open-source
libraries. At the application layer, you can suppress all deprecations, and
call it a day. At the library layer, the usual perception is that if your
library throws deprecation warnings, it's not compatible with the given
version of PHP. Taken in conjunction with deprecation to exception
promotion (in test suites if nothing else) there is some truth to that

While deprecations are intended as a backwards-compatible 

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Rowan Tommins

On 22/09/2021 15:02, Kamil Tekiela wrote:

I just want to point out that PHP does not follow semantic versioning. It
never did and there are no plans to start following it now.

This statement is true.

Breaking changes were made in all previous versions, both major and minor.

This statement may be true, depending on how you define "breaking", 
which is always tricky.

The only time when we try to avoid breaking changes is in patch releases.
These are extremely uncommon.

This statement, however, is false. (As are similar statements made by 
other people in this thread.) There is an explicit policy to avoid 
breaking changes in minor releases here:

Under heading "x.y.z to x.y+1.z", there are bullets for "Backward 
compatibility must be kept" and "API compatibility must be kept (userland)".

So, while it may be reasonable to claim that we frequently fail to do 
so, we always *try* to avoid breaking changes in minor releases such as 8.1.

Whether *this particular* compatibility break is acceptable is a subject 
for wider debate. I do sympathise with Matthew's position that it would 
be easier for users if the "resource" type was simply removed all in one 
go in 9.0. I also sympathise with the position that it's easier for 
*maintainers* to work through this as a longer-term project, with 
multiple deliverables.

I also share the concern that there wasn't an RFC introducing this 
policy, which in hindsight could have led to a more careful migration 
strategy. For instance, should we have implemented a way for 
is_resource() and/or get_resource_type() to return expected values for 
the new objects?

I have much less sympathy for some of the more extreme responses in this 
thread with ridiculous hyperbole like "shooting ourselves in the face". 
There is no perfect answer, and we should be able to have a rational 
discussion about the pros and cons of different strategies.


Rowan Tommins

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Levi Morrison via internals
> As somebody who's been contributing to and maintaining OSS libraries
> forever (since 2002), the pace of change of PHP is, frankly, ridiculous. I
> can keep up with patches. I can keep up with new features. But BC breaks
> EVERY YEAR just creates churn. I've spent most of the past 18 months doing
> nothing but ensuring libraries work on new PHP versions. I then get users
> angry that they aren't getting new features; if I don't update to the
> latest PHP version, I get other users angry they can't use the library on
> the newer PHP version. And with new PHP versions every year... I
> essentially have to update every 2-3 years regardless, and will lose users
> if I don't do it every year.

I'm sorry you feel this way; this hasn't been my experience nor the
experience of many people which I interact with.

> Figure out what the BC breaks are going to be, and do them all at once.
> It's far easier for the ecosystem to adapt to a big drop of BC breaks every
> 3-5 years than it is every year.

We struggle to find consensus, and now you want us to find consensus
years in advance? Sorry, I don't think it's practical.

We can do better, though. I think we could commit to having no BC
breaks in the last minor of a major series e.g. no BC breaks in PHP
7.4. This requires us to agree 2 years in advance when we'll release
the next major. We could perhaps choose this for a fixed schedule,
e.g. we release a new major every X=5 years.

Anyway, I agree with an earlier statement that reverting resource to
object conversions at this stage is not feasible.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread G. P. B.
On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 15:24, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 9:01 AM G. P. B.  wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 14:30, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (
>>> PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
>>> would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
>>> differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable
>>> objects
>>> instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is
>>> wonderful!
>>> The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on
>>> something
>>> like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.
>>> With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
>>> encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously
>>> linked
>>> to.
>>> Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
>>> introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.
>>> Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:
>>> if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
>>> $someSpecificType) {
>>> // skip a test or raise an exception
>>> }
>>> Resource objects, however:
>>> - Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
>>> - Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
>>> resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource
>>> names
>>> in all cases.
>>> This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I
>>> did
>>> PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
>>> integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
>>> successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
>>> was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
>>> present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
>>> until test suites in other components started failing that we were able
>>> to
>>> identify the issue.
>>> Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
>>> prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
>>> instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
>>> quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was
>>> irritating.
>>> When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
>>> "not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in
>>> This is not an acceptable explanation.
>>> - There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were
>>> happening.
>>> (In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place —
>>> which
>>> is concerning considering the BC implications!)
>>> - In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
>>> version, only in new major versions.
>>> Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
>>> incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
>>> notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
>>> producing resource objects.
>>> The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
>>> projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in
>>> and
>>> of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions
>>> makes
>>> things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
>>> there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
>>> changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
>>> anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
>>> should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.
>> Resource to object conversions have precedent for not being in a major
>> version:
>> GMP in PHP 5.6
>> Hash in PHP 7.2
>> The fix to how to check these conditions is the same as last year and it
>> is to check against false, not is_resource nor an instance of the class.
>> It is true that if you ensure that the resource type is correct it gets
>> slightly unwieldy but:
>> if ($resource !== false && ((is_resource($resource) &&
>> get_resource_type($resource) === $someSpecificType) || $resource instanceof
>> ClassName) ) {
>> // skip a test or raise an exception
>> }
>> Should be identical to the changes made to support PHP 5.6, 7.2, and 8.0
>> in regards to the other conversions, and I don't see why it is now an issue.
>> We also *explicitly* hold off from pouring more of our time in resources
>> to object conversions during the Beta cycle of PHP 8.0 as we knew we could
>> defer this to a later minor version, compared to promotions from E_WARNING
>> to Exceptions which took a huge amount of last 

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 9:39 AM Calvin Buckley  wrote:

> On Sep 22, 2021, at 11:24 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <
>> wrote:
> > As somebody who's been contributing to and maintaining OSS libraries
> > forever (since 2002), the pace of change of PHP is, frankly, ridiculous.
> I
> > can keep up with patches. I can keep up with new features. But BC breaks
> > EVERY YEAR just creates churn. I've spent most of the past 18 months
> doing
> > nothing but ensuring libraries work on new PHP versions. I then get users
> > angry that they aren't getting new features; if I don't update to the
> > latest PHP version, I get other users angry they can't use the library on
> > the newer PHP version. And with new PHP versions every year... I
> > essentially have to update every 2-3 years regardless, and will lose
> users
> > if I don't do it every year.
> >
> > Figure out what the BC breaks are going to be, and do them all at once.
> > It's far easier for the ecosystem to adapt to a big drop of BC breaks
> every
> > 3-5 years than it is every year.
> There’s merit to spacing it out - I doubt anyone wants another PHP 7 flag
> day again.
> (Ask the Python people how they feel about moving all the breaking changes
> to a single release…)

I can tell you now a lot of us OSS maintainers would prefer it to yearly

It might be a good idea not to assume, and instead actually do some
scientific polling of users and ecosystem library/framework maintainers.
Based on my conversations with other maintainers in the ecosystem, my
experience is not isolated by any means. On top of that, I get to analyze
the annual Zend user surveys, and the number one reason for people being on
older PHP versions (and > 50% of respondents are, EVERY YEAR) is the cost
of upgrading. Clearly, there's a perception that something is broken with
the current approach, and internals is ignoring it.

BTW, another good possibility, recommended by somebody responding to a
twitter thread I started around this issue: work with RectorPHP to provide
a ruleset for each minor release, to ease upgrades. It's far easier than
having to read through an UPGRADING guide and having to figure it out for
yourself. I'd argue these should be in place as soon as a beta is ready.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Calvin Buckley
On Sep 22, 2021, at 11:24 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney 
> As somebody who's been contributing to and maintaining OSS libraries
> forever (since 2002), the pace of change of PHP is, frankly, ridiculous. I
> can keep up with patches. I can keep up with new features. But BC breaks
> EVERY YEAR just creates churn. I've spent most of the past 18 months doing
> nothing but ensuring libraries work on new PHP versions. I then get users
> angry that they aren't getting new features; if I don't update to the
> latest PHP version, I get other users angry they can't use the library on
> the newer PHP version. And with new PHP versions every year... I
> essentially have to update every 2-3 years regardless, and will lose users
> if I don't do it every year.
> Figure out what the BC breaks are going to be, and do them all at once.
> It's far easier for the ecosystem to adapt to a big drop of BC breaks every
> 3-5 years than it is every year.

There’s merit to spacing it out - I doubt anyone wants another PHP 7 flag day 

(Ask the Python people how they feel about moving all the breaking changes to a 
single release…)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Pierre

Le 22/09/2021 à 16:24, Matthew Weier O'Phinney a écrit :

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 9:01 AM G. P. B.  wrote:

On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 14:30, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <> wrote:

As somebody who's been contributing to and maintaining OSS libraries
forever (since 2002), the pace of change of PHP is, frankly, ridiculous. I
can keep up with patches. I can keep up with new features. But BC breaks
EVERY YEAR just creates churn. I've spent most of the past 18 months doing
nothing but ensuring libraries work on new PHP versions. I then get users
angry that they aren't getting new features; if I don't update to the
latest PHP version, I get other users angry they can't use the library on
the newer PHP version. And with new PHP versions every year... I
essentially have to update every 2-3 years regardless, and will lose users
if I don't do it every year.

Figure out what the BC breaks are going to be, and do them all at once.
It's far easier for the ecosystem to adapt to a big drop of BC breaks every
3-5 years than it is every year.

Again, I DO like the resource objects feature. But getting a few here and
there over many minor releases is a lot of breakage to track and adapt to.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


I fully understand your situation, but I want to mitigate, I do maintain 
a few OSS tools (and much more internal code where I work for) and I 
experienced those PHP upgrades as well (one project when from PHP 5.6 to 
7.4 and its platform code served as a basis for a new one using 8.0, for 
example, but I have many), and it never was such a pain. Laminas is a 
huge framework thought, so it seems more likely that you experience this 
pain*10 compared to me. Nevertheless, I have an opposite opinion, I 
think that until now, PHP has did an extremely good job in not making 
too much BC breaks, and keeping those BC breaks easy to deal with.




PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 9:01 AM G. P. B.  wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 14:30, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <
>> wrote:
>> Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (
>> PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
>> would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
>> differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable
>> objects
>> instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!
>> The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
>> like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.
>> With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
>> encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously
>> linked
>> to.
>> Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
>> introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.
>> Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:
>> if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
>> $someSpecificType) {
>> // skip a test or raise an exception
>> }
>> Resource objects, however:
>> - Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
>> - Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
>> resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource
>> names
>> in all cases.
>> This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I did
>> PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
>> integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
>> successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
>> was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
>> present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
>> until test suites in other components started failing that we were able to
>> identify the issue.
>> Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
>> prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
>> instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
>> quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was
>> irritating.
>> When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
>> "not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in UPGRADING".
>> This is not an acceptable explanation.
>> - There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were happening.
>> (In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place — which
>> is concerning considering the BC implications!)
>> - In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
>> version, only in new major versions.
>> Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
>> incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
>> notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
>> producing resource objects.
>> The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
>> projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in
>> and
>> of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions makes
>> things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
>> there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
>> changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
>> anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
>> should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.

> Resource to object conversions have precedent for not being in a major
> version:
> GMP in PHP 5.6
> Hash in PHP 7.2
> The fix to how to check these conditions is the same as last year and it
> is to check against false, not is_resource nor an instance of the class.
> It is true that if you ensure that the resource type is correct it gets
> slightly unwieldy but:
> if ($resource !== false && ((is_resource($resource) &&
> get_resource_type($resource) === $someSpecificType) || $resource instanceof
> ClassName) ) {
> // skip a test or raise an exception
> }
> Should be identical to the changes made to support PHP 5.6, 7.2, and 8.0
> in regards to the other conversions, and I don't see why it is now an issue.
> We also *explicitly* hold off from pouring more of our time in resources
> to object conversions during the Beta cycle of PHP 8.0 as we knew we could
> defer this to a later minor version, compared to promotions from E_WARNING
> to Exceptions which took a huge amount of last summer.
> PHP tries to broadly follow semantic versioning but it *never* has adhered
> to it strictly, and this is not uncommon within programming languages
> nomenclature (e.g. Python).
> Moreover, many changes to php-src are 

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Pierre

Le 22/09/2021 à 15:29, Matthew Weier O'Phinney a écrit :

Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (

PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable objects
instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!

The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.

With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously linked

Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.

Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:

 if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
$someSpecificType) {
 // skip a test or raise an exception

Resource objects, however:

- Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
- Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
in all cases.


I'm surprised that is_resource() returns false for resource objects, 
does anyone knows why it wouldn't return true in such case ?

This is a very weird behavior, I'd expect it to return true, moreover 
this is the most annoying detail of this BC break, in my opinion.

I have lots of code using is_resource() but I usually don't bother 
checking for type (maybe I'm doing it wrong). But I'd also expect 
get_resource_type() to be deprecated somehow and return 
backward-compatible values for converted resources to objects.




PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Kamil Tekiela
I just want to point out that PHP does not follow semantic versioning. It
never did and there are no plans to start following it now.
Breaking changes were made in all previous versions, both major and minor.
The only time when we try to avoid breaking changes is in patch releases.
These are extremely uncommon.

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread G. P. B.
On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 14:30, Matthew Weier O'Phinney <> wrote:

> Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (
> PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
> would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
> differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable objects
> instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!
> The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
> like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.
> With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
> encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously linked
> to.
> Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
> introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.
> Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:
> if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
> $someSpecificType) {
> // skip a test or raise an exception
> }
> Resource objects, however:
> - Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
> - Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
> resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
> in all cases.
> This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I did
> PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
> integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
> successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
> was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
> present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
> until test suites in other components started failing that we were able to
> identify the issue.
> Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
> prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
> instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
> quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was
> irritating.
> When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
> "not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in UPGRADING".
> This is not an acceptable explanation.
> - There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were happening.
> (In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place — which
> is concerning considering the BC implications!)
> - In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
> version, only in new major versions.
> Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
> incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
> notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
> producing resource objects.
> The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
> projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in and
> of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions makes
> things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
> there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
> changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
> anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
> should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.
> --
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> he/him

Resource to object conversions have precedent for not being in a major
GMP in PHP 5.6
Hash in PHP 7.2

The fix to how to check these conditions is the same as last year and it is
to check against false, not is_resource nor an instance of the class.
It is true that if you ensure that the resource type is correct it gets
slightly unwieldy but:

if ($resource !== false && ((is_resource($resource) &&
get_resource_type($resource) === $someSpecificType) || $resource instanceof
ClassName) ) {
// skip a test or raise an exception

Should be identical to the changes made to support PHP 5.6, 7.2, and 8.0 in
regards to the other conversions, and I don't see why it is now an issue.
We also *explicitly* hold off from pouring more of our time in resources to
object conversions during the Beta cycle of PHP 8.0 as we knew we could
defer this to a later minor version, compared to promotions from E_WARNING
to Exceptions which took a huge amount of last summer.

PHP tries to broadly follow semantic versioning but it *never* has adhered
to it strictly, and this is not uncommon within programming languages
nomenclature (e.g. Python).

Moreover, many changes to php-src are based, and a result of this
refactoring from resources to objects, so it isn't just a simple "revert

Re: [PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Calvin Buckley
I suspect this is true (I have not tested yet to be sure) for the Toolkit for 
IBM i, since it looks at resource types for the same purpose (determine 
database connection type). Minor fix, but it is a BC break.

> On Sep 22, 2021, at 10:29 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney 
>  wrote:
> Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (
> PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
> would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
> differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable objects
> instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!
> The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
> like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.
> With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
> encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously linked
> to.
> Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
> introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.
> Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:
>if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
> $someSpecificType) {
>// skip a test or raise an exception
> Resource objects, however:
> - Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
> - Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
> resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
> in all cases.
> This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I did
> PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
> integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
> successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
> was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
> present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
> until test suites in other components started failing that we were able to
> identify the issue.
> Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
> prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
> instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
> quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was
> irritating.
> When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
> "not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in UPGRADING".
> This is not an acceptable explanation.
> - There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were happening.
> (In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place — which
> is concerning considering the BC implications!)
> - In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
> version, only in new major versions.
> Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
> incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
> notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
> producing resource objects.
> The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
> projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in and
> of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions makes
> things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
> there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
> changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
> anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
> should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.
> -- 
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> he/him

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] BC breaking changes in PHP 8.1

2021-09-22 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Yesterday, I opened an issue regarding a change in the pgsql extension (

PHP 8.0 introduced the concept of "resource objects". Where previously we
would have resources, and use `get_resource_type()` when we needed to
differentiate various resources, resource objects give us immutable objects
instead that allow us to type hint. Personally, I think this is wonderful!

The rollout for 8.0 was incomplete, however, and only touched on something
like 4-6 different resource types. Still, a good start.

With PHP 8.1, we're seeing the addition of more of these, and it was
encountering one of those changes that prompted the bug I previously linked

Here's the issue: while overall, I like the move to resource objects,
introducing them in a MINOR release is hugely problematic.

Previously, you would do constructs such as the following:

if (! is_resource($resource) || get_resource_type($resource) !==
$someSpecificType) {
// skip a test or raise an exception

Resource objects, however:

- Return `false` for `is_resource()` checks.
- Raise a warning for `get_resource_type()` checks, and/or report the
resource object class name — which differs from the previous resource names
in all cases.

This means conditionals like the above BREAK. As a concrete example, I did
PHP 8.1 updates for laminas-db last week, and assumed our postgres
integration tests were running when we finally had all tests passing
successfully. However, what was really happening was that our test suite
was testing with `is_resource()` and skipping tests if resources were not
present. We shipped with broken pgsql support as a result, and it wasn't
until test suites in other components started failing that we were able to
identify the issue.

Further, the "fix" so that the code would work on both 8.1 AND versions
prior to 8.1 meant complicating the conditional, adding a `! $resource
instanceof \PgSql\Connection` into the mix. The code gets unwieldy very
quickly, and having to do this to support a new minor version was

When I opened the aforementioned bug report, it was immediately closed as
"not an issue" with the explanation that it was "documented in UPGRADING".

This is not an acceptable explanation.

- There was no RFC related to 8.1 indicating these changes were happening.
(In fact, there was no RFC for resource objects in the first place — which
is concerning considering the BC implications!)
- In semantic versioning, existing APIs MUST NOT change in a new minor
version, only in new major versions.

Reading the UPGRADING guide, there's a HUGE section of backwards
incompatible changes for 8.1 — THIRTY-FOUR of them. Nested in these are
notes of around a half-dozen extensions that once produced resources now
producing resource objects.

The pace of change in PHP is already breathtaking when you consider large
projects (both OSS and in userland); keeping up with new features is in and
of itself quite a challenge. Introducing BC breaks in minor versions makes
things harder for everyone, as now you have to figure out not only if
there's new features you want to adopt, but whether or not there are
changes that will actively break your existing code. I strongly feel that
anything in the backwards incompatible section of the UPGRADING guide
should be deferred to 9.0, when people actually expect things to change.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney