Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-12 Thread Larry Garfield
On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, at 1:12 PM, Lanre Waju wrote:
> Dear PHP Internals,
> I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the 
> concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and 
> expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below 
> is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> Syntax
> struct Data
> {
>      string $title;
>      Status $status;
>      ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }
> The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a 
> constructor as follows:
> readonly class Data
> {
>      public function __construct(
>      public string $title,
>      public Status $status,
>      public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
>      ) {}
> }
> Assertions
> The Data struct will always be readonly.
> It has no methods besides the constructor.
> Constructors
> The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of 
> which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:
> 1.1 Class like
> $data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
> $data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: 
> new DateTimeImmutable());
> 2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
> $data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};
> 2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
> $data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new 
> DateTimeImmutable()};
> 3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)
> $data = struct {
>      string $title;
>      Status $status;
>      ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)
> $data = struct {
>      string $title;
>      Status $status;
>      ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new 
> DateTimeImmutable());
> Nesting
> The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:
> final class HasNestedStruct
> {
>      NestedStruct {
>      string $title;
>      Status $status;
>      ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
>      };
>      public function __construct(
>      public string $string,
>      public Data $normalStruct,
>      public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title', 
> Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},
>      public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
>      public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
>      ) {}
> }
> This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of 
> code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with 
> immutable data structures in PHP.
> I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it 
> not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json 
> deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays 
> by providing a more expressive alternative.
> Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look 
> forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals 
> community.
> Sincerely
> Lanre

As I have stated in the past, I am firmly opposed to anemic structs.  They 
offer no benefit, much confusion, and more work for future RFCs.

The core concept -- that service objects and data objects are separate 
creatures that should not be comingled -- I fully agree with and advocate for.  
If I were writing PHP from scratch today, I would probably design it with 
separate constructs, or take a cue from Go/Rust and eliminate classes all 
together per se, as they just confuse matters.  However, we are dealing with 
PHP as it exists today, and an entirely separate limited construct just doesn't 
make sense.

I also want to make clear that I am 1000% in favor of structured, typed data.  
The use of associative arrays as a pseudo data structure is the weakest part of 
PHP, and the more we can move people away from that towards more formally typed 
data, the better.  For that reason, making it trivial to cast between an 
associative array and a structured object (as a few others in the thread have 
suggested) is a *bad* feature, because it further reinforces the idea that an 
associative array is "just as good" as making a defined type.  This is simply 
flat out false, and we should avoid language features that pretend that it is 

That said, as of PHP 8, we already have perfectly good struct-ish data 
structure: Classes with promoted properties and named arguments.  As of PHP 
8.2, the entire class can be declared readonly with a single keyword.  For 95% 
of use cases, this is completely adequate as a struct-like structure:

readonly class Person
     public function __construct(
     public string $first,
     public Status $last,

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-09 Thread Robert Landers
On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 1:09 AM David Gebler  wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 2:12 PM Lanre Waju  wrote:
> > Dear PHP Internals,
> >
> > I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
> > concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
> > expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
> > is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> >
> > Syntax
> >
> > struct Data
> > {
> >  string $title;
> >  Status $status;
> >  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> > }
> > The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
> > constructor as follows:
> >
> >
> > readonly class Data
> > {
> >  public function __construct(
> >  public string $title,
> >  public Status $status,
> >  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
> >  ) {}
> > }
> >
> These as the most basic examples of what you're proposing are barely
> different expressions in length, let alone anything else. I wouldn't say
> the first example is particularly more helpful, more readable, more concise
> or conceptually more expressive than the second. The rest of your examples
> are similarly either very minor savings of a few characters shaved off here
> and there, or just as verbose as instantiating a class with a constructor
> anyway.
> I'm not convinced by the rationale that this would be a new feature
> worthwhile for improved expression or concision. I can see a potential
> benefit in these "structs" (not sure that's the term//keyword I'd choose,
> given it has different meanings in other languages) though, as a kind of
> template for properly structured arrays, with a built-in ability to cast
> them to arrays or treat them as arrays/iterables. This would potentially
> help give some of the power we're missing by not having generics. So it
> wouldn't just be equivalent to a shorthand for a readonly class with a
> constructor, but one which also satisfied a couple of interfaces with the
> implementation automatically provided.
> That's my initial reaction/two cents.
> -Dave


When I first saw this, I saw them as typed-arrays, and it would be
great if they were treated as such. Essentially, type-check, then
stored in a regular array and as far as the engine is concerned,
that's what they are (meaning they could be used when a library
expects an array, or gradually added to legacy code that passes around
opaque arrays). This could add a tremendous amount of expressibility
to PHP. This would mean a struct with the same properties and values
are equal. It'd be even awesome if you could cast between structs (and
to arrays), as long as the struct/array being casted from contained
all the right properties/values. For example:

$myStruct1 = (MyStruct1) $myStruct2; // myStruct2 could even be an
array, or another struct

is the same as:

$myStruct1 = new MyStruct1(...$myStruct2);

except ignoring extra properties/values. Maybe the casting could even
"hide" the extra properties in a private variable so that if it is
casted to an array, or serialized as json, or casted to a different
struct, the original data shows up.

As far as being able to increase the expression of regular 'ole PHP,
it would allow libraries to get rid of opaque arrays with hidden
options (looking at you Guzzle), and essentially not change but a few
lines of code, while making it easy for users to correctly use the

Anyway, just thinking out loud. I have no idea if the original author
has an intent for any of this, but it could be awesome.

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread David Gebler
On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 2:12 PM Lanre Waju  wrote:

> Dear PHP Internals,
> I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
> concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
> expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
> is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> Syntax
> struct Data
> {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }
> The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
> constructor as follows:
> readonly class Data
> {
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $title,
>  public Status $status,
>  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
>  ) {}
> }

These as the most basic examples of what you're proposing are barely
different expressions in length, let alone anything else. I wouldn't say
the first example is particularly more helpful, more readable, more concise
or conceptually more expressive than the second. The rest of your examples
are similarly either very minor savings of a few characters shaved off here
and there, or just as verbose as instantiating a class with a constructor

I'm not convinced by the rationale that this would be a new feature
worthwhile for improved expression or concision. I can see a potential
benefit in these "structs" (not sure that's the term//keyword I'd choose,
given it has different meanings in other languages) though, as a kind of
template for properly structured arrays, with a built-in ability to cast
them to arrays or treat them as arrays/iterables. This would potentially
help give some of the power we're missing by not having generics. So it
wouldn't just be equivalent to a shorthand for a readonly class with a
constructor, but one which also satisfied a couple of interfaces with the
implementation automatically provided.

That's my initial reaction/two cents.


Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread tag Knife
On Fri, 8 Sept 2023 at 14:12, Lanre Waju  wrote:

> Dear PHP Internals,
> I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
> concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
> expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
> is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> Syntax
> struct Data
> {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }
> The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
> constructor as follows:
> readonly class Data
> {
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $title,
>  public Status $status,
>  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
>  ) {}
> }
> Assertions
> The Data struct will always be readonly.
> It has no methods besides the constructor.
> Constructors
> The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of
> which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:
> 1.1 Class like
> $data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
> $data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt:
> new DateTimeImmutable());
> 2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
> $data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};
> 2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
> $data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable()};
> 3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable());
> Nesting
> The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:
> final class HasNestedStruct
> {
>  NestedStruct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
>  };
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $string,
>  public Data $normalStruct,
>  public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title',
> Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},
>  public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
>  public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
>  ) {}
> }
> This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of
> code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with
> immutable data structures in PHP.
> I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it
> not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json
> deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays
> by providing a more expressive alternative.
> Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look
> forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals
> community.
> Sincerely
> Lanre
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:
I'm all data only for structures, but I really dont think they should be
This type of modifier should be down to the developer to decide.

If a developer only needs a data struct,
they can just `struct {}` but if they need a readonly struct,
they should specify the struct as `readonly struct {}`

Structs can have many uses, you will eliminate 99% of them by forcing
structs to
be readonly. No other languages force this on the developer, PHP shouldn't
This type of limitation would make structs DOA for most developers.

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread someniatko
Hi internals!

I think it can be useful for structured data obtained from decoding JSONs
or from a relational database. However, maybe there is an even better idea,
which combines the best of two worlds: the world of your structs RFC, and
native PHP arrays - something like "array shapes".

For instance, taking the syntax from your proposed RFC (but perhaps the
keyword changed to `shape`, or perhaps `array class` to reuse keywords -
let's not bikeshed here) to define a shape, and adding a function like
`array_shape_coerce($array, $shapeType)` which internally marks an array to
be of a defined shape if it matches its definition (throws an exception
otherwise, or perhaps returns true/false value or an enum for
success/failure) and allows it to be passed where a certain shape type is
expected. I think this could be a better approach than pure structs because
it leaves all array-based PHP machinery available to such "structs", like
`array_map()`, `array_filter()` etc.

There is an open question of whether array coerced to shapes can be
modified, and if yes, how to react to modifications. Perhaps the easiest
solution is to have another function along the lines
`array_shape_seal($array, $shapeType)` which not only marks array to be of
shape (if the given array matches given shape), but also permits only such
modifications which keep the array to be of this shape. And if the regular
`array_shape_coerce` is used, then any modifications are permitted, but the
array "loses" its shape.

Illia / someniatko

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Lanre Waju
I really like the idea of making structs opaque in that sense, 
definitely going to put it to vote in the RFC. I agree with the decision 
to exclude methods from structs, as they are intended to be pure data 
types and If methods are required, classes can be used instead. I guess 
based on the response from this list i might not need to put it up to a 

On 2023-09-08 8:58 a.m., Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:

On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 9:15 AM Lanre Waju  wrote:

Allowing Methods in Structs:
Initially, I suggested that readonly structs have no methods besides the
constructor. However, upon further consideration, I believe it may be
beneficial to allow methods in structs. Even PHP enums allow methods, and
considering this, I am open to discussing and potentially having a vote on
allowing methods within structs as part of the RFC discussion.

At that point, a struct would be no different from a readonly class with
public properties, meaning we'd have two ways to accomplish the same thing.
Considering that a readonly class can already implement interfaces such as
JsonSerializable, Iterator, and ArrayAccess, they already solve the bulk of
the issues that have been raised in this thread.

The main thing of interest that I could see from your proposal was the
ability to nest a struct in another struct or a class definition, as that
could provide some interesting type safety without the need to declare new
classes. This could be even more interesting if it allowed _any_ struct
that fulfilled the same definitions:

 class Post
 public function __construct(
 public readonly struct $author {
 string $name;
 UriInterface $uri;
 UriInterface $avatarUri;
 public readonly string $title,
 public readonly string $content,
 public readonly DateTimeInterface $publicationDate,
 ) {

 // ...

 struct User
 string $name;
 UriInterface $uri;
 UriInterface $avatarUri;
 string $email;

 $post = new Post(new User(...), ...);

The idea here is that User fulfills the $author struct definition in the
Post class; it just has _additional_ properties. If the proposal would
allow that, this could be pretty powerful.

I would personally stay away from solving the conversion to and from arrays
and allowing methods. If users need those, they can either use
de/serialization libraries or readonly classes, respectively. Not including
them in the initial proposal keeps it more targeted, and demonstrates a
language feature that does not currently exist.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Matthew Weier O'Phinney
On Fri, Sep 8, 2023, 9:15 AM Lanre Waju  wrote:

> Allowing Methods in Structs:
> Initially, I suggested that readonly structs have no methods besides the
> constructor. However, upon further consideration, I believe it may be
> beneficial to allow methods in structs. Even PHP enums allow methods, and
> considering this, I am open to discussing and potentially having a vote on
> allowing methods within structs as part of the RFC discussion.

At that point, a struct would be no different from a readonly class with
public properties, meaning we'd have two ways to accomplish the same thing.
Considering that a readonly class can already implement interfaces such as
JsonSerializable, Iterator, and ArrayAccess, they already solve the bulk of
the issues that have been raised in this thread.

The main thing of interest that I could see from your proposal was the
ability to nest a struct in another struct or a class definition, as that
could provide some interesting type safety without the need to declare new
classes. This could be even more interesting if it allowed _any_ struct
that fulfilled the same definitions:

class Post
public function __construct(
public readonly struct $author {
string $name;
UriInterface $uri;
UriInterface $avatarUri;
public readonly string $title,
public readonly string $content,
public readonly DateTimeInterface $publicationDate,
) {

// ...

struct User
string $name;
UriInterface $uri;
UriInterface $avatarUri;
string $email;

$post = new Post(new User(...), ...);

The idea here is that User fulfills the $author struct definition in the
Post class; it just has _additional_ properties. If the proposal would
allow that, this could be pretty powerful.

I would personally stay away from solving the conversion to and from arrays
and allowing methods. If users need those, they can either use
de/serialization libraries or readonly classes, respectively. Not including
them in the initial proposal keeps it more targeted, and demonstrates a
language feature that does not currently exist.

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Olle Härstedt
2023-09-08 15:12 GMT+02:00, Lanre Waju :
> Dear PHP Internals,
> I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
> concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
> expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
> is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> Syntax
> struct Data
> {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }
> The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
> constructor as follows:
> readonly class Data
> {
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $title,
>  public Status $status,
>  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
>  ) {}
> }
> Assertions
> The Data struct will always be readonly.
> It has no methods besides the constructor.
> Constructors
> The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of
> which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:
> 1.1 Class like
> $data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
> $data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt:
> new DateTimeImmutable());
> 2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
> $data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};
> 2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
> $data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable()};
> 3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable());
> Nesting
> The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:
> final class HasNestedStruct
> {
>  NestedStruct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
>  };
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $string,
>  public Data $normalStruct,
>  public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title',
> Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},
>  public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
>  public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
>  ) {}
> }
> This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of
> code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with
> immutable data structures in PHP.
> I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it
> not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json
> deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays
> by providing a more expressive alternative.
> Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look
> forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals
> community.
> Sincerely
> Lanre
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Aren't structs value objects in C#? Might be some semantic confusion
there, in choice of words.

"Structure types have value semantics".

Java uses the "record" keyword. Worth taking a look at, maybe?


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Lanre Waju

If you want a new data object with slightly different values

struct Data2 extends Data
{string $t, array $meta} $title; // Overwrite parent type
Status $status;
{int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2};

Regarding array functions and serialization, there are two approaches:
ArrayAccess: We can implement array functions similar to ArrayObject, making it 
possible to use array functions on readonly structs.
Conversion to/from Indexed Array: Since these structs are restricted to a 
default constructor with named/positional arguments, we can easily convert to 
and from indexed arrays. JSON serialization can also be supported with the 
property names as keys.
For example:
foreach (Data as ($propertyName =>)? $property) {} //not real syntax, but you 
get the idea
However, it's important to note that readonly structs are not meant to replace 
arrays or lists and, ultimately, are not arrays.

Allowing Methods in Structs:
Initially, I suggested that readonly structs have no methods besides the 
constructor. However, upon further consideration, I believe it may be 
beneficial to allow methods in structs. Even PHP enums allow methods, and 
considering this, I am open to discussing and potentially having a vote on 
allowing methods within structs as part of the RFC discussion.


On 2023-09-08 7:35 a.m., Robert Landers wrote:

On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 3:12 PM Lanre Waju  wrote:

Dear PHP Internals,

I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.


struct Data
  string $title;
  Status $status;
  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
constructor as follows:

readonly class Data
  public function __construct(
  public string $title,
  public Status $status,
  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
  ) {}
The Data struct will always be readonly.
It has no methods besides the constructor.
The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of
which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:

1.1 Class like
$data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());

1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
$data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt:
new DateTimeImmutable());

2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
$data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};

2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
$data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new

3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)

$data = struct {
  string $title;
  Status $status;
  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
}('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)

$data = struct {
  string $title;
  Status $status;
  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
}(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:

final class HasNestedStruct
  NestedStruct {
  string $title;
  Status $status;
  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;

  public function __construct(
  public string $string,
  public Data $normalStruct,
  public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title',
Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},
  public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
  public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
  ) {}
This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of
code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with
immutable data structures in PHP.
I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it
not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json
deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays
by providing a more expressive alternative.

Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look
forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

FWIW (and it isn't worth much), I'm not a fan of the braces styles
(2.1, 2.2) as it is very non-php-ish.

It'd be great to still have methods, e.g., $data->isAfter($date) or
something. Otherwise, it isn't very useful except as typed arrays,
without any of the usefulness of the array functions.

Also, what if I want a new $data object but with slightly different

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Robert Landers
On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 3:12 PM Lanre Waju  wrote:
> Dear PHP Internals,
> I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the
> concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and
> expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below
> is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.
> Syntax
> struct Data
> {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }
> The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a
> constructor as follows:
> readonly class Data
> {
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $title,
>  public Status $status,
>  public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
>  ) {}
> }
> Assertions
> The Data struct will always be readonly.
> It has no methods besides the constructor.
> Constructors
> The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of
> which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:
> 1.1 Class like
> $data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
> $data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt:
> new DateTimeImmutable());
> 2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
> $data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};
> 2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
> $data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable()};
> 3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
> 3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)
> $data = struct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
> }(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new
> DateTimeImmutable());
> Nesting
> The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:
> final class HasNestedStruct
> {
>  NestedStruct {
>  string $title;
>  Status $status;
>  ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
>  };
>  public function __construct(
>  public string $string,
>  public Data $normalStruct,
>  public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title',
> Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},
>  public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
>  public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
>  ) {}
> }
> This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of
> code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with
> immutable data structures in PHP.
> I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it
> not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json
> deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays
> by providing a more expressive alternative.
> Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look
> forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals
> community.
> Sincerely
> Lanre
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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FWIW (and it isn't worth much), I'm not a fan of the braces styles
(2.1, 2.2) as it is very non-php-ish.

It'd be great to still have methods, e.g., $data->isAfter($date) or
something. Otherwise, it isn't very useful except as typed arrays,
without any of the usefulness of the array functions.

Also, what if I want a new $data object but with slightly different
property values?

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[PHP-DEV] RFC Proposal: Readonly Structs in PHP

2023-09-08 Thread Lanre Waju

Dear PHP Internals,

I am writing to propose a new feature for PHP that introduces the 
concept of structs. This feature aims to provide a more concise and 
expressive way to define and work with immutable data structures. Below 
is a detailed description of the proposed syntax, usage, and behavior.


struct Data
    string $title;
    Status $status;
    ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
The Data struct is essentially represented as a readonly class with a 
constructor as follows:

readonly class Data
    public function __construct(
    public string $title,
    public Status $status,
    public ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null,
    ) {}
The Data struct will always be readonly.
It has no methods besides the constructor.
The Data struct can be constructed in three different ways, each of 
which allows for named or positional arguments, which can be mixed:

1.1 Class like
$data = new Data('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());

1.2 Class like (Named Syntax)
$data = new Data(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: 
new DateTimeImmutable());

2.1 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Positional Arguments)
$data = Data{'title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()};

2.2 Proposed struct initialization syntax (Named Syntax)
$data = Data{title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new 

3.1 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments)

$data = struct {
    string $title;
    Status $status;
    ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
}('title', Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable());
3.2 Anonymous Struct (Named Arguments - Named Syntax)

$data = struct {
    string $title;
    Status $status;
    ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;
}(title: 'title', status: Status::PUBLISHED, publishedAt: new 

The proposed feature also supports nesting of structs. For example:

final class HasNestedStruct
    NestedStruct {
    string $title;
    Status $status;
    ?DateTimeImmutable $publishedAt = null;

    public function __construct(
    public string $string,
    public Data $normalStruct,
    public NestedStruct $nestedStruct = NestedStruct{'title', 
Status::PUBLISHED, new DateTimeImmutable()},

    public struct InlineNamed { int $x} $inlineNamed = {x: 1},
    public { int $x, int $y} $inlineAnonymous = {x: 1, y: 2},
    ) {}
This proposal aims to enhance the readability and maintainability of 
code by providing a more concise and expressive way to work with 
immutable data structures in PHP.
I believe this feature will be a valuable addition to the language as it 
not only opens the door for future enhancements (eg. typed json 
deserialization, etc.), but should also help reduce reliance on arrays 
by providing a more expressive alternative.

Your feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated, and we look 
forward to discussing this proposal further within the PHP internals 


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