I am running into a strange problem which goes in direct opposition to
what is said in the documentation. I need to know what is the correct
behaviour before I update the documentation.

Problem is this:

With the function xml_set_element_handler, if you don't set an actual
end element handler (you set it to "" or FALSE) the function xml_parse
will return the following error:

Xml_parse(): Unable to call handler () in /path/to/script on line ##

The documentation explicitely states that "If a handler function is set
to an empty string, or FALSE, the handler in question is disabled." 

If I create a dummy function which actually does absolutely nothing and
put it's name as the end element handler I do not get the above error

Am I doing something wrong, is this a bug, or should I update the
documentation for this function?

PHP version: 4.3.2
XML expat version: 1.95.4

       (Ô Ô)
 Jeremy Johnstone
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