InterPhil: CFP: Nonviolence and Intercultural Dialogue

2021-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Nonviolence and Intercultural Dialogue
Type: International Conference
Institution: London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
Location: London (United Kingdom) – Online
Date: 5.–6.6.2021
Deadline: 15.4.2021


“We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought,
word and deed, but we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make
strong progress towards it” – Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

The principle of nonviolence, also known as nonviolent resistance,
rejects the use of physical violence to achieve social or political
change. History shows that the success of peaceful social
transformation depends largely on individuals who are charismatic,
knowledgeable, skilled in the strategies and methods of nonviolence
(Tolstoy, Gandhi, King, Chavez, Walesa, Dalai Lama, Louise Patterson,
Menchu and others). Gene Sharp coined the term revolutionary
nonviolence in the 20th century and transformed the meaning of the
nonviolence from the passive to an active agent as a framework for
creating peace.

This conference seeks to explore, analyse and discuss the complex
concept of nonviolence as a strategy toward peace and progress. It
will apply an interdisciplinary approach to various manifestations of
nonviolence and will also act as an academic space to explore
solutions for creating peace.

Conference presentations will be related, but not limited, to:

- Theories of nonviolence
- History of nonviolence
- Nonviolence and philosophy
- Nonviolence and peace studies
- Nonviolence and literature
- Nonviolence and media
- Nonviolence and art
- Nonviolence and culture
- Nonviolence and politics
- Icons of nonviolence
- Teaching nonviolence

The conference will bring together scholars from different fields
including philosophy, religion, sociology, international relations,
history, literature, art, peace studies, cultural studies, political
studies and others.

Submissions may propose various formats, including:

- Individually submitted papers (organised into panels by committee)
- Panels (3-4 individual papers)
- Roundtable discussions (led by one of the presenters)
- Posters

Proposals up to 250 words and a brief biographical note should be
sent by 15 April 2021 to:

Download Paper proposal form:

Registration fee: 90 GBP 

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil List Archive:


InterPhil: CFP: Cosmopolitanism and World Citizenship

2021-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Cosmopolitanism and World Citizenship
Type: International Conference
Institution: London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
Location: London (United Kingdom) – Online
Date: 15.–16.5.2021
Deadline: 10.3.2021


Cosmopolitanism is, at the same time, a complex and continuously
changing academic concept and real-life practice: historically
long-standing and highly contemporary, progressive and
future-oriented yet still considered in large parts utopian, deeply
individual and yet highly socially and politically influential.
Adding to this complexity, it is in recent times ever more debated
across a multitude of academic disciplines, ranging from anthropology
and sociology, across cultural and literary studies, and over world
history to philosophy, up to political science, economics,
international relations and even arts.

From its origins with the Greek Stoics in the 2nd century BCE, it
continues to fascinate academics, politicians, travelers, artists and
dreamers alike. From its original context and meaning of “kosmou
politês” (that was however limited to Ancient Greece’s male and free
citizens), it has become a universal testament of the world’s peoples
desires and hopes for planetary conviviality and shared humanity,
while its conceptual underpinnings and practical ramifications have
been used as tools to change the world – or to make the best efforts
in trying.

As just one contemporary example, in 1948 Gary Davis, a former United
States pilot, became the first and maybe most famous voluntarily
stateless person when entering the American embassy in Paris in 1948,
renouncing his American citizenship and declaring himself a citizen
of the world, before establishing the ‘World Government of World
Citizens’, even issuing related documents such as passports.

Hence this conference animates approaches of conceptualizing, and
aspires to find novel ways of practicing world citizenship and
cosmopolitanism, from any suitable disciplinary angle. Potential
topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

- Multiculturalism, cultural diversity and awareness
- Social and individual multiculturalism
- Cultural pluralism and democratic values
- The politics of multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism in literature and art
- Comparative multiculturalisms
- Psychology of multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism
- Multiculturalism in education
- Multiculturalism, immigration and integration
- Reflections of multiculturalism in the media
- Multicultural rights, freedoms and pressures
- Social justice and multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism, religion and secularism
- National and regional multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism and conflict resolution
- European and American multiculturalism
- Multiculturalism between philosophy and reality
- The history and future of multiculturalism
- The multiplicities and limits of multiculturalism

Submissions may propose various formats, including:

All paper submissions and conference activities must be in English.
Submissions may propose various formats, including:

- Individually submitted papers (organized into panels by the
- Panels (3-4 individual papers)
- Roundtable discussions (led by one of the presenters)
- Posters

Proposals (up to 250 words) should be sent by 10 March 2021 to:

Please download Paper proposal form:

Registration fee: 90 GBP

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil List Archive:
