InterPhil: CFP: Queerness Beyond Borders

2021-03-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Queerness Beyond Borders
Type: International Conference
Institution: Worcester College, University of Oxford
   Philiminality Oxford
Location: Online
Date: 7.–9.7.2021
Deadline: 15.5.2021


We are delighted to announce this three-day international conference
(online) entitled 'Queerness Beyond Borders', jointly organised by
Worcester College (University of Oxford) and Philiminality Oxford.

The conference will explore normative and conceptual issues
surrounding queerness and its intersection with academic, political,
and geographical borders. It will address issues such as inter-sex
and trans rights across countries, the conceptual boundaries of the
‘gender binary’, racial equity, moral justifications for queerness as
grounds for refugee status, and practical and theoretical
considerations for how to translate academic ideas into policy
outcomes. Drawing across and beyond disciplinary and geographical
borders, linking academia and activism, bridging politics and policy,
and uniting vision with action, Queerness Beyond Borders seeks to
expand theoretical and practical horizons.

The conference is scheduled for Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th of July
2021 (online). The provisional time is from 4:00pm GMT to 7:30pm GMT
each day, with the exception of Wednesday, when the session will run
slightly longer. Final times will be announced here in due course.

Confirmed invited speakers:

- Hon. Louisa Wall - (Parliament of New Zealand Pāremata Aotearoa) -
  A queer, indigenous MP from New Zealand, and drafter of the marriage
  equality law that legalised same-sex marriage in NZ.
- Prof. Philip Ayoub (Occidental College) - Associate Professor of
  Politics and International Relations. Queer activist and scholar
  focusing on LGBTIQ+ rights, social movements, transnational
  politics, sexuality, and gender.
- Andrea Jenkins (Minneapolis City Council) - The first black openly
  transgender councillor in the United States.
- Prof. Kerri Woods (University of Leeds) - Associate Professor of
  Political Theory. Scholar focusing on the political philosophy of
  human rights, feminist thought, and refugees.
- Valentino Vecchietti - Intersex activist specialising in issues
  relating to intersex and queer persons’ rights in Europe and beyond.
  They work with universities and provide consultation in the arts.

Call for Papers:
Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium

​Deadline: 15 May 2021

The CfP relates to a key part of the conference - the ‘Emerging
Scholars Colloquium’, in which authors of the selected papers will
have the opportunity to present and discuss their work with the
invited speakers. These contributions will also be part of a podcast
recording to be disseminated on the University of Oxford’s
‘OxfordTalks’ platform.

We welcome papers which address any of the themes listed in the
conference summary and/or areas of interest of invited speakers
and/or the following general themes:

- Analytic approaches to queer theory
- Normative and/or conceptual issues around queerness and borders
- The links between academic philosophy, activism, and policy

Eligibility: The CfP is open to graduate students and early career
researchers within 3 years of the completion of their doctoral

Submission Guidelines:

- An abstract of no more than 300 words.
- and: A full paper (not exceeding 8000 words, including footnotes
but not including references), to be considered for presentation at
the Conference (as part of the ‘Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium) and
for a podcast recording to be disseminated through the conference’s
website and on the University of Oxford’s OxfordTalks platform.

To submit an abstract or full paper, please send a Word or PDF file

Please write ‘Conference Submission’ in the subject line of your
email. In the body of your email include: your name, departmental
affiliation, email address, and the title of your paper (as well as
the year in which your PhD was awarded, in the case of early career
researchers). Abstracts and papers should be prepared for blind
review, so please ensure that your document is free from any
identifying personal details.

The submission deadline is 15 May 2021. We will notify authors of
acceptance by 1 June 2021 at the latest.


Please note that registration is mandatory to receive a Zoom link:


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InterPhil: CFP: Guantanamo: 20 Years After

2021-03-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Guantanamo
Subtitle: 20 Years After
Type: International Conference
Institution: Law Society & Justice (LawSoJust) Research and
Enterprise Group, University of Brighton
Location: Online
Date: 12.–13.11.2021
Deadline: 28.5.2021


11th January 2022 will mark the 20th anniversary of the opening of
the prison at Guantanamo Bay. President Obama pledged to close
Guantanamo when he took office in 2009 but the detention centre
remained open during his and Trump’s subsequent administration. With
Joe Biden taking office on 20th January 2021 forty men remain in
detention today.

In their report published on 11th January 2021 entitled USA: Right
the wrong – decision time on Guantánamo Amnesty International has
called for urgency in resolving the plight of the forty detainees.
Furthermore the Director of Amnesty International USA’s Security with
Human Rights Programme has stated that ‘this is about more than just
the 40 people still held at Guantánamo - it is also about the crimes
under international law committed over the past 19 years and the
continuing lack of accountability for them’. On the same day, UN
experts stated that ‘Guantánamo is a place of arbitrariness and
abuse, a site where torture and ill-treatment was rampant and remains
institutionalized, where the rule of law is effectively suspended,
and where justice is denied’.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Extraordinary Rendition has
argued that the UK government’s  decision to no longer undertake a
judge-led enquiry into extraordinary rendition  means that ‘closure
cannot be obtained on the scale of Britain’s facilitation of kidnap
and torture’ and that the decision ‘tears up commitments given by a
previous administration that there should be a full, judge-led
inquiry into extraordinary rendition and Britain’s role in it’.

This conference asks – why did Guantanamo happen? Why is the
detention centre still open? Why aren’t those allegedly responsible
for violating the human rights of countless innocent men being held
accountable for their actions? What part did the UK government play
in enabling US rendition programmes to the notorious black torture

This conference seeks to bring academics, researchers, activists,
practitioners and students together in a two-day conference to
discuss the implications of Guantanamo's existence. By scheduling
the conference to take place over two days the organisers aim to
bring together an international meeting of all those active in
debating the origins of Guantanamo as a detention centre,
accountability for the human rights abuses inflicted there, and the
legal and political paths towards its final closure.

Keynote Speakers for the event will include:
- Mohamedou Ould Salahi (former Guantanamo detainee and author of
  “Guantanamo Diary”)
- Andy Worthington (Guantanamo expert, author of “The Guantanamo
  Files”, and co-founder of the Close Guantanamo campaign)

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Guantanamo and the Rule of Law
- Human rights and terrorism
- Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
- Military Commissions and their role in Guantanamo
- Violating the Right to Fair Trial without undue delay
- Torture and enforced disappearance - crimes under international law
- Extraordinary Rendition and the complicity of the UK government

We welcome proposals for individual contributions, panels (of at
least three papers) and workshop sessions. There will be a prize for
the best paper delivered by a PhD student.

We envisage that a selection of papers from this conference will be
published as an edited collection. Please indicate whether you would
like your abstract to be included in any publication proposal that we
may send to publishers.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent by Friday 28th May
to Sara Birch at: 

Registration fee of £50. A reduced registration fee of £10 is
available for students/those on a low income. Registration details to

Brighton University reserves the right to donate any fees not needed
to cover conference expenses to the organisations campaigning to
close Guantanamo.  

General enquiries can be sent to the conference organisers Sara Birch
or Gina Painter:  or


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InterPhil: CFP: Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West

2021-03-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West
Type: Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference
Institution: University of Cambridge
Location: Online
Date: 21.–22.6.2021
Deadline: 9.5.2021


This conference seeks to explore historical and contemporary
dialogues between Buddhism and the West, while also contemplating
ways of opening up new conversations. With an appreciation of the
value of interdisciplinarity, we aim to bring together scholars from
diverse fields to both share and enhance their unique perspectives.
In today’s era of globalisation, dialogue between different cultures
is a daily occurrence. The last century in particular has produced a
dynamic exchange of ideas between Buddhism and the West. Important
exchanges have occurred in myriad areas of intellectual life, ranging
from spiritual endeavours to the pursuit of a scientific
understanding of the mind. In Western universities, Buddhist Studies
is a growing field, and thus there is a continuous interaction of
scholars. In addition, outside of academia, interest in Buddhism as a
religion and practice has been steadily growing, along with the
number of Buddhist institutions.

In the context of globalisation, the encounter between Buddhism and
the West is generally understood as a modern phenomenon. However,
throughout history, from distant antiquity to recent past, the
dialogue between Buddhism and the West has been pervasive and
dynamic. This conference intends to uncover some of these exchanges
and suggest possibilities for future dialogues.

Possible topics for papers can include, but are not limited to:

- views of Western intellectuals on Buddhism and of Buddhist
  intellectuals on the West over the course of history;
- similarities and differences between modern approaches to Buddhism
  and those of the past;
- mutual influence in philosophy;
- artistic expressions: genres, techniques and topics;
- Christianity and Buddhism;
- dynamic encounters in films;
- interculturality in literature;
- issues of comparative jurisprudence between Buddhist legal codes
  and Western doctrines.

This conference is aimed at postgraduate students. Since Buddhism is
an umbrella term that picks out and is associated with a plurality of
religious beliefs, politics, philosophical positions, arguments,
practices, and artistic works, this conference is very broad in
scope, with possible contributions ranging from philosophy, film
studies to law, this leaves the conference open to a wide range of
students to make a contribution from their own research field.

Please send abstract (500 words) and CV, by 9 May 2021, to:

Go to the conference website:


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