InterPhil: CFP: History of Logic in the Islamic World

2022-09-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: History of Logic in the Islamic World
Type: International Conference
Institution: Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP)
   Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Fundamental Sciences
Location: Tehran (Iran) – Online
Date: 6.–8.3.2023
Deadline: 31.10.2022


The Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) in collaboration with the
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Fundamental Sciences
(IRFS) in Iran is organizing an international conference on the
history of logic in the Islamic world The event will be held in a
hybrid format between March 6-8, 2023. Depending on their choice,
some speakers will talk virtually and others will attend in person at
the Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) in Tehran.

We kindly invite all researchers in logic, history, and philosophy to
contribute to the conference with papers on the topics listed below.

Conference Scope:

A. Pre-Avicennan Logic

- The development of Aristotelian logic in the Islamic world
- The effects of Aristotle’s commentators on Islamic logicians
- Aristotle’s Muslim commentators

B. Avicenna’s Logic

- Avicenna’s reception of Aristotle
- The effects of Aristotle’s commentators on Avicenna
- Avicenna’s logical novelties
- The commentators and the critics of Avicenna’s logic

C. Post-Avicennan Logic

- The development of logic after Avicenna
- The profound logicians after Avicenna
- The logical schools and circles after Avicenna
- Avicennan logic in the contemporary Islamic world
- Avicennan logic in the geographic regions of the Islamic world

D. Comparative logic

- Comparison of the Muslims’ logical points of view
- Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and Mediaeval Europe
- Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the Islamic sciences
- Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the linguistic sciences
- Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and Mathematics and Physics
- Comparison of logic in the Islamic world and the modern logic

Practical Information

- In order to contribute to the conference, submit the abstract of
your article via our paper submission system by October 31, 2022.
Follow our formatting and submission guidelines available on the
corresponding pages for further instructions.

- The conference will be held in a hybrid format where some speakers
will talk virtually and others will attend in person at the Iranian
Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) in Tehran.

- A proceeding of the papers presented at this conference will be

- The articles will be indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation
Center (ISC).

Keynote Speakers

Asad Ahmed, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Mohammad Ardeshir, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Saloua Chatti, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Khaled El-Rouayheb, Harvard University, USA
Wilfrid Hodges, British Academy, UK
Ahmet Kayacik, Erciyes University, Turkiye
Ismail Latif Hacinebioglu, Istanbul University, Turkiye
Necmeddin Pehlivan, Ankara University, Turkiye
Shahid Rahman, University of Lille, France
Seyyed Nasrollah Mousavian, Loyola University, USA
Zia Movahed, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iran
Tony Street, University of Cambridge, UK


Asadollah Fallahi, Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP)
Alireza Darabi, Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP)
Ali Sadegh Daghighi, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IRFS)

Should you have any questions or run into any problem submitting your
article via our website, feel free to write to us via:

Or text me via +989111437062 on Whatsapp.

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InterPhil: CFP: The Ethics of Business, Trade and Global Governance

2022-09-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: The Ethics of Business, Trade and Global Governance
Type: 4th Annual Conference
Institution: Center for Ethics in Society, Saint Anselm College
   Department of Finance, University of Vienna
   Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance, University of St. Andrews
Location: Wentworth-by-the-Sea, NH (USA)
Date: 2.–3.12.2022
Deadline: 15.9.2022


The Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society, in cooperation
with the Department of Finance—University of Vienna and the
University of St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance,
announces a call for proposals for a conference on the economics,
ethics, and governance of global commerce.

We have seen significant economic and political shifts in the last 2+
years with both the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine
war continuing to change the global economic and political order.
This time of disruption and shifting economic power is an opportunity
to reassess debates about, international trade, capital flows and
global economic governance. This interdisciplinary conference brings
together ethicists, economists, political scientists, international
relations scholars, policy experts, and business leaders to examine
the political and economic impact of the events of the last two
years. Our central goal is to discuss how economic cooperation,
international trade and investment can be conducted more ethically,
as we move from crisis to a new global order.

Suggested topics or questions that a proposal could address include:

International Commerce:

- How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected trade and global supply
- What has the Russia-Ukraine conflict revealed about the
  vulnerability of the global economy (e.g. dependence on oil and
  natural gas)? 
- What changes ought to be made in light of the Russia-Ukraine war
  (e.g. redristribution of oil and natural gas flows)?
- Who is benefiting economically from trade in this period of war?
- Economic and trade rebalancing - The rise of China and other
  emerging countries are shifting economic activity. How will this
  affect trade and commerce?
- Acceleration of new technologies - New and disruptive technologies
  are advancing faster than the ability to manage and harness them.
  Digital platforms and automation are affecting production, trade,
  and workstyles: do they necessitate new business models/frameworks?
- Uncertainty - Political and market instability create economic
  hardship, nationalism, and extremism, increasing risk and
  uncertainty. What are the effects on international trade and
- Demographic Shifts - Emerging and developing economies have younger
  populations than developed economies. How will these demographic
  shifts change trade?
- Do the benefits of portfolio liberalization, in terms of financial
  deepening, counteract its systemic risks?
- What are the “externalities” of trade or foreign direct investment
  for democracy, human rights, civil peace, and state autonomy?
- How has the global low interest rate environment affected the
  viability of exchange rate management?
- How will rising interest rates affect global trade?
- How will big-data affect decision making about trade policy?


- Are economic sanctions an ethical way to protest belligerent
  countries in military conflicts? 
- What ethical norms ought to govern trading with aggressors in a
- What are the ethical ramifications of trading weapons?  What are
  the proper limits in trading weapons to countries engaged in war?
- Are economic sanctions an ethical way to protest belligerent
  countries in military conflicts? 
- Are nations right to prioritize their own interests in the global
  economy, whether in trade or vaccine distribution?
- Is globalization beneficial or detrimental to political
- What are the rights and responsibilities of economic actors
  engaging in the global economy?
- Does free trade demand the free movement of peoples?
- Do participants in international trade have a responsibility to
  ensure a more equitable distribution of benefits?
- Should there be a shared responsibility to ensure that trading
  practices enable sustainable development and the recognition of
  human rights?
- What responsibilities do multinational firms have to the
  communities where they do business?
- Is offshoring morally problematic?  Is offshoring necessarily part
  of a free trade system?
- Should nations ensure that they produce essential goods within
  their own borders?
- Are economic sanctions against nations and/or individual citizens
  ethically problematic?  What are some ethical guidelines that should
  govern state actors when imposing sanctions?

Global Governance:

- What changes need to be made to global governance systems in light
  of the Russia-Ukraine war?
- What are the social and political challenges to 

InterPhil: PUB: The Politics of Knowledge and Cognition

2022-09-08 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Publications

Theme: The Politics of Knowledge and Cognition
Subtitle: African Perspectives
Publication: Edited Volume
Deadline: 30.11.2022


A flourishing area in applied epistemology today is the exploration
of the intersection between epistemology and politics. Emerging from
this discourse in recent years is the field of political epistemology
which examines and analyses the bearing and impact of the analytic
and conceptual tools and theories of epistemology on political
theory, practice, and philosophy. Michael Hannon and Jeroen de
Ridder’s The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology (2021),
Elizabeth Edenberg and Michael Hannon’s Political Epistemology
(2021), and Pietro Daniel Omodeo’s Political Epistemology: The
Problem of Ideology in Science Studies (2019) are examples of key
publications in this field. However, less attention has been paid to
a study and discourse of the reverse relationship of the intersection
of politics and epistemology: examining analyzing the bearing that
political theories, philosophies, and practices in different horizons
and places have on the processes and theories of knowing and
cognizing. More so, the publications mentioned above do not touch at
all on the African experience and perspectives of the intersection
between epistemology and politics, neither in the sense in which it
explores such a relationship or intersection nor in the reverse sense
just mentioned.

The Politics of Knowledge and Cognition: African Perspectives aims to
provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of African political
experiences both lived and historical, on knowledge and cognition
processes in African places. It aims to provide thought-provoking
essays on the historical, hermeneutical, phenomenological, and
broadly speaking, philosophical perspectives on how power, violence,
resource control, and other political factors in precolonial,
colonial, and postcolonial periods have persistently impacted the
knowing and cognizing processes in African communities. It also
examines the implications of this for knowledge discovery and
retrieval, and for theorizing decolonial approaches to development,
episteme and existence.

We are therefore inviting original and well-written chapters on these
and related thematic areas:

- Conceptualising the politics of knowledge and cognition
- African epistemology
- The politics of knowledge production
- Epistemic injustice
- Knowledge and decolonization
- The politics of epistemic decolonization
- Post-colonialism, politics, and misinformation
- Social media and the hermeneutics of knowledge in Africa
- Historicizing the politics of knowledge: pre-colonial, colonial,
  and post-colonial realities
- Political institutions and epistemic responsibilities
- African politics and virtue epistemology
- The politics and epistemology of ignorance
- Noocracy, gerontocracy, and epistocracy
- The epistemology of deliberative democracy
- The politics of African feminist epistemology
- The politics and epistemology of human rights and justice
- The politics and epistemology of conspiracy
- Trust and political participation
- Knowledge and propaganda
- The epistemology of protest, mass movements and populism

Notes for Contributors

Submission of chapters on any of these and related areas are invited.
At this stage, only abstracts or chapter proposals should be
submitted. The abstract should contain the title of the proposed
chapter, the author’s names and affiliation, and email address, and a
brief summary of the proposed contents of the chapter no more than
250 words. The abstract should be sent, on or before November 30,
2022, to:

Decision on acceptance/rejection of submitted abstracts will be made
no later than December 30, 2022. Authors of accepted abstracts will
receive further information on important deadlines. Rest assured,
there will be adequate time given to develop complete chapters.


Prof Isaac E. Ukpokolo, University of Ibadan
Dr Elvis Imafidon, SOAS University of London
Dr Peter A. Ikhane, University of Ibadan


Dr Elvis Imafidon
Department of Religions and Philosophies
SOAS, University of London


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