
Call for Applications

Theme: Violence and Nonviolence
Subtitle: Nationbuilding in the Age of Postcolonialism
Type: VU Graduate Winter School
Institution: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
Location: Online
Date: 9.–20.1.2023
Deadline: 1.12.2022


In January 2023, the online graduate Wintercourse 'Violence and
Nonviolence - Nationbuilding in the Age of Postcolonialism' will take
place as part of the VU Graduate Winterschool at Vrije Universiteit

This course will address the issue of non-violence in postcolonial
nation-building through the lens of leaders and thinkers such as
King, Helder Camara, Mandela and Kaunda, as well as reflections by
Mbembe, Derrida and Fanon.

Aside from analysing classic and forgotten readings on (non)violence,
the course will provide engaging group discussions as well as and
expert guest lectures, among whom will be Dr Tommy J Curry
(University of Edinburgh) and Dr Pius Mosima (University of
Bamenda/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

The course is open to Master students, PhD students and professionals
from all disciplines who have an interest in the topic.

Credits: 3 ECTS - Contact hours: 25 hours

For those who enroll before 15 October 2022 there is an early bird

Coordinating lecturer:

Dr. Angela Roothaan
Email: a.c.m.rooth...@vu.nl

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