
Call for Papers

Theme: Nationalism and Multiculturalism
Type: 32nd Annual Conference
Institution: Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism
   Loughborough University Nationalism Network (LUNN)
Location: Loughborough (United Kingdom)
Date: 3.–5.4.2023
Deadline: 7.11.2022


The 32nd Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of
Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) will take place on 3-5 April 2023.
This year’s theme will be Nationalism and Multiculturalism. The
Annual Conference will take place in Loughborough and is organised in
cooperation with the Loughborough University Nationalism Network

The Ernest Gellner Lecture will take place on 2 April 2023 followed
by a reception.


About ten years ago, key European leaders like Angela Merkel, David
Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy pronounced the death of multiculturalism
arguing it had failed to incorporate migrants and their children into
European societies. A decade on, we now live in times of rampant
nationalisms, frequently imbued with anti-immigration if not overtly
xenophobic positions. Yet, if multiculturalism as political rhetoric
is dead, it is certainly alive and thriving as a demographic fact,
through a range of cultural practices and even as a model of policy
interventions in many contemporary societies.

The conference explores the tensions between nationalism and
multiculturalism in order to reflect on demographic change in
increasingly diverse societies.

By exploring how the nation changes when its population changes
multiculturalism is not only understood in normative terms, as a
political principle for integrating a diverse population, but also as
a descriptor of the ‘transition to diversity’ (Richard Alba) which
characterises many contemporary societies.

Thus, along questions which speak more closely to multiculturalism as
a normative principle and a policy paradigm (we are also interested
in questions which interrogate the relationship between nation and
diversity in its everyday aspects.

The conference is intended to cover cases from all parts of the world
and welcomes papers based on different theoretical perspectives and
methodological approaches. We also invite contributions from
different disciplines and fields, such as sociology, geography,
anthropology, psychology, political science, political theory,
demography, migration studies, cultural studies, media and
communication studies, critical racial studies, philosophy, history,
and law.

Themes may include, but are not limited to:

- Nationalism and diversity
- Race and nation – racism and nationalism
- Nationalism and belonging
- Religious diversity and national societies
- Multiethnicity in post-colonial states
- Competing nationalisms in multinational states
- Critical perspectives on ethnicity and race
- Nationalism, acculturation and assimilation
- Liberal nationalism and group differentiated rights
- Nationalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism
- Multicultural citizenship
- Empires and multiculturalism
- Evaluating the ‘politics of recognition’
- Migration, multiculturalism and minority rights
- Nationalism and demographic change 
- Nationalism, transnationalism and diaspora 
- Everyday multiculturalism and everyday nationalism
- Nations between multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism
- Multiculturalism and intersectionality –
- Media, diversity and everyday nationalism
- Media and the imagination of diverse, plural nation
- Global media and multiculturalism


Please submit your abstract through the conference website by 7
November 2022. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and they
must include a working title and the position and affiliation of the
author. You should expect to speak for no more than 15 minutes.
Please ensure that you highlight how your paper relates to the
conference theme and its central questions.

Co-authored papers must be submitted by only one of the authors, with
additional authors indicated in the comments section of the form.

We welcome proposals for panels of three to four papers. Please
follow the link on the abstract page to submit your proposal. Please
note that reviewers will take into consideration the proposal;
however, papers are evaluated on an individual basis and panel paper
submissions may be split up.


For any enquiries in relation to the conference, please email:

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