
Call for Publications

Theme: Revaluating the School of Salamanca in Transatlantic and Global
Publication: Estudios Filosóficos
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 1.2.2023


The Society for Lascasian Studies, in collaboration with Estudios
Filosoficos, invites submission of papers for a collaborative special
journal edition, “Revaluating the School of Salamanca in
Transatlantic and Global perspective.” As Iberia’s overseas
jurisdictions and economic activities expanded, the web of complex
interactions forged through the many centuries of reconquista
required radical reinvention. The novelty of the encounter with new
peoples and unknown lands challenged jurists, economists, natural
scientists, theologians, philosophers, poets, writers, artists,
architects, artists, linguists, architects, musicians, and historians
to reformulate various traditions in creative and unexpected ways.

The School of Salamanca Project out of the Goethe University of
Frankfurt has recently brought a new textual basis and reflection
upon this uniquely fertile constellation of actors. Other recent
collections have included the Salamancan school in treatments of the
law of nations, time, and economic liberty, among others. We hope
that this special collaborative edition will continue these important
explorations and add to our understanding of this intellectual

We welcome reevaluations of the established themes of sovereignty and
jurisdiction, such as explored by Francisco de Vitoria's 'De Indis',
as well as hope for papers that seek to capture the breadth of foment
engendered by the encounter between previously mutually-unknown
worlds. Possible topics include but are not limited to: ius gentium,
the nature of the state, political and social communities, humanism,
price and usury, economic doctrine, free trade, religious reform,
indigenous self-understanding and fashioning, literary and artistic
expressions, Thomas Aquinas, late scholasticism, scientific
knowledge, etc.

We especially appreciate papers that touch upon the life, labor, and
legacy of Bartolomé de Las Casas as well as the Dominican
intellectual milieu that shaped his multilayered Indian advocacy.

Please submit papers in accordance with the Estudios Filosóficos
guidelines, with "Estudios Filosoficos" as the subject line, to:

Exceptionally for this issue, English contributions will also be
The deadline is February 1, 2023.

David Orique, Providence College
Rady Roldan-Figueroa, Boston University
Andrew Wilson, Japan Lutheran College

Email: lascasasconference2...@gmail.com
Web: http://lascasianstudies.org

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