Listened from 1242-1342 utc.  So many carriers.
Lower frequency Japanese stations popping in (558+567).  VOA 1575 absent this
morning. Lower channels much better than higher channels.  

153    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1242 steady S-3 signal with classical music.
180    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1247 faint signal with above.
234    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1248 weak signal //153.
279    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1248 steady S-5 signal //153.
558    JAPAN, JOCR 1303 probably the station with faint audio.
567    JAPAN, JOIK NHK1 very weak with woman in Japanese. 1329 weak.
594    JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1249 almost audio.  Very weak audio at 1305. 1330 fair.
603    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA likely the station with faint audio.
648    RUSSIA, 1331 likely station with faint audio.
657    DPR OF KOREA, 1306 very weak with music. // 3320.
666    JAPAN, JOBK NHK1 1307 weak with man in Japanese.
693    JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1309 weak with man in Japanese.  1332 fair.
702    Level 5 dual carriers.
729    Level 5 should have been audio here.  Battered by 730 kHz.
738    TAHITI, 1334 fair signal, man singing in French? Faded out at 1337.  
747    JAPAN, JOIB NHK2 1312 fair, but battered in splatter from local KXL.
774    JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1252 fair with splatter and Radio English Conversation 
              Good at 1313.
792    Level 5 carrier.
819    Level 4 carrier.
828    JAPAN, JOAB NHK2 1253 a touch better than JOUB without the splatter.  
//774. Good
              at 1314.
837    Level 4 carrier.
846    Level 5 carrier. 1315 very weak audio. 
864    Level 4 carrier battered by KPAM.
891    Level 5 carrier. 1341 threshold audio at sunrise.
936    Level 5 carrier.  Nice splatter less channel.
945    Level 4 carrier.
954    Level 4 carrier.
1000   Level 4.5 carrier.
1008   Level 4 carrier.
1035   Level 5 carrier.
1044   Level 4 carrier.
1053   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1258 jammer on top of station playing music.
1062   Level 4 carrier.
1134   JAPAN, JOAR 1324 weak with woman in Japanese and domestic splatter.
1161   Level 5 carrier.
1287   JAPAN, JOHR 1326 fair with man in Japanese.
1422   JAPAN, JORF 1327 very weak.
1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ fair with talk.
1593   Level 4 carrier.

Dennis Vroom,
Salmon Creek, WA
JRC NRD 545 & Drake R8B
NW ewe
Local Sunrise 1343 utc
Solar Indices SF=74 A=6 K=0

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