Re: [isabelle-dev] Efficient code for Discrete.log

2017-06-29 Thread Manuel Eberl
Thanks for the hint!

I'll try to use that then. However, the main goal was to use PolyML's
native log2 function anyway, which is likely much faster than anything
we can implement in Isabelle.


On 2017-06-29 20:12, Thiemann, Rene wrote:
> Hi Manual,
> thanks for your efforts, but I believe there is already a more efficient way 
> to compute log2.
> In your implementation, consider your intlog2_aux which roughly requires y 
> iterations if log2(x) = y,
> since you always just add 1 to the accumulator.
> For some of my applications this implementation is not efficient enough, 
> which was the reason to develop Sqrt_Babylonian/Log_Impl.thy,
> which is much faster since it only needs log2(y) iterations: 
> in log_main the accumulator is roughly doubled in every iteration.
> To test, try to compute "log_2 (3 ^ n)” for some reasonably large n.
> Cheers,
> René
> PS: Unfortunately, Sqrt_Babylonian.log_floor and log_ceiling are not 
> connected to Discrete.log.
>> Am 29.06.2017 um 15:29 schrieb Manuel Eberl :
>> Hallo,
>> I'm considering adding efficient code for Discrete.log (the dual logarithm 
>> on natural numbers). PolyML does provide an IntInf.log2 function that seems 
>> reasonably efficient so that one can set up code printing. However, I am 
>> struggling with one detail:
>> Where would the code that does this actually reside? I cannot really put it 
>> into Discrete.thy, because then that would have to import 
>> Code_Target_Numeral. I could put it into Code_Target_Integer.thy, but then 
>> that would have to import Discrete, which does not sound right to me either.
>> I attached what I have so far.
>> Manuel
>> ___
>> isabelle-dev mailing list
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Re: [isabelle-dev] [isabelle] Good name for "sublist" predicates

2017-06-29 Thread Andreas Lochbihler

Hi Manuel,

Well, how about changing Sublist.subseq to Sublist.subsequence? And accordingly 
strict_subseq to strict_subsequence or ssubsequence?


On 28/06/17 19:49, Manuel Eberl wrote:

Yes, I noticed that as well. I decided to leave it that way since, well,
we do have qualified names.

If anybody has better suggestions, I am open to implementing them.


On 2017-06-28 17:05, Andreas Lochbihler wrote:

Dear all,

While porting some of my theories to the current development version,
I've just noticed that the renaming of sublisteq to subseq done by
Manuel in May (639eb3617a86) has one bad effect:

The name subseq is already used in Topological_Spaces to formalise the
concept of a subsequence. This name is now hidden by the definition in
Sublist, in particular when I import HOL-Probability.

Can this name clash be eliminated before the next release such that I
don't have to write Topological_Spaces.subseq everywhere?


On 26/05/17 08:16, Tobias Nipkow wrote:

Thank you for your research. I am perfectly happy with "sublist" (for
the contiguous case) and "subseq" (for the general case) and think we
should adopt it.

[Then we would rename sublisteq -> subseq and sublist :: "'a list ⇒
nat set ⇒ 'a list" (in List) to something else, eg sublist_index)


On 25/05/2017 21:13, Jasmin Blanchette wrote:

On 25.05.2017, at 20:41, Tobias Nipkow  wrote:

I don't think that sublist, subsequence and substring really have
much of a bias in either direction, except possibly substring, but
the latter does indeed sound too specialized.

Wikipedia has a clear bias (and I did not edit it, nor did I look it
up before writing my previous email):

Popular algorithm sbooks like Cormen et al. follow the same
definition of subsequence. Standard expressions like "longest
increasing subsequence" depend on this semantics.

As for sublist, all the examples I see by Googling either "sublist",
"is_sublist", "isSublist", or "indexOfSubList" in Java, Python,
Scala, etc., have the contiguous semantics. Including this page:

I'm not saying we should rename the Isabelle concepts, just that
Isabelle is the odd (wo)man out.


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Re: [isabelle-dev] Efficient code for Discrete.log

2017-06-29 Thread Thiemann, Rene
Hi Manual,

thanks for your efforts, but I believe there is already a more efficient way to 
compute log2.

In your implementation, consider your intlog2_aux which roughly requires y 
iterations if log2(x) = y,
since you always just add 1 to the accumulator.

For some of my applications this implementation is not efficient enough, 
which was the reason to develop Sqrt_Babylonian/Log_Impl.thy,
which is much faster since it only needs log2(y) iterations: 
in log_main the accumulator is roughly doubled in every iteration.

To test, try to compute "log_2 (3 ^ n)” for some reasonably large n.


PS: Unfortunately, Sqrt_Babylonian.log_floor and log_ceiling are not connected 
to Discrete.log.

> Am 29.06.2017 um 15:29 schrieb Manuel Eberl :
> Hallo,
> I'm considering adding efficient code for Discrete.log (the dual logarithm on 
> natural numbers). PolyML does provide an IntInf.log2 function that seems 
> reasonably efficient so that one can set up code printing. However, I am 
> struggling with one detail:
> Where would the code that does this actually reside? I cannot really put it 
> into Discrete.thy, because then that would have to import 
> Code_Target_Numeral. I could put it into Code_Target_Integer.thy, but then 
> that would have to import Discrete, which does not sound right to me either.
> I attached what I have so far.
> Manuel
> ___
> isabelle-dev mailing list

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Re: [isabelle-dev] Efficient code for Discrete.log

2017-06-29 Thread Andreas Lochbihler

Hi Manuel,

You are not the first to encouter this problem. Here's my experience:

In 4b1b85f38944, I added code_printings for gcd and decided to add Gcd to the imports of 
Code_Target_Nat. IIRC this broke a few things in the AFP, which I had to fix. Meanwhile, 
Gcd has become part of Main again.

Conversely, the AFP entry Native_Word sets up serialisation for bit operations, and there 
is a specific Code_Target_Bits_Int theory with the relevant adaptations for bit operations 
on integers.

I'd suggest that you setup two theories Code_Target_Complex_Int and 
Code_Target_Complex_Nat that will collect all the code declarations for constants that are 
defined in Complex. I think this is the cleanest approach, even though in the long run, we 
might have a huge number of these specific adaptation theories. Your efficient algorithm 
can go directly into Discrete.thy.


On 29/06/17 15:29, Manuel Eberl wrote:


I'm considering adding efficient code for Discrete.log (the dual logarithm on natural 
numbers). PolyML does provide an IntInf.log2 function that seems reasonably efficient so 
that one can set up code printing. However, I am struggling with one detail:

Where would the code that does this actually reside? I cannot really put it into 
Discrete.thy, because then that would have to import Code_Target_Numeral. I could put it 
into Code_Target_Integer.thy, but then that would have to import Discrete, which does not 
sound right to me either.

I attached what I have so far.


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[isabelle-dev] Efficient code for Discrete.log

2017-06-29 Thread Manuel Eberl

I'm considering adding efficient code for Discrete.log (the dual
logarithm on natural numbers). PolyML does provide an IntInf.log2
function that seems reasonably efficient so that one can set up code
printing. However, I am struggling with one detail:

Where would the code that does this actually reside? I cannot really put
it into Discrete.thy, because then that would have to import
Code_Target_Numeral. I could put it into Code_Target_Integer.thy, but
then that would have to import Discrete, which does not sound right to
me either.

I attached what I have so far.


theory Efficient_Log2

includes integer.lifting

qualified lift_definition intlog2 :: "integer \ integer" is
  "\n. int (Discrete.log (nat n))" .

qualified function intlog2_aux :: "integer \ integer \ 
integer" where
  "intlog2_aux n acc = (if n < 2 then acc else intlog2_aux (n div 2) (acc + 1))"
  by auto
termination proof (relation "measure (nat_of_integer \ fst)")
  fix n acc :: integer
  assume "\n < 2"
  hence "nat_of_integer (n div 2) < nat_of_integer n"
by transfer auto
  thus "((n div 2, acc + 1), (n, acc)) \ measure (nat_of_integer \ 
by simp
qed simp_all

declare intlog2_aux.simps [simp del]
qualified lemma intlog2_aux_correct: "acc \ 0 \ intlog2_aux 
n acc = intlog2 n + acc"
proof (induction n acc arbitrary: acc rule: intlog2_aux.induct)
  case (1 n acc)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "n < 2")
case True
hence "intlog2 n = 0" by transfer (simp add: Discrete.log.simps)
with True show ?thesis by (subst intlog2_aux.simps) auto
case False
hence "intlog2 n = intlog2 (n div 2) + 1"
proof (transfer, goal_cases)
  case (1 m)
  hence "int (Discrete.log (nat m)) = int (Discrete.log (nat m div 2)) + 1"
by (subst Discrete.log.simps) auto
  also have "nat m div 2 = nat (m div 2)" by simp
  finally show ?case .
with False show ?thesis by (subst intlog2_aux.simps) (auto simp: 1)
qualified lemma intlog2_code [code]: "intlog2 n = intlog2_aux n 0"
  by (simp add: intlog2_aux_correct)

lemma Discrete_log_code [code abstract]:
  "integer_of_nat (Discrete.log n) = (if n = 0 then 0 else intlog2 (of_nat n))"
  by transfer simp


  constant "Efficient_Log2.intlog2 :: integer \ _" 
(SML) "IntInf.log2" and
(Eval) "IntInf.log2"

value [code] "Discrete.log 12345"

export_code Discrete.log checking SML Eval Scala Haskell? OCaml?

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