[Islah-Net] Mohd badrulhisham 5 has sent you a private message

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Mohd badrulhisham 5
Title: Private Message from Mohd badrulhisham


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JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


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[Islah-Net] OSCC MAMPU First Quarterly e-Newsletter Jan 2009

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik penampan
OSCC MAMPU First Quarterly e-Newsletter Jan 2009

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OSCC's first Quarterly e-Newsletter kicks off with:

1) RM40million Savings From OSS Adoption
2) MyMeeting Wins Innovation Awards For Public Service 2008
3) MyGOSSCON 2008
4) Other Major Conferences
5) Potential OSS Adoption Trend

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[Islah-Net] Intranet Sekolah Dengan Linux Dan Sumber Terbuka

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik penampan
Intranet Sekolah Dengan Linux Dan Sumber Terbuka

Di Internet

Berikut adalah cadangan untuk cikgu-cikgu sekolah untuk menambah lagi
penggunaan komputer pelayan sekolah di makmal sekolah. Cadangan ini
melibatkan penggunaan Linux sebagai sistem operasi utama dan pelbagai
aplikasi dalam sumber terbuka (Open Source). Dengan Linux dan pelbagai
lagi aplikasi sumber terbuka sistem Intranet sekolah dapat dibangunkan.

Bagi kemas kini terbaru anda dijemput untuk sertai senarai terhad
email dengan email kepada haris-subscr...@yahoogroups.com atau lawat laman


(1) DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) memudahkan
komputer mempunyai sambungan rangkaian (network). Komputer pelayan
sepatutnya menjadi komputer utama DHCP bagi memberikan IP secara
automatik. Walaupun Router ADSL boleh melakukannya namun ia bukan
dibina untuk mengendali komputer yang banyak.

Dengan komputer pelayan Linux sebagai pelayan DHCP, cadangan-cadangan
yang lain dapat dilaksanakan. Konfigurasi baru dengan mudah dapat
disampaikan kepada komputer pelanggan.

Terdapat juga cadangan untuk mengekal pengunaan IP yang tetap sama
pada setiap komputer yang mendapatkan IP melalui DHCP. Ia dapat
dilakukan dengan memasukkan alamat perkakas (hardware address) setiap
komputer dalam konfigurasi DHCP. Dengan ini setiap komputer mempunyai
IP yang kekal namun kawalan konfigurasi yang lain masih dipusatkan.

(2) DNS - Domain Name Service (DNS) adalah cara untuk kaitkan IP
server dengan nama komputer yang mudah diingat oleh manusia.
Menjadikan komputer pelayan sebagai cache DNS mampu mengurangkan
beban komputer DNS utama di Internet. Disamping sebagai DNS backup
jika DNS utama tidak dapat dihubungi.

Sila pastikan capaian DNS lain seperti TMnet, Jaring dan Opendns.com
tidak dihalang. Dengan cara ini jika masalah timbul kepada komputer
pusat cache DNS setiap sekolah ini mampu bertanya kepada DNS
upstream sama ada Tmnet atau Jaring.

Sekolah boleh mewujudkan nama domain untuk kegunaan dalaman yang biasa
hujungnya .lan (dot lan) dengan DNS server dalaman. Sebagai contoh
Sekolah Alam Shah dengan domain dalaman sas.lan akan membolehkan
capaian dalaman untuk Intranet server seperti web sekolah, email dalam
sekolah dan pelbagai lagi. 

Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri boleh mewujudkan Intranet sekolah-sekolah
dalam negeri masing-masing dengan membuat DNS berpusat bagi negeri.

(3) Apache - Sebagai pelayan web (web server) banyak perkara boleh
dilakukan untuk penyampaian dan interaksi dan juga perkongsian
maklumat. Dengan penggunaan perisian berasaskan PHP pelbagai lagi cara
pengajaran dan pengkongsian ilmu pengetahuan dapat dilakukan.

Kemudahan yang Apache berikan terlalu banyak dan ia akan dibincangkan
kemudian. Sebagai contoh sekolah boleh memasang Moodle bagi penggunaan
dalaman melalui Intranet sekolah. Malah laman web boleh dibangunkan
dengan menggunakan perisian berasaskan bahasa aturcara PHP seperti
Cms Made Simple, Joomla dan pelbagai lagi.

(4) SAMBA - Ia boleh dikonfigurasi sebagai Primary Domain Controller
(PDC) dan WINS Server. Apabila setiap Windows XP berada dalam domain
mempunyai PDC ia dapat mengurangkan trafik broadcast.

Pengkongsian dan penyimpanan fail di komputer pelayan dapat dilakukan
oleh Windows XP.

(5) Squid - Ini merupakan perisian web proxy sama ada untuk menjadi
tempat cache berpusat atau sebagai penapis kepada tapak-tapak laman
lucah dan tidak dingini. Gabungan dengan Dansguardian lagi
meningkatkan proses penapisan ini.

(6) Router dan Firewall juga mampu dilakukan oleh Linux. Namun ia
memerlukan konfigurasi yang berlainan daripada penggunaan IP School-net.

Cadangan-cadangan lain.

Jika dapat disediakan komputer DNS utama berpusat untuk menjadikan
semua sekolah mempunyai nama domain maka semua sekolah dapat
mempamerkan tapak laman masing-masing.

Perkhidmatan email dalaman antara sekolah-sekolah boleh diadakan jika
mempunyai DNS berpusat dan setiap sekolah mempunyai nama domain
sendiri. Linux dengan MTA seperti Postfix, Spamassassin, Amavis-new
dan Clamav mampu menjadikan komputer pelayan email yang sedia menapis
SPAM dan virus dan trojan. Dengan penggunaan Horde IMP sebagai email
berasaskan web maka pelbagai kemungkinan dapat dilakukan.

Panduan pemasangan akan disediakan kemudian dan pada masa ini untuk
Distribusi terkini. Untuk distribusi Red Hat 9 dan Suse yang mungkin
sudah tersedia terpasang di sekolah, oleh kerana ia sudah jauh
ketinggalan maka dicadangkan perubahan dilakukan dengan pemasangan
distribusi lebih terkini. Antara yang dicadangkan adalah.

(1) OpenSuse http://www.opensuse.org/ - Distribusi berasaskan
distribusi Suse yang kini digunakan di sekolah (Suse Linux Enterprise 9).

(2) Centos http://www.centos.org/ - Distribusi yang berasaskan Red Hat
Enterprise terkini. Sesuai untuk menggantikan Red Hat 9 kerana Centos
masih mengekalkan fungsi dan ciri-ciri Red Hat.

(3) Ubuntu Linux http://www.ubuntu.com/ - 

[Islah-Net] Mahmoud Abbas No Longer PA President - Palestinians Slam Maleki for Blaming Resistance

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Ainullotfi al-Fikri

Minister of Justice: 
Ex-PA chief no longer represents the Palestinians

[ 18/01/2009 - 05:25 PM ]



GAZA, (PIC)-- Minister of justice Mohamed Al-Ghoul stated that any actions,
decisions or obligations made by former PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, whose term
of office had expired on 9/1/2009, do not oblige the Palestinian people.

In a press release received by the PIC, Ghoul explained that the Palestinian
basic law stipulates in article no. 36 that the presidential term of office
is only four years and accordingly Abbas is no longer entitled to represent
the Palestinian people or sign agreements on their behalf even by declaring
himself a president of Palestine.

The minister of justice underlined that the government of national unity
headed by Ismail Haneyya is the only legitimate and legal government that
represents the Palestinian people according to the basic law and any other
side has no right to usurp this jurisdiction from the legitimate government.

He asked the international community especially the Islamic and Arab
countries and all official and unofficial bodies to deal only with the
constitutional Palestinian government headed by premier Haneyya.

Ghoul also stressed the need to interrogate and prosecute Abbas in a
Palestinian court for committing hundreds of terrible crimes and
conspiring against the Palestinian people and resistance in full
coordination with the Israeli occupation, and for waiving the Palestinian
national rights and constants.

The minister highlighted that the Palestinian rights are unchanging and
inalienable, and does not end by prescription, calling on the Palestinian
people to be united around the resistance and respect the Palestinian law in
order to serve the higher national interests.



Palestinian communities in Europe
slam Maleki for criticizing the resistance

[ 19/01/2009 - 10:55 AM ]



EUROPE, (PIC)-- The association of Palestinian communities and institutions
in Europe strongly denounced foreign minister in Ramallah government Riyadh
Al-Maleki's statements in which he held the Palestinian resistance
responsible for the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip during an interview
with an Israeli journalist.

In a statement received by the PIC, Radi Al-Shuaibi, the secretary-general
of the association, said that such statements justify and give a cover for
Israel's brutal and barbaric aggression on Gaza, noting that the Israeli
aggression received international condemnation.

In another context, a large number of Yemeni school students and
participants who attended a ceremony in support of Gaza organized by the
Kanaan society (headed by a nephew of the Yemeni president) chanted slogans
against ex-PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and some of his security officials.

This came when charge d'affaires of the Palestinian embassy in Sana'a Fa'yz
Abdeljawad gave his speech, where dozens of the attendees started shouting
slogans in favor of the Palestinian resistance and Hamas, and condemning the
PA complicity with Israel during the aggression on Gaza.

In Damascus, a large mass of Palestinian and Syrian citizens participated on
Sunday evening in a rally called for by the Hamas Movement to celebrate the
victory achieved by the Palestinian resistance over the Israeli aggression.

On the sidelines of this massive march, Abu Mua'men, the public relations
officer of Hamas popular action, told the PIC that the Palestinian masses
went out to salute the Palestinian resistance in Gaza because they wagered
on the resistance which proved its eligibility to achieve victories against
the Israeli occupation.

For his part, Dr. Tareq Hamoud, the secretary-general of the Palestinian
return assembly-Wajeb, stated to the PIC that the Palestinian resistance
achieved a military victory in the battlefield against Israel and a
political victory against the moderate Arab regimes.



[Islah-Net] 100 bodies recovered from Gaza rubble

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Ainullotfi al-Fikri

100 bodies recovered from under the rubble of evacuated Gaza areas

[ 18/01/2009 - 05:33 PM ]



GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian medical teams on Sunday recovered around 100
bodies of Palestinian civilians from under the rubble of houses flattened in
the Israeli occupation forces' three-week onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

Dr. Muawiya Hassanein, the director of ambulance and emergency in the PA
health ministry, said that the bodies of scores of other martyrs were still
pending removal from different areas in the Strip.

He said that the medics could not reach those areas due to the IOF presence
in the past days but he noted that coordination was made with the IOF to
allow access for ambulances.

He noted that the number of martyrs in the IOF bloody invasion of the Strip
had reached 1310 while the wounded reached 5450. He pointed out that 417
children, 108 women, 120 elderly people, 14 paramedics and civil defense
members, 4 journalists and 5 foreigners were among the victims of the

Paramedics, who retrieved the bodies, said that they saw horrific scenes of
dismembered and semi-decayed bodies, noting that most of the bodies were of
women and children who opted to remain in their houses at the start of the
aerial raids.

They said that bodies were directly buried and not carried to hospitals
because they were almost decomposed, adding that their relatives identified
them before the burial.



[Islah-Net] MB N.Sembilan beria pertahan lapangan terbang Labu

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Hairan juga ya, kenapa Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan begitu beria-ia benar 
mempertahankan projek pembinaan lapangan terbang di Labu , N.Sembilan ? Kalau 
ia projek swasta sepenuhnya tanpa menyentuh kepentingan rakyat kenapa perlu 
sibuk mempertahankannya. Biarlah Sime Darby sendiri yang keluarkan kenyataan 
akhbar yang projek ini tiada kena mengena langsung dengan kepentingan rakyat, 
tanah rakyat, kewangan kerajaan negeri serta pusat dan lain-lain.

LCCT baru bukan membazir
Utusan Malaysia 19 Jan 09

Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan berkata, rakyat diminta melihat 
klia-e...@labu sebagai sesuatu yang positif kerana ia membawa kebaikan kepada 
semua dan bukannya satu projek membazir.

Mohamad menafikan segala dakwaan kononnya pembinaan itu memperlihatkan satu 
kerugian, sedangkan ia adalah projek swasta yang tidak melibatkan wang kerajaan 

Rujukan : 



JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


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[Islah-Net] Bapa serik benar anak sertai PLKN setelah kritikal

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Menteri Pertahanan perlu jelaskan perkara ini !!! 

‘Saya serik benar anak sertai PLKN’
Berita Harian 19 Jan 2009
KOTA BHARU: Bapa pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) yang dimasukkan 
ke Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II (HRPZ II) dekat 
sini, meminta Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara (JLKN) meningkatkan ciri 
keselamatan di semua kem latihan PLKN. 

Md Hussin Yunus, 45, berkata ciri ini penting dan harus diberi keutamaan kerana 
membabitkan nyawa pelatih yang kebanyakannya masih baru dengan suasana di kem. 

Ini berkaitan dengan nyawa dan keselamatan anak kita. Saya mempunyai lima lagi 
anak yang mungkin terpilih menyertai PLKN. Selepas kejadian ini, saya agak 
takut untuk membenarkan anak saya menyertainya dan mungkin akan memohon untuk 
pelepasan, katanya. 

Beliau berkata demikian ketika menziarah anaknya, Ahmad Al-Hashyiemi, 17, yang 
kini dimasukkan ke Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II 
(HRPZ II) selepas terjatuh ke dalam longkang di Kem PLKN Tegas Mesra, Selama 
Perak, 1 Januari lalu. 

Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 5 petang itu, Ahmad Al-Hashyiemi dilaporkan hampir 
lemas selepas terjatuh ke dalam longkang yang digenangi air di kem terbabit 
ketika mengangkut barang dalam operasi pemindahan akibat banjir. 

Bagaimanapun, dia sempat diselamatkan oleh seorang jurulatih kem yang kebetulan 
berada di tempat kejadian tetapi pengurusan tidak memaklumkan kepada 

Md Hussin berkata, anaknya itu tidak mengalami sebarang perubahan sejak 
dimasukkan ke ICU hospital berkenaan kelmarin. 

Katanya, doktor memberitahu keadaannya tenat dan bergantung kepada alat bantuan 
penafasan sepenuhnya kerana sukar bernafas. 

Katanya, beliau tidak bercadang mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap PLKN 
sebaliknya ingin menumpukan kepada anak keduanya itu yang kritikal. 




JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


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[Islah-Net] Sebar SMS ini demi Solidariti Palestin 23 Jan

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Kepada mereka yang prihatin , harap dapat sebarkan SMS dibawah kepada seramai 
mungkin kenalan kita :

HIMPUNAN SOLIDARITI SEJUTA UMAT 23 Jan 2 pm di Kedutaan Amerika KL dipimpin 
Presiden PAS. Gerakkan diri sendiri, ahli, umat  rakyat demi Palestin!



JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


Nota: Kandungan mel ini tidak menggambarkan pendirian rasmi Pertubuhan
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[Islah-Net] Israel's Real Aims in Gaza - A Very Good Reading

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Ainullotfi al-Fikri

Assalamu 'alaykum wr wb!

Artikel ini agak panjang, tetapi saya rasakan ia merupakan suatu bacaan yang
bagus. Ia memberikan suatu gambaran terhadap pemikiran di belakang serangan
regim Zionis ke atas Gaza, dan pemusnahan tanpa had yang dilakukan mereka di
sana. Ia juga membongkar pembohongan dan propaganda yang ditebar oleh pihak
Zionis berkait dengan serangan tersebut.

Saya amat syorkan artikel ini dibaca, terutamanya oleh mereka yang mahu
menerangkan Isu Gaza kepada masyarakat dan mahu mematahkan bibit-bibit
propaganda yang terdapat dalam media massa aliran perdana. Di samping itu,
elok juga kalau artikel ini dapat disampaikan kepada rakan-rakan
bukan-Islam, terutamanya mereka yang selalunya lebih bersimpati dengan pihak



Another War, Another Defeat   

The Gaza offensive has succeeded in punishing the Palestinians but not in
making Israel more secure.

By John
rsheimer  J. Mearsheimer
Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and coauthor of
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Israelis and their American supporters claim that Israel learned its lessons
well from the disastrous 2006 Lebanon war and has devised a winning strategy
for the present war against Hamas. Of course, when a ceasefire comes, Israel
will declare victory. Don't believe it. Israel has foolishly started another
war it cannot win.

The campaign in Gaza is said to have two objectives: 1) to put an end to the
rockets and mortars that Palestinians have been firing into southern Israel
since it withdrew from Gaza in August 2005; 2) to restore Israel's
deterrent, which was said to be diminished by the Lebanon fiasco, by
Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, and by its inability to halt Iran's nuclear

But these are not the real goals of Operation Cast Lead. The actual purpose
is connected to Israel's long-term vision of how it intends to live with
millions of Palestinians in its midst. It is part of a broader strategic
goal: the creation of a Greater Israel. Specifically, Israel's leaders
remain determined to control all of what used to be known as Mandate
Palestine, which includes Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinians would
have limited autonomy in a handful of disconnected and economically crippled
enclaves, one of which is Gaza. Israel would control the borders around
them, movement between them, the air above and the water below them. 

The key to achieving this is to inflict massive pain on the Palestinians so
that they come to accept the fact that they are a defeated people and that
Israel will be largely responsible for controlling their future. This
strategy, which was first articulated by Ze'ev Jabotinsky in the 1920s and
has heavily influenced Israeli policy since 1948, is commonly referred to as
the Iron Wall.

What has been happening in Gaza is fully consistent with this strategy. 

Let's begin with Israel's decision to withdraw from Gaza in 2005. The
conventional wisdom is that Israel was serious about making peace with the
Palestinians and that its leaders hoped the exit from Gaza would be a major
step toward creating a viable Palestinian state. According to the New York
Times' Thomas L. Friedman, Israel was giving the Palestinians an opportunity
to build a decent mini-state there-a Dubai on the Mediterranean, and if
they did so, it would fundamentally reshape the Israeli debate about
whether the Palestinians can be handed most of the West Bank.

This is pure fiction. Even before Hamas came to power, the Israelis intended
to create an open-air prison for the Palestinians in Gaza and inflict great
pain on them until they complied with Israel's wishes. Dov Weisglass, Ariel
Sharon's closest adviser at the time, candidly stated that the disengagement
from Gaza was aimed at halting the peace process, not encouraging it. He
described the disengagement as formaldehyde that's necessary so that there
will not be a political process with the Palestinians. Moreover, he
emphasized that the withdrawal places the Palestinians under tremendous
pressure. It forces them into a corner where they hate to be.

Arnon Soffer, a prominent Israeli demographer who also advised Sharon,
elaborated on what that pressure would look like. When 2.5 million people
live in a closed-off Gaza, it's going to be a human catastrophe. Those
people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of
an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful.
It's going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will
have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.

In January 2006, five months after the Israelis pulled their settlers out of
Gaza, Hamas won a decisive victory over Fatah in the Palestinian legislative
elections. This meant trouble for Israel's strategy because Hamas was
democratically elected, well organized, not corrupt like Fatah, and
unwilling to 

[Islah-Net] Prof Nazari's Response to Malaysia in good position to advise Hamas

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Ainullotfi al-Fikri
Response by Prof Dr Mohd Nazari Ismail to the Malaysiakini article by Fernando 




From: serpe...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:serpe...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, 19 January, 2009 11:29 AM
To: staf akademik
Cc: mckk7478
Subject: [Serpents MCKK 74-78] Fwd: Letter:

letter sent by me to Malaysiakini today in reply to a letter sent by one 
Fernando Pastor (appended below fyi).

- Forwarded message from mdnaz...@um.edu.my -
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 11:11:39 +0800
From: mdnaz...@um.edu.my
Reply-To: mdnaz...@um.edu.my
Subject: Letter:
  To: edi...@malaysiakini.com

Dear Sir,

I refer to a letter dated 16 January 2009 by Fernando Pastor to Malaysiakini 
entitled `Malaysia in a good position to advice Hamas' and would like to 
express my complete disagreement with him.  Mr. Pastor said he studied Islam. 
However I think he did not study enough of the religion because if he had, he 
would have found out that Islam is a religion that do not tolerate injustice. 
Mr. Pastor, despite his visit to the West Bank also obviously did not study the 
history of the Palestine-Israeli conflict too because if he had he would have 
found out that Israel is actually an ilegitimate or illegal state. This is 
because its establishment in 1948 involved the killing of tens of thousands of 
innocent Palestinians, the theft of their land and the expulsion of hundreds of 
thousands of Palestinians out of their country. To recognise the state of 
Israel is to legitimise all the atrocities mentioned above. Only people who are 
ignorant of history or devoid of any sense of justice will do such a thing. 
Fortunately the majority of Malaysians are not like that and I hope Mr. Pastor 
can take efforts to enlighten himself and join the majority of Malaysians.

Furthermore Mr. Pastor also seems ignorant of the background of the recent 
Israeli massacres of the innocent Palestinians in Gaza. If he had bothered to 
do some investigation, he would have found out that Hamas won the Palestinian 
legislative election in 2006 but despite that was not treated as a legitimate 
organization by the US and Israel. Also for the last 18 months Gaza was under 
blockade by Israel causing deaths and sufferings for the 1.5 million people 
there due to lack of food and medications. The blockade was tightened further 
during the so-called 6-month truce period when Hamas did not shoot any rocket 
towards Israel. Moreover Israel killed 40 Palestinians during the truce period 
whilst no Israeli was killed during that time.  As a result of these gross 
injustices as well as their sufferings, most people in Gaza were pressuring 
Hamas to fight against Israel with whatever weapons they have and that was the 
main reason the rockets were launched. In other words, the rockets were not 
launched by terrorists but by a group of desperate people who have been victims 
of atrocities committed against them for more than 60 years.

Mr. Pastor, if he had done some readings beside walking the streets of the West 
Bank would have found out that the Israelis have been illegally occupying 
Palestinians lands and are still murdering the innocents, steal their lands and 
at the same time trying to starve Gazans to death. By the way Mr. Pastor may 
want to know that Israel, unlike Malaysia, is a racist state because Israel 
will not allow any Palestinian refugee to go back to their lands but will allow 
any Jew from any part of the world to emigrate to Israel.

Lastly we should encourage Malaysians to educate themselves more bout the 
history of the conflict so that we can act justly towards the parties involved.

Thank you.

Dr. Mohd Nazari Ismail


Malaysia in good position to advise Hamas

Fernando Pastor | Jan 16, 09 2:31pm

I should preface this letter by noting that I am far from being an Israel 
aficionado, a Zionist or whatever else you may wish to call me. I have no 
religious persuasion, yet have spent time in the Middle East, studied Arabic 
and Islam and had the pleasure of visiting the West Bank where I still have 

I was in Ramallah during the funeral of Yasser Arafat. Whilst I was in Israel, 
at the height of the intifada, I was stripped to my boxer shorts and had guns 
put to my head by the Israeli Defence Forces. 

Malaysian responses to the current Israeli pummeling of the Gaza Strip have 
been interesting. Malaysians tend to view the crisis as a clear-cut attack on 
the ummah as a whole, a ‘clash of civilisations’ as some might call it. 

Given the timely death this week of Samuel P Huntington the eminent scholar (he 
was 91) famous for coining the notion of there being a post-Cold War stand off 
between the West and the Islamic world, it is important to recognise that the 
wider Muslim world must intervene to stop Hamas' feckless government from 
bringing more misery upon their own people who have already suffered enough. 

This conflict is not quite as black and 

[Islah-Net] Ekonomi gawat, kadar jenayah naik

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Kosmo 20 Jan 2009
Itu ramalan Timbalan Pengerusi Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia (MCPF), Tan 
Sri Lee Lam Thye mengenai kadar jenayah ekoran kegawatan ekonomi global.

Beliau berkata demikian bagi mengulas kenyataan Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk 
Khalid Abu Bakar yang percaya kadar jenayah bakal meningkat apabila ramai orang 
kehilangan pekerjaan.

Lam Thye menjelaskan, antara kes jenayah yang dijangka mengalami kenaikan ialah 
jenayah melibatkan pecah rumah pada siang hari, ragut dan rompakan.

Trend jenayah di negara ini kebiasaannya akan naik apabila terdapat kegawatan 
ekonomi, katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo semalam.

Walaupun begitu, beliau menyarankan supaya setiap isi rumah lebih 
menitikberatkan keselamatan diri sendiri, keluarga dan harta benda.

Pencegahannya amat mudah, jangan wujudkan peluang kepada penjenayah, jelasnya.

Namun di sebalik langkah yang disarankan kepada isi rumah, Lam Thye menegaskan 
pihak kerajaan perlu melakukan sesuatu dengan merangsang ekonomi negara.




JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


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[Islah-Net] Dipenjara kerana pakai serban di Malaysia

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Gara-gara serban, kena jel dua hari
Kosmo 20 Jan 2009
KOTA BHARU - Akibat enggan membayar saman RM90 atas kesalahan menunggang 
motosikal tanpa memakai topi keledar, Mahkamah Majistret di sini semalam 
memerintahkan seorang pelajar sekolah pondok dipenjara dua hari.

Ahmad Nasir Darus, 27, dikenakan hukuman tersebut selepas diputuskan oleh 
Majistret Tengku Amalin Ai'shah Putri Sultan Ismail Petra. 

Pelajar Pondok Pasir Tumboh itu disaman atas kesalahan tersebut di Jalan Pasir 
Tumboh dekat sini kira-kira pukul 6.30 petang pada 20 September tahun lalu.

Dia disaman kerana menyalahi Kaedah 4 Motosikal (topi keledar) 1973 dan boleh 
dihukum mengikut Seksyen 119(2) Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 yang dibaca 
bersama dengan Seksyen 128(1) akta sama.

Jika sabit kesalahan, seksyen itu memperuntukkan denda sehingga RM2,000 atau 
penjara enam bulan. 

Pendakwaan dikendalikan oleh pegawai pendakwa, Cif Inspektor Mohd. Yusri Mamat.

Ahmad Nasir pada mulanya dihadapkan ke mahkamah pada 4 November 2007 tetapi 
mengaku tidak bersalah dan minta dibicarakan.




JIMedia: Memurnikan Tanggapan Umum Melalui Penyebaran Ilmu dan Maklumat


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[Islah-Net] Makan Malam Anak Rembau 14 Feb KL

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Sabtu 14 Febuari 2009
Kuala Lumpur

Himpunan Rakyat Bantah ISA
Sabtu 21 Febuari 2009

Maklumat lanjut sila hubungi 012-3696474 (NorAzizi) atau di Blog 



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[Islah-Net] Adakah anda akan mati tanpa ini semua ?

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Suara N9
Adakah anda akan mati tanpa ini semua ? Untuk ketahui apa jawapannya sila klik 
pautan berikut 

Jangan lupa ‘forwardkan’ mesej ini selepas anda mengetahui jawapannya.



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[Islah-Net] Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Ainullotfi al-Fikri
How the world, especially the Christians in America and Europe can continue 
their unrelenting support for Israel is beyond belief with happenings like the 
one below:


Gaza doctor's loss grips Israelis

Dr Izeldeen Abuelaish shared his grief at losing his daughters

By Lucy Ash
BBC World Service 

I first met Dr Izeldeen Abuelaish eight years ago when I made a radio 
documentary about his extraordinary life and work. 

A Palestinian obstetrician who specialises in treating infertility, he lives in 
the Jabaliya camp in the Gaza Strip, but used to work part-time in Israel 
helping Jewish women to have babies. 

He also had a clinic in Gaza, taught medical school students there and arranged 
for seriously ill Palestinian patients to be treated in Israel. 

He put up with the tedious and sometimes humiliating border checks with dignity 
and patience. 

He stayed calm when one of his own Palestinian medical students told him she 
was very, very angry that he was helping Israelis to have children. 

What if these babies grow up to become soldiers who kill our people? asked 
the young woman. 

Despite all the suspicion, the hatred and the barriers Dr Abuelaish continued 
his work. 

In 2001, Dr Gad Potashnik was in charge of the IVF clinic at the Soroka 
University Hospital in Beersheba. 

He described Dr Abuelaish as a magical, secret bridge between Israelis and 

But that magical, secret bridge is now close to breaking point. 

I have stayed in touch with Dr Abuelaish over the years. 

Since we met he has had a number of jobs and research posts abroad. 

In September 2008 he was about to start working for the European Union in 
Africa but had to return home after he wife, Nadia, fell ill with leukaemia. 

Israeli patients 

She died soon after his return, leaving him a widower with eight children aged 
three to 20. 

In the middle of the recent conflict, I interviewed Dr Abuelaish for the BBC 
World Service's Outlook programme. 

He told me all the glass had been blown out of the windows of his house, he 
could hear firing and explosions all around and he was desperately worried for 
the safety of his children. 

Then on Friday afternoon, just a day before the ceasefire was announced, his 
worst nightmare came true. 

My daughters were just sitting quietly talking in their bedroom at home, Dr 
Izeldeen Abuelaish told me on the phone between sobs. 

I had just left the room, carrying my youngest son on my shoulders. Then a 
shell came through the wall. 

I rushed back to find their dead bodies - or rather parts of their bodies - 
strewn all over the room. One was still sitting in a chair but she had no legs. 

Tell me why did they have to die? Who gave the order to fire on my house? 

In a voice cracked with emotion, he added: You know me, Lucy. You have been to 
my house, my hospital; you have seen my Israeli patients. 

I have tried so hard to bring people on both sides together and just look what 
I get in return. 

The victims were Bisan, aged 20, Mayar, 15, Aya aged 13 and the physician's 
17-year-old niece Nur Abuelaish. 

My eldest daughter was five months away from finishing her degree in business 
and financial management. She was looking forward to the future and I was so 
proud of her. 

I remember talking to Dr Abuelaish in his house as his children scurried around 
him asking questions and singing songs. 

Bisan was a cheeky, bright-eyed girl, keen to show off her English and read 
aloud from her school text book. 

Audience response 

During the recent military campaign, Dr Abuelaish, who speaks fluent Hebrew, 
had been acting as an unofficial correspondent for a Tel Aviv-based TV station, 
giving daily updates by phone. 

He was determined to let Israelis know as much as possible about the suffering 
of Palestinian civilians under Israel's bombardment. 

Minutes after the shell hit his house, Dr Abuelaish phoned the station's 
presenter, Shlomi Eldar, to describe what had happened. 

The Israeli journalist looked awkward and visibly distressed as the doctor's 
disembodied voice is broadcast crying: My daughters, they killed them, Oh 
Lord. God, God, God. 

Mr Eldar mobilised his contacts in the Israel military to open the border and 
fly the injured girls by helicopter to the Tel Hashomer Medical Centre, the 
largest hospital in Israel. 

He said thousands of viewers had called the station following the harrowing 
interview with Dr Abuelaish. 

I think this broadcast will change public opinion in Israel, said Mr Eldar 
speaking by phone from Tel Aviv. 

It feels to me as if some of our audience is seeing and hearing about the high 
price ordinary Palestinians are paying in this conflict for the first time. 

Dr Abuelaish's 17-year-old daughter Shadha is recovering there from an 
operation which may save her right eye, injured in the blast. 

Her 12-year-old cousin Daida is in a critical condition from shrapnel wounds. 

A spokeswoman for the Israeli military said the 

[Islah-Net] Fw: [NaqibNet Diskusi] Complete100k4Gaza: Dataran Merdeka, Tempat Sejarah di Lakar

2009-01-19 Terurut Topik Zun Arif
--- On Tue, 1/20/09, hamdy hamdy...@yahoo.com wrote:
From: hamdy hamdy...@yahoo.comSubject: [NaqibNet Diskusi] Complete100k4Gaza: Dataran Merdeka, Tempat Sejarah di LakarTo: hamdy...@gmail.comDate: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 1:45 PM

salam,Dataran merdeka, sebuah padang ditengah kota, di kapit oleh 2 bangunan bersejarah adalah tempat penting dalam lakaran sejarah Malaysia. Padang empat segi menghijau itu adalah tempat yang molek cantik untuk himpunan himpunan besar diadakan. Jumaat ini Jan 23 2009, 830malam merupakan satu lagi lakaran sejarah cuba dilakar ditengah kota metropolitan ini. Tapi lakaran sejarah ini adalah khas untuk sahabat dan kawan yang jauh beribu kilometer dari negara ini. Himpunan 100,000 Rakyat Untuk Gaza adalah lakaran sejarah yang mhu diukir sebagai tanda solidariti kepada rakyat palestin.Gaza-Palestin, kami bersama mu. Kami akan berhimpun untuk menunjukkan solidariti kami terhadap kalian. Kami akan akan membawa keluarga kami ke Dataran Merdeka, untuk menyelami penderitaan yang Kalian alami. Kami cuba menyelami bagaimana kalian terasa bagaikan gugur jantung bila di bom oleh zionist laknatullah. Kami akan
 merasai jerit pekik, tangis pilu kalian hasil dari kekejaman zionist.Kami akan menyelami Holocaust Palestin yang dilakukan diera zaman modern ini. COMPLETE - gabungan ngo anti penyeksaan dan penindasan Palestin, dengan ini menjemput saudara saudari rakyat Malaysia ke Dataran Merdeka pada Jumaat malam 23 Januari untuk berhimpun di dataran merdeka dalam Himpunan 100ribu Rakyat Untuk Gaza.Bawalah anak anak, suami dan isteri kalian untuk program ini. Mulakan cuti panjang raya cina dengan meluangkan sedikit masa untuk mereka di gaza palestin.Mohon sebarkan.
Salam Perjuanganhamdy 013 3696712 www. rancanghidup.blogspot. com COMPLETE: coalition of Malaysian NGOs Against Persecution of Palestinian.Buku Saya:Miang Miang Lelaki (sepatutnya berisi) RM16 + posRM2RancangHidup RancangWang RM18 + posRM2boleh didapati  - MPH--sila tanya  - Petaling Jaya- Kedai buku Uni Malaya (UM) - Bangi - Kedai buku kampus UKM Bangi -
 Cheras - Kedai Buku HUKM - Serdang - Kedai buku UPM Serdang - Selayang - Popular Book Store - Chowkit-Hosp Tawakkal - Kedai Buku Nufair StreetBuku LainHidup Tanpa Suami 1 Roha Hassan RM 12 + RM4. (tinggal 2)Asas Ajaran Kristian Menurut Perspektif Islam Hj Nicholas Slyvester RM 22+RM3Bagi Penjual;Sila contact: Crescent News (KL) Sdn Bhd, Tel 03-61842448kenapa tidak mengembangkan amal jariah anda dengan fwd artikel2 saya yang anda bersetuju dengan artikel itu.