[Islah-Net] Ceramah Perdana 2 Jun 2012 di Senawang

2012-05-27 Terurut Topik Suara Rakyat
Tarikh : 2 Jun 2012, Sabtu
Masa : 9 mlm
Tempat : UPU Kobena, Taman Teratai, Senawang
Penceramah : 
YB Hj Taufek - Pesuruhjaya PAS N.Sembilan
Chegubard - Ketua Cabang PKR Rembau
Ustaz Nor Azman - EXCO Pemuda PAS N.Sembilan
Pn Norwani - EXCO Muslimat PAS Pusat
Turut bersama : Aishah dan Fareedah
Info lanjut di http://rembau-hari-ini.blogspot.com 

[Islah-Net] Ramai rakyat Malaysia tidak mampu miliki rumah

2012-05-27 Terurut Topik Suara Rakyat
Ini baru penjawat awam yang berpendapatan bawah RM3,000 sebulan. Bagaimana 
dengan pengawal keselamatan, pekerja kilang, kerani, tukang cuci, penghantar 
surat dan sebagainya. Di Seremban sahaja ketika ini harga rumah melambung 
tinggi. Rumah teres 1 tingkat dengan 3 bilik paling kurang pun harganya sekitar 
Ramai penjawat awam tidak mampu miliki rumah, kata Cuepacs
28 Mei, 2012 
Setiausaha Kewangan Cuepacs, Jaapar Mansor berkata fenomena itu akan berterusan 
jika kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah tertentu.
MACHANG:  Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) mendapati 
kira-kira 60 peratus penjawat awam yang berpendapatan bawah RM3,000 sebulan, 
terutama di Lembah Klang, tidak mampu memiliki rumah sendiri.
Setiausaha Kewangan Cuepacs, Jaapar Mansor berkata fenomena itu akan berterusan 
jika kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah tertentu, termasuk mengurangkan kadar 
faedah pinjaman dan menaikkan gaji kakitangan awam terbabit.
“Kadar faedah pinjaman perumahan empat peratus yang dikenakan institusi 
kewangan ke atas penjawat awam pada masa ini wajar diturunkan kepada 1 
peratus,” katanya kepada Bernama di sini, semalam.
Beliau tidak menolak kemungkinan penjawat awam yang berpendapatan di bawah 
RM3,000 sebulan hanya mampu menyewa atau memiliki rumah kos rendah bertaraf 
Program Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT).
Jaapar yang juga Pengerusi Cuepacs Selangor berkata, saranan supaya kerajaan 
menurunkan kadar faedah pinjaman perumahan itu adalah antara tuntutan yang 
pernah dikemukakan kongres itu kepada kerajaan sebelum ini.
“Walaupun ia bukan merupakan tuntutan utama Cuepacs, namun ia akan terus 
diperjuangkan oleh penjawat awam melalui kongres itu,” katanya .
Kongres itu juga sedang melancarkan gerakan mengesan penjawat awam yang belum 
memiliki rumah di seluruh negara untuk dijadikan garis panduan untuk tindakan 
yang akan diambil demi kebajikan anggotanya.
Sementara itu, beliau berkata Cuepacs mahu kerajaan mempercepatkan cadangan 
penubuhan Suruhanjaya Mengkaji Skim Gaji dan Elaun Penjawat Awam seperti yang 
diumumkan Perdana Menteri 8 Mac lepas.
Kongres juga akan terus mengadakan gerakan penerangan kepada anggotanya ke 
seluruh negara mengenai peluang yang dinikmati mereka melalui penambahbaikan 
Skim Saraan Baru (SSB).
Ramai penjawat awam tak mampu beli rumah
MACHANG - Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) mendapati, 
kira-kira 60 peratus penjawat awam yang berpendapatan bawah RM3,000 sebulan, 
terutamanya di Lembah Klang tidak mampu memiliki rumah sendiri.
Setiausaha Kewangan Cuepacs, Jaapar Mansor berkata, fenomena itu akan 
berterusan jika kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah tertentu, termasuk 
mengurangkan kadar faedah pinjaman dan menaikkan gaji kakitangan awam terbabit.
Kadar faedah pinjaman perumahan empat peratus yang dikenakan institusi 
kewangan ke atas penjawat awam pada masa ini wajar diturunkan kepada satu 
peratus, katanya kepada Bernama di sini semalam.

[Islah-Net] Fw: Sikit Perkongsian... Dlm Proses DOBI (Dakwah Orang Belum Islam) ... Good Friday Crucifixion

2012-05-27 Terurut Topik ahmad khairy ahmad domil
- Forwarded Message -

From: SALMAN BIN MUHAMMAD sal...@bernas.com.my
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:56 PM
Subject: Good Friday  Crucifixion

Last Friday was Friday the 13th. To Christians it was a bad Friday.
The Friday before that was the Good Friday to Christians. Many Christians were 
fasting that day, and the churches all over the world were holding religious 
service, commemorating the crucifixion of the person they called Lord Jesus.
Whereas, any Friday is a good day for Muslims. It is the chief of all days. On 
this day, Muslim men would observe the Friday Prayer in congregation, the only 
prayer that is not valid except being observed in a group. If the day of 
pilgrimage happens to fall on Friday, it is considered a Hajj Kubra, or Great 
The Jews consider the chief of days on any week is Saturday, which they call 
Sabbath. It is the day the Jews are not allowed to work, but to spend the day 
singing praises to the Lord. They are not allowed to work because according to 
Jews; their God, Himself rested on that day, having completed His creations in 
six days, so the Bible says.
To the Christians, Friday is generally considered a bad day. It is the day 
Adam ate the Forbidden Fruit, and the beginning of Prophet Noah’s Great Flood. 
Their good day is Sunday, the day according to them, Jesus was resurrected. 
Although Friday is not a good day to the Christians, if it falls during the 
Easter Week, then it becomes Good Friday. It becomes a good day because 
according to christians on that day, Jesus was crucified.
The Friday, the day on which according to christians, Jesus was crucified, is 
actually not good, for crucifixion, is not a good thing. But according to 
christians, it is considered a Good Friday because according to 
christians, through that crucifixion, according to christians, the Original 
Sin of mankind is erased. For this reason, that Friday is considered a good 
Friday, although in general Friday is bad, according to christians. 
Thus, unlike Muslims who generally believe that Jesus was never crucified, the 
Christians would not be Christians if they do not believe that Jesus was 
crucified. To the Muslims, the crucifixion of Jesus is at best a possibility, 
which they / muslims generally reject. To the Christians, it is a certainty. 
Not believing in it would make their faith flawed.
Now, the Muslims’ main contention is due to the fact that the Qur`an (chapter 
4: verses 156-159) makes it clear that Jesus was neither slain, nor crucified. 
Some Muslims theorize that a man which ALLAH Had changed him to look like 
Jesus a.s. was crucified. That man looked like Jesus a.s. did not die on the 
cross. He only fainted, because people don’t die through crucifixion that 
soon. Death because of crucifixion was supposed to take days, not hours. Or 
more precisely, according to christians, six hours in the case of according to 
christians, Jesus’ alleged crucifixion. This becomes known as the Swoon Theory.
According to christians,They argued that Jesus was already beaten to a pulp. 
He was already half dead, so according to christians, to speak, by the time he 
was crucified. That he died soon thereafter was not at all improbable. 
According to christians,perhaps God did not want him to suffer much longer. 
I would say to my Muslim brothers holding the Swoon Theory, to cut the crap. 
Since the Qur`an is already very clear on the matter, we need not theorize any 
further. Jesus a.s. was not slain, nor crucified, but only made to appear like 
that to the eyes of the people, Quran says. Enough said.
For the Christians, however, crucifixion is a matter of faith. It is one of 
their pillars. For Christianity to hold water, Jesus must die on the Cross
More at my blog:
Salman Muhammad
AGM Business Process Department
Padiberas Nasional Berhad

Salam sorry...can you send this email with bigger fonts please...its hurting 
one's eyesightthank you..

Suriati Othman

From: SALMAN BIN MUHAMMAD sal...@bernas.com.my
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