Boycott Israel [IslamCity] C.I.A. Tells of Bush’s Directive

2006-11-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

New York Times
November 15, 2006
C.I.A. Tells of Bush's Directive on the Handling of Detainees By DAVID

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 — The Central Intelligence
acknowledged for the first time the existence of two classified
documents, including a directive signed by President Bush, that have guided
the agency's interrogation and detention of terror suspects.

The C.I.A. referred to the documents in a letter sent Friday from the
agency's associate general counsel, John L. McPherson, to lawyers for
the American
Civil Liberties

The contents of the documents were not revealed, but one of them is "a
directive signed by President Bush granting the C.I.A. the authority to set
up detention facilities outside the United States and outlining
interrogation methods that may be used against detainees," the A.C.L.U.
said, based on its review of published accounts.

The second document, according to the group, is a Justice Department legal
analysis "specifying interrogation methods that the C.I.A. may use against
top Al 

A.C.L.U. lawyers said they would urge public disclosure of the contents of
the documents. "We intend to press for release of both of these documents,"
Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer for the group, said in a statement. "If President
Bush and the Justice Department authorized the C.I.A. to torture prisoners,
the public has a right to know."

A spokesman for the C.I.A. declined to discuss the matter.

The documents had been sought by the A.C.L.U. in a suit filed in a New York
federal court under the Freedom of Information Act. The suit has previously
led to the disclosure of thousands of documents from the Pentagon, the
the Justice Department and other agencies.

In the past, C.I.A. lawyers have sought to avoid any discussion of whether
the agency had documents related to its interrogation and detention
practices, the A.C.L.U. said. The group added that the agency had said
national security would be jeopardized if it were compelled to disclose in
any way its involvement in interrogations.

In the C.I.A. letter, Mr. McPherson confirmed the existence of the documents
but declined to release them, saying that essentially all of their contents
were exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act because
release would damage national security and violate attorney-client

"The documents are withheld in their entirety because there is no meaningful
nonexempt information that can be reasonably segregated from the exempt
material," he wrote.

The A.C.L.U. sought the documents based on references to them in various
news accounts. While both documents have been written about before, the
C.I.A. had not previously acknowledged their existence.

The directive from Mr. Bush is thought to have been issued shortly after the
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the Justice Department memo about a year
later. The administration has acknowledged the agency's role in handling

Mr. Bush said in September that 14 high-level terrorism suspects had been
moved from secret prisons overseas to the detention center at Guantánamo
Bay, Cuba.




G. Waleed Kavalec
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal."
  — Martin Luther King Jr.

Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Islamic hip-hop artists are accused of indoctrinating young against the West

2006-11-17 Thread abubakar sulieman
Please I want to know what type of music is allowed by
Are this so called "Islamic hip-hop artists"
practising Islam; how is the audiance sitted; are
there Muslim girls in the group; etc?
What is ISLAMIC HIP-HOP? Is this an inovation
introduced by the Muslim's that are friends of the
I believe all these questions should be addressed
before they are encouraged to go "hip-hop" else there
will not be a difference between them and the


> Islamic hip-hop artists are accused of
> indoctrinating young against the West
>   By Sean O’Neill
> HIP-HOP and rap artists are teaching young Muslims
> the ideology of radical Islamism through songs about
> the war in Iraq, the oppression of Muslims and the
> creation of an Islamic state governed by Sharia, or
> religious law. 
> Intelligence agencies have identified music as a
> “tool for indoctrination”. The phenomenon began with
> an American group called Soldiers of Allah. The
> group has since disbanded but its music and lyrics
> remain popular on the internet. Other groups in
> Britain, France and the US have been identified as
> giving cause for concern. Many use the derogatory
> term “kufur” to describe non-Muslims. 
>   Madeleine Gruen, an American intelligence analyst,
> highlighted the lyrics of a British group called
> Blakstone as a possible gateway to extremist
> politics. Ms Gruen has studied how music, internet
> forums, boardgames and fashion have been used to
> radicalise youths. 
>   She said: “The music is very persuasive because it
> is giving young people ideas, and those ideas are
> what might motivate someone to become a jihadi. The
> material is all in English. It’s spreading a radical
> message to domestic populations that don’t speak
> Arabic or Urdu.” 
>   Ms Gruen said that Blakstone’s lyrics echoed the
> views of Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT), the Islamist
> political movement. 
>   Blakstone operates from an industrial estate in
> Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. The group could not be
> contacted yesterday. In an interview last year, its
> founder, Ahmed Ashley Welbeck said that the music
> was “about the underdog” and offered “a middle way”
> between Muslim tradition and street culture. 
>   Last night, a spokesman for HuT said that it had
> no formal links with Blakstone or any other rap
> groups.He said: “Our message is out there, it is
> very widespread and it is hardly surprising that
> groups might pick up on it. “HuT is a more
> traditional political movement. We use conferences,
> websites and leaflets, but rap music is not one of
> our things. 
>   “There is a lot of anger out there, especially
> about the Iraq war. Our challenge is to channel that
> frustration and anger into political activism.”
>   Yesterday I was dreaming I dreamt of The State we
> made, a place with purpose and meaning. I saw my
> people they were smiling not grieving, I saw our
> kids they were safe they were breathing . . . And no
> more talk of war and of bombs to drop, under Allah’s
> Shade and Shield and fearing not. No more bleeding
> due scheming dogs on thrones, whom plot with foes to
> spread woes, the stench of rot. And that’s how it’s
> supposed to be. I look around and all I see today is
> poverty and misery from systems ruling over me with
> blasphemy. Their tool, kufur rule it’s a catastrophe
>   From Close 2 Me, by Blakstone 
>   No Khalifah [Islamic state] Where are we heading?
> Without Islam we’re stressing, implement Allah’s
> blessing, that’s what I am addressing. Apart from
> this kufur scheme. Bring Islam back to the scene.
> Let’s unite the Ummah [Muslim nation], following
> only the Koran and the Sunnah. Even if all the
> kufirs got together, they still couldn’t stop this
> Ummah. We love Islam More than we love life 
>   From Bring Back Islam, by Soldiers of Allah
>   Comment:
>   This is really funny and makes the assumption that
> Muslim youth are unable to think for themsleves and
> easily influenced. Many western rap artists and
> singers pass all sorts of ideas to the youth
> examples like:
>   Lyrics in "Anarchy in the UK" by the sex pistols:
>   I am an antichrist 
> I am an anarchist
> Don't know what I want but 
> I know how to get it
> I wanna destroy the passer by cos I
> I wanna BE anarchy !
> so dont worry
>   Or Eminem:
>   I make fight music for high school kids 
> I put lives at risk when I drive like this 
> I put wives at risk with a knife like this 
> (from Who Knew) 
>   Obviously its ok for Muslim youth to listen to the
> above but unacceptable to listen to Islamic rap
> artists and singers who use this medium to promote
> Islam and take the youth away from corrupt
> activities and motivate them to follow Islam.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Rumsfeld's War and War Crimes

2006-11-17 Thread DDN

Rumsfeld's War and War Crimes

By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Friday November 17, 2006

  The 2006 election was a referendum on America's war in Iraq. The results 
displayed widespread mistrust of the Bush administration. Some of the most 
pro-war Republican hawks in the Senate and the Congress have been replaced by 
Democratic candidates that appeared to be anti-war or less pro-war. As a face 
saving measure, President Bush had to find the fall-guy, and so his 'trusted' 
Defense Secretary, the 74-year old neocon idealist, Donald Rumsfeld, had to be 
replaced with a realist - Robert Gates, former CIA Director.

  The decision to ask Rumsfeld to resign was easy for the White House. 
After all, Rumsfeld's resignation had been sought, since America's illegal 
invasion and occupation of Iraq, by many groups, including military officers 
within his own Pentagon, for not developing a 'winning' strategy. His policies 
have been dubbed variedly as being authoritarian, failed, insane, unrealistic, 
stupid, criminal, businesslike, quagmire and fiasco.

  Always defensive and combative, Rumsfeld was tunnel-visioned in his 
approach to the neocon-orchestrated war against the Muslim world (which he 
liked to package as Islamofascism); behaving more like an old dog that did not 
like to learn new tricks. In spite of mounting pressure from the Congress to 
sack him, Bush had kept him in his job, hoping for miracles in Iraq and thus, 
the 2006 election. But with the humiliating defeats in both the houses, the 
honeymoon was over. So, the man who was the architect of the first war of the 
21st century became its first big casualty.

  As one of the primary architects of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, 
Rumsfeld will always be remembered alongside Bush and Cheney for the scandals 
of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo that epitomized inhumanity, savagery, bigotry, 
perversion and sadism. He authorized the use of torture and brutal, evil and 
shameful treatment that violated the Geneva Conventions, and thus constitute 
war crimes. He refused to treat his Muslim prisoners as POWs. He put them in 
cage and moved them around naked. He approved interrogation techniques that 
included the use of dogs, removal of clothing, hooding, stress positions, 
isolation for up to 30 days, 20-hour per day interrogations, forcing to wear 
women's underwear on head, denying bathroom access and deprivation of food, 
sleep and rest. He approved the use of physical coercion and sexual humiliation 
to extract information from prisoners. He also authorized water-boarding (which 
constitutes torture), where the interrogator induces the sensation of imminent 
death by drowning.

  In the Muslim world, Rumsfeld (alongside Bush & Cheney) will long be 
remembered as another Hulagu Khan that killed, plundered and looted Baghdad, 
destroying the very city that was once the citadel of  Muslim learning.

  Like Robert McNamara of the Vietnam era, Rumsfeld is equally remorseless 
for the deaths of 655,000 Iraqis. He describes the Iraq war as a 
"little-understood, unfamiliar war".

  As has been pointed out lately by Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson 
School of Law, President of National Lawyers Guild, prosecuting a war of 
aggression isn't Rumsfeld's only crime. He also participated in the highest 
levels of decision-making that allowed the extrajudicial execution of several 
people. [Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib by Seymour Hersh] 
Willful killing is a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions, which constitutes 
a war crime. To elaborate further, Marjorie Cohn writes, "Even though Rumsfeld 
didn't personally carry out the torture and mistreatment of prisoners, he 
authorized it. Under the doctrine of command responsibility, a commander can be 
liable for war crimes committed by his inferiors if he knew or should have 
known they would be committed and did nothing to stop of prevent them. The U.S. 
War Crimes Act provides for prosecution of a person who commits war crimes and 
prescribes life imprisonment, or even the death penalty if the victim dies." 
[Jurist - Forum: Donald Rumsfeld: The War Crimes Case, Nov. '06]

  War crime is a serious matter. Many legal experts and human rights 
activists are of the opinion that the warlords of our world need to be tried 
for their crimes against humanity. A few years ago, therefore, there were cases 
filed in the European courts against some war criminals, including Ariel Sharon 
of Israel for the massacre of Palestinians in Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps 
in Lebanon, and Jenine in the Occupied Palestine. Fearing their imminent arrest 
if they had stepped onto European soil, some of the Israeli generals did not 
disembark from their planes and returned to Israel.

  Last Tuesday (11/14/06), emboldened by Rumsfeld's resignation last week, 
German and American lawyers asked a German prosecutor to investigate Rumsfeld 
on a

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] The new Palestinian government of technocrats may bring an end to sanctions, and hope for the peace

2006-11-17 Thread S A Hannan

 Bright lights and promises
The new Palestinian government of technocrats may bring an end to 
sanctions, and hope for the peace process reports Khaled Amayreh

  Supporters of the Fatah Party rally as they hold up the portrait 
of the late Yasser Arafat while commemorating the second anniversary of the 
Palestinian leader's death

  Mohamed Shabir: Profile of a moderate man


As Palestinians were marking the 17th annual anniversary of their 
"declaration of independence" with renewed determination to pry their freedom 
from Israel's parsimonious hand, Fatah and Hamas were said to be in a "moment 
of reconciliation" after months of confrontation and mutual recrimination.

The two sides have already agreed to ask the long-time former rector of 
the Islamic University in Gaza, Professor Mohamed Shabir, to be at the helm of 
the next Palestinian government, which will be a government of "technocrats" or 

On Tuesday, 14 November, Shabir accepted the invitation, signalling 
that he would immediately begin consultations with Palestinian political 
factions towards the formation of the new cabinet.

The US-educated professor of microbiology was considered a "compromise" 
candidate because he enjoyed good relations with all Palestinian factions, 
including Fatah.

Shabir has three weeks to form and present his cabinet to Palestinian 
Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas. However, most Palestinians hope that 
the task will be carried out sooner rather than later to forestall possible 
glitches and complications. Most importantly, they wish to prompt Western 
powers, particularly the European Union, to lift or at least alleviate the 
crippling sanctions imposed on the government for refusing to recognise Israel.

Hamas and Fatah, as well as other smaller factions, are now discussing 
the division of portfolios, having agreed on the identity of the next prime 
minister. It is understood that none of the ministers will be an active member 
of any faction. However, in the Palestinian society where almost everyone is 
politicised, it is difficult to find many political and even academic figures 
who are apolitical or not associated with a given ideological orientation.

As such, the next government will not be apolitical, although its 
ideological face (or faces) will not be as conspicuous as that of the current 
Hamas-dominated government.

This particular aspect, many Palestinian intellectuals hope, will help 
to get the West lift the present boycott and blockade.

So far, it has been revealed that Hamas is insisting on retaining 
control of some of the most important portfolios, such as education, waqf and 
Islamic affairs, the Interior Ministry and probably the finance portfolio as 

Fatah is likely to take the Foreign Ministry and a number of other 
service- oriented portfolios. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
(PFLP), the Palestinian Democratic Initiative headed by Mustafa Barghouti and 
the Third Way, headed by former minister of finance Salam Fayad, are all 
expected to take part in the upcoming government.

Hamas's foreign-based chief Khaled Mashaal has approved the composition 
of the government.

"We agreed that the division of portfolios among Fatah and Hamas would 
be nine for Hamas, six for Fatah and nine for ministers with no party 
affiliation or members of the small organisations," Mashaal told reporters 

Meanwhile, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas reportedly has given Hamas 
guarantees that Arab countries and "the international community" will terminate 
the present siege or blockade on the Palestinians once the new government is 
functional. It is not clear though if Abbas has been able to obtain such 
guarantees from the Europeans and Americans, or is just hoping that he will 
once the government is formed and becomes functional.

Representatives of the member-states of the Arab League declared 
earlier this week that they would no longer take part in the American-led 
sanctions against the Palestinians. The dramatic decision is believed to be a 
reaction to the perceivably provocative vetoing by the Bush administration 
earlier this week of a draft UN Security Council resolution that would have 
attempted to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip from Israeli attacks, such 
as last week's massacre in Beit Hanoun which resulted in the death of 20 women 
and children and innocent civilians.

However, it is unclear if the Arab states would or could withstand 
possible American pressure to keep the sanctions intact until Hamas, o

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al-Jazeera English Hits Airwaves ( )

2006-11-17 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum .Please see the newa item on Al- Jazeera english channel  
which has come on air. Please see the channel and also your cable operator to 
give connection of Al -Jazeera  I give below their website

Shah Abdul Hannan

  Al-Jazeera English Hits Airwaves & News Agencies  
"Al-Jazeera English channel will sit up the news agenda," said 
anchors Ghosh (L) and Zeidan. (Reuters) 
  DOHA - Ten years after changing the face of Arab television reporting by 
breaking taboos, the giant Al-Jazeera network launched on Wednesday, November 
15, an English-speaking channel with a heavyweight cast of presenters and the 
ambition to compete with Western broadcasting giants.

  "Al-Jazeera English channel will sit up the news agenda," anchors Shiulie 
Ghosh and Sami Zeidan said launching the long-awaited channel's broadcasting.

  Broadcasting from the ultra-sophisticated Doha studios, it began with a 
news bulletin featuring reports from Gaza, Sudan's Darfur region, Tehran, China 
and Brazil.

  Al-Jazeera English will initially have 12 hours of live programming, 
which it plans to boost to 24 hours on January 1.

  It broadcasts from studios in Doha, Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington 
DC, with offices in 20 other countries and employs some 800 people of 55 
different nationalities.

  At least two Israeli journalists are among staff covering Israel.

  Among its prominent starts is BBC veteran Sir David Frost, the only 
person to have interviewed the last seven US presidents and the last six 
British prime ministers.

  Al-Jazeera English, only renamed on Tuesday from Al-Jazeera 
International, hopes to reach a potential audience of 80 million viewers by 
cable and satellite, mostly in Asia, Africa and Europe.

  But the channel said on Tuesday it would not be available on cable in the 
United States for at least a year as "there is no free space for us on the US 
cable network."

  Arabic television Al-Jazeera, which began broadcasting in 1996 with staff 
largely drawn from the BBC's short-lived Arabic television, gained world fame 
through its exclusive reporting of the US military intervention in Afghanistan 
in late 2001.

  Known for its forthright style, frank journalism, quality programs, 
independence and willingness to discuss taboo issues, Al-Jazeera is the 
most-watched channel in the Arab world.

  Alternative View

  The new offshoot of the Doha-based news network comes to give a new 
perspective of news to English speakers around the world who are looking for an 
alternative to CNN and the BBC.

  "Launching the English channel offers the chance to reach out to a new 
audience that is used to hearing the name of Al-Jazeera without being able to 
watch it or to understand its language," said network general director Wadah 

  "One of our goals is to reverse the flow of information to the south," he 
said, adding that the Middle East and developing nations have not had a voice 
of their own.

  The channel is being beamed to an Asian region which is booming and 
hungry for news, industry experts say.

  Kuala Lumpur is the regional headquarters for the international 
broadcaster's Asian operations, a market of three billion people of which about 
one-third are Muslims.

  "Asia is booming. And the interest for news is strong," said Allan 
Williams, managing editor with the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), 
stressing that the time was ripe for Al-Jazeera to launch in the region.

  "Asia is a huge market. India, Pakistan, China and the 10 ASEAN countries 
offer huge market potential for Al-Jazeera."

  Al-Jazeera English's managing director Nigel Parsons, a Briton who 
formerly worked for the BBC, said he was confident of their success in Asia.

  "Yes, we want to provide an alternate view. We want to bring a different 
perspective. Kuala Lumpur is an important broadcast center," he said.

  "We want to look at the world from an Asian perspective."

  Editorial Policy

"One of our goals is to reverse the flow of information to the 
south," Khanfar said. 
  The new baby of Al-Jazeera network is aware of the sensitivities of some 
controversial words for the western audience.

  "Al-Jazeera English's audience will be different from ours," the mother 
channel's editor-in-chief, Ahmed al-Sheikh, said earlier this month.

  "But we will coordinate our editorial policy through daily meetings in 
order to agree on, among others, controversial terms such as 'martyrs', 
'terrorism' and 'resistance' in the coverage of regional conflicts," he said.

  The giant channel is attempting to immediately establish its credentials 
as a balanced network.

  Al-Jazeera English showed a snippet of an interview 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Sacrifices(Qurbani)

2006-11-17 Thread sania
  37. It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah. it is your 
piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may 
glorify Allah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do 
  Muslim :: Book 22 : Hadith 4863   Thauban reported that Allah's Messenger 
(way peace be upon him) slaughtered his sacrificial animal and then said: 
Thauban, make his meat usable (for journey), and I continuously served him that 
until he arrived in Medina.
  Muslim :: Book 22 : Hadith 4861   Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's 
Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: O people of Medina, do not eat 
the flesh of sacrificed animals beyond three days. Ibn al-Muthanni said: Three 
days. They (the Companions of the Holy Prophet) complained to the Messenger of 
Allah (may peace he upon him) that they had children and servants of theirs (to 
feed), whereupon he said: Eat, and feed others, and store, and make it a 
provision of food.
  Muslim :: Book 22 : Hadith 4845   'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger 
(may peace be upon him) commanded that a ram with black legs, black belly and 
black (circles) round the eyes should be brought to him, so that he should 
sacrifice it. He said to 'A'isha: Give me the large knife, and then said: 
Sharpen it on a stone. She did that. He then took it (the knife) and then the 
ram; he placed it on the ground and then sacrificed it, saying: Bismillah, 
Allah-humma Taqabbal min Muhammadin wa Al-i-Muhammadin, wa min Ummati 
Muhammadin (In the name of Allah," O Allah, accept [this sacrifice] on behalf 
of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and the Umma of Muhammad" ).

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] International lawyers file suit against Rumsfeld

2006-11-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec

International lawyers file suit against Rumsfeld in Germany
by Aurelia EndTue Nov 14, 7:12 PM ET

An international grouping of lawyers filed a lawsuit calling on German
prosecutors to investigate outgoing US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for
allegedly sanctioning torture.

The 220-page suit is being brought on behalf of 11 former Iraqi detainees of
the notorious Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad and one Saudi currently held at
the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The suit was filed to Germany's federal prosecutor Monika Harms at her
offices in the southwestern city of Karlsruhe.

German law allows the pursuit of warcrimes cases regardless of where they
originate in the world.

A Pentagon spokesman dismissed the lawsuit as "frivolous."

A similar attempt to prosecute Rumsfeld in Germany in 2004 was rejected, but
the German lawyer representing the detainees, Wolfgang Kaleck, said he was
confident the complaint would be taken up now.

"We failed two years ago because there was an ongoing investigation in the
United States, but it is now clear that there is no chance of prosecuting
high-ranking officials in the US," Kaleck told a press conference in Berlin
called to present the complaint.

"We are not expecting that Rumsfeld will appear in a court, but we are
hoping investigators will begin looking into the case," he said.

"If we fail here, we will try in France, or in Spain. We want to show that
there will be no safe haven anywhere in the world for him."

A lawyer acting for the Guantanamo detainee, Mohammed al-Qahtani, claims
Rumsfeld approved special "tactics" including sleep deprivation and a prayer
ban when he failed to break under interrogation.

"This is not just allegations, it is supported by government documentation,"
lawyer Gitanjali Gutierrez said.

The complaint asks Harms to open an investigation and, ultimately, a
criminal prosecution that will look into the responsibility of high-ranking
US officials for allegedly authorising war crimes in the context of the war
on terror, according to the lawyers.

Rumsfeld resigned last week after Republicans lost control of the US
Congress to the opposition Democrats in mid-term elections seen as a
referendum on the war in Iraq.

The lawyers' star witness is former US Army Brigadier General Janis
Karpinski, who commanded Abu Ghraib and 16 other US-run jails in Iraq.

Karpinski told the press conference: "What I see as my obligation is to
provide the truth about what I saw and what I experienced in Iraq.

"When I was getting too close to what was happening they took me out of the
equation -- they removed Abu Ghraib from my control.

"Hopefully my testimony will stop this sort of thing ever happening again. I
feel we have an obligation to the rest of the world because if the US does
something it gives permission to the rest of the world, but it doesn't mean
it is right."

Former White House counsel and current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales,
former director of the Central Intelligence Agency George Tenet, and other
high-ranking US officials are also charged in the complaint.

Other groups involved in the suit include the US-based Center for
Constitutional Rights, the Paris-based International Federation for Human
Rights and the Republican Attorneys' Association, which has its headquarters
in Berlin.

The Abu Ghraib scandal erupted in 2004 after photographs were leaked to the
press showing US guards mistreating and sexually humiliating prisoners.
Naked inmates were shown cowering in front of unmuzzled dogs.

Some critics of the US administration have complained that no senior
officers have been prosecuted over Abu Ghraib.

Antoine Bernard, the executive director of the International Federation for
Human Rights, said: "We have seen that until now the sanctions have stopped
at the rank of staff sergeant.

"What interests us are the top members of the chain of command."

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the United States had already
thoroughly investigated abuses at Abu Ghraib.

He said the Pentagon had not yet seen the suit and knew of it only through
press reports.

"From what I know, from the press accounts, it certainly sounds frivolous to
me," Whitman told reporters.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] MSNBC impeachment poll

2006-11-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec
Salaam All

I won't giie away the results.  But you can find out by entering your vote



G. Waleed Kavalec
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal."
   — Martin Luther King Jr.

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Pictures: Islamic Court burn the seized Narcotic "Khat" that ruined the economy of Somalia

2006-11-17 Thread Labbayk YaMahdi
   Somali khat protester shot dead 

 Chewing khat is a 
popular pastime with many Somali men

  Somali Islamist fighters have opened fire on a crowd, angry 
at a reported ban on selling the mild narcotic khat, killing one person, say 
eyewitnesses.  About 60 khat vendors gathered in the capital, Mogadishu, to 
burn tyres and throw stones before shots were fired. 
 Local media reports a dusk-to-dawn curfew has been imposed. Kenya stopped 
flights to Somalia this week leading to a shortage of imported khat. 
 The Islamic courts have tried to outlaw khat since they rose to power in June. 
 They say it encourages immorality. 
 Most khat, chewed by many Somali men, especially the gunmen who have fought 
for control of the country for the last 15 years, was flown in from 
neighbouring Kenya. 
 But on Monday, Kenya banned all flights to Somalia, citing security fears. 
 There were six flights a week from Nairobi to Mogadishu and services to three 
other towns and many more khat flights each day.  
 According to the Union of Islamic Courts' website the flight ban has seen 
mosque attendance rise at prayer times. 
 'Boy killed' 
 Before the protest began, Islamists seized sacks of khat to be burned. 
 "We were demonstrating against the ban on the sale of khat that hurts the 
livelihoods of many people...[and] they opened fire on us," protester Nur Aden 
Wajishe told AFP news agency. 
 Other eyewitnesses described seeing a person die of their bullet wounds and 
several others injured in the shooting. 
 "A 13-year-old boy was killed," resident Ali Suleiman told Reuters news 
 "I saw an injured man lying on the ground, he was bleeding profusely," he 
 The Somali Shabeelle website says the curfew was imposed to increase security 
after the deadly demonstration. 
 The Islamists have taken control of most of southern Somalia since seizing the 
capital in June.  
 Many Mogadishu residents have welcomed their rule as they have brought law and 
order to the city after years of anarchy. 
 As well as banning khat, the Islamists have been closing public cinemas and, 
according to some residents, enforcing strict dress codes. 
 There are fears of a regional conflict starting in Somalia, as Ethiopia backs 
the weak interim government based in the city of Baidoa and its rival Eritrea 
is accused of arming the Islamists.


  Ciidamadamaxkamadaha islaamka oo dusha ka 
saaran qaad ay gubayaan 
 Mid ka mid 
   ah ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka oo dab qabadsiinaya qaad maanbta   
 ka soo dagay Muqdisho oo lagu gubay dugsiga tababarka Xalane   

  Ciidamadamaxkamadaha islaamka oo gubaya qaad ay 
leeyihiin Ganacsato Soomaaliyeed
maxkamadaha islaamka oo isku gadaamay qaadka

  la qabadsiiyay qaadka 
Cali Naxar, Abu Quteyba madaxa amaanka gobolka Banadir. 
  ka mid ah ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka oo agtaagan qaadka   
 la gubay   
 Qaadla gubay oo qaac 
iyo holac uu ka baxayo iyo ciidamo ka tirsanmaxkamadaha 
islaamka oo isku gadaamay   
 Jaaddab la 
   Qaadkaoo basiin lagu shubayo 
dabna la qabadsiinayo   
  maxkamadaha oo furfuraya bundado ay ku jiraan qaad, dabkana   
 ku daraya  
  Qaadkiioo dab la 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Al Jazeera’s English Voice Hits Airwaves

2006-11-17 Thread G.Waleed Kavalec§ion=0&article=88874&d=16&m=11&y=2006

Al Jazeera's English Voice Hits Airwaves

Siraj Wahab, Arab News —

JEDDAH, 16 November 2006 — BBC and CNN beware. Here comes Al Jazeera. The
long-awaited English version of Al Jazeera's television channel went on air
yesterday amid high hopes and equally great skepticism.

Al Jazeera English, a free-to-air channel, the launch of which was
repeatedly delayed from its 2005 startup, began broadcasting from the
network's studios in the Qatari capital Doha with Shiulie Ghosh and Sami
Zeidan as the first news anchors.

Employing some of the biggest names in global broadcasting — such as Riz
Khan, Sir David Frost, Rageh Omar, Veronica Pedrosa, Darren Jordan, Dave
Marash, Josh Rushing and Ghida Fakhry — the channel hopes to reach a
potential audience of 80 million viewers by cable and satellite, mostly in
Asia, Africa and Europe.

Al Jazeera Arabic channel, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on Nov. 1,
has revolutionized news media in the Arab world, but it has also provoked
controversy. Al Jazeera English will have four regional broadcast centers in
Doha, Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington, in addition to 20 bureaus
worldwide. It will also benefit from access to the facilities of its Arabic
mother channel.

"Launching the English channel offers the chance to reach out to a new
audience that is used to hearing the name of Al Jazeera without being able
to watch it or to understand its language," Wadah Khanfar, the network's
managing director, told news agencies in Doha. He pledged impartial and
balanced coverage by the new channel.

"In the same way Edward Gibbon wrote 'The Decline and the Fall of the Roman
Empire' thus breaking the back of the Church's hegemony in Europe, likewise
Al Jazeera English is soon set to break the back of Western media hegemony,"
said a Saudi academic. "Al Jazeera Arabic has shifted public opinion in the
Middle East; it is only a matter of time that Western public opinion
changes, and the right-wing and pro-Zionist propaganda machine loses ground.
The next few years are going to be interesting. Let the media battle for
hearts and minds begin."

"The media is indisputably one of the most powerful and effective ways of
shaping people's views and opinions. Hence, media is being manipulated more
and more every day for political reasons," said Saudi writer and columnist
Mody Al-Khalaf. "I, for one, am happy that the West will have an opportunity
to see things from a different perspective via Al Jazeera English. It is
about time media in the Middle East reached out to people all over the world
on a large, international scale."

"The new English channel will certainly attract viewers in Asia and Europe,
who are already curious about Al Jazeera's brand name, and such audiences
will be more receptive to its message and a Middle East viewpoint of
events," said Mohamed Ramady, visiting associate professor at King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). "However, given that there
will be no unified managing editor for both the English and Arabic channels,
there will be tension between the two channels as to the limit of expressing
their independent Middle East viewpoints, since the Arabic channel has made
a reputation for outspoken and forthright commentaries and discussion, while
the English channel might opt for a more soft-spoken approach to suit the
English-speaking market and audiences."

Ahmed Al-Sheikh, the mother channel's editor in chief, acknowledged that
challenge earlier. "Al Jazeera English's audience will be different than
ours, but we will coordinate our editorial policy through daily meetings in
order to agree on, among others, controversial terms such as 'martyrs',
'terrorism' and 'resistance' in the coverage of regional conflicts," he

The channel is expected to be accessible through satellite receivers and on
the Internet. But Al Jazeera said on Tuesday it will be unavailable on cable
in the US for at least a year due to a lack of free space. In Europe,
however, it will be accessible on cable.

Many observers hope that Al Jazeera English will not follow in its sister's
footsteps as a tool for spreading propaganda against Arab states that don't
share the Qatari government's point of view.

"Al Jazeera operated in a vacuum and became very popular. What started as a
good source of information soon degenerated into a tool of disinformation,"
said a leading Saudi media personality. "It brought to fore the long-buried
sectarian divide in the Muslim world and became a propaganda tool for
certain regimes. Al-Arabiya has done wonders in calling its bluff, and I
think an English version of Al-Arabiya is required to check Al Jazeera's
campaign of disinformation."

The Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur is the regional headquarters for the
channel's Asian operations, a market of three billion people of which about
one-third are Muslims. Al Jazeera vows to provide 

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] please forward to all

2006-11-17 Thread media critic

Here are the details of an unfortunate incident that had taken place in
Apollo Hospital , Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh , India ..

A boy named Rahul(20) who was doing his engineering IIIrd year from
Karshak Engineering College was suffering from high fever and was
admitted to the Apollo hospital on Sunday, October 29th, 2006, in the
evening. The doctors said that the case was serious and admitted the boy
in the ICU which was closed from all sides. No one could see what was
happening inside.

At around 9 'o' clock Rahul called his father and told him that the
doctors were talking about removing the kidneys from his body and hence
he wanted them to take him away from there but since his father was from
a small village, he thought the boy was scared and so the father took no

In the night, the doctors at Apollo Hospital removed both the kidneys
from Rahul's body and killed the boy. The next day, i.e. on Monday when
the case came to light, the students of Karshak college made a big issue
and called the press from all over India because the police was not
letting them go inside the hospital. When the police saw the press, they
let the students in.

On seeing the body, the students could see stiches on both the sides of
the body just above abdomen that clearly proved that the kidneys were
removed. But the doctors somehow got hold of the boy's uncle and offered
him big money to end the case there. The Greedy Uncle agreed and took
the boys body back home and burned the body leaving behind no proof for
the students to prove that the kidneys were stolen. Rahul's family was
in a shock and not in senses and hence did not want to do anything.

Now its in the hands of we, the people of India , to decide whether we
want to forget the matter or spread the message and prevent more of such
cases from happening.

Please spread the word so that people can be saved from more of such

Check this article:
http://www.thehindu .com/2006/ 10/31/stories/ 2006103117010400

'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali