Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Br.Showkath's New poem

2006-11-19 Thread media critic

*Caught in the middle
I'm lost and confused
Don't know what to do
Who to obey
Who to follow

My mind is swinging like a pendulum
And playing tricks on me
Sometimes I pray
Sometimes I chase women
Sometimes I do neither
Just hide away in my room and vegetate

At times halal and haram seem so clear
And I have nothing but fear for my creator
Other times the munkar seems appealing
And I mix with women whose clothes are revealing

I got friends
Some religious
Mostly jahil and following the western culture
When I'm in good company
I feel happy and content mentally
When I'm with my non-practicing mates
I act like they do
Like an animal
Satisfying my instincts and desires
With no concern for the hell fire

It feels nice
Escaping life with its many problems
The beat is pumping
Lights are flashing
Smoke fills the air
As I dance with a complete stranger

In the morning
I feel bad
And swear never again
But when they call
To invite me to another party
I jump to their tune
Like a slave
Who needs his fix
Of free-mixing

I pray every day
Without compromise
Make dua for Allah to correct me
But it hasn't happened yet
So I continue
Swinging back and forth
My only fear is
I hope I don't die committing sin

InshAllah one day
I will break out of this cycle
Of following the crowd and being a sheep
Plant my feet firmly
On an Islamic foundation
And stop being a feather in the wind


'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Establishment of a university for women in Pakistan's NWFP by MMA government--

2006-11-19 Thread S A Hannan

November 17, 2006 ALBUM |  HOME





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  November 17, 2006 ALBUM |  





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Establishment of a university for women

Socially and religiously, NWFP is quite 
different from other provinces except for Baluchistan. Because of its values, 
not only students but also parents dislike the existing co-education system for 
higher education. This is why in this province the percentage of women with 
higher education is far less as compared to men. Keeping this point in mind MMA 
decided to establish a university for women only. As a starter the university 
has been established in one of the oldest women's colleges, Government 
Frontier College for Women. This college has been established after 
appropriate renovation of the building. At the moment a few subjects out of the 
existing syllabus are being taught. Later on, after the completion of the 
university's new campus, more subjects will be introduced. The establishment of 
this university has not only made a dream come true for the people of NWFP, but 
it has also given due respect to our religious and social values.

Establishment of hostels in women colleges

Lodging is a major problem faced by teachers 
and female students going to college. This problem also exists in far-off 
areas. Keeping in view these problems, the existing government has decided to 
introduce the facility of a hostel for teachers and students of women's 
colleges. Under the Development Project, four women's colleges have been 
provided hostel facilities this year. Teachers who are married or have children 
find it very difficult to fulfil their duties with dedication. In order to 
assist such women, day-care centers have been established in major colleges for 

Development of more colleges for women

Frontier Education Foundation is a major 
division of the department for higher education. This department has made 
considerable contributions towards educating women. Under this department eight 
women's degree colleges were established last year. During this year, 6 more 
women's colleges have already begun operating, whereas two more colleges will 
be established as soon as an appropriate location has been found.

  Socially and religiously, NWFP is quite different from other 
provinces except for Baluchistan. Because of its values, not only students but 
also parents dislike the existing co-education system for higher education. 
This is why in this province the percentage of women with higher education is 
far less as compared to men. Keeping this point in mind MMA decided to 
establish a university for women only. As a starter the university has been 
established in one of the oldest women's colleges, Government Frontier College 
for Women. This college has been established after appropriate renovation of 
the building. At the moment a few subjects out of the existing syllabus are 
being taught. Later on, after the completion of the university's new campus, 
more subjects will be introduced. The establishment of this university has not 
only made a dream come true for the people of NWFP, but it has also given due 
respect to our religious and social values.

  Establishment of hostels in women colleges

  Lodging is a major problem faced by teachers and female 
students going to college. This problem also exists in far-off areas. Keeping 
in view these problems, the existing government has decided to introduce the 
facility of a hostel for teachers and students of women's colleges. Under the 
Development Project, four women's colleges have been provided hostel 
facilities this year. Teachers who are married or have children find it very 
difficult to fulfil their duties with dedication. In order to assist such 
women, day-care centers have been established in major colleges for women.

  Development of more colleges for women


Boycott Israel [IslamCity]

2006-11-19 Thread Yusuf Toropov
Assalamu alaykum --

Check out this site, it's excellent.

Also, please make dua for me and my 3 children (10, 14, 18)  -- I am
divorcing after 21 years of marriage due to my accepting Islam three
and a half years ago.

Yusuf Toropov



Boycott Israel [IslamCity] ( Sahih Muslim Book 035, Number 6523)

2006-11-19 Thread ***hajikhan***
Al-Agharr al-Muzani who was from amongst the Companions of Allah's Apostle 
(may peace be upon him) reported that Ibn 'Umar stated to him that Allah's 
Messenger (may peace 'be upon him) said: O people, seek repentance from Allah. 
Verily, I seek repentance from Him a hundred times a day.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] (Sahih Muslim Book 035, Number 6540)

2006-11-19 Thread ***hajikhan***
  Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Apostle 
  (may peace be upon him) used to seek 
  refuge (in Allah) from the evil of destiny 
  and from falling into the hand of calamity 
  and from the mockery of (triumphant) 
  enemies and from the hardship of misery.
  Abu Sufyan reported: I am in doubt that
  I have made an addition of one word in
  this supplication.

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Just see what $10 per month can do for you...insh'Allah...

2006-11-19 Thread haleem1
As Salaamu Alaikum,
For only $10 per month you can make sure that a family  escaping abuse has a 
clean place to live, food and assistance to help them  rebuild their lives 
with dignity.   Visit for more details about the  organization.
We have managed a shelter program for seven years.  We  see the sad faces of 
the children daily who come to us with their mothers for  shelter.  We hear 
the heartbreaking stories, see the medical reports and  copies of eviction 
notices, etc.  We witness mothers with children struggle  to rebuild their 
against a world filled with misconceptions about  them.  We see women with 
children struggle to use public services they have  helped pay for through 
wages being taxed when times were better for  them.
We know through experience that all many of these women need  is a temporary 
hand up not a hand out.  When they can access services to  help them gain 
useful skills to gain viable employment, get assistance to pay  rent/lease for 
to 90-days or put their child in a day care so they can return  to work they 
can and do rebuild their lives and begin to thrive.
You can be ray of hope in these families  lives.  By donating $10 per month 
you are saying to the world that you do  not condone abuse or accept it.
Can we count on you?
Make your check payable to:  Baitul Salaam  Network, Inc. and send it to PO 
Box 11041, Atlanta, GA  30310.
Please pass this on to all you know anywhere in the  world.
ma salaam
Staff, Supporters and Board 
of the Baitul Salaam Network,  Inc.